| `<<Collection Name>>`<br>**Example:** `Iron Man` | `<<TMDb Collection ID>>`<br>**Example:** `131292` | Collection of Movies found in this Collection on TMDb. |
| `summary_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Changes the summary of the [key's](#collection_section) collection.<br>**Values:** New Collection Summary |
| `collection_section` | **Description:** Adds a sort title with this collection sections.<br>**Values:** Any number |
| `order_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Controls the sort order of the collections in their collection section.<br>**Values:** Any number |
| `collection_mode` | **Description:** Controls the collection mode of all collections in this file.<br>**Values:**<tableclass="clearTable"><tr><td>`default`</td><td>Library default</td></tr><tr><td>`hide`</td><td>Hide Collection</td></tr><tr><td>`hide_items`</td><td>Hide Items in this Collection</td></tr><tr><td>`show_items`</td><td>Show this Collection and its Items</td></tr></table> |
| `minimum_items` | **Description:** Controls the minimum items that the collection must have to be created.<br>**Default:** `2`<br>**Values:** Any number |
| `movie_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Adds the TMDb Movie IDs given to the [key's](#collection_section) collection. Overrides the [default movie](#default-values) for that collection if used.<br>**Values:** List of TMDb Movie IDs |
| `name_mapping_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Sets the name mapping value for using assets of the [key's](#collection_section) collection.Overrides the [default name_mapping](#default-values) for that collection if used.<br>**Values:** Any String |
| `sort_title` | **Description:** Sets the sort title for all collections. Use `<<collection_name>>` to use the collection name. **Example:**`"!02_<<collection_name>>"`<br>**Values:** Any String with `<<collection_name>>` |
| `sort_title_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Sets the sort title of the [key's](#collection_section) collection.<br>**Default:** `sort_title`<br>**Values:** Any String |
| `build_collection` | **Description:** Controls if you want the collection to actually be built. i.e. you may just want these movies sent to Radarr.<br>**Values:** `false` to not build the collection |
| `sync_mode` | **Description:** Changes the Sync Mode for all collections in a Defaults file.<br>**Default:** `sync`<br>**Values:**<tableclass="clearTable"><tr><td>`sync`</td><td>Add and Remove Items based on Builders</td></tr><tr><td>`append`</td><td>Only Add Items based on Builders</td></tr></table> |
| `sync_mode_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Changes the Sync Mode of the [key's](#collection_section) collection.<br>**Default:** `sync_mode`<br>**Values:**<tableclass="clearTable"><tr><td>`sync`</td><td>Add and Remove Items based on Builders</td></tr><tr><td>`append`</td><td>Only Add Items based on Builders</td></tr></table> |
| `collection_order` | **Description:** Changes the Collection Order for all collections in this file.<br>**Values:**<tableclass="clearTable"><tr><td>`release`</td><td>Order Collection by Release Dates</td></tr><tr><td>`alpha`</td><td>Order Collection Alphabetically</td></tr><tr><td>`custom`</td><td>Order Collection Via the Builder Order</td></tr><tr><td>[Any `plex_search` Sort Option](../../files/builders/plex.md#sort-options)</td><td>Order Collection by any `plex_search` Sort Option</td></tr></table> |
| `collection_order_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Changes the Collection Order of the [key's](#collection_section) collection.<br>**Default:** `collection_order`<br>**Values:**<tableclass="clearTable"><tr><td>`release`</td><td>Order Collection by Release Dates</td></tr><tr><td>`alpha`</td><td>Order Collection Alphabetically</td></tr><tr><td>`custom`</td><td>Order Collection Via the Builder Order</td></tr><tr><td>[Any `plex_search` Sort Option](../../files/builders/plex.md#sort-options)</td><td>Order Collection by any `plex_search` Sort Option</td></tr></table> |
| `title_override` | **Description:** Overrides the [default title_override dictionary](#default-values).<br>**Values:** Dictionary with `key: new_title` entries |
| `addons` | **Description:** Overrides the [default addons dictionary](#default-values). Defines how multiple keys can be combined under a parent key. The parent key doesn't have to already exist in Plex<br>**Values:** Dictionary List of TMDb Collection IDs |
| `append_addons` | **Description:** Appends to the [default addons dictionary](#default-values).<br>**Values:** Dictionary List of TMDb Collection IDs |
| `remove_addons` | **Description:** Removes from the [default addons dictionary](#default-values).<br>**Values:** Dictionary List of TMDb Collection IDs |
| `radarr_add_missing` | **Description:** Override Radarr `add_missing` attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.<br>**Values:** `true` or `false` |
| `radarr_tag` | **Description:** Override Radarr `tag` attribute for all collections in a Defaults file.<br>**Values:** List or comma-separated string of tags |
| `radarr_tag_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Override Radarr `tag` attribute of the [key's](#collection_section) collection.<br>**Default:** `radarr_tag`<br>**Values:** List or comma-separated string of tags |
| `item_radarr_tag` | **Description:** Used to append a tag in Radarr for every movie found by the builders that's in Radarr for all collections in a Defaults file.<br>**Values:** List or comma-separated string of tags |
| `item_radarr_tag_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Used to append a tag in Radarr for every movie found by the builders that's in Radarr of the [key's](#collection_section) collection.<br>**Default:** `item_radarr_tag`<br>**Values:** List or comma-separated string of tags |