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using System;
using System.Security;
namespace hass_workstation_service.Data
public class ConfiguredMqttBroker
private string username;
private string password;
private int? port;
private string rootCAPath;
private string clientCertPath;
public string Host { get; set; }
public int Port { get => port ?? 1883; set => port = value; }
public bool UseTLS { get; set; }
// Before this option, Retains was the default, so let's keep that here to not break backwards compatibility
public bool RetainLWT { get; set; } = true;
public string RootCAPath {
if (rootCAPath!= null) return rootCAPath;
return "";
set => rootCAPath = value;
public string ClientCertPath {
if (clientCertPath != null) return clientCertPath;
return "";
set => clientCertPath = value;
public string Username
if (username != null) return username;
return "";
set => username = value;
public string Password
if (password != null) return password;
return "";
set => password = value;