402 lines
13 KiB
402 lines
13 KiB
# This version of the config uses the 'Regular' version of the Planet show Posters as metadata.
# The set can be found here: https://theposterdb.com/poster/238214
- s0_pid
- s1_pid
- s2_pid
- s3_pid
- s4_pid
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/<<s_pid>>
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/<<s0_pid>>
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/<<s1_pid>>
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/<<s2_pid>>
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/<<s3_pid>>
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/<<s4_pid>>
#Only the 'Planet' documentaries
Attenborough's Planet Collection:
- https://trakt.tv/users/agent531c/lists/the-planet-collection?sort=released%2Casc
sync_mode: sync
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238196
collection_order: alpha
sort_title: ++++++++_attenboroughs_planet
# Only the 'Life' documentaries
Attenborough's Life Collection:
- https://trakt.tv/users/lorumipsomlydia/lists/attenborough-life-on-earth?sort=released%2Cdesc
sync_mode: sync
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/241456
collection_order: alpha
sort_title: ++++++++_attenboroughs_life
# All Movie/Show documentaries, including the Planet docs
David Attenborough Collection:
plex_all: true
sort_title: ++++++++_attenborough_collection
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/241457
collection_order: alpha
actor: David Attenborough
79257: #Planet Earth:
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238212, s0_pid: 238213, s1_pid: 238214}
318408: #Planet Earth II:
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: , s0_pid: , s1_pid: 238218}
413197: #Planet Earth III:
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: , s0_pid: , s1_pid: }
251418: #Frozen Planet:
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238206, s0_pid: 238207, s1_pid: 238208}
417395: #Frozen Planet II:
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238203, s0_pid: 238204, s1_pid: 238205}
359250: #The Green Planet:
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238227, s1_pid: 238228}
74372: #The Blue Planet:
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238224, s0_pid: 238225, s1_pid: 238226}
330942: #Blue Planet II:
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: , s0_pid: , s1_pid: }
359251: #Seven Worlds, One Planet:
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238222, s1_pid: 238223}
418505: #Prehistoric Planet(2022):
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238219, s0_pid: 238220, s1_pid: 238221}
355229: # Our Planet:
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238209, s0_pid: 238210, s1_pid: 238211}
359365: # A Perfect Planet:
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238200, s0_pid: 238201, s1_pid: 238202}
264241: # Adventure
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 263992}
265145: # Africa (2013)
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238115, s0_pid: 238116, s1_pid: 238117}
151521: # Are We Changing Planet Earth? (aka The Truth About Climate Change)
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238051, s0_pid: 238052, s1_pid: 238053}
79610: # Attenborough in Paradise and Other Personal Voyages
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 237994, s1_pid: 237995}
397337: # Attenborough's Life in Color
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238160, s0_pid: 238161, s1_pid: 238162}
311317: # Attenboroughs Passion Projects
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238075}
264173: # Attenborough 60 Years in the Wild
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238070, s0_pid: , s1_pid: 238071}
290034: # David Attenborough Conquest of the Skies
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238102, s0_pid: 238103, s1_pid: 238104}
349155: # David Attenboroughs Ant Mountain
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238007}
410034: # David Attenboroughs Global Adventure
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238074}
266388: # David Attenboroughs Natural Curiosities
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238081, s1_pid: 238082, s2_pid: 238083, s3_pid: 238084, s4_pid: 238085}
273424: # David Attenboroughs Rise of Animals Triumph of the Vertebrates
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238105}
333247: # Deep Ocean
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238040, s0_pid: , s1_pid: }
352054: # Dynasties (2018)
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238151, s0_pid: 238152, s1_pid: 238153}
84843: # The First Eden
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238135}
200931: # First Life With David Attenborough
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238089, s1_pid: 238090}
265373: # Galapagos with David Attenborough
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238123, s0_pid: 238124, s1_pid: 238125}
304953: # Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238127, s1_pid: 238126}
302286: # The Hunt
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238145, s1_pid: 238145}
259418: # Kingdom of Plants
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238109, s0_pid: 238108, s1_pid: 238107}
118421: # Life
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238163, s0_pid: 238164, s1_pid: 238165}
81394: # Life in Cold Blood
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238167, s0_pid: 238168, s1_pid: 238169}
74373: # Life in the Freezer
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238172, s0_pid: 238171, s1_pid: 238170}
79185: # Life in the Undergrowth
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238173, s0_pid: 238174, s1_pid: 238175}
78989: # The Life of Birds
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238181, s0_pid: 238180, s1_pid: 238179}
78994: # The Life of Mammals
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238182, s0_pid: 238183, s1_pid: 238184}
74371: # Life on Earth
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238176, s0_pid: 238177, s1_pid: 238178}
287019: # Life Story
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238157}
78864: # The Living Planet
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238185, s0_pid: 238186, s1_pid: 238187}
79616: # Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238092}
230371: # Madagascar
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238129, s0_pid: 238130, s1_pid: 238143}
410848: # The Mating Game
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238144}
