libraries: Movies: template_variables: use_separator: false metadata_path: - folder: config/movies - pmm: based - git: bullmoose20/movies_refresh - pmm: oscars template_variables: use_year_collections: false - pmm: actor template_variables: collection_section: '001' use_separator: false style: diiivoycolor name_format: 🎂 <>'s Birthday translation_key: birthday sort_by: audience_rating.desc title_format: <>'s Birthday data: depth: 20 limit: 100 tmdb_birthday: this_month: true - pmm: content_rating_cs - pmm: other_chart template_variables: use_anidb: false use_stevenlu: false use_pirated: false visible_library_commonsense: true visible_home_commonsense: true visible_shared_commonsense: true - pmm: continent template_variables: include: - Oceania - pmm: franchise template_variables: minimum_items: 2 delete_below_minimum: true - pmm: seasonal template_variables: use_separator: true sep_style: stb use_memorial: false use_independence: false use_labor: false use_thanksgiving: false use_latinx: false schedule_father: range(09/01-09/14) sort_by: random # Add a custom holiday append_data: pride: Pride Month schedule_pride: range(06/01-06/30) imdb_list_pride: emoji_pride: '🏳️‍🌈️‍ ' - pmm: universe - file: config/metadata/movie/1_othercollections.yml schedule: weekly(tuesday) overlay_path: - schedule: weekly(saturday) - remove_overlays: false # Set to true if you want to remove overlays - reapply_overlays: false # If you are doing a lot of testing and changes like me, keep this to true to always reapply overlays - pmm: commonsense # Commonsense content ratings Age 2+, Age 14+, etc. - pmm: mediastinger # Mediastinger overlay when the media item contains a stinger at the end of the movie/show or during the credits - pmm: ratings # Ratings with custom fonts matched to the style of the rating, font_size, and on the right in 'square' format template_variables: rating1: user rating1_image: rt_tomato rating1_font: config/metadata/overlays/fonts/Adlib.ttf rating1_font_size: 63 rating2: critic rating2_image: imdb rating2_font: config/metadata/overlays/fonts/Impact.ttf rating2_font_size: 70 rating3: audience rating3_image: tmdb rating3_font: config/metadata/overlays/fonts/Avenir_95_Black.ttf rating3_font_size: 70 horizontal_position: right - pmm: resolution # 4K HDR, 1080P FHD, etc. - pmm: ribbon # Used for ribbon in bottom right - pmm: versions # Will show duplicates for that media item and works with overlay_level show, episode, and season settings: asset_directory: - config/assets/Movies/ prioritize_assets: false operations: split_duplicates: false assets_for_all: true delete_collections: configured: false managed: true mass_user_rating_update: mdb_tomatoes mass_critic_rating_update: imdb mass_audience_rating_update: tmdb mass_genre_update: omdb mass_content_rating_update: mdb_commonsense mass_originally_available_update: tmdb mass_imdb_parental_labels: none metadata_backup: path: config/metadata/backups/Movie_Backup.yml sync_tags: true add_blank_entries: false genre_mapper: "Sci-Fi": Science Fiction "Action & Adventure": Action TV Shows: report_path: config/missing/TV_report.yml template_variables: use_separator: false library_name: TV Shows metadata_path: - pmm: based - git: bullmoose20/tv_refresh - pmm: actor template_variables: collection_section: '001' use_separator: false style: diiivoycolor name_format: 🎂 <>'s Birthday translation_key: birthday sort_by: audience_rating.desc title_format: <>'s Birthday data: depth: 20 limit: 100 tmdb_birthday: this_month: true - pmm: content_rating_cs - pmm: other_chart template_variables: use_anidb: false use_stevenlu: false use_pirated: false visible_library_commonsense: true visible_home_commonsense: true visible_shared_commonsense: true - pmm: universe - pmm: continent template_variables: include: - Oceania - pmm: franchise template_variables: minimum_items: 2 delete_below_minimum: true - folder: config/tvshows overlay_path: - schedule: weekly(friday) - remove_overlays: false # Set to true if you want to remove overlays - reapply_overlays: false # If you are doing a lot of testing and changes like me, keep this to true to always reapply overlays - pmm: commonsense # Commonsense content ratings Age 2+, Age 14+, etc. - pmm: commonsense template_variables: overlay_level: season - pmm: commonsense template_variables: overlay_level: episode - pmm: ratings # Ratings with custom fonts matched to the style of the rating, font_size, and on the right in 'square' format. overlay_level: show has 3 ratings max template_variables: rating1: user rating1_image: rt_tomato rating1_font: config/metadata/overlays/fonts/Adlib.ttf rating1_font_size: 