| `Studio Collections` | `separator` | [Separator Collection](../separators) to denote the Section of Collections. |
| `<<Studio>>`<br>**Example:** `Blumhouse Productions` | `<<Studio>>`<br>**Example:** `Blumhouse Productions` | Collection of Movies/Shows that have this Studio. |
Template Variables can be used to manipulate the file in various ways to slightly change how it works without having to make your own local copy.
Note that the `templates_variables:` section only needs to be used if you do want to actually change how the defaults work. Any value not specified is its default value if it has one if not it's just ignored.
| `limit_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Changes the Builder Limit of the specified key's collection.<br>**Default:** `limit`<br>**Values:** Number Greater then 0 |
| `sort_by` | **Description:** Changes the Smart Filter Sort for all collections in a Defaults file.<br>**Default:** `release.desc`<br>**Values:** [Any `smart_filter` Sort Option](../../metadata/builders/smart.md#sort-options) |
| `include` | **Description:** Overrides the [default include list](#default-include).<br>**Values:** List of Studios found in your library |
| `exclude` | **Description:** Exclude these Studios from creating a Dynamic Collection.<br>**Values:** List of Studios found in your library |
| `addons` | **Description:** Overrides the [default addons dictionary](#default-addons). Defines how multiple keys can be combined under a parent key. The parent key doesn't have to already exist in Plex<br>**Values:** Dictionary List of Studios found in your library |
| `append_include` | **Description:** Appends to the [default include list](#default-include).<br>**Values:** List of Studios found in your library |
| `append_addons` | **Description:** Appends to the [default addons dictionary](#default-addons).<br>**Values:** Dictionary List of Studios found in your library |
| `resolution_name` | **Description:** Changes the title format of the Dynamic Collections.<br>**Default:** `<<key_name>> <<library_translationU>>s`<br>**Values:** Any string with `<<key_name>>` in it. |
| `resolution_summary` | **Description:** Changes the summary format of the Dynamic Collections.<br>**Default:** `<<library_translationU>>s that have the resolution <<key_name>>.`<br>**Values:** Any string. |