######################################################################## ## Plex-Meta-Manager by Evil Tactician ## ######################################################################## ## This file is a template remove the .template to use the file libraries: # Library mappings must have a colon (:) placed after them Anime: # Must match you library that is shown within plex metadata_path: - file: config/Anime.yml settings: # Can be individually specified per library as well cache: true cache_expiration: 60 asset_directory: config/assets asset_folders: false asset_depth: 0 create_asset_folders: false dimensional_asset_rename: false download_url_assets: false show_missing_season_assets: false sync_mode: append minimum_items: 1 default_collection_order: alpha delete_below_minimum: true delete_not_scheduled: false run_again_delay: 2 missing_only_released: false only_filter_missing: false show_unmanaged: true show_filtered: false show_options: false show_missing: false show_missing_assets: false save_missing: false tvdb_language: eng ignore_ids: ignore_imdb_ids: playlist_sync_to_user: verify_ssl: true plex: # REQUIRED - see https://github.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager/wiki/Plex-Attributes url: token: timeout: 60 clean_bundles: false empty_trash: false optimize: false tmdb: # REQUIRED for the script to run - to get a key you must follow https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/introduction apikey: language: en mal: # REQUIRED for this config to work - set up by following https://github.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager/wiki/MyAnimeList-Attributes client_id: client_secret: authorization: access_token: token_type: expires_in: refresh_token: