import os, re, time
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image, ImageColor, ImageDraw, ImageFont
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
logger = util.logger
portrait_dim = (1000, 1500)
landscape_dim = (1920, 1080)
old_special_text2 = [f"{a}{s}" for a in ["audience_rating", "critic_rating", "user_rating"] for s in ["", "0", "%", "#"]]
float_vars = ["audience_rating", "critic_rating", "user_rating"]
int_vars = ["runtime", "season_number", "episode_number", "episode_count"]
date_vars = ["originally_available"]
types_for_var = {
"movie_show_season_episode_artist_album": ["user_rating", "title"],
"movie_show_episode_album": ["critic_rating", "originally_available"],
"movie_show_episode": ["audience_rating", "content_rating"],
"movie_show": ["original_title"],
"movie_episode": ["runtime"],
"season_episode": ["show_title", "season_number"],
"show_season": ["episode_count"],
"episode": ["season_title", "episode_number"]
var_mods = {
"title": [""],
"content_rating": [""],
"original_title": [""],
"show_title": [""],
"season_title": [""],
"user_rating": ["", "%", "#"],
"critic_rating": ["", "%", "#"],
"audience_rating": ["", "%", "#"],
"originally_available": ["", "["],
"runtime": ["", "H", "M"],
"season_number": ["", "W", "0", "00"],
"episode_number": ["", "W", "0", "00"],
"episode_count": ["", "W", "0", "00"],
vars_by_type = {
"movie": [f"{item}{m}" for check, sub in types_for_var.items() for item in sub for m in var_mods[item] if "movie" in check],
"show": [f"{item}{m}" for check, sub in types_for_var.items() for item in sub for m in var_mods[item] if "show" in check],
"season": [f"{item}{m}" for check, sub in types_for_var.items() for item in sub for m in var_mods[item] if "season" in check],
"episode": [f"{item}{m}" for check, sub in types_for_var.items() for item in sub for m in var_mods[item] if "episode" in check],
"artist": [f"{item}{m}" for check, sub in types_for_var.items() for item in sub for m in var_mods[item] if "artist" in check],
"album": [f"{item}{m}" for check, sub in types_for_var.items() for item in sub for m in var_mods[item] if "album" in check],
def parse_cords(data, parent, required=False):
horizontal_align = util.parse("Overlay", "horizontal_align", data["horizontal_align"], parent=parent,
options=["left", "center", "right"]) if "horizontal_align" in data else "left"
vertical_align = util.parse("Overlay", "vertical_align", data["vertical_align"], parent=parent,
options=["top", "center", "bottom"]) if "vertical_align" in data else "top"
horizontal_offset = None
if "horizontal_offset" in data and data["horizontal_offset"] is not None:
x_off = data["horizontal_offset"]
per = False
if str(x_off).endswith("%"):
x_off = x_off[:-1]
per = True
x_off = util.check_num(x_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: {parent} horizontal_offset: {data['horizontal_offset']} must be a number"
if x_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if horizontal_align != "center" and not per and x_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif horizontal_align != "center" and per and (x_off > 100 or x_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif horizontal_align == "center" and per and (x_off > 50 or x_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
horizontal_offset = f"{x_off}%" if per else x_off
if horizontal_offset is None and horizontal_align == "center":
horizontal_offset = 0
if required and horizontal_offset is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} horizontal_offset is required")
vertical_offset = None
if "vertical_offset" in data and data["vertical_offset"] is not None:
y_off = data["vertical_offset"]
per = False
if str(y_off).endswith("%"):
y_off = y_off[:-1]
per = True
y_off = util.check_num(y_off)
error = f"Overlay Error: {parent} vertical_offset: {data['vertical_offset']} must be a number"
if y_off is None:
raise Failed(error)
if vertical_align != "center" and not per and y_off < 0:
raise Failed(f"{error} 0 or greater")
elif vertical_align != "center" and per and (y_off > 100 or y_off < 0):
raise Failed(f"{error} between 0% and 100%")
elif vertical_align == "center" and per and (y_off > 50 or y_off < -50):
raise Failed(f"{error} between -50% and 50%")
