@ -41,102 +41,88 @@ If($null -ne $SetStatus){
$params = $params | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri " $HAUrl /api/states/ $entityStatus " -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body ( [ System.Text.Encoding ] :: UTF8 . GetBytes ( $params ) ) -ContentType " application/json "
try {
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri " $HAUrl /api/states/ $entityStatus " -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body ( [ System.Text.Encoding ] :: UTF8 . GetBytes ( $params ) ) -ContentType " application/json "
Write-Host " Status set successfully. "
} catch {
Write-Error " Failed to set status: $_ "
# Start monitoring the Teams logfile when no parameter is used to run the script
DO {
# Get latest MSTeams_ logfile
$latestLogfile = Get-ChildItem -Path " C:\Users\ $LocalUsername \AppData\Local\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\Logs " -Name " MSTeams_* " | Select-Object -Last 1
$MSTeamsLog = Get-Content -Path " C:\Users\ $LocalUsername \AppData\Local\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\Logs\ $latestLogfile " -Tail 100
# Get Teams Logfile and last icon overlay status
$TeamsStatus = Get-Content -Path $env:APPDATA " \Microsoft\Teams\logs.txt " -Tail 1000 | Select-String -Pattern `
'Setting the taskbar overlay icon -' , `
'StatusIndicatorStateService: Added' | Select-Object -Last 1
$TeamsStatus = $MSTeamsLog | Select-String -Pattern `
'Set Badge Setting badge: ', `
'S etTaskbarIconOverlay ' | Select-Object -Last 1
# Get Teams Logfile and last app update deamon status
$TeamsActivity = Get-Content -Path $env:APPDATA " \Microsoft\Teams\logs.txt " -Tail 1000 | Select-String -Pattern `
'Resuming daemon App updates' , `
'Pausing daemon App updates' , `
'SfB:TeamsNoCall' , `
'SfB:TeamsPendingCall' , `
'SfB:TeamsActiveCall' , `
'name: desktop_call_state_change_send, isOngoing' | Select-Object -Last 1
$TeamsActivity = $MSTeamsLog | Select-String -Pattern `
'NotifyCallActive' , `
'NotifyCallAccepted' , `
'NotifyCallEnded' | Select-Object -Last 1
# Get Teams application process
$TeamsProcess = Get-Process -Name Teams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$TeamsProcess = Get-Process -Name ms-teams -ErrorAction Break
# Check if Teams is running and start monitoring the log if it is
If ( $null -ne $TeamsProcess ) {
If ( $TeamsStatus -eq $null ) { }
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *Setting the taskbar overlay icon - $lgAvailable * " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added Available* " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added NewActivity (current state: Available -> NewActivity* " ) {
If ( $null -eq $TeamsStatus ) { }
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *available* " ) {
$Status = $lgAvailable
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *Setting the taskbar overlay icon - $lgBusy * " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added Busy* " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *Setting the taskbar overlay icon - $lgOnThePhone * " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added OnThePhone* " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added NewActivity (current state: Busy -> NewActivity* " ) {
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *busy* " ) {
$Status = $lgBusy
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *Setting the taskbar overlay icon - $lgAway * " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added Away* " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added NewActivity (current state: Away -> NewActivity* " ) {
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *away* " ) {
$Status = $lgAway
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *Setting the taskbar overlay icon - $lgBeRightBack * " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added BeRightBack* " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added NewActivity (current state: BeRightBack -> NewActivity* " ) {
$Status = $lgBeRightBack
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *Setting the taskbar overlay icon - $lgDoNotDisturb * " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added DoNotDisturb* " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added NewActivity (current state: DoNotDisturb -> NewActivity* " ) {
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *doNotDistrb* " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *Do not disturb* " ) {
$Status = $lgDoNotDisturb
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *Setting the taskbar overlay icon - $lgFocusing * " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added Focusing* " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added NewActivity (current state: Focusing -> NewActivity* " ) {
# Dummy - Not tested yet
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *focusing* " ) {
$Status = $lgFocusing
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *Setting the taskbar overlay icon - $lgPresenting * " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added Presenting* " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added NewActivity (current state: Presenting -> NewActivity* " ) {
# Dummy - Not tested yet
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *presenting* " ) {
$Status = $lgPresenting
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *Setting the taskbar overlay icon - $lgInAMeeting * " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added InAMeeting* " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added NewActivity (current state: InAMeeting -> NewActivity* " ) {
# Dummy - Not tested yet
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *inameeting* " ) {
$Status = $lgInAMeeting
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *Setting the taskbar overlay icon - $lgOffline * " -or `
$TeamsStatus -like " *StatusIndicatorStateService: Added Offline* " ) {
ElseIf ( $TeamsStatus -like " *offline* " ) {
$Status = $lgOffline
Write-Host $Status
If ( $TeamsActivity -eq $null ) { }
ElseIf ( $TeamsActivity -like " *Resuming daemon App updates* " -or `
$TeamsActivity -like " *SfB:TeamsNoCall* " -or `
$TeamsActivity -like " *name: desktop_call_state_change_send, isOngoing: false* " ) {
$Activity = $lgNotInACall
$ActivityIcon = $iconNotInACall
Write-Host $Activity
ElseIf ( $TeamsActivity -like " *Pausing daemon App updates* " -or `
$TeamsActivity -like " *SfB:TeamsActiveCall* " -or `
$TeamsActivity -like " *name: desktop_call_state_change_send, isOngoing: true* " ) {
If ( $null -eq $TeamsActivity ) { }
ElseIf ( $TeamsActivity -like " *NotifyCallActive* " -or `
$TeamsActivity -like " *NotifyCallAccepted* " ) {
$Activity = $lgInACall
$ActivityIcon = $iconInACall
Write-Host $Activity
Write-Host $ActivityIcon
ElseIf ( $TeamsActivity -like " *NotifyCallEnded* " ) {
$Activity = $lgNotInACall
$ActivityIcon = $iconNotInACall
Write-Host $Activity
Write-Host $ActivityIcon
# Set status to Offline when the Teams application is not running
@ -149,7 +135,7 @@ Else {
# Call Home Assistant API to set the status and activity sensors
If ( $CurrentStatus -ne $Status -and $Status -ne $null ) {
If ( $CurrentStatus -ne $Status -and $null -ne $Status ) {
$CurrentStatus = $Status
$params = @ {