import logging , os , re , requests , time
from modules import util
from modules . anidb import AniDBAPI
from modules . anilist import AniListAPI
from modules . builder import CollectionBuilder
from modules . cache import Cache
from modules . imdb import IMDbAPI
from modules . letterboxd import LetterboxdAPI
from modules . mal import MyAnimeListAPI
from modules . mal import MyAnimeListIDList
from modules . omdb import OMDbAPI
from modules . plex import PlexAPI
from modules . radarr import RadarrAPI
from modules . sonarr import SonarrAPI
from modules . tautulli import TautulliAPI
from modules . tmdb import TMDbAPI
from modules . trakttv import TraktAPI
from modules . tvdb import TVDbAPI
from modules . util import Failed
from plexapi . exceptions import BadRequest
from plexapi . media import Guid
from ruamel import yaml
logger = logging . getLogger ( " Plex Meta Manager " )
class Config :
def __init__ ( self , default_dir , config_path = None ) :
logger . info ( " Locating config... " )
if config_path and os . path . exists ( config_path ) : self . config_path = os . path . abspath ( config_path )
elif config_path and not os . path . exists ( config_path ) : raise Failed ( f " Config Error: config not found at { os . path . abspath ( config_path ) } " )
elif os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( default_dir , " config.yml " ) ) : self . config_path = os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( default_dir , " config.yml " ) )
else : raise Failed ( f " Config Error: config not found at { os . path . abspath ( default_dir ) } " )
logger . info ( f " Using { self . config_path } as config " )
yaml . YAML ( ) . allow_duplicate_keys = True
try :
new_config , ind , bsi = yaml . util . load_yaml_guess_indent ( open ( self . config_path ) )
def replace_attr ( all_data , attr , par ) :
if " settings " not in all_data :
all_data [ " settings " ] = { }
if par in all_data and all_data [ par ] and attr in all_data [ par ] and attr not in all_data [ " settings " ] :
all_data [ " settings " ] [ attr ] = all_data [ par ] [ attr ]
del all_data [ par ] [ attr ]
if " libraries " not in new_config :
new_config [ " libraries " ] = { }
if " settings " not in new_config :
new_config [ " settings " ] = { }
if " tmdb " not in new_config :
new_config [ " tmdb " ] = { }
replace_attr ( new_config , " cache " , " cache " )
replace_attr ( new_config , " cache_expiration " , " cache " )
if " config " in new_config :
del new_config [ " cache " ]
replace_attr ( new_config , " asset_directory " , " plex " )
replace_attr ( new_config , " sync_mode " , " plex " )
replace_attr ( new_config , " show_unmanaged " , " plex " )
replace_attr ( new_config , " show_filtered " , " plex " )
replace_attr ( new_config , " show_missing " , " plex " )
replace_attr ( new_config , " save_missing " , " plex " )
if new_config [ " libraries " ] :
for library in new_config [ " libraries " ] :
if " plex " in new_config [ " libraries " ] [ library ] :
replace_attr ( new_config [ " libraries " ] [ library ] , " asset_directory " , " plex " )
replace_attr ( new_config [ " libraries " ] [ library ] , " sync_mode " , " plex " )
replace_attr ( new_config [ " libraries " ] [ library ] , " show_unmanaged " , " plex " )
replace_attr ( new_config [ " libraries " ] [ library ] , " show_filtered " , " plex " )
replace_attr ( new_config [ " libraries " ] [ library ] , " show_missing " , " plex " )
replace_attr ( new_config [ " libraries " ] [ library ] , " save_missing " , " plex " )
if " libraries " in new_config : new_config [ " libraries " ] = new_config . pop ( " libraries " )
if " settings " in new_config : new_config [ " settings " ] = new_config . pop ( " settings " )
if " plex " in new_config : new_config [ " plex " ] = new_config . pop ( " plex " )
if " tmdb " in new_config : new_config [ " tmdb " ] = new_config . pop ( " tmdb " )
if " tautulli " in new_config : new_config [ " tautulli " ] = new_config . pop ( " tautulli " )
if " radarr " in new_config : new_config [ " radarr " ] = new_config . pop ( " radarr " )
if " sonarr " in new_config : new_config [ " sonarr " ] = new_config . pop ( " sonarr " )
if " omdb " in new_config : new_config [ " omdb " ] = new_config . pop ( " omdb " )
if " trakt " in new_config : new_config [ " trakt " ] = new_config . pop ( " trakt " )
if " mal " in new_config : new_config [ " mal " ] = new_config . pop ( " mal " )
yaml . round_trip_dump ( new_config , open ( self . config_path , " w " ) , indent = ind , block_seq_indent = bsi )
self . data = new_config
except yaml . scanner . ScannerError as e :
raise Failed ( f " YAML Error: { util . tab_new_lines ( e ) } " )
def check_for_attribute ( data , attribute , parent = None , test_list = None , options = " " , default = None , do_print = True , default_is_none = False , req_default = False , var_type = " str " , throw = False , save = True ) :
endline = " "
if parent is not None :
if parent in data :
data = data [ parent ]
else :
data = None
do_print = False
save = False
text = f " { attribute } attribute " if parent is None else f " { parent } sub-attribute { attribute } "
if data is None or attribute not in data :
message = f " { text } not found "
if parent and save is True :
loaded_config , ind_in , bsi_in = yaml . util . load_yaml_guess_indent ( open ( self . config_path ) )
endline = f " \n { parent } sub-attribute { attribute } added to config "
if parent not in loaded_config or not loaded_config [ parent ] : loaded_config [ parent ] = { attribute : default }
elif attribute not in loaded_config [ parent ] : loaded_config [ parent ] [ attribute ] = default
else : endline = " "
yaml . round_trip_dump ( loaded_config , open ( self . config_path , " w " ) , indent = ind_in , block_seq_indent = bsi_in )
elif not data [ attribute ] and data [ attribute ] is not False :
if default_is_none is True : return None
else : message = f " { text } is blank "
elif var_type == " bool " :
