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# Look up train arrival times using the GTFS_RT custom component (
# You need to get your own MTA API Key, and also look up the stopID of your station at:
# Alternatively, you can also use the API:
- platform: gtfs_rt
trip_update_url: ""
scan_interval: 60
entity_namespace: gtfs_mta_subway
- name: "Station (Northbound)"
route: "X"
stopid: "X00N"
- name: "Station (Southboard)"
route: "X"
stopid: "X00S"
# Get train service status from
- platform: rest
method: GET
scan_interval: 300
name: "MTA Subway L Service Status"
value_template: "{{ value_json.status }}"
- "color"
- "service_change_summaries"
- "direction_statuses"
- "delay_summaries"
- "service_irregularity_summaries"
- "service_changes"
# Update screen only when occupancy is detected.
- binary_sensor:
- name: Weatherman Motion Detected
unique_id: "dfa78de7-d761-425f-9731-86f1af332eac"
device_class: "occupancy"
delay_off: 1min
state: >-
{%- if states('binary_sensor.living_room_hue_sensor_motion') == 'on' or states('binary_sensor.front_door_switchbot_contact_sensor_motion_detected') == 'on' or states('binary_sensor.kitchen_counter_motion_sensor_motion') == 'on' %}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
# Bundle up all the data to send over to Weatherman (ESPHome device).
- trigger:
platform: time_pattern
minutes: "/1"
- name: Weatherman Data
state: "OK"
train_status: >
{{ states('sensor.mta_subway_l_service_status') | upper }}
train_status_manhattan: >
{{ state_attr('sensor.mta_subway_l_service_status', 'direction_statuses').north | upper }}
train_status_canarsie: >
{{ state_attr('sensor.mta_subway_l_service_status', 'direction_statuses').south | upper }}
weather_condition_now: >
{% set cond_now = states('weather.valhalla_hourly') %}
{% if states('sun.sun') == 'below_horizon' %}
{% if cond_now == 'sunny' %} night {% elif cond_now == 'partlycloudy' %} night-partly-cloudy {% else %} {{ cond_now }} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ cond_now }}
{% endif %}
weather_condition_0: >
{% set cond0 = state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[0].condition %}
{% set next_setting = as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_setting')) %}
{% set next_rising = as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_rising')) %}
{% set cond0_time = as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[0].datetime) %}
{% if cond0_time < next_rising and next_rising < next_setting %}
{% if cond0 == 'sunny' %} night {% elif cond0 == 'partlycloudy' %} night-partly-cloudy {% else %} {{ cond0 }} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ cond0 }}
{% endif %}
weather_temperature_0: >
{{ state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[0].temperature | round }}
weather_timestamp_0: >
{{ as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[0].datetime) | timestamp_custom('%I') | int }} {{ as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[0].datetime) | timestamp_custom('%p') }}
weather_condition_1: >
{% set cond1 = state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[1].condition %}
{% set next_setting = as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_setting')) %}
{% set next_rising = as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_rising')) %}
{% set cond1_time = as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[1].datetime) %}
{% if cond1_time < next_rising and next_rising < next_setting %}
{% if cond1 == 'sunny' %} night {% elif cond1 == 'partlycloudy' %} night-partly-cloudy {% else %} {{ cond1 }} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ cond1 }}
{% endif %}
weather_temperature_1: >
{{ state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[1].temperature | round }}
weather_timestamp_1: >
{{ as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[1].datetime) | timestamp_custom('%I') | int }} {{ as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[1].datetime) | timestamp_custom('%p') }}
weather_condition_2: >
{% set cond2 = state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[2].condition %}
{% set next_setting = as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_setting')) %}
{% set next_rising = as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_rising')) %}
{% set cond2_time = as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[2].datetime) %}
{% if cond2_time < next_rising and next_rising < next_setting %}
{% if cond2 == 'sunny' %} night {% elif cond2 == 'partlycloudy' %} night-partly-cloudy {% else %} {{ cond2 }} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ cond2 }}
{% endif %}
weather_temperature_2: >
{{ state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[2].temperature | round }}
weather_timestamp_2: >
{{ as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[2].datetime) | timestamp_custom('%I') | int }} {{ as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[2].datetime) | timestamp_custom('%p') }}
weather_condition_3: >
{% set cond3 = state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[3].condition %}
{% set next_setting = as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_setting')) %}
{% set next_rising = as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_rising')) %}
{% set cond3_time = as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[3].datetime) %}
{% if cond3_time < next_rising and next_rising < next_setting %}
{% if cond3 == 'sunny' %} night {% elif cond3 == 'partlycloudy' %} night-partly-cloudy {% else %} {{ cond3 }} {% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ cond3 }}
{% endif %}
weather_temperature_3: >
{{ state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[3].temperature | round }}
weather_timestamp_3: >
{{ as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[3].datetime) | timestamp_custom('%I') | int }} {{ as_timestamp(state_attr('weather.valhalla_hourly', 'forecast')[3].datetime) | timestamp_custom('%p') }}