  - repo: templates/collections
  - repo: templates/dynamic_collections

  # Movies with a perfect RT score, updated monthly
  "๐Ÿ’ฏ The 100 Club":
    template: { name: Collection,
                sort_title: "Best Movies Ever",
                level: "+++" }
    summary: "RottenTomatoes' movies with a perfect score"
    mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/100-on-rottentomatoes-com
    collection_order: random
    schedule: monthly(1)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: true
    visible_shared: true

  # Worst movies of all time, updated monthly
  "๐Ÿ’ฉ Just the Worst":
    template: { name: Collection,
                sort_title: "Worst Movies Ever",
                level: "++" }
    summary: "The worst movies of all time."
      - https://trakt.tv/users/hdlists/lists/worst-movies-of-all-time
      - https://trakt.tv/users/nwithan8/lists/5-or-less-on-rotton-tomatoes?sort=rank,asc
    collection_order: random
    schedule: monthly(1)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: true
    visible_shared: true

  "๐Ÿคจ How Did This Get Made?":
    template: { name: Collection,
                sort_title: "How Did This Get Made?",
                level: "++" }
    summary: "The films of the podcast 'How Did This Get Made?'"
      - https://trakt.tv/users/lish408/lists/how-did-this-get-made-podcast
    collection_order: custom
    schedule: weekly(monday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: true
    visible_shared: true

  "๐Ÿ‘ Best Movie Ever":
    template: { name: Collection,
                sort_title: "Weekly Planet - Best Movie Ever",
                level: "++" }
      - https://trakt.tv/users/nwithan8/lists/best-movie-ever?sort=added,asc
    collection_order: random
    schedule: daily
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: true
    visible_shared: true

  "๐Ÿ‘Ž Worst Movie Ever":
    template: { name: Collection,
                sort_title: "Weekly Planet - Worst Movie Ever",
                level: "++" }
      - https://trakt.tv/users/nwithan8/lists/worst-movie-ever?sort=added,asc
    collection_order: random
    schedule: daily
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: true
    visible_shared: true

  "๐ŸŽฉ 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die":
    template: { name: Collection,
                sort_title: "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die",
                level: "++" }
    # summary provided by Trakt
      - https://trakt.tv/users/sp1ti/lists/1001-movies-you-must-see-before-you-die
    collection_order: random
    schedule: monthly(1)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: true
    visible_shared: true

  "๐Ÿชฃ 100 Movies Bucket List":
    template: { name: Collection,
                sort_title: "100 Movies Bucket List",
                level: "++" }
    # summary provided by Trakt
      - https://trakt.tv/users/dildogarden/lists/100-movies-bucket-list
    collection_order: rank.desc
    schedule: monthly(1)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: true
    visible_shared: true

  "๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ The Criterion Collection":
    template: { name: Collection,
                sort_title: "The Criterion Collection",
                level: "++" }
    # summary provided by Trakt
      - https://trakt.tv/users/maxwelldeux/lists/the-criterion-collection
    collection_order: critic_rating.desc
    schedule: weekly(sunday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: true
    visible_shared: true

  "๐Ÿคตโ€โ™‚๏ธ Bond. James Bond.":
    template: { name: Franchise,
                sort_title: "James Bond",
                level: "+" }
    summary: "007 forever"
    mdblist_list: https://mdblist.com/lists/hdlists/james-bond-movies
    collection_order: release
    schedule: weekly(sunday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: false
    visible_shared: false

  "๐Ÿฆธ I Love You 3000":
    template: { name: Franchise,
                sort_title: "Marvel Cinematic Universe",
                level: "+" }
    summary: "The Marvel Cinematic Universe"
      - https://trakt.tv/users/cybercelia/lists/mcu
    collection_order: release
    schedule: weekly(sunday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: false
    visible_shared: false

  "๐Ÿฆธ Tell Me, Do You Bleed?":
    template: { name: Franchise,
                sort_title: "DC Cinematic Universe",
                level: "+" }
    summary: "The DC Cinematic Universe"
      - https://trakt.tv/users/maxrax/lists/dc-cinematics
    collection_order: release
    schedule: weekly(sunday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: false
    visible_shared: false

  "๐Ÿญ Disney Channel Original Movies":
    template: { name: Franchise,
                sort_title: "Disney Channel Original Movies",
                level: "+" }
    summary: "You're watching Disney Channel"
      - https://www.imdb.com/list/ls093405279
    collection_order: release
    schedule: weekly(sunday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: false
    visible_shared: false

  "๐Ÿช To Boldly Go":
    summary: "The Star Trek collection"
    template: { name: Franchise,
                sort_title: "Star Trek",
                level: "+" }
      - https://trakt.tv/users/dgw/lists/star-trek-canon
    url_background: https://i.redd.it/vz20prnp8v551.jpg
    collection_order: release
    schedule: weekly(sunday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: false
    visible_shared: false

  "๐Ÿš€ In A Galaxy Far, Far Away":
    summary: "The Star Wars collection"
    template: { name: Franchise,
                sort_title: "Star Wars",
                level: "+" }
      - https://trakt.tv/users/sonicwarrior/lists/star-wars-canon-timeline
    url_background: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1579566346927-c68383817a25
    collection_order: custom
    schedule: weekly(sunday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: false
    visible_shared: false

  "๐Ÿ‘ฝ Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica":
    summary: "The Battlestar Galactica collection"
    template: { name: Franchise,
                sort_title: "Battlestar Galactica",
                level: "+" }
      - https://trakt.tv/users/mraniki/lists/battlestar-galactica-universe
    url_background: https://wallpapercave.com/wp/vPJGO64.jpg
    collection_order: custom
    schedule: weekly(sunday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: false
    visible_shared: false

  "๐Ÿชถ To Be Or Not To Be":
    summary: "The Shakespeare collection"
    template: { name: Franchise,
                sort_title: "Shakespeare",
                level: "+" }
      - https://trakt.tv/users/michaeldibben/lists/shakespeare-plays
    url_background: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1598391990342-311775e3d374
    collection_order: random
    schedule: weekly(sunday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: false
    visible_shared: false

  "๐Ÿฆโ€โฌ› Quoth the Raven":
    summary: "The Edgar Allan Poe collection"
    template: { name: Franchise,
                sort_title: "Edgar Allan Poe",
                level: "+" }
      - https://trakt.tv/users/majeed_pk/lists/the-best-edgar-allan-poe-adaptations
    url_background: https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp2328085.jpg
    collection_order: random
    schedule: weekly(sunday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: false
    visible_shared: false

  "๐Ÿ“– Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying":
    summary: "The Stephen King collection"
    template: { name: Franchise,
                sort_title: "Stephen King",
                level: "+",
                poster: "https://i.redd.it/sz63m6aex2g31.png" }
        writer: "Stephen King"
      sort_by: release.asc
    schedule: weekly(sunday)
    visible_library: true
    visible_home: false
    visible_shared: false