if isinstance ( data [ attribute ] , bool ) : return data [ attribute ]
else : message = f " { text } must be either true or false "
elif var_type == " int " :
if isinstance ( data [ attribute ] , int ) and data [ attribute ] > 0 : return data [ attribute ]
else : message = f " { text } must an integer > 0 "
elif var_type == " path " :
if os . path . exists ( os . path . abspath ( data [ attribute ] ) ) : return data [ attribute ]
else : message = f " Path { os . path . abspath ( data [ attribute ] ) } does not exist "
elif var_type == " list " : return util . get_list ( data [ attribute ] )
elif var_type == " list_path " :
temp_list = [ path for path in util . get_list ( data [ attribute ] , split = True ) if os . path . exists ( os . path . abspath ( path ) ) ]
if len ( temp_list ) > 0 : return temp_list
else : message = " No Paths exist "
elif var_type == " lower_list " : return util . get_list ( data [ attribute ] , lower = True )
elif test_list is None or data [ attribute ] in test_list : return data [ attribute ]
else : message = f " { text } : { data [ attribute ] } is an invalid input "
if var_type == " path " and default and os . path . exists ( os . path . abspath ( default ) ) :
return default
elif var_type == " path " and default :
default = None
if attribute in data and data [ attribute ] :
message = f " neither { data [ attribute ] } or the default path { default } could be found "
else :
message = f " no { text } found and the default path { default } could be found "
if default is not None or default_is_none :
message = message + f " using { default } as default "
message = message + endline
if req_default and default is None :
raise Failed ( f " Config Error: { attribute } attribute must be set under { parent } globally or under this specific Library " )
if ( default is None and not default_is_none ) or throw :
if len ( options ) > 0 :
message = message + " \n " + options
raise Failed ( f " Config Error: { message } " )
if do_print :
util . print_multiline ( f " Config Warning: { message } " )
if attribute in data and data [ attribute ] and test_list is not None and data [ attribute ] not in test_list :
util . print_multiline ( options )
return default
self . general = { }
self . general [ " cache " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " cache " , parent = " settings " , options = " true (Create a cache to store ids) \n false (Do not create a cache to store ids) " , var_type = " bool " , default = True )
self . general [ " cache_expiration " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " cache_expiration " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " int " , default = 60 )
if self . general [ " cache " ] :
util . separator ( )
self . Cache = Cache ( self . config_path , self . general [ " cache_expiration " ] )
else :
self . Cache = None
self . general [ " asset_directory " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " asset_directory " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " list_path " , default = [ os . path . join ( default_dir , " assets " ) ] )
self . general [ " sync_mode " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " sync_mode " , parent = " settings " , default = " append " , test_list = [ " append " , " sync " ] , options = " append (Only Add Items to the Collection) \n sync (Add & Remove Items from the Collection) " )
self . general [ " run_again_delay " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " run_again_delay " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " int " , default = 0 )
self . general [ " show_unmanaged " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " show_unmanaged " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " bool " , default = True )
self . general [ " show_filtered " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " show_filtered " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " bool " , default = False )
self . general [ " show_missing " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " show_missing " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " bool " , default = True )
self . general [ " save_missing " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " save_missing " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " bool " , default = True )
util . separator ( )
self . TMDb = None
if " tmdb " in self . data :
logger . info ( " Connecting to TMDb... " )
self . tmdb = { }
try : self . tmdb [ " apikey " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " apikey " , parent = " tmdb " , throw = True )
except Failed as e : raise Failed ( e )
self . tmdb [ " language " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " language " , parent = " tmdb " , default = " en " )
self . TMDb = TMDbAPI ( self . tmdb )
logger . info ( f " TMDb Connection { ' Failed ' if self . TMDb is None else ' Successful ' } " )
else :
raise Failed ( " Config Error: tmdb attribute not found " )
util . separator ( )
self . OMDb = None
if " omdb " in self . data :
logger . info ( " Connecting to OMDb... " )
self . omdb = { }
try :
self . omdb [ " apikey " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " apikey " , parent = " omdb " , throw = True )
self . OMDb = OMDbAPI ( self . omdb , Cache = self . Cache )
except Failed as e :
logger . error ( e )
logger . info ( f " OMDb Connection { ' Failed ' if self . OMDb is None else ' Successful ' } " )
else :
logger . warning ( " omdb attribute not found " )
util . separator ( )
self . Trakt = None
if " trakt " in self . data :
logger . info ( " Connecting to Trakt... " )
self . trakt = { }
try :
self . trakt [ " client_id " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " client_id " , parent = " trakt " , throw = True )
self . trakt [ " client_secret " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " client_secret " , parent = " trakt " , throw = True )
self . trakt [ " config_path " ] = self . config_path
