templates: Chart: sort_title: +1_<><> sync_mode: sync smart_label: random collections: Best of the 1970s: template: { name: Chart, num: 1 } tmdb_discover: primary_release_date.gte: 01/01/1970 primary_release_date.lte: 12/31/1979 with_original_language: fr sort_by: popularity.desc limit: 100 summary: A collection of the Top Content of the 1970s Best of the 1980s: template: { name: Chart, num: 2 } tmdb_discover: primary_release_date.gte: 01/01/1980 primary_release_date.lte: 12/31/1989 with_original_language: fr sort_by: popularity.desc limit: 100 summary: A collection of the Top Content of the 1980s Best of the 1990s: template: { name: Chart, num: 3 } tmdb_discover: primary_release_date.gte: 01/01/1990 primary_release_date.lte: 12/31/1999 with_original_language: fr sort_by: popularity.desc limit: 100 summary: A collection of the Top Content of the 1990s Best of the 2000s: template: { name: Chart, num: 4 } tmdb_discover: primary_release_date.gte: 01/01/2000 primary_release_date.lte: 12/31/2009 with_original_language: fr sort_by: popularity.desc limit: 100 summary: A collection of the Top Content of the 2000s Best of the 2010s: template: { name: Chart, num: 5 } tmdb_discover: primary_release_date.gte: 01/01/2010 primary_release_date.lte: 12/31/2019 with_original_language: fr sort_by: popularity.desc limit: 100 summary: A collection of the Top Content of the 2010s