templates: Chart: url_poster: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bradmartti/Plex-Meta-Manager-Configs/master/bradmartti/Posters/Charts/<<poster>>.jpg sort_title: +00<<num>><<collection_name>> Trakt: sync_mode: sync collection_order: custom collection_mode: hide visible_library: <<library>> visible_home: <<home>> visible_shared: <<shared>> summary: trakt.tv - <<summary>> radarr_add: <<a>> radarr_search: <<s>> radarr_monitor: <<m>> collections: # Recents Recently Added: template: { name: Chart, poster: Recently_Added-yellow-dark, num: 1 } smart_filter: sort_by: added.desc all: added: 7 Recently Released: template: { name: Chart, poster: Recently_Released-yellow-dark, num: 2 } smart_filter: sort_by: release.desc all: release: 30 # Trakt Trending TV Right Now: trakt_chart: chart: trending limit: 25 template: - { name: Trakt, library: true, home: true, shared: true, summary: Trending TV Shows right now., a: false, s: false, m: false } - { name: Chart, poster: Trakt_Trending-dark, num: 3 } Popular TV This Week: trakt_chart: chart: watched time_period: weekly limit: 50 template: - { name: Trakt, library: false, home: false, shared: false, summary: The most watched TV Shows for the last 7 days. Sorted by number of unique watchers., a: false, s: false, m: false } - { name: Chart, poster: Trakt_Weekly-dark, num: 4 } Popular TV This Year: trakt_chart: chart: watched time_period: yearly limit: 100 template: - { name: Trakt, library: true, home: true, shared: true, summary: The most watched TV Shows for the last year. Sorted by number of unique watchers., a: false, s: false, m: false } - { name: Chart, poster: Trakt_Yearly-dark, num: 5 }