| [`tmdb_collection`](#tmdb-collection) | Finds every item in the TMDb collection | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_list`](#tmdb-list) | Finds every item in the TMDb List | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } |
| [`tmdb_actor`](#tmdb-actor) | Finds every item in the TMDb Person's Actor Credits | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_crew`](#tmdb-crew) | Finds every item in the TMDb Person's Crew Credits | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_director`](#tmdb-director) | Finds every item in the TMDb Person's Director Credits | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_producer`](#tmdb-producer) | Finds every item in the TMDb Person's Producer Credits | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_writer`](#tmdb-writer) | Finds every item in the TMDb Person's Writer Credits | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_movie`](#tmdb-movie) | Finds the movie specified | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_show`](#tmdb-show) | Finds the show specified | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_company`](#tmdb-company) | Finds every item from the TMDb company's movie/show list | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_network`](#tmdb-network) | Finds every item from the TMDb network's show list | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_keyword`](#tmdb-keyword) | Finds every item from the TMDb keyword's movie/show list | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_collection_details`](#tmdb-collection) | Finds every item in the TMDb collection and updates the collection with the summary, poster, and background from the TMDb collection | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_list_details`](#tmdb-list) | Finds every item in the TMDb List and updates the collection with the description and poster of the TMDb list | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_actor_details`](#tmdb-actor) | Finds every item in the TMDb Person's Actor Credits with the biography and profile from the TMDb person | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_crew_details`](#tmdb-crew) | Finds every item in the TMDb Person's Crew Credits with the biography and profile from the TMDb person | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_director_details`](#tmdb-director) | Finds every item in the TMDb Person's Actor Credits with the biography and profile from the TMDb person | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_producer_details`](#tmdb-producer) | Finds every item in the TMDb Person's Producer Credits with the biography and profile from the TMDb person | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_writer_details`](#tmdb-writer) | Finds every item in the TMDb Person's Writer Credits with the biography and profile from the TMDb person | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_movie_details`](#tmdb-movie) | Finds the movie specified and updates the collection with the summary, poster, and background from the TMDb movie | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
| [`tmdb_show_details`](#tmdb-show) | Finds the show specified and updates the collection with the summary, poster, and background from the TMDb show | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } |
We have noticed inconsistent responses from TMDb when using `popularity.asc` and `popularity.desc` as the sort order. This can result in movies/shows disappearing from and reapparing in collections/overlays sporadically. **We suggest users do not use the popularity sort options with `tmdb_discover`**.
| `region` | Specify a [ISO 3166-1 code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes) to filter release dates. Must be uppercase. Will use the `region` specified in the [TMDb Config](../../config/tmdb.md) by default.<br>**Type:** `^[A-Z]{2}$` |
| `sort_by` | Choose from one of the many available sort options.<br>**Type:** Any [sort options](#sort-options) below<br>**Default:** `popularity.desc` |
| `certification_country` | Used in conjunction with the certification parameter, use this to specify a country with a valid certification.<br>**Type:** String |
| `certification` | Filter results with a valid certification from the `certification_country` parameter.<br>**Type:** String |
| `certification.lte` | Filter and only include movies that have a certification that is less than or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** String |
| `certification.gte` | Filter and only include movies that have a certification that is greater than or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** String |
| `include_adult` | A filter and include or exclude adult movies.<br>**Type:** Boolean |
| `include_video` | A filter and include or exclude videos.<br>**Type:** Boolean |
| `primary_release_year` | A filter to limit the results to a specific primary release year.<br>**Type:** Year: YYYY |
| `primary_release_date.gte` | Filter and only include movies that have a primary release date that is greater or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Date: `MM/DD/YYYY` |
| `primary_release_date.lte` | Filter and only include movies that have a primary release date that is less than or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Date: `MM/DD/YYYY` |
| `release_date.gte` | Filter and only include movies that have a release date (looking at all release dates) that is greater or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Date: `MM/DD/YYYY` |
| `release_date.lte` | Filter and only include movies that have a release date (looking at all release dates) that is less than or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Date: `MM/DD/YYYY` |
| `with_release_type` | Specify a comma (AND) or pipe (OR) separated value to filter release types by.<br>**Type:** String<br>**Values:** `1`: Premiere, `2`: Theatrical (limited), `3`: Theatrical, `4`: Digital, `5`: Physical, `6`: TV |
| `year` | A filter to limit the results to a specific year (looking at all release dates).<br>**Type:** Year: `YYYY` |
| `vote_count.gte` | Filter and only include movies that have a vote count that is greater or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Integer |
| `vote_count.lte` | Filter and only include movies that have a vote count that is less than or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Integer |
| `vote_average.gte` | Filter and only include movies that have a rating that is greater or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Number |
| `vote_average.lte` | Filter and only include movies that have a rating that is less than or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Number |
| `with_cast` | A comma-separated list of person ID's. Only include movies that have one of the ID's added as an actor.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_crew` | A comma-separated list of person ID's. Only include movies that have one of the ID's added as a crew member.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_people` | A comma-separated list of person ID's. Only include movies that have one of the ID's added as either an actor or a crew member.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_companies` | A comma-separated list of production company ID's. Only include movies that have one of the ID's added as a production company.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String |
| `without_companies` | Filter the results to exclude the specific production companies you specify here. AND / OR filters are supported.<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_genres` | Comma-separated value of genre ids that you want to include in the results.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_keywords` | A comma-separated list of keyword ID's. Only includes movies that have one of the ID's added as a keyword.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String |
| `without_keywords` | Exclude items with certain keywords. You can comma and pipe separate these values to create an 'AND' or 'OR' logic.<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_runtime.gte` | Filter and only include movies that have a runtime that is greater or equal to a value.<br>**Type:** Integer |
| `with_runtime.lte` | Filter and only include movies that have a runtime that is less than or equal to a value.<br>**Type:** Integer |
| `with_watch_providers` | A comma or pipe separated list of watch provider ID's.<br>use in conjunction with watch_region, can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String |
| `without_watch_providers` | Filter the results to exclude certain watch providers.<br>**Type:** String |
| `watch_region` | An [ISO 3166-1 code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes). Combine this filter with `with_watch_providers` in order to filter your results by a specific watch provider in a specific region.<br>**Type:** String<br>**Values:** [ISO 3166-1 code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes) |
| `with_watch_monetization_types` | In combination with `watch_region`, you can filter by monetization type.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String<br>**Values:** `flatrate`, `free`, `ads`, `rent`, `buy` |
We have noticed inconsistent responses from TMDb when using `popularity.desc` as the sort order. This can result in movies disappearing from and reapparing in collections/overlays sporadically. **We suggest users do not use the popularity.desc sort options with `tmdb_discover`**.
