??? blank "`asset_folders` - Used to control the asset directory folder structure.<aclass="headerlink"href="#asset-folders"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`asset_depth` - Used to control the depth of search in the asset directory.<aclass="headerlink"href="#asset-depth"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`create_asset_folders` - Used to automatically create asset folders when none exist.<aclass="headerlink"href="#create-asset-folders title="Permanentlink">¶</a>"
??? blank "`prioritize_assets` - Used to prioritize `asset_directory` images over all other images types.<aclass="headerlink"href="#prioritize-assets"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
So if you have a poster for "Some Collection" specified as a `url_poster` and *also* as an asset, the `url_poster` will win and the asset will be ignored.
This setting pushes `asset_directory` to the top of the list, so the asset would win over teh `url_poster`.
??? blank "`dimensional_asset_rename` - Used to automatically rename asset files based on their dimensions.<aclass="headerlink"href="#dimensional-asset-rename"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`download_url_assets` - Used to download url images into the asset directory.<aclass="headerlink"href="#download-url-assets"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`show_missing_season_assets` - Used to show any missing season assets.<aclass="headerlink"href="#show-missing-season-assets"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`show_missing_episode_assets` - Used to show any missing episode assets.<aclass="headerlink"href="#show-missing-episode-assets"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`show_asset_not_needed` - Used to show/hide the `update not needed` messages.<aclass="headerlink"href="#show-asset-not-needed"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
<tr><td>`sync`</td><td>Will add and remove any items that are added/removed from the source builder.</td></tr>
<tr><td>`append`</td><td>Will only add items that are added from the source builder, but will not remove anything even if it is removed from the source builder.</td></tr>
You have a Trakt list of ten movies. You run Kometa and create a collection from the list. The collection contains those ten movies.
Tomorrow the list contains a different ten movies. You run Kometa.
`sync_mode: sync` - Kometa syncs the collection with the list, so the collection still has ten movies, but they are the ones that are in the Trakt list today. The original ten have been removed from the collection.
`sync_mode: append` - Kometa appends the ten new movies to the collection, which now has twenty movies in it.
The next day five movies change in the list. You run Kometa.
`sync_mode: sync` - Kometa syncs the collection with the list, so the collection still has ten movies, the ones that are in the Trakt list today. The five that are no longer in the Trakt list are removed from the collection.
`sync_mode: append` - Kometa appends the five new movies to the collection, which now has twenty-five movies in it.
??? blank "`default_collection_order` - Used to set the `collection_order` for every collection run.<aclass="headerlink"href="#default-collection-order"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`minimum_items` - Used to control minimum items requires to build a collection/playlist.<aclass="headerlink"href="#minimum-items"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`delete_not_scheduled` - Used to delete collections not scheduled.<aclass="headerlink"href="#delete-not-scheduled"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`run_again_delay` - Used to control the number of minutes to delay running `run_again` collections.<aclass="headerlink"href="#run-again-delay"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`missing_only_released` - Used to filter unreleased items from missing lists.<aclass="headerlink"href="#missing-only-released"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`show_unconfigured` - Used to show collections not in the current run.<aclass="headerlink"href="#show-unconfigured"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`show_unfiltered` - Used to show items which make it through filters.<aclass="headerlink"href="#show-unfiltered"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
<divid="show-unfiltered"/>List all items which have made it through the filters INTO a collection or playlist (i.e. if it
meets the filter criteria)
<hrstyle="margin: 0px;">
**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library/Collection/Playlist
??? blank "`show_missing` - Used to show missing items from collections or playlists.<aclass="headerlink"href="#show-missing"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`only_filter_missing` - Used to have the `filter` only apply to missing items.<aclass="headerlink"href="#only-filter-missing"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`show_missing_assets` - Used to print a message when assets are missing.<aclass="headerlink"href="#show-missing-assets"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
??? blank "`playlist_sync_to_users` - Set the default playlist `sync_to_users`.<aclass="headerlink"href="#playlist-sync-to-users"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
<divid="playlist-sync-to-users"/>Set the default playlist `sync_to_users`. To Sync a playlist to only yourself
leave `playlist_sync_to_users` blank.
???+ note
sharing playlists with other users will not share any posters associated with the playlist, this is a Plex
<hrstyle="margin: 0px;">
**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Playlist
**Accepted Values:**`all`, list of users, or comma-separated string of users
**Default Value:**`all`
???+ example "Example"
- user1
- user2
??? blank "`playlist_exclude_users` - Set the default playlist `exclude_users`.<aclass="headerlink"href="#playlist-exclude-users"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
<divid="playlist-exclude-users"/>Set the default playlist `exclude_users`.
<hrstyle="margin: 0px;">
**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Playlist
**Accepted Values:** list of users or comma-separated string of users
**Default Value:**`None`
???+ example "Example"
- user1
- user2
??? blank "`playlist_report` - Used to print out a playlist report.<aclass="headerlink"href="#playlist-report"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
<divid="playlist-report"/>Set `playlist_report` to true to print out a playlist report at the end of the log.
<hrstyle="margin: 0px;">
**Levels with this Attribute:** Global
**Accepted Values:**`true` or `false`
**Default Value:**`false`
???+ example "Example"
playlist_report: true
??? blank "`run_order` - Used to specify the run order of the library components.<aclass="headerlink"href="#run-order"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
<divid="run-order"/>Specify the run order of the library components [Library Operations, Collection Files and
Overlay Files]
<hrstyle="margin: 0px;">
**Levels with this Attribute:** Global/Library
**Accepted Values:** List or comma-separated string which must include `operations`, `metadata` and `overlays` in
??? blank "`custom_repo` - Used to set up the custom `repo` [file block type](files.md#location-types-and-paths).<aclass="headerlink"href="#custom-repo"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
<divid="custom-repo"/>Specify where the `repo` attribute's base is when defining `collection_files`, `metadata_files`, `playlist_file` and `overlay_files`.
??? blank "`overlay_artwork_filetype` - Used to control the filetype used with overlay images.<aclass="headerlink"href="#overlay-filetype"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"
<divid="overlay-filetype"/>Used to control the filetype used with overlay images. This setting will only be applied to images generated after the value is added to your config.
??? blank "`overlay_artwork_quality` - Used to control the JPG or Lossy WEBP quality used with overlay images.<aclass="headerlink"href="#overlay-quality"title="Permanent link">¶</a>"