vertical_offset = f"{y_off}%" if per else y_off
if vertical_offset is None and vertical_align == "center":
vertical_offset = 0
if required and vertical_offset is None:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: {parent} vertical_offset is required")
return horizontal_align, horizontal_offset, vertical_align, vertical_offset
class Overlay:
def __init__(self, config, library, original_mapping_name, overlay_data, suppress, level):
self.config = config
self.library = library
self.original_mapping_name = original_mapping_name
self.data = overlay_data
self.suppress = suppress
self.level = level
self.keys = []
self.updated = False
self.image = None
self.landscape = None
self.landscape_box = None
self.portrait = None
self.portrait_box = None
self.group = None
self.queue = None
self.weight = None
self.path = None
self.font = None
self.font_name = None
self.font_size = 36
self.font_color = None
self.addon_offset = 0
self.addon_position = None
self.special_text = None
logger.debug("Validating Method: overlay")
logger.debug(f"Value: {self.data}")
if not isinstance(self.data, dict):
self.data = {"name": str(self.data)}
logger.warning(f"Overlay Warning: No overlay attribute using mapping name {self.data} as the overlay name")
if "name" not in self.data or not self.data["name"]:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay must have the name attribute")
self.name = str(self.data["name"])
if self.original_mapping_name not in library.overlay_names:
self.mapping_name = self.original_mapping_name
name_count = 1
test_name = f"{self.original_mapping_name} ({name_count})"
while test_name in library.overlay_names:
name_count += 1
test_name = f"{self.original_mapping_name} ({name_count})"
self.mapping_name = test_name
if "group" in self.data and self.data["group"]:
self.group = str(self.data["group"])
if "queue" in self.data and self.data["queue"]:
self.queue = str(self.data["queue"])
if "weight" in self.data:
self.weight = util.parse("Overlay", "weight", self.data["weight"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", minimum=0)
if "group" in self.data and (self.weight is None or not self.group):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's group requires the weight attribute")
elif "queue" in self.data and (self.weight is None or not self.queue):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's queue requires the weight attribute")
elif self.group and self.queue:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's group and queue cannot be used together")
self.horizontal_align, self.horizontal_offset, self.vertical_align, self.vertical_offset = parse_cords(self.data, "overlay")
if (self.horizontal_offset is None and self.vertical_offset is not None) or (self.vertical_offset is None and self.horizontal_offset is not None):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's horizontal_offset and vertical_offset must be used together")
def color(attr):
if attr in self.data and self.data[attr]:
return ImageColor.getcolor(self.data[attr], "RGBA")
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay {attr}: {self.data[attr]} invalid")
self.back_color = color("back_color")
self.back_radius = util.parse("Overlay", "back_radius", self.data["back_radius"], datatype="int", parent="overlay") if "back_radius" in self.data else None
self.back_line_width = util.parse("Overlay", "back_line_width", self.data["back_line_width"], datatype="int", parent="overlay") if "back_line_width" in self.data else None
self.back_line_color = color("back_line_color")
self.back_padding = util.parse("Overlay", "back_padding", self.data["back_padding"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", default=0) if "back_padding" in self.data else 0
self.back_align = util.parse("Overlay", "back_align", self.data["back_align"], parent="overlay", default="center", options=["left", "right", "center", "top", "bottom"]) if "back_align" in self.data else "center"
self.back_box = None
back_width = util.parse("Overlay", "back_width", self.data["back_width"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", minimum=0) if "back_width" in self.data else -1
back_height = util.parse("Overlay", "back_height", self.data["back_height"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", minimum=0) if "back_height" in self.data else -1
