<# .NOTES Name: Get-TeamsStatus.ps1 Author: Danny de Vries Requires: PowerShell v2 or higher Version History: https://github.com/EBOOZ/TeamsStatus/commits/main .SYNOPSIS Sets the status of the Microsoft Teams client to Home Assistant. .DESCRIPTION This script is monitoring the Teams client logfile for certain changes. It makes use of two sensors that are created in Home Assistant up front. sensor.teams_status displays that availability status of your Teams client based on the icon overlay in the taskbar on Windows. sensor.teams_activity shows if you are in a call or not based on the App updates deamon, which is paused as soon as you join a call. #> # Configure the varaibles below that will be used in the script $HAToken = "" # Example: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1... $UserName = "" # When not sure, open a command prompt and type: echo %USERNAME% $HAUrl = "" # Example: https://yourha.duckdns.org # Don't edit the code below, unless you want to change the value language $headers = @{"Authorization"="Bearer $HAToken";} $Enable = 1 $CurrentStatus = "Offline" DO { # Get Teams Logfile and last icon overlay status $TeamsStatus = Get-Content -Path "C:\Users\$UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\logs.txt" -Tail 100 | Select-String -Pattern 'Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available','Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Busy','Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Away','Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Do not disturb','Main window is closing','main window closed','Setting the taskbar overlay icon - On the phone','Setting the taskbar overlay icon - In a meeting','StatusIndicatorStateService: Added Busy','StatusIndicatorStateService: Added Available','StatusIndicatorStateService: Added InAMeeting','StatusIndicatorStateService: Added DoNotDisturb' | Select-Object -Last 1 # Get Teams Logfile and last app update deamon status $TeamsActivity = Get-Content -Path "C:\Users\$UserName\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\logs.txt" -Tail 100 | Select-String -Pattern 'Resuming daemon App updates','Pausing daemon App updates' | Select-Object -Last 1 If ($TeamsStatus -like "*Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Available*" -or $TeamsStatus -like "*StatusIndicatorStateService: Added Available*") { $Status = "Available" Write-Host $Status } ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Busy*" -or $TeamsStatus -like "*StatusIndicatorStateService: Added Busy*" -or $TeamsStatus -like "*Setting the taskbar overlay icon - On the phone*") { $Status = "Busy" Write-Host $Status } ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Away*" -or $TeamsStatus -like "*StatusIndicatorStateService: Added Away*") { $Status = "Away" Write-Host $Status } ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*Setting the taskbar overlay icon - Do not disturb *" -or $TeamsStatus -like "*StatusIndicatorStateService: Added DoNotDisturb*") { $Status = "Do not disturb" Write-Host $Status } ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*Setting the taskbar overlay icon - In a meeting*" -or $TeamsStatus -like "*StatusIndicatorStateService: Added InAMeeting*") { $Status = "In a meeting" Write-Host $Status } ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*ain window*") { $Status = "Offline" Write-Host $Status } If ($TeamsActivity -like "*Resuming daemon App updates*") { $Activity = "Not in a call" $ActivityIcon = "mdi:phone-off" Write-Host $Activity } ElseIf ($TeamsActivity -like "*Pausing daemon App updates*") { $Activity = "In a call" $ActivityIcon = "mdi:phone-in-talk-outline" Write-Host $Activity } If ($CurrentStatus -ne $Status) { $CurrentStatus = $Status $params = @{ "state"="$CurrentStatus"; "attributes"= @{ "friendly_name"="Microsoft Teams status"; "icon"="mdi:microsoft-teams"; } } Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$HAUrl/api/states/sensor.teams_status" -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body ($params|ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json" } If ($CurrentActivity -ne $Activity) { $CurrentActivity = $Activity $params = @{ "state"="$Activity"; "attributes"= @{ "friendly_name"="Microsoft Teams activity"; "icon"="$ActivityIcon"; } } Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$HAUrl/api/states/sensor.teams_activity" -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body ($params|ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json" } Start-Sleep 1 } Until ($Enable -eq 0)