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Marvel Cinematic Universe:
url_poster: https://imgur.com/cx4CpKo
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
sync_to_users: all
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/donxy/lists/marvel-cinematic-universe?sort=rank,asc
summary: Marvel Cinematic Universe In Chronological Order
Star Wars Canon Timeline:
url_poster: https://imgur.com/3mjh2IC
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
sync_to_users: all
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/ruben_vw_/lists/star-wars-canon-timeline?sort=rank,asc
summary: Timeline of all movies and series that are considered Canon. This includes all Saga Episodes (Ep. I-IX), Series (The Clone Wars, Rebels, Resistance, Disney+ series), Web-Series and shorts (Forces of Destiny, Galaxy of Adventures) and spin-off movies (The Clone Wars, Rogue One, Solo, etc.)
Star Trek Canon Timeline:
url_poster: https://imgur.com/JQM208r
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
sync_to_users: all
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/dgw/lists/star-trek-canon?sort=rank,asc
summary: Official Star Trek productions, including reboots, excluding fan/documentary/behind-the-scenes productions. Sorted by production order, not in-universe chronology. I think Star Trek should be viewed in production order, so it's evident how the franchise has changed over the last 50+ years.
url_poster: https://imgur.com/t0AAEh4
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
sync_to_users: all
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/donxy/lists/arrowverse?sort=rank,asc
summary: Arrow Universe Canon
Star Wars Clone Wars Chronological Order:
url_poster: https://imgur.com/zdxAlzm
sync_to_users: all
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/tomfin46/lists/star-wars-the-clone-wars-chronological-episode-order
X-Men Movies Chronological Order:
url_poster: https://imgur.com/SDliKrF
sync_to_users: all
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/donxy/lists/x-men-universe?sort=rank,asc
James Bond Movies Chronological Order:
url_poster: https://imgur.com/D32fFj3
sync_to_users: all
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/any/lists/james-bond?sort=rank,asc
Fast & Furious Movies Chronological Order:
url_poster: https://imgur.com/xD4UaZr
sync_to_users: all
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/mausk/lists/fast-furious?sort=rank,desc
Harry Potter Movies Chronological Order:
url_poster: https://imgur.com/U9hMb2s
sync_to_users: all
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/goldveia/lists/harry-potter?sort=rank,asc
Lord of the Rings Movies Chronological Order:
url_poster: https://imgur.com/kBTAKrD
sync_to_users: all
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/spite84/lists/lord-of-the-rings?sort=rank,asc
Jurassic Park Movies Chronological Order:
url_poster: https://imgur.com/OGGfRwb
sync_to_users: all
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/iamgabriel/lists/jurassic?sort=rank,asc
The Hunger Games Movies Chronological Order:
url_poster: https://imgur.com/5zGSCgb
sync_to_users: all
sync_mode: sync
libraries: Movies, TV Shows
trakt_list: https://trakt.tv/users/gapunk78/lists/hunger-games?sort=rank,asc