if (back_width >= 0 and back_height < 0) or (back_height >= 0 and back_width < 0):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attributes back_width and back_height must be used together")
if self.back_align != "center" and (back_width < 0 or back_height < 0):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute back_align only works when back_width and back_height are used")
elif back_width >= 0 and back_height >= 0:
self.back_box = (back_width, back_height)
self.has_back = True if self.back_color or self.back_line_color else False
if self.has_back and not self.has_coordinates() and not self.queue:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: horizontal_offset and vertical_offset are required when using a backdrop")
def get_and_save_image(image_url):
response = self.config.get(image_url)
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Image not found at: {image_url}")
if "Content-Type" not in response.headers or response.headers["Content-Type"] != "image/png":
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Image not a png: {image_url}")
if not os.path.exists(library.overlay_folder) or not os.path.isdir(library.overlay_folder):
os.makedirs(library.overlay_folder, exist_ok=False)
logger.info(f"Creating Overlay Folder found at: {library.overlay_folder}")
clean_image_name, _ = util.validate_filename(self.name)
image_path = os.path.join(library.overlay_folder, f"{clean_image_name}.png")
if os.path.exists(image_path):
with open(image_path, "wb") as handler:
while util.is_locked(image_path):
return image_path
if not self.name.startswith("blur"):
if "file" in self.data and self.data["file"]:
self.path = self.data["file"]
elif "git" in self.data and self.data["git"]:
self.path = get_and_save_image(f"{self.config.GitHub.configs_url}{self.data['git']}.png")
elif "repo" in self.data and self.data["repo"]:
self.path = get_and_save_image(f"{self.config.custom_repo}{self.data['repo']}.png")
elif "url" in self.data and self.data["url"]:
self.path = get_and_save_image(self.data["url"])
if "|" in self.name:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Name: {self.name} cannot contain '|'")
elif self.name.startswith("blur"):
match = re.search("\\(([^)]+)\\)", self.name)
if not match or 0 >= int(match.group(1)) > 100:
raise ValueError
self.name = f"blur({match.group(1)})"
except ValueError:
logger.error(f"Overlay Error: failed to parse overlay blur name: {self.name} defaulting to blur(50)")
self.name = "blur(50)"
elif self.name.startswith("text"):
if not self.has_coordinates() and not self.queue:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay attribute's horizontal_offset and vertical_offset are required when using text")
if self.path:
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Text Overlay Addon Image not found at: {self.path}")
self.addon_offset = util.parse("Overlay", "addon_offset", self.data["addon_offset"], datatype="int", parent="overlay") if "addon_offset" in self.data else 0
self.addon_position = util.parse("Overlay", "addon_position", self.data["addon_position"], parent="overlay", options=["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]) if "addon_position" in self.data else "left"
image_compare = None
if self.config.Cache:
_, image_compare, _ = self.config.Cache.query_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays")
overlay_size = os.stat(self.path).st_size
self.updated = not image_compare or str(overlay_size) != str(image_compare)
self.image = Image.open(self.path).convert("RGBA")
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays", self.name, overlay_size)
except OSError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay image {self.path} failed to load")
match = re.search("\\(([^)]+)\\)", self.name)
if not match:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: failed to parse overlay text name: {self.name}")
self.name = f"text({match.group(1)})"
text = f"{match.group(1)}"
self.font_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), "fonts", "Roboto-Medium.ttf")
if "font_size" in self.data:
self.font_size = util.parse("Overlay", "font_size", self.data["font_size"], datatype="int", parent="overlay", default=self.font_size)
if "font" in self.data and self.data["font"]:
font = str(self.data["font"])
if not os.path.exists(font):
fonts = util.get_system_fonts()
if font not in fonts:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: font: {font} not found. Options: {', '.join(fonts)}")
self.font_name = font
self.font = ImageFont.truetype(self.font_name, self.font_size)
if "font_style" in self.data and self.data["font_style"]:
variation_names = [n.decode("utf-8") for n in self.font.get_variation_names()]
if self.data["font_style"] in variation_names:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Font Style {self.data['font_style']} not found. Options: {','.join(variation_names)}")
except OSError:
logger.warning(f"Overlay Warning: font: {self.font} does not have variations")
self.font_color = None
if "font_color" in self.data and self.data["font_color"]:
self.font_color = ImageColor.getcolor(self.data["font_color"], "RGBA")
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay font_color: {self.data['font_color']} invalid")
if text in old_special_text2:
text_mod = text[-1] if text[-1] in ["0", "%", "#"] else None
text = text if text_mod is None else text[:-1]
self.special_text = f"<<{text}#>>" if text_mod == "#" else f"<<{text}%>>{'' if text_mod == '0' else '%'}"
self.name = "text(special_text)"
elif self.name == "text(special_text)":
if "special_text" not in self.data or not self.data["special_text"]:
raise Failed("Overlay Error: text(special_text) requires the special_text attribute")
if "<<originally_available[" in self.data["special_text"]:
match = re.search("<<originally_available\\[(.+)]>>", self.data["special_text"])
if match:
except ValueError:
raise Failed("Overlay Error: originally_available date format not valid")
self.special_text = self.data["special_text"]
box = self.image.size if self.image else None
self.portrait, self.portrait_box = self.get_backdrop(portrait_dim, box=box, text=self.name[5:-1])
self.landscape, self.landscape_box = self.get_backdrop(landscape_dim, box=box, text=self.name[5:-1])
if not self.path:
clean_name, _ = util.validate_filename(self.name)
self.path = os.path.join(library.overlay_folder, f"{clean_name}.png")
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: Overlay Image not found at: {self.path}")
image_compare = None
if self.config.Cache:
_, image_compare, _ = self.config.Cache.query_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays")
overlay_size = os.stat(self.path).st_size
self.updated = not image_compare or str(overlay_size) != str(image_compare)
self.image = Image.open(self.path).convert("RGBA")
if self.has_coordinates():
self.portrait, self.portrait_box = self.get_backdrop(portrait_dim, box=self.image.size)
self.landscape, self.landscape_box = self.get_backdrop(landscape_dim, box=self.image.size)
if self.config.Cache:
self.config.Cache.update_image_map(self.mapping_name, f"{self.library.image_table_name}_overlays", self.mapping_name, overlay_size)
except OSError:
raise Failed(f"Overlay Error: overlay image {self.path} failed to load")
def get_backdrop(self, canvas_box, box=None, text=None, new_cords=None):
overlay_image = None
text_width = None
text_height = None
image_width, image_height = box if box else (None, None)
if text is not None:
_, _, text_width, text_height = self.get_text_size(text)
if image_width is not None and self.addon_position in ["left", "right"]:
box = (text_width + image_width + self.addon_offset, text_height if text_height > image_height else image_height)
elif image_width is not None:
box = (text_width if text_width > image_width else image_width, text_height + image_height + self.addon_offset)
box = (text_width, text_height)
box_width, box_height = box
back_width, back_height = self.back_box if self.back_box else (None, None)
start_x, start_y = self.get_coordinates(canvas_box, box, new_cords=new_cords)
main_x = start_x
main_y = start_y
if text is not None or self.has_back:
overlay_image = Image.new("RGBA", canvas_box, (255, 255, 255, 0))
drawing = ImageDraw.Draw(overlay_image)
if self.has_back:
cords = (
start_x - self.back_padding,
start_y - self.back_padding,
start_x + (back_width if self.back_box else box_width) + self.back_padding,
