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168 lines
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Name: Get-TeamsStatus.ps1
Author: Danny de Vries
Requires: PowerShell v2 or higher
Version History:
Sets the status of the Microsoft Teams client to Home Assistant.
This script is monitoring the Teams client logfile for certain changes. It
makes use of two sensors that are created in Home Assistant up front.
The status entity (sensor.teams_status by default) displays that availability
status of your Teams client based on the icon overlay in the taskbar on Windows.
The activity entity (sensor.teams_activity by default) shows if you
are in a call or not based on the App updates deamon, which is paused as soon as
you join a call.
Run the script with the SetStatus-parameter to set the status of Microsoft Teams
directly from the commandline.
.\Get-TeamsStatus.ps1 -SetStatus "Offline"
# Configuring parameter for interactive run
# Import Settings PowerShell script
. ($PSScriptRoot + "\Settings.ps1")
$headers = @{"Authorization"="Bearer $HAToken";}
$Enable = 1
# Run the script when a parameter is used and stop when done
If($null -ne $SetStatus){
Write-Host ("Setting Microsoft Teams status to "+$SetStatus+":")
$params = @{
"attributes"= @{
$params = $params | ConvertTo-Json
try {
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$HAUrl/api/states/$entityStatus" -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($params)) -ContentType "application/json"
Write-Host "Status set successfully."
} catch {
Write-Error "Failed to set status: $_"
# Start monitoring the Teams logfile when no parameter is used to run the script
DO {
# Get latest MSTeams_ logfile
$latestLogfile = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\$LocalUsername\AppData\Local\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\Logs" -Name "MSTeams_*" | Select-Object -Last 1
$MSTeamsLog = Get-Content -Path "C:\Users\$LocalUsername\AppData\Local\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\Logs\$latestLogfile" -Tail 100
# Get Teams Logfile and last icon overlay status
$TeamsStatus = $MSTeamsLog | Select-String -Pattern `
'SetBadge Setting badge:',`
'SetTaskbarIconOverlay' | Select-Object -Last 1
# Get Teams Logfile and last app update deamon status
$TeamsActivity = $MSTeamsLog | Select-String -Pattern `
'NotifyCallEnded' | Select-Object -Last 1
# Get Teams application process
$TeamsProcess = Get-Process -Name ms-teams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Check if Teams is running and start monitoring the log if it is
If ($null -ne $TeamsProcess) {
If($null -eq $TeamsStatus){ }
ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*available*") {
$Status = $lgAvailable
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*busy*") {
$Status = $lgBusy
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*away*") {
$Status = $lgAway
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*doNotDistrb*" -or `
$TeamsStatus -like "*Do not disturb*") {
$Status = $lgDoNotDisturb
Write-Host $Status
# Dummy - Not tested yet
ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*focusing*") {
$Status = $lgFocusing
Write-Host $Status
# Dummy - Not tested yet
ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*presenting*") {
$Status = $lgPresenting
Write-Host $Status
# Dummy - Not tested yet
ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*inameeting*") {
$Status = $lgInAMeeting
Write-Host $Status
ElseIf ($TeamsStatus -like "*offline*") {
$Status = $lgOffline
Write-Host $Status
If($null -eq $TeamsActivity){ }
ElseIf ($TeamsActivity -like "*NotifyCallActive*" -or `
$TeamsActivity -like "*NotifyCallAccepted*") {
$Activity = $lgInACall
$ActivityIcon = $iconInACall
Write-Host $Activity
Write-Host $ActivityIcon
ElseIf ($TeamsActivity -like "*NotifyCallEnded*") {
$Activity = $lgNotInACall
$ActivityIcon = $iconNotInACall
Write-Host $Activity
Write-Host $ActivityIcon
# Set status to Offline when the Teams application is not running
Else {
$Status = $lgOffline
$Activity = $lgNotInACall
$ActivityIcon = $iconNotInACall
Write-Host $Status
Write-Host $Activity
# Call Home Assistant API to set the status and activity sensors
If ($CurrentStatus -ne $Status -and $null -ne $Status) {
$CurrentStatus = $Status
$params = @{
"attributes"= @{
$params = $params | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$HAUrl/api/states/$entityStatus" -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($params)) -ContentType "application/json"
If ($CurrentActivity -ne $Activity) {
$CurrentActivity = $Activity
$params = @{
"attributes"= @{
$params = $params | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$HAUrl/api/states/$entityActivity" -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($params)) -ContentType "application/json"
Start-Sleep 1
} Until ($Enable -eq 0)