| `Toronto People's Choice Award Winners` | `best` | Collection of Toronto International Film Festival People's Choice Award Winners. |
| `Toronto International Film Festival <<year>>`<br>**Example:** `Toronto International Film Festival 2022` | `<<year>>`<br>**Example:** `2022` | Collection of Toronto International Film Festival Award Winners for the given year. |
## Config
The below YAML in your config.yml will create the collections:
| `use_year_collections` | **Description:** Turn the individual year collections off.<br>**Values:** `false` to turn of the collections |
| `year_collection_section` | **Description:** Change the collection section for year collections only. (Use quotes to not lose leading zeros `"05"`)<br>**Values:** Any number |
| `sync_mode` | **Description:** Changes the Sync Mode for all collections in a Defaults file.<br>**Default:** `sync`<br>**Values:**<tableclass="clearTable"><tr><td>`sync`</td><td>Add and Remove Items based on Builders</td></tr><tr><td>`append`</td><td>Only Add Items based on Builders</td></tr></table> |
| `sync_mode_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Changes the Sync Mode of the [key's](#collection_section) collection.<br>**Default:** `sync_mode`<br>**Values:**<tableclass="clearTable"><tr><td>`sync`</td><td>Add and Remove Items based on Builders</td></tr><tr><td>`append`</td><td>Only Add Items based on Builders</td></tr></table> |
| `collection_order` | **Description:** Changes the Collection Order for all collections in a Defaults file.<br>**Default:** `custom`<br>**Values:**<tableclass="clearTable"><tr><td>`release`</td><td>Order Collection by Release Dates</td></tr><tr><td>`alpha`</td><td>Order Collection Alphabetically</td></tr><tr><td>`custom`</td><td>Order Collection Via the Builder Order</td></tr><tr><td>[Any `plex_search` Sort Option](../../files/builders/plex.md#sort-options)</td><td>Order Collection by any `plex_search` Sort Option</td></tr></table> |
| `collection_order_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Changes the Collection Order of the [key's](#collection_section) collection.<br>**Default:** `collection_order`<br>**Values:**<tableclass="clearTable"><tr><td>`release`</td><td>Order Collection by Release Dates</td></tr><tr><td>`alpha`</td><td>Order Collection Alphabetically</td></tr><tr><td>`custom`</td><td>Order Collection Via the Builder Order</td></tr><tr><td>[Any `plex_search` Sort Option](../../files/builders/plex.md#sort-options)</td><td>Order Collection by any `plex_search` Sort Option</td></tr></table> |
| `data` | **Description:** Replaces the `data` dynamic collection value.<br><tableclass="clearTable"><tr><th>Attribute</th><th>Description & Values</th></tr><tr><td><code>starting</code></td><td>Controls the starting year for collections<br><strong>Default:</strong> latest-5<br><strong>Values:</strong> Number greater than 0</td></tr><tr><td><code>ending</code></td><td>Controls the ending year for collections<br><strong>Default:</strong> latest<br><strong>Values:</strong> Number greater than 1</td></tr><tr><td><code>increment</code></td><td>Controls the increment (i.e. every 5th year)<br><strong>Default:</strong> 1<br><strong>Values:</strong> Number greater than 0</td><td></td></tr></table><ul><li><strong><code>starting</code> and <code>ending</code> can also have the value <code>latest</code></strong></li><li><strong>You can also use a value relative to the <code>latest</code> by doing <code>latest-5</code></strong></li></ul> |
| `exclude` | **Description:** Exclude these Years from creating a Dynamic Collection.<br>**Values:** List of Years |
| `name_format` | **Description:** Changes the title format of the Dynamic Collections.<br>**Default:** `Toronto International Film Festival <<key_name>>`<br>**Values:** Any string with `<<key_name>>` in it. |
| `summary_format` | **Description:** Changes the summary format of the Dynamic Collections.<br>**Default:** `<<key_name>> Toronto International Film Festival Award Winners.`<br>**Values:** Any string with `<<key_name>>` in it. |
1. Each default collection has a `key` [see here]() that you must replace
`<<key>>` with when using this template variable. These keys are found in the table at the top of this page. These keys are found in the table at the top of this page.