authorization = self . data [ " trakt " ] [ " authorization " ] if " authorization " in self . data [ " trakt " ] and self . data [ " trakt " ] [ " authorization " ] else None
self . Trakt = TraktAPI ( self . trakt , authorization )
except Failed as e :
logger . error ( e )
logger . info ( f " Trakt Connection { ' Failed ' if self . Trakt is None else ' Successful ' } " )
else :
logger . warning ( " trakt attribute not found " )
util . separator ( )
self . MyAnimeList = None
self . MyAnimeListIDList = MyAnimeListIDList ( )
if " mal " in self . data :
logger . info ( " Connecting to My Anime List... " )
self . mal = { }
try :
self . mal [ " client_id " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " client_id " , parent = " mal " , throw = True )
self . mal [ " client_secret " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " client_secret " , parent = " mal " , throw = True )
self . mal [ " config_path " ] = self . config_path
authorization = self . data [ " mal " ] [ " authorization " ] if " authorization " in self . data [ " mal " ] and self . data [ " mal " ] [ " authorization " ] else None
self . MyAnimeList = MyAnimeListAPI ( self . mal , self . MyAnimeListIDList , authorization )
except Failed as e :
logger . error ( e )
logger . info ( f " My Anime List Connection { ' Failed ' if self . MyAnimeList is None else ' Successful ' } " )
else :
logger . warning ( " mal attribute not found " )
self . TVDb = TVDbAPI ( self )
self . IMDb = IMDbAPI ( self )
self . AniDB = AniDBAPI ( self )
self . AniList = AniListAPI ( self )
self . Letterboxd = LetterboxdAPI ( )
util . separator ( )
logger . info ( " Connecting to Plex Libraries... " )
self . general [ " plex " ] = { }
self . general [ " plex " ] [ " url " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " url " , parent = " plex " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " plex " ] [ " token " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " token " , parent = " plex " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " plex " ] [ " timeout " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " timeout " , parent = " plex " , var_type = " int " , default = 60 )
self . general [ " radarr " ] = { }
self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " url " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " url " , parent = " radarr " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " version " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " version " , parent = " radarr " , test_list = [ " v2 " , " v3 " ] , options = " v2 (For Radarr 0.2) \n v3 (For Radarr 3.0) " , default = " v2 " )
self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " token " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " token " , parent = " radarr " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " quality_profile " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " quality_profile " , parent = " radarr " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " root_folder_path " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " root_folder_path " , parent = " radarr " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " add " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " add " , parent = " radarr " , var_type = " bool " , default = False )
self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " search " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " search " , parent = " radarr " , var_type = " bool " , default = False )
self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " tag " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " tag " , parent = " radarr " , var_type = " lower_list " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " sonarr " ] = { }
self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " url " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " url " , parent = " sonarr " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " token " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " token " , parent = " sonarr " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " version " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " version " , parent = " sonarr " , test_list = [ " v2 " , " v3 " ] , options = " v2 (For Sonarr 0.2) \n v3 (For Sonarr 3.0) " , default = " v2 " )
self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " quality_profile " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " quality_profile " , parent = " sonarr " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " root_folder_path " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " root_folder_path " , parent = " sonarr " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " add " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " add " , parent = " sonarr " , var_type = " bool " , default = False )
self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " search " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " search " , parent = " sonarr " , var_type = " bool " , default = False )
self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " season_folder " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " season_folder " , parent = " sonarr " , var_type = " bool " , default = True )
self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " tag " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " tag " , parent = " sonarr " , var_type = " lower_list " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " tautulli " ] = { }
self . general [ " tautulli " ] [ " url " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " url " , parent = " tautulli " , default_is_none = True )
self . general [ " tautulli " ] [ " apikey " ] = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " apikey " , parent = " tautulli " , default_is_none = True )
self . libraries = [ ]
try : libs = check_for_attribute ( self . data , " libraries " , throw = True )
except Failed as e : raise Failed ( e )
for lib in libs :
