libraries: # This is called out once within the config.yml file Movies: # Each library must match the Plex library name remove_overlays: false # Set this to true to remove all overlays: overlay_files: - file: config/kometa/overlays/jmxd/gradient.yml #Top Gradient - default: resolution #Resolution & Dynamic Range template_variables: file: config/kometa/kometa/overlays/jmxd/resolution/<><>.png use_resolution: true use_edition: false horizontal_offset: 50 horizontal_align: left vertical_offset: 50 vertical_align: top back_radius: 0 back_align: left back_color: '#00000000' back_height: 50 - default: audio_codec #Audio Codec template_variables: file: config/kometa/kometa/overlays/jmxd/audio_codec/<>.png horizontal_offset: 50 horizontal_align: right vertical_offset: 50 vertical_align: top back_radius: 0 back_align: right back_color: '#00000000' back_height: 50 - default: resolution #Edition template_variables: file: config/kometa/overlays/jmxd/edition/<>.png use_resolution: false use_edition: true horizontal_offset: 0 horizontal_align: center vertical_offset: 0 vertical_align: bottom back_radius: 0 back_color: '#00000000' back_height: 153 run_order: - operations - metadata - collections - overlays collection_files: - default: franchise template_variables: build_collection: true sync_mode: append collection_mode: hide minimum_items: 2 - config/kometa/metadata/holidays.yml #- config/kometa/metadata/decades.yml #- config/kometa/metadata/studios.yml - config/kometa/metadata/movie_suggestions.yml - config/kometa/metadata/awards.yml - config/kometa/metadata/collections.yml - config/kometa/metadata/genres.yml settings: report_path: config/kometa/missing asset_directory: - config/kometa/assets/ - config/kometa/assets/movies - config/kometa/assets/awards - config/kometa/assets/collections - config/kometa/assets/decades - config/kometa/assets/genres - config/kometa/assets/holidays - config/kometa/assets/studios - config/kometa/assets/movie_suggestions operations: assets_for_all: false split_duplicates: false mass_critic_rating_update: mdb mass_audience_rating_update: imdb item_refresh: true delete_collections: configured: false managed: false less: 2 TV Shows: # Must be named the same as Plex's run_order: - operations - metadata - collections - overlays remove_overlays: false overlay_files: - default: network # TV Show Networks template_variables: vertical_align: bottom vertical_offset: 15 horizontal_align: left horizontal_offset: 15 collection_files: - config/kometa/metadata/networks.yml - config/kometa/metadata/tv_suggestions.yml settings: report_path: config/kometa/missing asset_directory: - config/kometa/assets/ - config/kometa/assets/kids - config/kometa/assets/networks - config/kometa/assets/tv_suggestions operations: assets_for_all: false split_duplicates: false playlist_files: - default: playlist # This is a file within PMM's defaults folder template_variables: trakt_list_xmen: # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git settings: cache: true cache_expiration: 60 asset_folders: true asset_depth: 3 create_asset_folders: true dimensional_asset_rename: true download_url_assets: true show_missing_season_assets: false show_missing_episode_assets: false show_asset_not_needed: true sync_mode: append minimum_items: 2 default_collection_order: run_again_delay: 0 missing_only_released: false only_filter_missing: false show_unmanaged: true show_unconfigured: true show_filtered: true show_options: true show_missing: false show_missing_assets: false save_report: true tvdb_language: eng ignore_ids: ignore_imdb_ids: item_refresh_delay: 0 playlist_sync_to_user: all playlist_exclude_users: playlist_report: false verify_ssl: true custom_repo: check_nightly: false run_order: - operations - metadata - collections - overlays overlay_artwork_filetype: jpg overlay_artwork_quality: 75 asset_directory: config/kometa/assets prioritize_assets: false delete_below_minimum: false delete_not_scheduled: false plex: # Can be individually specified per library as well; REQUIRED for the script to run url: http://plex:32400 token: timeout: 900 clean_bundles: true empty_trash: false optimize: true verify_ssl: db_cache: 40 tmdb: # REQUIRED for the script to run apikey: 0095192b8ceb2b5a44015e97f0afcc9c language: en cache_expiration: 60 region: tautulli: # Can be individually specified per library as well url: http://tautulli:8181 apikey: notifiarr: apikey: mdblist: apikey: cache_expiration: 60 omdb: apikey: fa42d29d cache_expiration: 60 trakt: client_id: client_secret: pin: authorization: # everything below is autofilled by the script access_token: token_type: expires_in: refresh_token: scope: public created_at: radarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well. url: http://radarr4k:7878 # Change this to either 'radarr4k' or 'radarr' # You can only link one. token: # Radarr API Token. add_missing: false # If you set this to 'true' then PMM/Kometa will scan your collections and add any movies missing from them to radarr/radarr4k. add_existing: false # If you set this to 'true' then PMM/Kometa will scan your collections and add all movies to radarr/radarr4k for monitoring. root_folder_path: /storage/symlinks/movies-4k # Change to your root path from radarr or radarr4k. monitor: true # Monitor the movie when adding new movies. availability: released # Default Minimum Availability to use when adding new movies. quality_profile: # You must input the exact name of the quality profile you want used from radarr/radarr4 without typos. tag: kometa # Default list or comma-separated string of tags to use when adding new movies. search: false # Start search for missing movie when adding new movies. radarr_path: # This can remain blank without issue. plex_path: # This can remain blank without issue. upgrade_existing: false # Upgrades all existing movies in collections to match the Quality Profile of the collection. monitor_existing: false # Ensures all existing movies in collections match your monitor setting. ignore_cache: false # Ignores Kometa's cache when adding items to Radarr. sonarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well. url: http://sonarr4k:8989 # Change this to either 'sonarr4k' or 'sonarr'. You can only link one or the other. token: # Sonarr API Token. add_missing: false # If you set this to 'true' then PMM/Kometa will scan your collections and add any movies missing from them to sonarr/sonarr4k. add_existing: false # If you set this to 'true' then PMM/Kometa will scan your collections and add any movies missing from them to sonarr/sonarr4k. root_folder_path: /storage/symlinks/series-4k # Change to your root path from sonarr or sonarr4k. monitor: all # Default Monitor to use when adding new shows. quality_profile: # You must input the exact name of the quality profile you want used from sonarr/sonarr4k without typos. language_profile: Original # Default Language Profile to use when adding new shows. series_type: standard # Default Series Type to use when adding new shows. season_folder: true # Use the Season Folder Option when adding new shows. tag: kometa # Default list or comma-separated string of tags to use when adding new shows. search: false # Start search for missing episodes when adding new shows. cutoff_search: false # Start search for cutoff unmet episodes when adding new shows. sonarr_path: # This can remain blank without issue. plex_path: # This can remain blank without issue. upgrade_existing: false # Upgrades all existing shows in collections to match the Quality Profile of the collection. monitor_existing: false # Ensures all existing shows in collections match your monitor setting. ignore_cache: false #Ignores Kometa's cache when adding items to Sonarr.