## This file is a template remove the .template to use the file libraries: 4K TV Shows: schedule: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) schedule_overlays: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) collection_files: - file: config/TVShows.yml #- file: config/Genre.yml overlay_files: #- reapply_overlays: true - default: network template_variables: builder_level: season vertical_position: bottom horizontal_position: center horizontal_offset: 30 vertical_offset: 50 back_color: '#00000000' - default: languages template_variables: builder_level: episode overlay_limit: 5 horizontal_position: left vertical_position: bottom style: square back_color: '#00000000' font_color: '#00000000' back_width: 102 text: '' final_name: <> - default: status template_variables: horizontal_align: center vertical_align: bottom vertical_offset: 23 horizontal_offset: 0 back_height: 149 back_width: 965 font: config/fonts/Colus-Regular.ttf font_size: 80 font_color_airing: '#27C24C' font_color_returning: '#FFA500' font_color_canceled: '#ED1F1F' font_color_ended: '#FF0000' back_color: '#00000000' - default: runtimes template_variables: builder_level: episode horizontal_align: right back_color: '#00000000' back_height: 80 vertical_offset: 20 horizontal_offset: 18 text: '' back_width: 205 - remove_overlays: false - file: config/overlays_tv.yml template_variables: # Which overlay(s) should be used? # Posters 4K: true 4K_banner: true settings: asset_directory: /assets/4K TV Shows prioritize_assets: true operations: assets_for_all: true 4K Movies: schedule: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) schedule_overlays: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) #schedule: hourly(9),hourly(19) collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml #- file: config/collections.yml overlay_files: - default: commonsense template_variables: vertical_offset: 37 horizontal_offset: 255 back_width: 230 back_color: '#00000000' - default: languages template_variables: overlay_limit: 5 horizontal_position: left vertical_position: bottom style: square back_color: '#00000000' font_color: '#00000000' text: '' final_name: <> - default: runtimes template_variables: vertical_offset: 37 horizontal_align: center horizontal_offset: 140 text: '' back_width: 205 back_color: '#00000000' - remove_overlays: false - file: config/overlays_movies.yml template_variables: # Which overlay(s) should be used? # Posters 4K_banner: true 4K: false settings: asset_directory: /assets/4K Movies prioritize_assets: true operations: mass_content_rating_update: mdb_commonsense assets_for_all: true Movies: schedule: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) schedule_overlays: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) #schedule: hourly(9),hourly(19) collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml #- file: config/collections.yml overlay_files: - default: commonsense template_variables: vertical_offset: 37 horizontal_offset: 255 back_width: 230 back_color: '#00000000' - default: languages template_variables: overlay_limit: 5 horizontal_position: left vertical_position: bottom style: square back_color: '#00000000' font_color: '#00000000' text: '' final_name: <> - default: runtimes template_variables: vertical_offset: 37 horizontal_align: center horizontal_offset: 140 text: '' back_width: 205 back_color: '#00000000' - remove_overlays: false - file: config/overlays_movies.yml template_variables: # Which overlay(s) should be used? # Posters 4K_banner: false 4K: false settings: asset_directory: /assets/Movies prioritize_assets: true operations: mass_content_rating_update: mdb_commonsense assets_for_all: true Kids Movies: schedule: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) schedule_overlays: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml #- file: config/Genre.yml overlay_files: - default: commonsense template_variables: vertical_offset: 37 horizontal_offset: 255 back_width: 230 back_color: '#00000000' - default: languages template_variables: overlay_limit: 5 horizontal_position: left vertical_position: bottom style: square back_color: '#00000000' font_color: '#00000000' text: '' final_name: <> - default: runtimes template_variables: vertical_offset: 37 horizontal_align: center horizontal_offset: 140 text: '' back_width: 205 back_color: '#00000000' - remove_overlays: false - file: config/overlays_movies.yml template_variables: # Which overlay(s) should be used? # Posters 4K_banner: false 4K: false settings: asset_directory: /assets/Kids Movies prioritize_assets: true operations: mass_content_rating_update: mdb_commonsense assets_for_all: true Anime: schedule: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) schedule_overlays: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) collection_files: - file: config/Movies.yml #- file: config/Genre.yml overlay_files: - default: commonsense template_variables: vertical_offset: 37 horizontal_offset: 255 back_width: 230 back_color: '#00000000' - default: languages template_variables: overlay_limit: 5 horizontal_position: left vertical_position: bottom style: square back_color: '#00000000' font_color: '#00000000' text: '' final_name: <> - default: runtimes template_variables: vertical_offset: 37 horizontal_align: center horizontal_offset: 140 text: '' back_width: 205 back_color: '#00000000' - remove_overlays: false - file: config/overlays_movies.yml template_variables: # Which overlay(s) should be used? # Posters 4K_banner: false 4K: false settings: asset_directory: /assets/Anime prioritize_assets: true operations: mass_content_rating_update: mdb_commonsense assets_for_all: true TV Shows: schedule: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) schedule_overlays: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) collection_files: - file: config/TVShows.yml #- file: config/Genre.yml overlay_files: #- reapply_overlays: true - default: network template_variables: builder_level: season vertical_position: bottom horizontal_position: center horizontal_offset: 30 vertical_offset: 50 back_color: '#00000000' - default: languages template_variables: builder_level: episode overlay_limit: 5 horizontal_position: left vertical_position: bottom style: square back_color: '#00000000' font_color: '#00000000' back_width: 102 text: '' final_name: <> - default: status template_variables: horizontal_align: center vertical_align: bottom vertical_offset: 23 horizontal_offset: 0 back_height: 149 back_width: 965 font: config/fonts/Colus-Regular.ttf font_size: 80 font_color_airing: '#27C24C' font_color_returning: '#FFA500' font_color_canceled: '#ED1F1F' font_color_ended: '#FF0000' back_color: '#00000000' - default: runtimes template_variables: builder_level: episode horizontal_align: right back_color: '#00000000' back_height: 80 vertical_offset: 20 horizontal_offset: 18 text: '' back_width: 205 - remove_overlays: false - file: config/overlays_tv.yml template_variables: # Which overlay(s) should be used? # Posters 4K: false 4K_banner: false settings: asset_directory: /assets/TV Shows prioritize_assets: true operations: assets_for_all: true Kids Shows: schedule: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) schedule_overlays: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) collection_files: - file: config/KidsShows.yml overlay_files: #- reapply_overlays: true - default: network template_variables: builder_level: season vertical_position: bottom horizontal_position: center horizontal_offset: 30 vertical_offset: 50 back_color: '#00000000' - default: languages template_variables: builder_level: episode overlay_limit: 5 horizontal_position: left vertical_position: bottom style: square back_color: '#00000000' font_color: '#00000000' back_width: 102 text: '' final_name: <> - default: status template_variables: horizontal_align: center vertical_align: bottom vertical_offset: 23 horizontal_offset: 0 back_height: 149 back_width: 965 font: config/fonts/Colus-Regular.ttf font_size: 80 font_color_airing: '#27C24C' font_color_returning: '#FFA500' font_color_canceled: '#ED1F1F' font_color_ended: '#FF0000' back_color: '#00000000' - default: runtimes template_variables: builder_level: episode horizontal_align: right back_color: '#00000000' back_height: 80 vertical_offset: 20 horizontal_offset: 18 text: '' back_width: 205 - remove_overlays: false - file: config/overlays_tv.yml template_variables: # Which overlay(s) should be used? # Posters 4K_banner: false 4K: false settings: asset_directory: /assets/Kids Shows prioritize_assets: true operations: assets_for_all: true Anime Shows: schedule: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) schedule_overlays: hourly(06),hourly(10),hourly(14),hourly(18),hourly(22) collection_files: - file: config/AnimeShows.yml overlay_files: #- reapply_overlays: true - default: network template_variables: builder_level: season vertical_position: bottom horizontal_position: center horizontal_offset: 30 vertical_offset: 50 back_color: '#00000000' - default: languages template_variables: builder_level: episode overlay_limit: 5 horizontal_position: left vertical_position: bottom style: square back_color: '#00000000' font_color: '#00000000' back_width: 102 text: '' final_name: <> - default: status template_variables: horizontal_align: center vertical_align: bottom vertical_offset: 23 horizontal_offset: 0 back_height: 149 back_width: 965 font: config/fonts/Colus-Regular.ttf font_size: 80 font_color_airing: '#27C24C' font_color_returning: '#FFA500' font_color_canceled: '#ED1F1F' font_color_ended: '#FF0000' back_color: '#00000000' - default: runtimes template_variables: builder_level: episode horizontal_align: right back_color: '#00000000' back_height: 80 vertical_offset: 20 horizontal_offset: 18 text: '' back_width: 205 - remove_overlays: false - file: config/overlays_tv.yml template_variables: # Which overlay(s) should be used? # Posters 4K_banner: false 4K: false settings: asset_directory: /assets/Anime Shows prioritize_assets: true operations: assets_for_all: true playlist_files: - file: config/playlist.yml template_variables: use_walking: true radarr_add_missing_walking: false sonarr_add_missing_walking: false settings: # Can be individually specified per library as well cache: true cache_expiration: 60 asset_directory: /assets asset_folders: true asset_depth: 1 create_asset_folders: false prioritize_assets: true dimensional_asset_rename: false download_url_assets: false show_missing_season_assets: true show_missing_episode_assets: false show_asset_not_needed: false sync_mode: sync default_collection_order: minimum_items: 1 delete_below_minimum: false delete_not_scheduled: false run_again_delay: 0 missing_only_released: true show_unconfigured: true show_unmanaged: false show_filtered: false show_options: true show_missing: true only_filter_missing: false show_missing_assets: true save_report: false tvdb_language: en ignore_ids: ignore_imdb_ids: item_refresh_delay: 0 playlist_sync_to_users: all playlist_report: false custom_repo: verify_ssl: true check_nightly: false playlist_exclude_users: Louisa, Peter run_order: - operations - metadata - collections - overlays overlay_artwork_filetype: jpg overlay_artwork_quality: 90 plex: # Can be individually specified per library as well url: http://plex:32400 token: timeout: 360 clean_bundles: false empty_trash: false optimize: false db_cache: verify_ssl: webhooks: error: version: run_start: run_end: delete: tmdb: apikey: language: en cache_expiration: 60 region: tautulli: # Can be individually specified per library as well url: http://tautulli:8181 apikey: omdb: apikey: cache_expiration: 60 radarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well url: http://radarr:7878 token: version: v4 root_folder_path: /mnt/unionfs/Movies monitor: false availability: announced quality_profile: 1080p tag: kometa search: false add_existing: false radarr_path: plex_path: add_missing: false upgrade_existing: false ignore_cache: false monitor_existing: false sonarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well url: http://sonarr:8989 token: version: v4 root_folder_path: /mnt/unionfs/Shows monitor: none quality_profile: 1080p - DE Only language_profile: German series_type: standard season_folder: true tag: kometa search: false cutoff_search: false add_existing: false sonarr_path: plex_path: add_missing: false upgrade_existing: false ignore_cache: false monitor_existing: false trakt: client_id: client_secret: authorization: access_token: token_type: Bearer expires_in: 7889237 refresh_token: scope: public created_at: 1704621604 pin: mdblist: apikey: cache_expiration: 60