start_y + (back_height if self.back_box else box_height) + self.back_padding
if self.back_radius:
drawing.rounded_rectangle(cords, fill=self.back_color, outline=self.back_line_color, width=self.back_line_width, radius=self.back_radius)
drawing.rectangle(cords, fill=self.back_color, outline=self.back_line_color, width=self.back_line_width)
if self.back_box:
if self.back_align == "left":
main_y = start_y + (back_height - box_height) // 2
elif self.back_align == "right":
main_x = start_x + back_width - (text_width if text is not None else image_width)
elif self.back_align == "top":
main_x = start_x + (back_width - box_width) // 2
elif self.back_align == "bottom":
main_y = start_y + back_height - (text_height if text is not None else image_height)
main_x = start_x + (back_width - box_width) // 2
main_y = start_y + (back_height - box_height) // 2
addon_x = None
addon_y = None
if text is not None and image_width:
addon_x = main_x
addon_y = main_y
if self.addon_position == "left":
if self.back_align == "left":
main_x = start_x + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "right":
addon_x = start_x + back_width - self.addon_offset
main_x = addon_x + image_width + self.addon_offset
elif self.addon_position == "right":
if self.back_align == "left":
addon_x = start_x + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "right":
addon_x = start_x + back_width - image_width
main_x = start_x + back_width - self.addon_offset
addon_x = main_x + text_width + self.addon_offset
elif text_width < image_width:
main_x = main_x + ((image_width - text_width) / 2)
elif text_width > image_width:
addon_x = main_x + ((text_width - image_width) / 2)
if self.addon_position == "top":
if self.back_align == "top":
main_y = start_y + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "bottom":
addon_y = start_y + back_height - self.addon_offset
main_y = addon_y + image_height + self.addon_offset
elif self.addon_position == "bottom":
if self.back_align == "top":
addon_y = start_y + self.addon_offset
elif self.back_align == "bottom":
addon_y = start_y + back_height - image_height
main_y = start_y + back_height - self.addon_offset
addon_y = main_y + text_height + self.addon_offset
elif text_height < image_height:
main_y = main_y + ((image_height - text_height) / 2)
elif text_height > image_height:
addon_y = main_y + ((text_height - image_height) / 2)
if text is not None:
drawing.text((int(main_x), int(main_y)), text, font=self.font, fill=self.font_color, anchor="lt")
if addon_x is not None:
main_x = addon_x
main_y = addon_y
return overlay_image, (int(main_x), int(main_y))
def get_overlay_compare(self):
output = f"{self.name}"
if self.group:
output += f"{self.group}{self.weight}"
if self.has_coordinates():
output += f"{self.horizontal_align}{self.horizontal_offset}{self.vertical_offset}{self.vertical_align}"
if self.font_name:
output += f"{self.font_name}{self.font_size}"
if self.back_box:
output += f"{self.back_box[0]}{self.back_box[1]}{self.back_align}"
if self.addon_position is not None:
output += f"{self.addon_position}{self.addon_offset}"
for value in [self.font_color, self.back_color, self.back_radius, self.back_padding, self.back_line_color, self.back_line_width, self.special_text]:
if value is not None:
output += f"{value}"
return output
def has_coordinates(self):
return self.horizontal_offset is not None and self.vertical_offset is not None
def get_text_size(self, text):
return ImageDraw.Draw(Image.new("RGBA", (0, 0))).textbbox((0, 0), text, font=self.font, anchor='lt')
def get_coordinates(self, canvas_box, box, new_cords=None):
if new_cords is None and not self.has_coordinates():
return 0, 0
if self.back_box:
box = self.back_box
def get_cord(value, image_value, over_value, align):
value = int(image_value * 0.01 * int(value[:-1])) if str(value).endswith("%") else value
if align in ["right", "bottom"]:
return image_value - over_value - value
elif align == "center":
return int(image_value / 2) - int(over_value / 2) + value
return value
if new_cords is None:
ho = self.horizontal_offset
ha = self.horizontal_align
vo = self.vertical_offset
va = self.vertical_align
ha, ho, va, vo = new_cords
return get_cord(ho, canvas_box[0], box[0], ha), get_cord(vo, canvas_box[1], box[1], va)