The `languages` Default Overlay File is used to create an overlay of a flag and [ISO 639-1 Code]( based on the audio/subtitle languages available on each item within your library.
| `languages` | **Description:** Controls which Languages will be active.<br>**Default:** `["en", "de", "fr", "es", "pt", "ja"]`<br>**Values:** List of [ISO 639-1 Codes]( for the Languages desired |
| `use_subtitles` | **Description:** Controls if the overlay is based on subtitle language instead of audio language.<br>**Values:** `true` to look at subtitle language instead of audio language |
| `horizontal_position` | **Description:** Choose the horizontal position for the flag group.<br>**Default:** `left`<br>**Values:** `left`, `left2`, `center`, `center_left`, `center_right`, `right` or `right2` |
| `vertical_position` | **Description:** Choose the vertical position for the flag group.<br>**Default:** `top`<br>**Values:** `top`, `top2`, `top3`, `center`, `center_top`, `center_bottom`, `bottom`, `bottom2` or `bottom3` |
| `overlay_limit` | **Description:** Choose the number of overlay this queue displays.<br>**Default:** `3`<br>**Values:** `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, or `5` |
| `group_alignment` | **Description:** Choose the display alignment for the flag group.<br>**Default:** `vertical`<br>**Values:** `horizontal`, or `vertical` |
| `style` | **Description:** Controls the visual theme of the overlays created.<tableclass="clearTable"><tr><th>Values:</th></tr><tr><td><code>round</code></td><td>Round Theme</td></tr><tr><td><code>square</code></td><td>Square Theme</td></tr><tr><td><code>half</code></td><td>Square Flag with Round Background</td></tr></table> |
| `position` | **Description:** Use the Custom Given Queue instead of the the provided Queues.<br>**Values:** List of Coordinates |
| `country_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Controls the country image for the Overlay.<br>**Default:** Listed in the [Table](#supported-audiosubtitle-language-flags) above<br>**Values:** [ISO 3166-1 Country Code]( for the flag desired |