* Collections based on the Collections from TMDb for every item in the library. ([Star Wars](https://www.themoviedb.org/collection/10-star-wars-collection), [Harry Potter](https://www.themoviedb.org/collection/1241), etc...)
* Collections based on each of a Users Trakt Lists
* Collections for the top `X` popular people on TMDb (Bruce Willis, Tom Hanks, etc...)
* Collections for each decade represented in the library (Best of 1990s, Best of 2000s, etc...)
* Collections for each of the moods/styles within a Music library (A Cappella, Pop Rock, etc...)
The main purpose of dynamic collections is to automate the creation of collections which would otherwise require considerable user input and repetition (such as creating a collection for every genre).
Each dynamic collection must have a mapping name (just like standard collections), which is also attached to the collection as a label to mark it as having been created by this dynamic collection.
This example will create a collection for every TMDb Collection associated with items in the library.
By default, the collections generated will be named for the thing being used to create them; things like genres, countries, actors or even Trakt List Names.
There are many attributes that can change the titles, including `title_format`, `remove_suffix`, `remove_prefix`, `key_name_override`, and `title_override` all detailed below.
A `dynamic key` or `key` for short is used to refer to a specific value/result from the dynamic collection criteria that will be used to create the collection.
* Using the `key_name_override` attribute to change the formatting of "France" to "French" so that a collection can be named "French Cinema" instead of simply "France"
* Using the `addons` attribute to combine multiple `keys`, i.e. merging "MTV2", "MTV3" and "MTV (UK)" into one "MTV" collection.
* When doing this, individual collections will not be created for the individual MTV collections, instead they will be merged within the "MTV" collection.
| [`test`](#test) | Will add `test: true` to all collections for test runs. | ❌ |
| [`sync`](#sync) | Will remove dynamic collections that are no longer in the creation list. | ❌ |
| [`include`](#include) | Define a list of keys to be made into collections. | ❌ |
| [`other_name`](#other-name) | Used in combination with `include`. When defined, all keys not in `include` or `addons` will be combined into this collection. | ❌ |