| `limit` | Specify how many movies you want to be returned by the query.<br>**Type:** Integer<br>**Default:** 100 |
| `sort_by` | Choose from one of the many available sort options.<br>**Type:** Any [sort options](#sort-options) below<br>**Default:** `popularity.desc` |
| `air_date.gte` | Filter and only include TV shows that have an air date (by looking at all episodes) that is greater or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Date: `MM/DD/YYYY` |
| `air_date.lte` | Filter and only include TV shows that have an air date (by looking at all episodes) that is less than or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Date: `MM/DD/YYYY` |
| `first_air_date.gte` | Filter and only include TV shows that have a original air date that is greater or equal to the specified value. Can be used in conjunction with the `include_null_first_air_dates` filter if you want to include items with no air date.<br>**Type:** Date: `MM/DD/YYYY` |
| `first_air_date.lte` | Filter and only include TV shows that have a original air date that is less than or equal to the specified value. Can be used in conjunction with the `include_null_first_air_dates` filter if you want to include items with no air date.<br>**Type:** Date: `MM/DD/YYYY` |
| `first_air_date_year` | Filter and only include TV shows that have an original air date year that equal to the specified value. Can be used in conjunction with the `include_null_first_air_dates` filter if you want to include items with no air date.<br>**Type:** Year: `YYYY` |
| `include_null_first_air_dates` | Use this filter to include TV shows that don't have an air date while using any of the `first_air_date` filters.<br>**Type:** Boolean |
| `timezone` | Used in conjunction with the `air_date.gte/lte` filter to calculate the proper UTC offset.<br>**Type:** String<br>**Default:** `America/New_York` |
| `vote_count.gte` | Filter and only include TV that have a vote count that is greater or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Integer |
| `vote_count.lte` | Filter and only include TV that have a vote count that is less than or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Integer |
| `vote_average.gte` | Filter and only include TV that have a rating that is greater or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Number |
| `vote_average.lte` | Filter and only include TV that have a rating that is less than or equal to the specified value.<br>**Type:** Number |
| `with_networks` | Comma-separated value of network ids that you want to include in the results.<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_companies` | A comma-separated list of production company ID's. Only include movies that have one of the ID's added as a production company.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String |
| `without_companies` | Filter the results to exclude the specific production companies you specify here. AND / OR filters are supported.<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_genres` | Comma-separated value of genre ids that you want to include in the results.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_keywords` | A comma-separated list of keyword ID's. Only includes TV shows that have one of the ID's added as a keyword.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String |
| `without_keywords` | Exclude items with certain keywords. You can comma and pipe separate these values to create an 'AND' or 'OR' logic.<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_runtime.gte` | Filter and only include TV shows with an episode runtime that is greater than or equal to a value.<br>**Type:** Integer |
| `with_runtime.lte` | Filter and only include TV shows with an episode runtime that is less than or equal to a value.<br>**Type:** Integer |
| `with_original_language` | Specify an ISO 639-1 string to filter results by their original language value.<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_watch_providers` | A comma or pipe separated list of watch provider ID's.<br>use in conjunction with watch_region, can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String |
| `without_watch_providers` | Filter the results to exclude certain watch providers.<br>**Type:** String |
| `watch_region` | An [ISO 3166-1 code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes). Combine this filter with `with_watch_providers` in order to filter your results by a specific watch provider in a specific region.<br>**Type:** String |
| `with_watch_monetization_types` | In combination with `watch_region`, you can filter by monetization type.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String<br>**Values:** `flatrate`, `free`, `ads`, `rent`, `buy` |
| `with_status` | Filter TV shows by their status.<br>**Type:** String<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Values:** `0`: Returning Series, `1`: Planned, `2`: In Production, `3`: Ended, `4`: Cancelled, `5`: Pilot |
| `with_type` | Filter TV shows by their type.<br>Can be a comma (`,`) for an AND, or a pipe (`|`) for an OR separated query<br>**Type:** String<br>**Values:** `0`: Documentary, `1`: News, `2`: Miniseries, `3`: Reality, `4`: Scripted, `5`: Show, `6`: Video |
We have noticed inconsistent responses from TMDb when using `popularity.desc` as the sort order. This can result in shows disappearing from and reapparing in collections/overlays sporadically.
**Due to the nature of this bug, we suggest you do not use the `popularity.desc` sort options with `tmdb_discover` unless you also set a `limit` of 20 or less**. If you do not set a limit, the data that TMDb returns may be inconsistent.**