Note that the `template_variables:` section only needs to be used if you do want to actually change how the defaults work. Any value not specified will use its default value if it has one if not it's just ignored.
| `last` | **Description:** Episode Air Date in the last number of days for the AIRING Overlay.<br>**Default:** `14`<br>**Values:** Any number greater than 0 |
| `text_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Choose the text for the Overlay.<br>**Default:** <tableclass="clearTable"><tr><th>Key</th><th>Default</th></tr><tr><td>`airing`</td><td>`AIRING`</td></tr><tr><td>`returning`</td><td>`RETURNING`</td></tr><tr><td>`canceled`</td><td>`CANCELED`</td></tr><tr><td>`ended`</td><td>`ENDED`</td></tr></table>**Values:** Any String |
| `weight_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Controls the weight of the Overlay. Higher numbers have priority.<br>**Values:** Any Number |