# PMM # Default Collections & Overlays This directory is the default set of Plex Meta Manager Sponsored Configs. For more information on how to use them visit the [Defaults Metadata Guide](https://metamanager.wiki/en/latest/home/guides/defaults.html). Credits to Bullmoose20 and Yozora for helping drive this entire Default Set of Configs through the concept, design and implementation. Special thanks to Magic815 for the overlay image inspiration and base template. Please consider [donating](https://github.com/sponsors/meisnate12) towards the project. ## Errors If there are collections being made that have configuration errors or missing posters please either bring it up in our Discord or raise an Issue on the [Configs Repo](https://github.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager-Configs/issues/new/choose).