# Evil Tactician's Anime Collections Anime Collections based on MAL Genres ## Included * config.yml * Anime.yml * Custom Artwork¹ * Photoshop Template¹ ¹ Please note that these can only be found on my own repo due to their size: [Evil Tactician's Anime Collections](https://github.com/EvilTactician/Anime-Collections-PMM). Preview:
![Anime](Anime.png) ## Instructions Detailed instructions and latest version can be found here: [Evil Tactician's Anime Collections](https://github.com/EvilTactician/Anime-Collections-PMM). This repo only contains a preview and the config files. ## Special Thanks JJJonesJr33 - Original Base Anime.yml & Feedback
Fribb - Creator of https://github.com/Fribb/anime-lists, helped me track down some mapping issues
Sohjiro - Creator of Plex Meta Manager There was quite a bit of work involved in this - and you're welcome to use my assets and templates as you see fit as long as you give credit if you re-distribute them anywhere or include them in another project. If you wish to say thanks, you can [buy me a coffee](https://ko-fi.com/eviltactician) or wave on Discord.