import csv, gzip, math, os, re, requests, shutil, time
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
logger = util.logger
builders = ["imdb_list", "imdb_id", "imdb_chart"]
movie_charts = ["box_office", "popular_movies", "top_movies", "top_english", "top_indian", "lowest_rated"]
show_charts = ["popular_shows", "top_shows"]
charts = {
"box_office": "Box Office",
"popular_movies": "Most Popular Movies",
"popular_shows": "Most Popular TV Shows",
"top_movies": "Top 250 Movies",
"top_shows": "Top 250 TV Shows",
"top_english": "Top Rated English Movies",
"top_indian": "Top Rated Indian Movies",
"lowest_rated": "Lowest Rated Movies"
base_url = "https://www.imdb.com"
urls = {
"lists": f"{base_url}/list/ls",
"searches": f"{base_url}/search/title/",
"title_text_searches": f"{base_url}/search/title-text/",
"keyword_searches": f"{base_url}/search/keyword/",
"filmography_searches": f"{base_url}/filmosearch/"
class IMDb:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self._ratings = None
self._genres = None
self._episode_ratings = None
def validate_imdb_lists(self, err_type, imdb_lists, language):
valid_lists = []
for imdb_dict in util.get_list(imdb_lists, split=False):
if not isinstance(imdb_dict, dict):
imdb_dict = {"url": imdb_dict}
dict_methods = {dm.lower(): dm for dm in imdb_dict}
if "url" not in dict_methods:
raise Failed(f"{err_type} Error: imdb_list url attribute not found")
elif imdb_dict[dict_methods["url"]] is None:
raise Failed(f"{err_type} Error: imdb_list url attribute is blank")
imdb_url = imdb_dict[dict_methods["url"]].strip()
if not imdb_url.startswith(tuple([v for k, v in urls.items()])):
fails = "\n".join([f"{v} (For {k.replace('_', ' ').title()})" for k, v in urls.items()])
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: {imdb_url} must begin with either:{fails}")
self._total(imdb_url, language)
list_count = None
if "limit" in dict_methods:
if imdb_dict[dict_methods["limit"]] is None:
logger.warning(f"{err_type} Warning: imdb_list limit attribute is blank using 0 as default")
value = int(str(imdb_dict[dict_methods["limit"]]))
if 0 <= value:
list_count = value
except ValueError:
if list_count is None:
logger.warning(f"{err_type} Warning: imdb_list limit attribute must be an integer 0 or greater using 0 as default")
if list_count is None:
list_count = 0
valid_lists.append({"url": imdb_url, "limit": list_count})
return valid_lists
def _total(self, imdb_url, language):
if imdb_url.startswith(urls["lists"]):
xpath_total = "//div[@class='desc lister-total-num-results']/text()"
per_page = 100
elif imdb_url.startswith(urls["searches"]):
xpath_total = "//div[@class='desc']/span/text()"
per_page = 250
elif imdb_url.startswith(urls["title_text_searches"]):
xpath_total = "//div[@class='desc']/span/text()"
per_page = 50
xpath_total = "//div[@class='desc']/text()"
per_page = 50
results = self.config.get_html(imdb_url, headers=util.header(language)).xpath(xpath_total)
total = 0
for result in results:
if "title" in result:
total = int(re.findall("(\\d+) title", result.replace(",", ""))[0])
except IndexError:
if total > 0:
return total, per_page
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: Failed to parse URL: {imdb_url}")
def _ids_from_url(self, imdb_url, language, limit):
total, item_count = self._total(imdb_url, language)
headers = util.header(language)
imdb_ids = []
parsed_url = urlparse(imdb_url)
params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)
imdb_base = parsed_url._replace(query=None).geturl()
params.pop("start", None) # noqa
params.pop("count", None) # noqa
params.pop("page", None) # noqa
if self.config.trace_mode:
logger.debug(f"URL: {imdb_base}")
logger.debug(f"Params: {params}")
search_url = imdb_base.startswith(urls["searches"])
if limit < 1 or total < limit:
limit = total
remainder = limit % item_count
if remainder == 0:
remainder = item_count
num_of_pages = math.ceil(int(limit) / item_count)
for i in range(1, num_of_pages + 1):
start_num = (i - 1) * item_count + 1
logger.ghost(f"Parsing Page {i}/{num_of_pages} {start_num}-{limit if i == num_of_pages else i * item_count}")
if search_url:
params["count"] = remainder if i == num_of_pages else item_count # noqa
params["start"] = start_num # noqa
elif imdb_base.startswith(urls["title_text_searches"]):
params["start"] = start_num # noqa
params["page"] = i # noqa
response = self.config.get_html(imdb_base, headers=headers, params=params)
ids_found = response.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'lister-item-image')]//a/img//@data-tconst")
if not search_url and i == num_of_pages:
ids_found = ids_found[:remainder]
if len(imdb_ids) > 0:
logger.debug(f"{len(imdb_ids)} IMDb IDs Found: {imdb_ids}")
return imdb_ids
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: No IMDb IDs Found at {imdb_url}")
def parental_guide(self, imdb_id, ignore_cache=False):
parental_dict = {}
expired = None
if self.config.Cache and not ignore_cache:
parental_dict, expired = self.config.Cache.query_imdb_parental(imdb_id, self.config.Cache.expiration)
if parental_dict and expired is False:
return parental_dict
response = self.config.get_html(f"https://www.imdb.com/title/{imdb_id}/parentalguide")
for ptype in util.parental_types:
results = response.xpath(f"//section[@id='advisory-{ptype}']//span[contains(@class,'ipl-status-pill')]/text()")
if results:
parental_dict[ptype] = results[0].strip()
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: No Item Found for IMDb ID: {imdb_id}")
if self.config.Cache and not ignore_cache:
self.config.Cache.update_imdb_parental(expired, imdb_id, parental_dict, self.config.Cache.expiration)
return parental_dict
def _ids_from_chart(self, chart):
if chart == "box_office":
url = "chart/boxoffice"
elif chart == "popular_movies":
url = "chart/moviemeter"
elif chart == "popular_shows":
url = "chart/tvmeter"
elif chart == "top_movies":
url = "chart/top"
elif chart == "top_shows":
url = "chart/toptv"
elif chart == "top_english":
url = "chart/top-english-movies"
elif chart == "top_indian":
url = "india/top-rated-indian-movies"
elif chart == "lowest_rated":
url = "chart/bottom"
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: chart: {chart} not ")
return self.config.get_html(f"https://www.imdb.com/{url}").xpath("//div[@class='wlb_ribbon']/@data-tconst")
def get_imdb_ids(self, method, data, language):
if method == "imdb_id":
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb ID: {data}")
return [(data, "imdb")]
elif method == "imdb_list":
status = f"{data['limit']} Items at " if data['limit'] > 0 else ''
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb List: {status}{data['url']}")
return [(i, "imdb") for i in self._ids_from_url(data["url"], language, data["limit"])]
elif method == "imdb_chart":
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb Chart: {charts[data]}")
return [(_i, "imdb") for _i in self._ids_from_chart(data)]
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: Method {method} not supported")
def _interface(self, interface):
gz = os.path.join(self.config.default_dir, f"title.{interface}.tsv.gz")
tsv = os.path.join(self.config.default_dir, f"title.{interface}.tsv")
if os.path.exists(gz):
if os.path.exists(tsv):
with requests.get(f"https://datasets.imdbws.com/title.{interface}.tsv.gz", stream=True) as r:
total_length = r.headers.get('content-length')
if total_length is not None:
total_length = int(total_length)
dl = 0
with open(gz, "wb") as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
dl += len(chunk)
logger.ghost(f"Downloading IMDb Interface: {dl / total_length * 100:6.2f}%")
with open(tsv, "wb") as f_out:
with gzip.open(gz, "rb") as f_in:
shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
with open(tsv, "r") as t:
if interface == "ratings":
data = {line[0]: line[1] for line in csv.reader(t, delimiter="\t")}
elif interface == "basics":
data = {line[0]: str(line[-1]).split(",") for line in csv.reader(tsv, delimiter="\t")}
data = [line for line in csv.reader(t, delimiter="\t")]
if os.path.exists(gz):
if os.path.exists(tsv):
return data
def ratings(self):
if self._ratings is None:
self._ratings = self._interface("ratings")
return self._ratings
def genres(self):
if self._genres is None:
self._genres = self._interface("basics")
return self._genres
def episode_ratings(self):
if self._episode_ratings is None:
self._episode_ratings = {}
for imdb_id, parent_id, season_num, episode_num in self._interface("episode"):
if imdb_id not in self.ratings:
if parent_id not in self._episode_ratings:
self._episode_ratings[parent_id] = {}
if season_num not in self._episode_ratings[parent_id]:
self._episode_ratings[parent_id][season_num] = {}
self._episode_ratings[parent_id][season_num][episode_num] = self.ratings[imdb_id]
return self._episode_ratings
def get_rating(self, imdb_id):
return self.ratings[imdb_id] if imdb_id in self.ratings else None
def get_episode_rating(self, imdb_id, season_num, episode_num):
if imdb_id not in self.episode_ratings or season_num not in self.episode_ratings[imdb_id] or episode_num not in self.episode_ratings[imdb_id][season_num]:
return None
return self.episode_ratings[imdb_id][season_num][episode_num]