import logging, re, requests
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from retrying import retry
logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager")
class SonarrAPI:
def __init__(self, tvdb, params, language):
self.url_params = {"apikey": f"{params['token']}"}
self.base_url = f"{params['url']}/api{'/v3/' if params['version'] == 'v3' else '/'}"
result = requests.get(f"{self.base_url}system/status", params=self.url_params).json()
except Exception:
raise Failed(f"Sonarr Error: Could not connect to Sonarr at {params['url']}")
if "error" in result and result["error"] == "Unauthorized":
raise Failed("Sonarr Error: Invalid API Key")
if "version" not in result:
raise Failed("Sonarr Error: Unexpected Response Check URL")
self.quality_profile_id = None
profiles = ""
for profile in self.send_get(f"{self.base_url}{'qualityProfile' if params['version'] == 'v3' else 'profile'}"):
if len(profiles) > 0:
profiles += ", "
profiles += profile["name"]
if profile["name"] == params["quality_profile"]:
self.quality_profile_id = profile["id"]
if not self.quality_profile_id:
raise Failed(f"Sonarr Error: quality_profile: {params['quality_profile']} does not exist in sonarr. Profiles available: {profiles}")
self.tvdb = tvdb
self.language = language
self.url = params["url"]
self.version = params["version"]
self.token = params["token"]
self.root_folder_path = params["root_folder_path"]
self.add = params["add"]
self.search = params["search"]
self.tag = params["tag"]
def add_tvdb(self, tvdb_ids, tag=None):
logger.debug(f"TVDb IDs: {tvdb_ids}")
tag_nums = []
add_count = 0
if tag is None:
tag = self.tag
if tag:
tag_cache = {}
for label in tag:
self.send_post(f"{self.base_url}tag", {"label": str(label)})
for t in self.send_get(f"{self.base_url}tag"):
tag_cache[t["label"]] = t["id"]
for label in tag:
if label in tag_cache:
for tvdb_id in tvdb_ids:
show = self.tvdb.get_series(self.language, tvdb_id=tvdb_id)
except Failed as e:
titleslug = re.sub(r"([^\s\w]|_)+", "", show.title).replace(" ", "-").lower()
url_json = {
"title": show.title,
f"{'qualityProfileId' if self.version == 'v3' else 'profileId'}": self.quality_profile_id,
"languageProfileId": 1,
"tvdbId": int(tvdb_id),
"titleslug": titleslug,
"language": self.language,
"monitored": True,
"seasonFolder": True,
"rootFolderPath": self.root_folder_path,
"seasons": [],
"images": [{"covertype": "poster", "url": show.poster_path}],
"addOptions": {"searchForMissingEpisodes": self.search}
if tag_nums:
url_json["tags"] = tag_nums
response = self.send_post(f"{self.base_url}series", url_json)
if response.status_code < 400:
logger.info(f"Added to Sonarr | {tvdb_id:<6} | {show.title}")
add_count += 1
logger.error(f"Sonarr Error: ({tvdb_id}) {show.title}: ({response.status_code}) {response.json()[0]['errorMessage']}")
except KeyError:
logger.error(f"Sonarr Error: {response.json()}")
logger.info(f"{add_count} Show{'s' if add_count > 1 else ''} added to Sonarr")
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def send_get(self, url):
return requests.get(url, params=self.url_params).json()
@retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000)
def send_post(self, url, url_json):
return requests.post(url, json=url_json, params=self.url_params)