util . separator ( )
params = { }
if " library_name " in libs [ lib ] and libs [ lib ] [ " library_name " ] :
params [ " name " ] = str ( libs [ lib ] [ " library_name " ] )
logger . info ( f " Connecting to { params [ ' name ' ] } ( { lib } ) Library... " )
else :
params [ " name " ] = str ( lib )
logger . info ( f " Connecting to { params [ ' name ' ] } Library... " )
params [ " asset_directory " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " asset_directory " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " list_path " , default = self . general [ " asset_directory " ] , default_is_none = True , save = False )
if params [ " asset_directory " ] is None :
logger . warning ( " Config Warning: Assets will not be used asset_directory attribute must be set under config or under this specific Library " )
if " settings " in libs [ lib ] and libs [ lib ] [ " settings " ] and " sync_mode " in libs [ lib ] [ " settings " ] :
params [ " sync_mode " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " sync_mode " , parent = " settings " , test_list = [ " append " , " sync " ] , options = " append (Only Add Items to the Collection) \n sync (Add & Remove Items from the Collection) " , default = self . general [ " sync_mode " ] , do_print = False , save = False )
else :
params [ " sync_mode " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " sync_mode " , test_list = [ " append " , " sync " ] , options = " append (Only Add Items to the Collection) \n sync (Add & Remove Items from the Collection) " , default = self . general [ " sync_mode " ] , do_print = False , save = False )
if " settings " in libs [ lib ] and libs [ lib ] [ " settings " ] and " show_unmanaged " in libs [ lib ] [ " settings " ] :
params [ " show_unmanaged " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " show_unmanaged " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " show_unmanaged " ] , do_print = False , save = False )
else :
params [ " show_unmanaged " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " show_unmanaged " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " show_unmanaged " ] , do_print = False , save = False )
if " settings " in libs [ lib ] and libs [ lib ] [ " settings " ] and " show_filtered " in libs [ lib ] [ " settings " ] :
params [ " show_filtered " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " show_filtered " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " show_filtered " ] , do_print = False , save = False )
else :
params [ " show_filtered " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " show_filtered " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " show_filtered " ] , do_print = False , save = False )
if " settings " in libs [ lib ] and libs [ lib ] [ " settings " ] and " show_missing " in libs [ lib ] [ " settings " ] :
params [ " show_missing " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " show_missing " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " show_missing " ] , do_print = False , save = False )
else :
params [ " show_missing " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " show_missing " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " show_missing " ] , do_print = False , save = False )
if " settings " in libs [ lib ] and libs [ lib ] [ " settings " ] and " save_missing " in libs [ lib ] [ " settings " ] :
params [ " save_missing " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " save_missing " , parent = " settings " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " save_missing " ] , do_print = False , save = False )
else :
params [ " save_missing " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " save_missing " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " save_missing " ] , do_print = False , save = False )
if " mass_genre_update " in libs [ lib ] and libs [ lib ] [ " mass_genre_update " ] :
params [ " mass_genre_update " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " mass_genre_update " , test_list = [ " tmdb " , " omdb " ] , options = " tmdb (Use TMDb Metadata) \n omdb (Use IMDb Metadata through OMDb) " , default_is_none = True , save = False )
else :
params [ " mass_genre_update " ] = None
if params [ " mass_genre_update " ] == " omdb " and self . OMDb is None :
params [ " mass_genre_update " ] = None
logger . error ( " Config Error: mass_genre_update cannot be omdb without a successful OMDb Connection " )
try :
params [ " metadata_path " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " metadata_path " , var_type = " path " , default = os . path . join ( default_dir , f " { lib } .yml " ) , throw = True )
params [ " library_type " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " library_type " , test_list = [ " movie " , " show " ] , options = " movie (For Movie Libraries) \n show (For Show Libraries) " , throw = True )
params [ " plex " ] = { }
params [ " plex " ] [ " url " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " url " , parent = " plex " , default = self . general [ " plex " ] [ " url " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
params [ " plex " ] [ " token " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " token " , parent = " plex " , default = self . general [ " plex " ] [ " token " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
params [ " plex " ] [ " timeout " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " timeout " , parent = " plex " , var_type = " int " , default = self . general [ " plex " ] [ " timeout " ] , save = False )
library = PlexAPI ( params , self . TMDb , self . TVDb )
logger . info ( f " { params [ ' name ' ] } Library Connection Successful " )
except Failed as e :
logger . error ( e )
logger . info ( f " { params [ ' name ' ] } Library Connection Failed " )
if self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " url " ] or " radarr " in libs [ lib ] :
logger . info ( f " Connecting to { params [ ' name ' ] } library ' s Radarr... " )
