from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest
from plexapi.video import Movie, Show
logger = util.logger
builders = ["tautulli_popular", "tautulli_watched"]
class Tautulli:
def __init__(self, config, library, params):
self.config = config
self.library = library
self.url = params["url"]
self.apikey = params["apikey"]
self.api = f"{self.url}/api/v2"
response = self._request("get_tautulli_info")
except Exception:
raise Failed("Tautulli Error: Invalid URL")
if response["response"]["result"] != "success":
raise Failed(f"Tautulli Error: {response['response']['message']}")
self.has_section = True if int(response["response"]["data"]["tautulli_version"].split(".")[1]) > 11 else False
self.section_id = self.library.Plex.key
def get_rating_keys(self, data, all_items):
logger.info(f"Processing Tautulli Most {data['list_type'].capitalize()}: {data['list_size']} {'Movies' if self.library.is_movie else 'Shows'}")
params = {"time_range": data["list_days"], "stats_count": int(data["list_size"]) + int(data["list_buffer"])}
if self.has_section and not all_items:
params["section_id"] = self.section_id
response = self._request("get_home_stats", params=params)
stat_id = f"{'popular' if data['list_type'] == 'popular' else 'top'}_{'movies' if self.library.is_movie else 'tv'}"
stat_type = "users_watched" if data['list_type'] == 'popular' else "total_plays"
items = None
for entry in response["response"]["data"]:
if entry["stat_id"] == stat_id:
items = entry["rows"]
if items is None:
raise Failed("Tautulli Error: No Items found in the response")
rating_keys = []
for item in items:
if (all_items or item["section_id"] == self.section_id) and len(rating_keys) < int(data['list_size']):
if int(item[stat_type]) < data['list_minimum']:
plex_item = self.library.fetch_item(int(item["rating_key"]))
if not isinstance(plex_item, (Movie, Show)):
raise BadRequest
rating_keys.append((item["rating_key"], "ratingKey"))
except Failed as e:
new_item = self.library.exact_search(item["title"], year=item["year"])
if new_item:
rating_keys.append((new_item[0].ratingKey, "ratingKey"))
return rating_keys
def _request(self, cmd, params=None):
logger.trace(f"Tautulli CMD: {cmd}")
if params:
logger.trace(f"Tautulli Params: {params}")
final_params = {"apikey": self.apikey, "cmd": cmd}
if params:
for k, v in params.items():
final_params[k] = v
return self.config.get_json(self.api, params=final_params)