270732: # Micro Monsters with David Attenborough
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238111, s0_pid: 238112, s1_pid: 238113}
251581: # The Miracle of Bali
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238079}
85083: # Natures Great Events
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238141, s0_pid: 238142, s1_pid: 238131}
264243: # The People of Paradise
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238078}
276537: # Plants Behaving Badly
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238110}
78993: # The Private Life of Plants
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238188, s0_pid: 238189, s1_pid: 238190}
258633: # Secrets of Wild India
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238133}
78943: # State of the Planet
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238059, s0_pid: 238060, s1_pid: 238061}
79947: # Trials of Life
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238191, s0_pid: 238192, s1_pid: 238193}
81652: # Tiger: Spy in the Jungle
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238030}
87911: # The Tribal Eye
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238080}
316346: # Wild City
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238134}
9511: # Zoo Quest
template: {Name: Show, s_pid: 238077}
113303: # The Amber Time Machine
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238000
528965: # Animal House
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238005
77027: # Attenborough and the Empire of Ants
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238006
379393: # Attenborough and the Giant Dinosaur
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238097
206671: # Attenbborough: 60 Years in the Wild
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238071
123669: # Attenborough and the Giant Egg
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238098
492729: # Attenborough and the Giant Elephant
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238099
921728: # Attenborough and the Mammoth Graveyard
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238100
497160: # Attenborough and the Sea Dragon
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238101
978800: # Attenborough at 90
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238072
395663: # Attenborough at 90: Behind the Lens
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238073
862386: # Attenborough's Ark
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238086
471921: # Attenborough's Big Birds
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238009
193606: # Attenborough's Journey
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238091
397619: # Attenborough's Life that Glows
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238137
335016: # Attenborough's Paradise Birds
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238630
516110: # Attenborough's Wonder of Eggs
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238017
923004: # Attenborough's Wonder of Song
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238018
113300: # A Blank on the Map
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/237996
922326: # Bowerbirds: The Art of Seduction
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/237998
828146: # Breaking Boundaries: The Science of our Planet
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238064
20784: # Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238087
67978: # Clever Monkeys
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238023
664280: # David Attenborough A Life on Our Planet
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238068
246818: # David Attenborough's Natural History Museum Alive
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238094
427183: # Desert Seas
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238120
959785: # Dinosaurs - The Final Day
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238096
675898: # Dragons and Damsels
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238114s
742637: # Extinction: The Facts
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238057
301965: # Fabulous Frogs
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238011
46060: # Flying Monsters 3D
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238095
123681: # Gorilla Revisited with David Attenborough
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/263741
175373: # Great Natural Wonders of the World
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238128
540466: # The Greatest Wildlife Show on Earth
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238140
433832: # Humming Bird: Jeweled Messangers
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238019
446520: # Legends of the Deep: Deep Sea Sharks
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238033
446518: # Legends of the Deep: Giant Squid
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238034
576006: # Life on Air: David Attenborough
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/237999
123686: # The Link: Uncovering our Earliest Ancestors
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238093
398412: # The Lost Gods of Easter Island
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238001
913385: # Mountain Lions: Big Cats in High Places
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238029
148686: # The Penguin King
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238021
823800: # Planet Earth: A Celebration
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238215
819633: # Puerto Rico: Island of Enchantment
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238132
519864: # The Queen's Green Planet
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/263997
922327: # The Song of the Earth
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238004
914587: # Superfish Billfish
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238039
70260: # Superfish Bluefin Tuna
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238036
31762: # Survival Island
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238640
578377: # Tasmania
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238119
652876: # Whale Wisdom
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238032
613842: # Wild Karnataka
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238136
811703: # The Year Earth Changed
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238062
399437: # Zoo Quest in Color
url_poster: https://theposterdb.com/api/assets/238076 |