radarr_params = { }
try :
radarr_params [ " url " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " url " , parent = " radarr " , default = self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " url " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
radarr_params [ " token " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " token " , parent = " radarr " , default = self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " token " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
radarr_params [ " version " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " version " , parent = " radarr " , test_list = [ " v2 " , " v3 " ] , options = " v2 (For Radarr 0.2) \n v3 (For Radarr 3.0) " , default = self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " version " ] , save = False )
radarr_params [ " quality_profile " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " quality_profile " , parent = " radarr " , default = self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " quality_profile " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
radarr_params [ " root_folder_path " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " root_folder_path " , parent = " radarr " , default = self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " root_folder_path " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
radarr_params [ " add " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " add " , parent = " radarr " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " add " ] , save = False )
radarr_params [ " search " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " search " , parent = " radarr " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " search " ] , save = False )
radarr_params [ " tag " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " search " , parent = " radarr " , var_type = " lower_list " , default = self . general [ " radarr " ] [ " tag " ] , default_is_none = True , save = False )
library . Radarr = RadarrAPI ( self . TMDb , radarr_params )
except Failed as e :
util . print_multiline ( e )
logger . info ( f " { params [ ' name ' ] } library ' s Radarr Connection { ' Failed ' if library . Radarr is None else ' Successful ' } " )
if self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " url " ] or " sonarr " in libs [ lib ] :
logger . info ( f " Connecting to { params [ ' name ' ] } library ' s Sonarr... " )
sonarr_params = { }
try :
sonarr_params [ " url " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " url " , parent = " sonarr " , default = self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " url " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
sonarr_params [ " token " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " token " , parent = " sonarr " , default = self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " token " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
sonarr_params [ " version " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " version " , parent = " sonarr " , test_list = [ " v2 " , " v3 " ] , options = " v2 (For Sonarr 0.2) \n v3 (For Sonarr 3.0) " , default = self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " version " ] , save = False )
sonarr_params [ " quality_profile " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " quality_profile " , parent = " sonarr " , default = self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " quality_profile " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
sonarr_params [ " root_folder_path " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " root_folder_path " , parent = " sonarr " , default = self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " root_folder_path " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
sonarr_params [ " add " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " add " , parent = " sonarr " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " add " ] , save = False )
sonarr_params [ " search " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " search " , parent = " sonarr " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " search " ] , save = False )
sonarr_params [ " season_folder " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " season_folder " , parent = " sonarr " , var_type = " bool " , default = self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " season_folder " ] , save = False )
sonarr_params [ " tag " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " search " , parent = " sonarr " , var_type = " lower_list " , default = self . general [ " sonarr " ] [ " tag " ] , default_is_none = True , save = False )
library . Sonarr = SonarrAPI ( self . TVDb , sonarr_params , library . Plex . language )
except Failed as e :
util . print_multiline ( e )
logger . info ( f " { params [ ' name ' ] } library ' s Sonarr Connection { ' Failed ' if library . Sonarr is None else ' Successful ' } " )
if self . general [ " tautulli " ] [ " url " ] or " tautulli " in libs [ lib ] :
logger . info ( f " Connecting to { params [ ' name ' ] } library ' s Tautulli... " )
tautulli_params = { }
try :
tautulli_params [ " url " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " url " , parent = " tautulli " , default = self . general [ " tautulli " ] [ " url " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
tautulli_params [ " apikey " ] = check_for_attribute ( libs [ lib ] , " apikey " , parent = " tautulli " , default = self . general [ " tautulli " ] [ " apikey " ] , req_default = True , save = False )
library . Tautulli = TautulliAPI ( tautulli_params )
except Failed as e :
util . print_multiline ( e )
logger . info ( f " { params [ ' name ' ] } library ' s Tautulli Connection { ' Failed ' if library . Tautulli is None else ' Successful ' } " )
self . libraries . append ( library )
util . separator ( )
if len ( self . libraries ) > 0 :
logger . info ( f " { len ( self . libraries ) } Plex Library Connection { ' s ' if len ( self . libraries ) > 1 else ' ' } Successful " )
else :
raise Failed ( " Plex Error: No Plex libraries were found " )
util . separator ( )
def update_libraries ( self , test , requested_collections ) :
for library in self . libraries :
os . environ [ " PLEXAPI_PLEXAPI_TIMEOUT " ] = str ( library . timeout )
logger . info ( " " )
util . separator ( f " { library . name } Library " )
logger . info ( " " )
util . separator ( f " Mapping { library . name } Library " )
logger . info ( " " )
movie_map , show_map = self . map_guids ( library )
if not test :
if library . mass_genre_update :
self . mass_metadata ( library , movie_map , show_map )
try : library . update_metadata ( self . TMDb , test )
except Failed as e : logger . error ( e )
logger . info ( " " )
util . separator ( f " { library . name } Library { ' Test ' if test else ' ' } Collections " )
collections = { c : library . collections [ c ] for c in util . get_list ( requested_collections ) if c in library . collections } if requested_collections else library . collections
if collections :
for c in collections :
if test and ( " test " not in collections [ c ] or collections [ c ] [ " test " ] is not True ) :
no_template_test = True
if " template " in collections [ c ] and collections [ c ] [ " template " ] :
for data_template in util . get_list ( collections [ c ] [ " template " ] , split = False ) :
if " name " in data_template \
and data_template [ " name " ] \
and library . templates \
and data_template [ " name " ] in library . templates \
and library . templates [ data_template [ " name " ] ] \
and " test " in library . templates [ data_template [ " name " ] ] \
and library . templates [ data_template [ " name " ] ] [ " test " ] is True :
no_template_test = False
if no_template_test :
try :
logger . info ( " " )
util . separator ( f " { c } Collection " )
logger . info ( " " )
rating_key_map = { }
try :
builder = CollectionBuilder ( self , library , c , collections [ c ] )
except Failed as ef :
util . print_multiline ( ef , error = True )
except Exception as ee :
util . print_stacktrace ( )
logger . error ( ee )
try :
collection_obj = library . get_collection ( c )
collection_name = collection_obj . title
except Failed :
collection_obj = None
collection_name = c
if len ( builder . schedule ) > 0 :
util . print_multiline ( builder . schedule , info = True )
logger . info ( " " )
if builder . sync :
logger . info ( " Sync Mode: sync " )
if collection_obj :
for item in collection_obj . items ( ) :
rating_key_map [ item . ratingKey ] = item
else :
logger . info ( " Sync Mode: append " )
for i , f in enumerate ( builder . filters ) :
if i == 0 :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( f " Collection Filter { f [ 0 ] } : { f [ 1 ] } " )
builder . run_methods ( collection_obj , collection_name , rating_key_map , movie_map , show_map )
try :
plex_collection = library . get_collection ( collection_name )
except Failed as e :
logger . debug ( e )
builder . update_details ( plex_collection )
if builder . run_again and ( len ( builder . missing_movies ) > 0 or len ( builder . missing_shows ) > 0 ) :
library . run_again . append ( builder )
except Exception as e :
util . print_stacktrace ( )
logger . error ( f " Unknown Error: { e } " )
if library . show_unmanaged is True and not test and not requested_collections :
logger . info ( " " )
util . separator ( f " Unmanaged Collections in { library . name } Library " )
logger . info ( " " )
unmanaged_count = 0
collections_in_plex = [ str ( plex_col ) for plex_col in collections ]
for col in library . get_all_collections ( ) :
if col . title not in collections_in_plex :
logger . info ( col . title )
unmanaged_count + = 1
logger . info ( " {} Unmanaged Collections " . format ( unmanaged_count ) )
else :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . error ( " No collection to update " )
has_run_again = False
for library in self . libraries :
if library . run_again :
has_run_again = True
if has_run_again :
logger . info ( " " )
util . separator ( " Run Again " )
logger . info ( " " )
length = 0
for x in range ( 1 , self . general [ " run_again_delay " ] + 1 ) :
length = util . print_return ( length , f " Waiting to run again in { self . general [ ' run_again_delay ' ] - x + 1 } minutes " )
for y in range ( 60 ) :
time . sleep ( 1 )
util . print_end ( length )
for library in self . libraries :
if library . run_again :
os . environ [ " PLEXAPI_PLEXAPI_TIMEOUT " ] = str ( library . timeout )
logger . info ( " " )
util . separator ( f " { library . name } Library Run Again " )
logger . info ( " " )
collections = { c : library . collections [ c ] for c in util . get_list ( requested_collections ) if c in library . collections } if requested_collections else library . collections
if collections :
util . separator ( f " Mapping { library . name } Library " )
logger . info ( " " )
movie_map , show_map = self . map_guids ( library )
for builder in library . run_again :
logger . info ( " " )
util . separator ( f " { builder . name } Collection " )
logger . info ( " " )
try :
collection_obj = library . get_collection ( builder . name )
except Failed as e :
util . print_multiline ( e , error = True )
builder . run_collections_again ( collection_obj , movie_map , show_map )
def convert_from_imdb ( self , imdb_id , language ) :
update_tmdb = False
update_tvdb = False
if self . Cache :
tmdb_id , tvdb_id = self . Cache . get_ids_from_imdb ( imdb_id )
update_tmdb = False
if not tmdb_id :
tmdb_id , update_tmdb = self . Cache . get_tmdb_from_imdb ( imdb_id )
if update_tmdb :
tmdb_id = None
update_tvdb = False
if not tvdb_id :
tvdb_id , update_tvdb = self . Cache . get_tvdb_from_imdb ( imdb_id )
if update_tvdb :
tvdb_id = None
else :
tmdb_id = None
tvdb_id = None
from_cache = tmdb_id is not None or tvdb_id is not None
if not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id and self . TMDb :
try :
tmdb_id = self . TMDb . convert_imdb_to_tmdb ( imdb_id )
except Failed :
if not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id and self . TMDb :
try :
tvdb_id = self . TMDb . convert_imdb_to_tvdb ( imdb_id )
except Failed :
if not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id and self . Trakt :
try :
tmdb_id = self . Trakt . convert_imdb_to_tmdb ( imdb_id )
except Failed :
if not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id and self . Trakt :
try :
tvdb_id = self . Trakt . convert_imdb_to_tvdb ( imdb_id )
except Failed :
try :
if tmdb_id and not from_cache : self . TMDb . get_movie ( tmdb_id )
except Failed : tmdb_id = None
try :
if tvdb_id and not from_cache : self . TVDb . get_series ( language , tvdb_id )
except Failed : tvdb_id = None
if not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id : raise Failed ( f " IMDb Error: No TMDb ID or TVDb ID found for IMDb: { imdb_id } " )
if self . Cache :
if tmdb_id and update_tmdb is not False :
self . Cache . update_imdb ( " movie " , update_tmdb , imdb_id , tmdb_id )
if tvdb_id and update_tvdb is not False :
self . Cache . update_imdb ( " show " , update_tvdb , imdb_id , tvdb_id )
return tmdb_id , tvdb_id
def mass_metadata ( self , library , movie_map , show_map ) :
length = 0
logger . info ( " " )
util . separator ( f " Mass Editing { ' Movie ' if library . is_movie else ' Show ' } Library: { library . name } " )
logger . info ( " " )
items = library . Plex . all ( )
for i , item in enumerate ( items , 1 ) :
length = util . print_return ( length , f " Processing: { i } / { len ( items ) } { item . title } " )
ids = { }
if self . Cache :
ids , expired = self . Cache . get_ids ( " movie " if library . is_movie else " show " , plex_guid = item . guid )
elif library . is_movie :
for tmdb in movie_map :
if movie_map [ tmdb ] == item . ratingKey :
ids [ " tmdb " ] = tmdb
else :
for tvdb in show_map :
if show_map [ tvdb ] == item . ratingKey :
ids [ " tvdb " ] = tvdb
if library . mass_genre_update :
if library . mass_genre_update == " tmdb " :
if " tmdb " not in ids :
util . print_end ( length , f " { item . title [ : 25 ] : <25 } | No TMDb for Guid: { item . guid } " )
try :
tmdb_item = self . TMDb . get_movie ( ids [ " tmdb " ] ) if library . is_movie else self . TMDb . get_show ( ids [ " tmdb " ] )
except Failed as e :
util . print_end ( length , str ( e ) )
new_genres = [ genre . name for genre in tmdb_item . genres ]
elif library . mass_genre_update == " omdb " :
if self . OMDb . limit is True :
if " imdb " not in ids :
util . print_end ( length , f " { item . title [ : 25 ] : <25 } | No IMDb for Guid: { item . guid } " )
try :
omdb_item = self . OMDb . get_omdb ( ids [ " imdb " ] )
except Failed as e :
util . print_end ( length , str ( e ) )
new_genres = omdb_item . genres
else :
raise Failed
item_genres = [ genre . tag for genre in item . genres ]
display_str = " "
for genre in ( g for g in item_genres if g not in new_genres ) :
item . removeGenre ( genre )
display_str + = f " { ' , ' if len ( display_str ) > 0 else ' ' } - { genre } "
for genre in ( g for g in new_genres if g not in item_genres ) :
item . addGenre ( genre )
display_str + = f " { ' , ' if len ( display_str ) > 0 else ' ' } + { genre } "
if len ( display_str ) > 0 :
util . print_end ( length , f " { item . title [ : 25 ] : <25 } | Genres | { display_str } " )
def map_guids ( self , library ) :
movie_map = { }
show_map = { }
length = 0
logger . info ( f " Mapping { ' Movie ' if library . is_movie else ' Show ' } Library: { library . name } " )
items = library . Plex . all ( )
for i , item in enumerate ( items , 1 ) :
length = util . print_return ( length , f " Processing: { i } / { len ( items ) } { item . title } " )
try :
id_type , main_id = self . get_id ( item , library , length )
except BadRequest :
util . print_stacktrace ( )
util . print_end ( length , f " { ' Cache | ! | ' if self . Cache else ' Mapping Error: ' } | { item . guid } for { item . title } not found " )
if isinstance ( main_id , list ) :
if id_type == " movie " :
for m in main_id : movie_map [ m ] = item . ratingKey
elif id_type == " show " :
for m in main_id : show_map [ m ] = item . ratingKey
else :
if id_type == " movie " : movie_map [ main_id ] = item . ratingKey
elif id_type == " show " : show_map [ main_id ] = item . ratingKey
util . print_end ( length , f " Processed { len ( items ) } { ' Movies ' if library . is_movie else ' Shows ' } " )
return movie_map , show_map
def get_id ( self , item , library , length ) :
expired = None
tmdb_id = None
imdb_id = None
tvdb_id = None
anidb_id = None
mal_id = None
error_message = None
if self . Cache :
if library . is_movie : tmdb_id , expired = self . Cache . get_tmdb_id ( " movie " , plex_guid = item . guid )
else : tvdb_id , expired = self . Cache . get_tvdb_id ( " show " , plex_guid = item . guid )
if not tvdb_id and library . is_show :
tmdb_id , expired = self . Cache . get_tmdb_id ( " show " , plex_guid = item . guid )
anidb_id , expired = self . Cache . get_anidb_id ( " show " , plex_guid = item . guid )
if expired or ( not tmdb_id and library . is_movie ) or ( not tvdb_id and not tmdb_id and library . is_show ) :
guid = requests . utils . urlparse ( item . guid )
item_type = guid . scheme . split ( " . " ) [ - 1 ]
check_id = guid . netloc
if item_type == " plex " and check_id == " movie " :
for guid_tag in item . guids :
url_parsed = requests . utils . urlparse ( guid_tag . id )
if url_parsed . scheme == " tmdb " : tmdb_id = int ( url_parsed . netloc )
elif url_parsed . scheme == " imdb " : imdb_id = url_parsed . netloc
elif item_type == " plex " and check_id == " show " :
item . reload ( )
for guid_tag in item . findItems ( item . _data , Guid ) :
url_parsed = requests . utils . urlparse ( guid_tag . id )
if url_parsed . scheme == " tvdb " : tvdb_id = int ( url_parsed . netloc )
elif url_parsed . scheme == " imdb " : imdb_id = url_parsed . netloc
elif url_parsed . scheme == " tmdb " : tmdb_id = int ( url_parsed . netloc )
elif item_type == " imdb " : imdb_id = check_id
elif item_type == " thetvdb " : tvdb_id = int ( check_id )
elif item_type == " themoviedb " : tmdb_id = int ( check_id )
elif item_type == " hama " :
if check_id . startswith ( " tvdb " ) : tvdb_id = int ( re . search ( " -(.*) " , check_id ) . group ( 1 ) )
elif check_id . startswith ( " anidb " ) : anidb_id = re . search ( " -(.*) " , check_id ) . group ( 1 )
else : error_message = f " Hama Agent ID: { check_id } not supported "
elif item_type == " myanimelist " : mal_id = check_id
elif item_type == " local " : error_message = " No match in Plex "
else : error_message = f " Agent { item_type } not supported "
if not error_message :
if anidb_id and not tvdb_id :
try : tvdb_id = self . AniDB . convert_anidb_to_tvdb ( anidb_id )
except Failed : pass
if anidb_id and not imdb_id :
try : imdb_id = self . AniDB . convert_anidb_to_imdb ( anidb_id )
except Failed : pass
if mal_id :
try :
ids = self . MyAnimeListIDList . find_mal_ids ( mal_id )
if " thetvdb_id " in ids and int ( ids [ " thetvdb_id " ] ) > 0 : tvdb_id = int ( ids [ " thetvdb_id " ] )
elif " themoviedb_id " in ids and int ( ids [ " themoviedb_id " ] ) > 0 : tmdb_id = int ( ids [ " themoviedb_id " ] )
else : raise Failed ( f " MyAnimeList Error: MyAnimeList ID: { mal_id } has no other IDs associated with it " )
except Failed :
if mal_id and not tvdb_id :
try : tvdb_id = self . MyAnimeListIDList . convert_mal_to_tvdb ( mal_id )
except Failed : pass
if mal_id and not tmdb_id :
try : tmdb_id = self . MyAnimeListIDList . convert_mal_to_tmdb ( mal_id )
except Failed : pass
if not tmdb_id and imdb_id and isinstance ( imdb_id , list ) and self . TMDb :
tmdb_id = [ ]
new_imdb_id = [ ]
for imdb in imdb_id :
try :
temp_tmdb_id = self . TMDb . convert_imdb_to_tmdb ( imdb )
tmdb_id . append ( temp_tmdb_id )
new_imdb_id . append ( imdb )
except Failed :
imdb_id = new_imdb_id
if not tmdb_id and imdb_id and self . TMDb :
try : tmdb_id = self . TMDb . convert_imdb_to_tmdb ( imdb_id )
except Failed : pass
if not tmdb_id and imdb_id and self . Trakt :
try : tmdb_id = self . Trakt . convert_imdb_to_tmdb ( imdb_id )
except Failed : pass
if not tmdb_id and tvdb_id and self . TMDb :
try : tmdb_id = self . TMDb . convert_tvdb_to_tmdb ( tvdb_id )
except Failed : pass
if not tmdb_id and tvdb_id and self . Trakt :
try : tmdb_id = self . Trakt . convert_tvdb_to_tmdb ( tvdb_id )
except Failed : pass
if not imdb_id and tmdb_id and self . TMDb :
try : imdb_id = self . TMDb . convert_tmdb_to_imdb ( tmdb_id )
except Failed : pass
if not imdb_id and tmdb_id and self . Trakt :
try : imdb_id = self . Trakt . convert_tmdb_to_imdb ( tmdb_id )
except Failed : pass
if not imdb_id and tvdb_id and self . Trakt :
try : imdb_id = self . Trakt . convert_tmdb_to_imdb ( tmdb_id )
except Failed : pass
if not tvdb_id and tmdb_id and self . TMDb and library . is_show :
try : tvdb_id = self . TMDb . convert_tmdb_to_tvdb ( tmdb_id )
except Failed : pass
if not tvdb_id and tmdb_id and self . Trakt and library . is_show :
try : tvdb_id = self . Trakt . convert_tmdb_to_tvdb ( tmdb_id )
except Failed : pass
if not tvdb_id and imdb_id and self . Trakt and library . is_show :
try : tvdb_id = self . Trakt . convert_imdb_to_tvdb ( imdb_id )
except Failed : pass
if ( not tmdb_id and library . is_movie ) or ( not tvdb_id and not ( ( anidb_id or mal_id ) and tmdb_id ) and library . is_show ) :
service_name = " TMDb ID " if library . is_movie else " TVDb ID "
if self . TMDb and self . Trakt : api_name = " TMDb or Trakt "
elif self . TMDb : api_name = " TMDb "
elif self . Trakt : api_name = " Trakt "
else : api_name = None
if tmdb_id and imdb_id : id_name = f " TMDb ID: { tmdb_id } or IMDb ID: { imdb_id } "
elif imdb_id and tvdb_id : id_name = f " IMDb ID: { imdb_id } or TVDb ID: { tvdb_id } "
elif tmdb_id : id_name = f " TMDb ID: { tmdb_id } "
elif imdb_id : id_name = f " IMDb ID: { imdb_id } "
elif tvdb_id : id_name = f " TVDb ID: { tvdb_id } "
else : id_name = None
if anidb_id and not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id : error_message = f " Unable to convert AniDb ID: { anidb_id } to TMDb ID or TVDb ID "
elif mal_id and not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id : error_message = f " Unable to convert MyAnimeList ID: { mal_id } to TMDb ID or TVDb ID "
elif id_name and api_name : error_message = f " Unable to convert { id_name } to { service_name } using { api_name } "
elif id_name : error_message = f " Configure TMDb or Trakt to covert { id_name } to { service_name } "
else : error_message = f " No ID to convert to { service_name } "
if self . Cache and ( ( tmdb_id and library . is_movie ) or ( ( tvdb_id or ( ( anidb_id or mal_id ) and tmdb_id ) ) and library . is_show ) ) :
if not isinstance ( tmdb_id , list ) : tmdb_id = [ tmdb_id ]
if not isinstance ( imdb_id , list ) : imdb_id = [ imdb_id ]
for i in range ( len ( tmdb_id ) ) :
try : imdb_value = imdb_id [ i ]
except IndexError : imdb_value = None
util . print_end ( length , f " Cache | { ' ^ ' if expired is True else ' + ' } | { item . guid : <46 } | { tmdb_id [ i ] if tmdb_id [ i ] else ' None ' : <6 } | { imdb_value if imdb_value else ' None ' : <10 } | { tvdb_id if tvdb_id else ' None ' : <6 } | { anidb_id if anidb_id else ' None ' : <5 } | { mal_id if mal_id else ' None ' : <5 } | { item . title } " )
self . Cache . update_guid ( " movie " if library . is_movie else " show " , item . guid , tmdb_id [ i ] , imdb_value , tvdb_id , anidb_id , mal_id , expired )
if tmdb_id and library . is_movie : return " movie " , tmdb_id
elif tvdb_id and library . is_show : return " show " , tvdb_id
elif ( anidb_id or mal_id ) and tmdb_id : return " movie " , tmdb_id
else :
util . print_end ( length , f " { ' Cache | ! | ' if self . Cache else ' Mapping Error: ' } { item . guid : <46 } | { error_message } for { item . title } " )
return None , None