63 rating2: critic rating2_image: imdb rating2_font: config/metadata/overlays/fonts/Impact.ttf rating2_font_size: 70 rating3: audience rating3_image: tmdb rating3_font: config/metadata/overlays/fonts/Avenir_95_Black.ttf rating3_font_size: 70 horizontal_position: right - pmm: ratings # Ratings with custom fonts matched to the style of the rating, font_size, and on the right in 'square' format. overlay_level: episode has 2 ratings max template_variables: rating1: critic rating1_image: imdb rating1_font: config/metadata/overlays/fonts/Impact.ttf rating1_font_size: 70 rating2: audience rating2_image: tmdb rating2_font: config/metadata/overlays/fonts/Avenir_95_Black.ttf rating2_font_size: 70 horizontal_position: right overlay_level: episode - pmm: ribbon # Used for ribbon in bottom right - pmm: runtimes # Runtime information in bottom right and works with overlay_level episode template_variables: overlay_level: episode - pmm: status # Airing, Returning, Ended, Canceled and works with overlay_level show - pmm: versions # Will show duplicates for that media item and works with overlay_level show, episode, and season template_variables: overlay_level: show - pmm: versions # Will show duplicates for that media item and works with overlay_level show, episode, and season template_variables: overlay_level: season - pmm: ribbon settings: asset_directory: - config/assets/TV Shows/ prioritize_assets: false operations: split_duplicates: false assets_for_all: true delete_collections: configured: false managed: true mass_user_rating_update: mdb_tomatoes mass_critic_rating_update: imdb mass_audience_rating_update: tmdb mass_genre_update: omdb mass_content_rating_update: mdb_commonsense mass_originally_available_update: tmdb mass_episode_critic_rating_update: imdb mass_episode_audience_rating_update: tmdb mass_imdb_parental_labels: none metadata_backup: path: config/metadata/backups/TVShows_Backup.yml sync_tags: true add_blank_entries: false Music: schedule: weekly (sunday) library_name: Music metadata_path: - folder: config/music operations: delete_collections: less: 50 metadata_backup: path: config/metadata/backups/Music_Backup.yml sync_tags: true add_blank_entries: false playlist_files: - pmm: playlist template_variables: libraries: Movies, TV Shows settings: cache: true cache_expiration: 60 asset_directory: config/assets missing_path: config/missing asset_folders: true asset_depth: 1 create_asset_folders: false prioritize_assets: false dimensional_asset_rename: false download_url_assets: false show_missing_season_assets: false show_missing_episode_assets: false show_asset_not_needed: false sync_mode: sync default_collection_order: minimum_items: 1 delete_below_minimum: true delete_not_scheduled: false run_again_delay: 1 missing_only_released: true show_unconfigured: true show_unmanaged: true show_filtered: true show_options: true show_missing: false only_filter_missing: false show_missing_assets: false save_report: false tvdb_language: eng ignore_ids: ignore_imdb_ids: item_refresh_delay: 0 playlist_sync_to_users: all playlist_report: true custom_repo: verify_ssl: true check_nightly: true playlist_exclude_users: webhooks: error: notifiarr version: notifiarr run_start: notifiarr run_end: notifiarr changes: notifiarr delete: plex: url: http://localhost:32400 token: [REDACTED] timeout: 600 clean_bundles: false empty_trash: false optimize: false db_cache: tmdb: apikey: [REDACTED] language: en cache_expiration: 600 region: tautulli: url: http://localhost:1818 apikey: [REDACTED] omdb: apikey: [REDACTED] cache_expiration: 600 mdblist: apikey: [REDACTED] cache_expiration: 600 notifiarr: apikey: [REDACTED] anidb: username: password: language: en client: radarr: url: http://localhost:7878 token: [REDACTED] add_missing: false add_existing: false root_folder_path: Z:\data\media\movies monitor: true availability: announced quality_profile: HD Bluray + Web tag: search: false radarr_path: plex_path: upgrade_existing: false ignore_cache: false sonarr: url: http://localhost:8989 token: [REDACTED] add_missing: false add_existing: false root_folder_path: Z:\data\media\tv monitor: all quality_profile: WEB-1080p language_profile: English series_type: standard season_folder: true tag: search: false cutoff_search: false sonarr_path: plex_path: upgrade_existing: false ignore_cache: false trakt: client_id: [REDACTED] client_secret: [REDACTED] pin: authorization: access_token: [REDACTED] token_type: [REDACTED] expires_in: [REDACTED] refresh_token: [REDACTED] scope: [REDACTED] created_at: [REDACTED] mal: client_id: client_secret: authorization: access_token: token_type: expires_in: refresh_token: