import glob , logging , os , re
from datetime import datetime , timedelta
from modules import util
from modules . util import Failed
logger = logging . getLogger ( " Plex Meta Manager " )
class CollectionBuilder :
def __init__ ( self , config , library , name , data ) :
self . config = config
self . library = library
self . name = name
self . data = data
self . details = {
" arr_tag " : None ,
" show_filtered " : library . show_filtered ,
" show_missing " : library . show_missing ,
" save_missing " : library . save_missing
self . methods = [ ]
self . filters = [ ]
self . posters = [ ]
self . backgrounds = [ ]
self . schedule = " "
current_time = datetime . now ( )
current_year = current_time . year
if " template " in data :
if not self . library . templates :
raise Failed ( " Collection Error: No templates found " )
elif not data [ " template " ] :
raise Failed ( " Collection Error: template attribute is blank " )
else :
for data_template in util . get_list ( data [ " template " ] , split = False ) :
if not isinstance ( data_template , dict ) :
raise Failed ( " Collection Error: template attribute is not a dictionary " )
elif " name " not in data_template :
raise Failed ( " Collection Error: template sub-attribute name is required " )
elif not data_template [ " name " ] :
raise Failed ( " Collection Error: template sub-attribute name is blank " )
elif data_template [ " name " ] not in self . library . templates :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: template { data_template [ ' name ' ] } not found " )
elif not isinstance ( self . library . templates [ data_template [ " name " ] ] , dict ) :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: template { data_template [ ' name ' ] } is not a dictionary " )
else :
for tm in data_template :
if not data_template [ tm ] :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: template sub-attribute { data_template [ tm ] } is blank " )
template_name = data_template [ " name " ]
template = self . library . templates [ template_name ]
default = { }
if " default " in template :
if template [ " default " ] :
if isinstance ( template [ " default " ] , dict ) :
for dv in template [ " default " ] :
if template [ " default " ] [ dv ] :
default [ dv ] = template [ " default " ] [ dv ]
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: template default sub-attribute { dv } is blank " )
else :
raise Failed ( " Collection Error: template sub-attribute default is not a dictionary " )
else :
raise Failed ( " Collection Error: template sub-attribute default is blank " )
for m in template :
if m not in self . data and m != " default " :
if template [ m ] :
def replace_txt ( txt ) :
txt = str ( txt )
for template_method in data_template :
if template_method != " name " and f " << { template_method } >> " in txt :
txt = txt . replace ( f " << { template_method } >> " , str ( data_template [ template_method ] ) )
if " <<collection_name>> " in txt :
txt = txt . replace ( " <<collection_name>> " , str ( self . name ) )
for dm in default :
if f " << { dm } >> " in txt :
txt = txt . replace ( f " << { dm } >> " , str ( default [ dm ] ) )
if txt in [ " true " , " True " ] : return True
elif txt in [ " false " , " False " ] : return False
else :
try : return int ( txt )
except ValueError : return txt
if isinstance ( template [ m ] , dict ) :
attr = { }
for sm in template [ m ] :
if isinstance ( template [ m ] [ sm ] , list ) :
temp_list = [ ]
for li in template [ m ] [ sm ] :
temp_list . append ( replace_txt ( li ) )
attr [ sm ] = temp_list
else :
attr [ sm ] = replace_txt ( template [ m ] [ sm ] )
elif isinstance ( template [ m ] , list ) :
attr = [ ]
for li in template [ m ] :
if isinstance ( li , dict ) :
temp_dict = { }
for sm in li :
temp_dict [ sm ] = replace_txt ( li [ sm ] )
attr . append ( temp_dict )
else :
attr . append ( replace_txt ( li ) )
else :
attr = replace_txt ( template [ m ] )
self . data [ m ] = attr
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: template attribute { m } is blank " )
skip_collection = True
if " schedule " not in data :
skip_collection = False
elif not data [ " schedule " ] :
logger . error ( " Collection Error: schedule attribute is blank. Running daily " )
skip_collection = False
else :
schedule_list = util . get_list ( data [ " schedule " ] )
next_month = current_time . replace ( day = 28 ) + timedelta ( days = 4 )
last_day = next_month - timedelta ( days = next_month . day )
for schedule in schedule_list :
run_time = str ( schedule ) . lower ( )
if run_time . startswith ( " day " ) or run_time . startswith ( " daily " ) :
skip_collection = False
if run_time . startswith ( " week " ) or run_time . startswith ( " month " ) or run_time . startswith ( " year " ) :
match = re . search ( " \\ (([^)]+) \\ ) " , run_time )
if match :
param = match . group ( 1 )
if run_time . startswith ( " week " ) :
if param . lower ( ) in util . days_alias :
weekday = util . days_alias [ param . lower ( ) ]
self . schedule + = f " \n Scheduled weekly on { util . pretty_days [ weekday ] } "
if weekday == current_time . weekday ( ) :
skip_collection = False
else :
logger . error ( f " Collection Error: weekly schedule attribute { schedule } invalid must be a day of the week i.e. weekly(Monday) " )
elif run_time . startswith ( " month " ) :
try :
if 1 < = int ( param ) < = 31 :
self . schedule + = f " \n Scheduled monthly on the { util . make_ordinal ( param ) } "
if current_time . day == int ( param ) or ( current_time . day == last_day . day and int ( param ) > last_day . day ) :
skip_collection = False
else :
logger . error ( f " Collection Error: monthly schedule attribute { schedule } invalid must be between 1 and 31 " )
except ValueError :
logger . error ( f " Collection Error: monthly schedule attribute { schedule } invalid must be an integer " )
elif run_time . startswith ( " year " ) :
match = re . match ( " ^(1[0-2]|0?[1-9])/(3[01]|[12][0-9]|0?[1-9])$ " , param )
if match :
month = int ( match . group ( 1 ) )
day = int ( match . group ( 2 ) )
self . schedule + = f " \n Scheduled yearly on { util . pretty_months [ month ] } { util . make_ordinal ( day ) } "
if current_time . month == month and ( current_time . day == day or ( current_time . day == last_day . day and day > last_day . day ) ) :
skip_collection = False
else :
logger . error ( f " Collection Error: yearly schedule attribute { schedule } invalid must be in the MM/DD format i.e. yearly(11/22) " )
else :
logger . error ( f " Collection Error: failed to parse schedule: { schedule } " )
else :
logger . error ( f " Collection Error: schedule attribute { schedule } invalid " )
if len ( self . schedule ) == 0 :
skip_collection = False
if skip_collection :
raise Failed ( f " { self . schedule } \n \n Collection { self . name } not scheduled to run " )
logger . info ( f " Scanning { self . name } Collection " )
self . collectionless = " plex_collectionless " in data
self . sync = self . library . sync_mode == " sync "
if " sync_mode " in data :
if not data [ " sync_mode " ] : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: sync_mode attribute is blank using general: { self . library . sync_mode } " )
elif data [ " sync_mode " ] not in [ " append " , " sync " ] : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: { self . library . sync_mode } sync_mode invalid using general: { data [ ' sync_mode ' ] } " )
else : self . sync = data [ " sync_mode " ] == " sync "
if " tmdb_person " in data :
if data [ " tmdb_person " ] :
valid_names = [ ]
for tmdb_id in util . get_int_list ( data [ " tmdb_person " ] , " TMDb Person ID " ) :
person = config . TMDb . get_person ( tmdb_id )
valid_names . append ( person . name )
if " summary " not in self . details and hasattr ( person , " biography " ) and person . biography :
self . details [ " summary " ] = person . biography
if " poster " not in self . details and hasattr ( person , " profile_path " ) and person . profile_path :
self . details [ " poster " ] = ( " url " , f " { config . TMDb . image_url } { person . profile_path } " , " tmdb_person " )
if len ( valid_names ) > 0 : self . details [ " tmdb_person " ] = valid_names
else : raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: No valid TMDb Person IDs in { data [ ' tmdb_person ' ] } " )
else :
raise Failed ( " Collection Error: tmdb_person attribute is blank " )
for m in data :
if " tmdb " in m and not config . TMDb : raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } requires TMDb to be configured " )
elif " trakt " in m and not config . Trakt : raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } requires Trakt todo be configured " )
elif " imdb " in m and not config . IMDb : raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } requires TMDb or Trakt to be configured " )
elif " tautulli " in m and not self . library . Tautulli : raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } requires Tautulli to be configured " )
elif " mal " in m and not config . MyAnimeList : raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } requires MyAnimeList to be configured " )
elif data [ m ] is not None :
logger . debug ( " " )
logger . debug ( f " Method: { m } " )
logger . debug ( f " Value: { data [ m ] } " )
if m in util . method_alias :
method_name = util . method_alias [ m ]
logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: { m } attribute will run as { method_name } " )
else :
method_name = m
if method_name in util . show_only_lists and self . library . is_movie :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { method_name } attribute only works for show libraries " )
elif method_name in util . movie_only_lists and self . library . is_show :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { method_name } attribute only works for movie libraries " )
elif method_name in util . movie_only_searches and self . library . is_show :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { method_name } plex search only works for movie libraries " )
elif method_name not in util . collectionless_lists and self . collectionless :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { method_name } attribute does not work for Collectionless collection " )
elif method_name == " tmdb_summary " :
self . details [ " summary " ] = config . TMDb . get_movie_show_or_collection ( util . regex_first_int ( data [ m ] , " TMDb ID " ) , self . library . is_movie ) . overview
elif method_name == " tmdb_description " :
self . details [ " summary " ] = config . TMDb . get_list ( util . regex_first_int ( data [ m ] , " TMDb List ID " ) ) . description
elif method_name == " tmdb_biography " :
self . details [ " summary " ] = config . TMDb . get_person ( util . regex_first_int ( data [ m ] , " TMDb Person ID " ) ) . biography
elif method_name == " collection_mode " :
if data [ m ] in [ " default " , " hide " , " hide_items " , " show_items " , " hideItems " , " showItems " ] :
if data [ m ] == " hide_items " : self . details [ method_name ] = " hideItems "
elif data [ m ] == " show_items " : self . details [ method_name ] = " showItems "
else : self . details [ method_name ] = data [ m ]
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { data [ m ] } collection_mode Invalid \n | \t default (Library default) \n | \t hide (Hide Collection) \n | \t hide_items (Hide Items in this Collection) \n | \t show_items (Show this Collection and its Items) " )
elif method_name == " collection_order " :
if data [ m ] in [ " release " , " alpha " ] :
self . details [ method_name ] = data [ m ]
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { data [ m ] } collection_order Invalid \n | \t release (Order Collection by release dates) \n | \t alpha (Order Collection Alphabetically) " )
elif method_name == " url_poster " :
self . posters . append ( ( " url " , data [ m ] , method_name ) )
elif method_name == " tmdb_poster " :
self . posters . append ( ( " url " , f " { config . TMDb . image_url } { config . TMDb . get_movie_show_or_collection ( util . regex_first_int ( data [ m ] , ' TMDb ID ' ) , self . library . is_movie ) . poster_path } " , method_name ) )
elif method_name == " tmdb_profile " :
self . posters . append ( ( " url " , f " { config . TMDb . image_url } { config . TMDb . get_person ( util . regex_first_int ( data [ m ] , ' TMDb Person ID ' ) ) . profile_path } " , method_name ) )
elif method_name == " file_poster " :
if os . path . exists ( data [ m ] ) : self . posters . append ( ( " file " , os . path . abspath ( data [ m ] ) , method_name ) )
else : raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: Poster Path Does Not Exist: { os . path . abspath ( data [ m ] ) } " )
elif method_name == " url_background " :
self . backgrounds . append ( ( " url " , data [ m ] , method_name ) )
elif method_name == " tmdb_background " :
self . backgrounds . append ( ( " url " , f " { config . TMDb . image_url } { config . TMDb . get_movie_show_or_collection ( util . regex_first_int ( data [ m ] , ' TMDb ID ' ) , self . library . is_movie ) . poster_path } " , method_name ) )
elif method_name == " file_background " :
if os . path . exists ( data [ m ] ) : self . backgrounds . append ( ( " file " , os . path . abspath ( data [ m ] ) , method_name ) )
else : raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: Background Path Does Not Exist: { os . path . abspath ( data [ m ] ) } " )
elif method_name == " label_sync_mode " :
if data [ m ] in [ " append " , " sync " ] : self . details [ method_name ] = data [ m ]
else : raise Failed ( " Collection Error: label_sync_mode attribute must be either ' append ' or ' sync ' " )
elif method_name in [ " arr_tag " , " label " ] :
self . details [ method_name ] = util . get_list ( data [ m ] )
elif method_name in util . boolean_details :
if isinstance ( data [ m ] , bool ) : self . details [ method_name ] = data [ m ]
else : raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { method_name } attribute must be either true or false " )
elif method_name in util . all_details :
self . details [ method_name ] = data [ m ]
elif method_name in [ " year " , " year.not " ] :
self . methods . append ( ( " plex_search " , [ [ ( method_name , util . get_year_list ( data [ m ] , method_name ) ) ] ] ) )
elif method_name in [ " decade " , " decade.not " ] :
self . methods . append ( ( " plex_search " , [ [ ( method_name , util . get_int_list ( data [ m ] , util . remove_not ( method_name ) ) ) ] ] ) )
elif method_name in util . tmdb_searches :
final_values = [ ]
for value in util . get_list ( data [ m ] ) :
if value . lower ( ) == " tmdb " and " tmdb_person " in self . details :
for name in self . details [ " tmdb_person " ] :
final_values . append ( name )
else :
final_values . append ( value )
self . methods . append ( ( " plex_search " , [ [ ( method_name , final_values ) ] ] ) )
elif method_name in util . plex_searches :
self . methods . append ( ( " plex_search " , [ [ ( method_name , util . get_list ( data [ m ] ) ) ] ] ) )
elif method_name == " plex_all " :
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , [ " " ] ) )
elif method_name == " plex_collection " :
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , self . library . validate_collections ( data [ m ] if isinstance ( data [ m ] , list ) else [ data [ m ] ] ) ) )
elif method_name == " anidb_popular " :
list_count = util . regex_first_int ( data [ m ] , " List Size " , default = 40 )
if 1 < = list_count < = 30 :
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , [ list_count ] ) )
else :
logger . warning ( " Collection Error: anidb_popular must be an integer between 1 and 30 defaulting to 30 " )
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , [ 30 ] ) )
elif method_name == " mal_id " :
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , util . get_int_list ( data [ m ] , " MyAnimeList ID " ) ) )
elif method_name in [ " anidb_id " , " anidb_relation " ] :
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , config . AniDB . validate_anidb_list ( util . get_int_list ( data [ m ] , " AniDB ID " ) , self . library . Plex . language ) ) )
elif method_name == " trakt_list " :
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , config . Trakt . validate_trakt_list ( util . get_list ( data [ m ] ) ) ) )
elif method_name == " trakt_watchlist " :
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , config . Trakt . validate_trakt_watchlist ( util . get_list ( data [ m ] ) , self . library . is_movie ) ) )
elif method_name == " imdb_list " :
new_list = [ ]
for imdb_list in util . get_list ( data [ m ] , split = False ) :
if isinstance ( imdb_list , dict ) :
if " url " in imdb_list and imdb_list [ " url " ] : imdb_url = imdb_list [ " url " ]
else : raise Failed ( " Collection Error: imdb_list attribute url is required " )
list_count = util . regex_first_int ( imdb_list [ " limit " ] , " List Limit " , default = 0 ) if " limit " in imdb_list and imdb_list [ " limit " ] else 0
else :
imdb_url = str ( imdb_list )
list_count = 0
new_list . append ( { " url " : imdb_url , " limit " : list_count } )
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , new_list ) )
elif method_name in util . dictionary_lists :
if isinstance ( data [ m ] , dict ) :
def get_int ( parent , method , data_in , default_in , minimum = 1 , maximum = None ) :
if method not in data_in : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: { parent } { method } attribute not found using { default } as default " )
elif not data_in [ method ] : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: { parent } { method } attribute is blank using { default } as default " )
elif isinstance ( data_in [ method ] , int ) and data_in [ method ] > = minimum :
if maximum is None or data_in [ method ] < = maximum : return data_in [ method ]
else : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: { parent } { method } attribute { data_in [ method ] } invalid must an integer <= { maximum } using { default } as default " )
else : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: { parent } { method } attribute { data_in [ method ] } invalid must an integer >= { minimum } using { default } as default " )
return default_in
if method_name == " filters " :
for f in data [ m ] :
if f in util . method_alias or ( f . endswith ( " .not " ) and f [ : - 4 ] in util . method_alias ) :
filter_method = ( util . method_alias [ f [ : - 4 ] ] + f [ - 4 : ] ) if f . endswith ( " .not " ) else util . method_alias [ f ]
logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: { f } filter will run as { filter_method } " )
else :
filter_method = f
if filter_method in util . movie_only_filters and self . library . is_show :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { filter_method } filter only works for movie libraries " )
elif data [ m ] [ f ] is None :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { filter_method } filter is blank " )
elif filter_method == " year " :
self . filters . append ( ( filter_method , util . get_year_list ( data [ m ] [ f ] , f " { filter_method } filter " ) ) )
elif filter_method in [ " max_age " , " duration.gte " , " duration.lte " ] :
self . filters . append ( ( filter_method , util . check_number ( data [ m ] [ f ] , f " { filter_method } filter " , minimum = 1 ) ) )
elif filter_method in [ " year.gte " , " year.lte " ] :
self . filters . append ( ( filter_method , util . check_number ( data [ m ] [ f ] , f " { filter_method } filter " , minimum = 1800 , maximum = current_year ) ) )
elif filter_method in [ " rating.gte " , " rating.lte " ] :
self . filters . append ( ( filter_method , util . check_number ( data [ m ] [ f ] , f " { filter_method } filter " , number_type = " float " , minimum = 0.1 , maximum = 10 ) ) )
elif filter_method in [ " originally_available.gte " , " originally_available.lte " ] :
self . filters . append ( ( filter_method , util . check_date ( data [ m ] [ f ] , f " { filter_method } filter " ) ) )
elif filter_method in util . all_filters :
self . filters . append ( ( filter_method , data [ m ] [ f ] ) )
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { filter_method } filter not supported " )
elif method_name == " plex_collectionless " :
new_dictionary = { }
prefix_list = [ ]
if " exclude_prefix " in data [ m ] and data [ m ] [ " exclude_prefix " ] :
if isinstance ( data [ m ] [ " exclude_prefix " ] , list ) : prefix_list . extend ( data [ m ] [ " exclude_prefix " ] )
else : prefix_list . append ( str ( data [ m ] [ " exclude_prefix " ] ) )
exact_list = [ ]
if " exclude " in data [ m ] and data [ m ] [ " exclude " ] :
if isinstance ( data [ m ] [ " exclude " ] , list ) : exact_list . extend ( data [ m ] [ " exclude " ] )
else : exact_list . append ( str ( data [ m ] [ " exclude " ] ) )
if len ( prefix_list ) == 0 and len ( exact_list ) == 0 : raise Failed ( " Collection Error: you must have at least one exclusion " )
self . details [ " add_to_arr " ] = False
self . details [ " collection_mode " ] = " hide "
self . sync = True
new_dictionary [ " exclude_prefix " ] = prefix_list
new_dictionary [ " exclude " ] = exact_list
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , [ new_dictionary ] ) )
elif method_name == " plex_search " :
searches = [ ]
used = [ ]
for s in data [ m ] :
if s in util . method_alias or ( s . endswith ( " .not " ) and s [ : - 4 ] in util . method_alias ) :
search = ( util . method_alias [ s [ : - 4 ] ] + s [ - 4 : ] ) if s . endswith ( " .not " ) else util . method_alias [ s ]
logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: { s } plex search attribute will run as { search } " )
else :
search = s
if search in util . movie_only_searches and self . library . is_show :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { search } plex search attribute only works for movie libraries " )
elif util . remove_not ( search ) in used :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: Only one instance of { search } can be used try using it as a filter instead " )
elif search in [ " year " , " year.not " ] :
years = util . get_year_list ( data [ m ] [ s ] , search )
if len ( years ) > 0 :
used . append ( util . remove_not ( search ) )
searches . append ( ( search , util . get_int_list ( data [ m ] [ s ] , util . remove_not ( search ) ) ) )
elif search in util . plex_searches :
used . append ( util . remove_not ( search ) )
searches . append ( ( search , util . get_list ( data [ m ] [ s ] ) ) )
else :
logger . error ( f " Collection Error: { search } plex search attribute not supported " )
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , [ searches ] ) )
elif method_name == " tmdb_discover " :
new_dictionary = { " limit " : 100 }
for attr in data [ m ] :
if data [ m ] [ attr ] :
attr_data = data [ m ] [ attr ]
if ( self . library . is_movie and attr in util . discover_movie ) or ( self . library . is_show and attr in util . discover_tv ) :
if attr == " language " :
if re . compile ( " ([a-z] {2} )-([A-Z] {2} ) " ) . match ( str ( attr_data ) ) :
new_dictionary [ attr ] = str ( attr_data )
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } attribute { attr } : { attr_data } must match pattern ([a-z] {{ 2 }} )-([A-Z] {{ 2 }} ) e.g. en-US " )
elif attr == " region " :
if re . compile ( " ^[A-Z] {2} $ " ) . match ( str ( attr_data ) ) :
new_dictionary [ attr ] = str ( attr_data )
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } attribute { attr } : { attr_data } must match pattern ^[A-Z] {{ 2 }} $ e.g. US " )
elif attr == " sort_by " :
if ( self . library . is_movie and attr_data in util . discover_movie_sort ) or ( self . library . is_show and attr_data in util . discover_tv_sort ) :
new_dictionary [ attr ] = attr_data
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } attribute { attr } : { attr_data } is invalid " )
elif attr == " certification_country " :
if " certification " in data [ m ] or " certification.lte " in data [ m ] or " certification.gte " in data [ m ] :
new_dictionary [ attr ] = attr_data
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } attribute { attr } : must be used with either certification, certification.lte, or certification.gte " )
elif attr in [ " certification " , " certification.lte " , " certification.gte " ] :
if " certification_country " in data [ m ] :
new_dictionary [ attr ] = attr_data
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } attribute { attr } : must be used with certification_country " )
elif attr in [ " include_adult " , " include_null_first_air_dates " , " screened_theatrically " ] :
if attr_data is True :
new_dictionary [ attr ] = attr_data
elif attr in [ " primary_release_date.gte " , " primary_release_date.lte " , " release_date.gte " , " release_date.lte " , " air_date.gte " , " air_date.lte " , " first_air_date.gte " , " first_air_date.lte " ] :
new_dictionary [ attr ] = util . check_date ( attr_data , f " { m } attribute { attr } " , return_string = True )
elif attr in [ " primary_release_year " , " year " , " first_air_date_year " ] :
new_dictionary [ attr ] = util . check_number ( attr_data , f " { m } attribute { attr } " , minimum = 1800 , maximum = current_year + 1 )
elif attr in [ " vote_count.gte " , " vote_count.lte " , " vote_average.gte " , " vote_average.lte " , " with_runtime.gte " , " with_runtime.lte " ] :
new_dictionary [ attr ] = util . check_number ( attr_data , f " { m } attribute { attr } " , minimum = 1 )
elif attr in [ " with_cast " , " with_crew " , " with_people " , " with_companies " , " with_networks " , " with_genres " , " without_genres " , " with_keywords " , " without_keywords " , " with_original_language " , " timezone " ] :
new_dictionary [ attr ] = attr_data
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } attribute { attr } not supported " )
elif attr == " limit " :
if isinstance ( attr_data , int ) and attr_data > 0 :
new_dictionary [ attr ] = attr_data
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } attribute { attr } : must be a valid number greater then 0 " )
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } attribute { attr } not supported " )
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } parameter { attr } is blank " )
if len ( new_dictionary ) > 1 :
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , [ new_dictionary ] ) )
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } had no valid fields " )
elif " tautulli " in method_name :
new_dictionary = { }
if method_name == " tautulli_popular " : new_dictionary [ " list_type " ] = " popular "
elif method_name == " tautulli_watched " : new_dictionary [ " list_type " ] = " watched "
else : raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { method_name } attribute not supported " )
new_dictionary [ " list_days " ] = get_int ( method_name , " list_days " , data [ m ] , 30 )
new_dictionary [ " list_size " ] = get_int ( method_name , " list_size " , data [ m ] , 10 )
new_dictionary [ " list_buffer " ] = get_int ( method_name , " list_buffer " , data [ m ] , 20 )
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , [ new_dictionary ] ) )
elif method_name == " mal_season " :
new_dictionary = { " sort_by " : " anime_num_list_users " }
if " sort_by " not in data [ m ] : logger . warning ( " Collection Warning: mal_season sort_by attribute not found using members as default " )
elif not data [ m ] [ " sort_by " ] : logger . warning ( " Collection Warning: mal_season sort_by attribute is blank using members as default " )
elif data [ m ] [ " sort_by " ] not in util . mal_season_sort : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: mal_season sort_by attribute { data [ m ] [ ' sort_by ' ] } invalid must be either ' members ' or ' score ' using members as default " )
else : new_dictionary [ " sort_by " ] = util . mal_season_sort [ data [ m ] [ " sort_by " ] ]
if current_time . month in [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] : new_dictionary [ " season " ] = " winter "
elif current_time . month in [ 4 , 5 , 6 ] : new_dictionary [ " season " ] = " spring "
elif current_time . month in [ 7 , 8 , 9 ] : new_dictionary [ " season " ] = " summer "
elif current_time . month in [ 10 , 11 , 12 ] : new_dictionary [ " season " ] = " fall "
if " season " not in data [ m ] : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: mal_season season attribute not found using the current season: { new_dictionary [ ' season ' ] } as default " )
elif not data [ m ] [ " season " ] : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: mal_season season attribute is blank using the current season: { new_dictionary [ ' season ' ] } as default " )
elif data [ m ] [ " season " ] not in util . pretty_seasons : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: mal_season season attribute { data [ m ] [ ' season ' ] } invalid must be either ' winter ' , ' spring ' , ' summer ' or ' fall ' using the current season: { new_dictionary [ ' season ' ] } as default " )
else : new_dictionary [ " season " ] = data [ m ] [ " season " ]
new_dictionary [ " year " ] = get_int ( method_name , " year " , data [ m ] , current_time . year , minimum = 1917 , maximum = current_time . year + 1 )
new_dictionary [ " limit " ] = get_int ( method_name , " limit " , data [ m ] , 100 , maximum = 500 )
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , [ new_dictionary ] ) )
elif method_name == " mal_userlist " :
new_dictionary = { " status " : " all " , " sort_by " : " list_score " }
if " username " not in data [ m ] : raise Failed ( " Collection Error: mal_userlist username attribute is required " )
elif not data [ m ] [ " username " ] : raise Failed ( " Collection Error: mal_userlist username attribute is blank " )
else : new_dictionary [ " username " ] = data [ m ] [ " username " ]
if " status " not in data [ m ] : logger . warning ( " Collection Warning: mal_season status attribute not found using all as default " )
elif not data [ m ] [ " status " ] : logger . warning ( " Collection Warning: mal_season status attribute is blank using all as default " )
elif data [ m ] [ " status " ] not in util . mal_userlist_status : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: mal_season status attribute { data [ m ] [ ' status ' ] } invalid must be either ' all ' , ' watching ' , ' completed ' , ' on_hold ' , ' dropped ' or ' plan_to_watch ' using all as default " )
else : new_dictionary [ " status " ] = util . mal_userlist_status [ data [ m ] [ " status " ] ]
if " sort_by " not in data [ m ] : logger . warning ( " Collection Warning: mal_season sort_by attribute not found using score as default " )
elif not data [ m ] [ " sort_by " ] : logger . warning ( " Collection Warning: mal_season sort_by attribute is blank using score as default " )
elif data [ m ] [ " sort_by " ] not in util . mal_userlist_sort : logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: mal_season sort_by attribute { data [ m ] [ ' sort_by ' ] } invalid must be either ' score ' , ' last_updated ' , ' title ' or ' start_date ' using score as default " )
else : new_dictionary [ " sort_by " ] = util . mal_userlist_sort [ data [ m ] [ " sort_by " ] ]
new_dictionary [ " limit " ] = get_int ( method_name , " limit " , data [ m ] , 100 , maximum = 1000 )
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , [ new_dictionary ] ) )
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } attribute is not a dictionary: { data [ m ] } " )
elif method_name in util . count_lists :
list_count = util . regex_first_int ( data [ m ] , " List Size " , default = 20 )
if list_count < 1 :
logger . warning ( f " Collection Warning: { method_name } must be an integer greater then 0 defaulting to 20 " )
list_count = 20
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , [ list_count ] ) )
elif method_name in util . tmdb_lists :
values = config . TMDb . validate_tmdb_list ( util . get_int_list ( data [ m ] , f " TMDb { util . tmdb_type [ method_name ] } ID " ) , util . tmdb_type [ method_name ] )
if method_name [ - 8 : ] == " _details " :
if method_name in [ " tmdb_collection_details " , " tmdb_movie_details " , " tmdb_show_details " ] :
item = config . TMDb . get_movie_show_or_collection ( values [ 0 ] , self . library . is_movie )
if " summary " not in self . details and hasattr ( item , " overview " ) and item . overview :
self . details [ " summary " ] = item . overview
if " background " not in self . details and hasattr ( item , " backdrop_path " ) and item . backdrop_path :
self . details [ " background " ] = ( " url " , f " { config . TMDb . image_url } { item . backdrop_path } " , method_name [ : - 8 ] )
if " poster " not in self . details and hasattr ( item , " poster_path " ) and item . poster_path :
self . details [ " poster " ] = ( " url " , f " { config . TMDb . image_url } { item . poster_path } " , method_name [ : - 8 ] )
else :
item = config . TMDb . get_list ( values [ 0 ] )
if " summary " not in self . details and hasattr ( item , " description " ) and item . description :
self . details [ " summary " ] = item . description
self . methods . append ( ( method_name [ : - 8 ] , values ) )
else :
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , values ) )
elif method_name in util . all_lists :
self . methods . append ( ( method_name , util . get_list ( data [ m ] ) ) )
elif method_name not in util . other_attributes :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { method_name } attribute not supported " )
else :
raise Failed ( f " Collection Error: { m } attribute is blank " )
self . do_arr = False
if self . library . Radarr :
self . do_arr = self . details [ " add_to_arr " ] if " add_to_arr " in self . details else self . library . Radarr . add
if self . library . Sonarr :
self . do_arr = self . details [ " add_to_arr " ] if " add_to_arr " in self . details else self . library . Sonarr . add
def run_methods ( self , collection_obj , collection_name , rating_key_map , movie_map , show_map ) :
items_found = 0
for method , values in self . methods :
logger . debug ( " " )
logger . debug ( f " Method: { method } " )
logger . debug ( f " Values: { values } " )
pretty = util . pretty_names [ method ] if method in util . pretty_names else method
for value in values :
items = [ ]
missing_movies = [ ]
missing_shows = [ ]
def check_map ( input_ids ) :
movie_ids , show_ids = input_ids
items_found_inside = 0
if len ( movie_ids ) > 0 :
items_found_inside + = len ( movie_ids )
for movie_id in movie_ids :
if movie_id in movie_map : items . append ( movie_map [ movie_id ] )
else : missing_movies . append ( movie_id )
if len ( show_ids ) > 0 :
items_found_inside + = len ( show_ids )
for show_id in show_ids :
if show_id in show_map : items . append ( show_map [ show_id ] )
else : missing_shows . append ( show_id )
return items_found_inside
logger . info ( " " )
logger . debug ( f " Value: { value } " )
if method == " plex_all " :
logger . info ( f " Processing { pretty } { ' Movies ' if self . library . is_movie else ' Shows ' } " )
items = self . library . Plex . all ( )
items_found + = len ( items )
elif method == " plex_collection " :
items = value . items ( )
items_found + = len ( items )
elif method == " plex_search " :
search_terms = { }
for i , attr_pair in enumerate ( value ) :
search_list = attr_pair [ 1 ]
final_method = attr_pair [ 0 ] [ : - 4 ] + " ! " if attr_pair [ 0 ] [ - 4 : ] == " .not " else attr_pair [ 0 ]
if self . library . is_show :
final_method = " show. " + final_method
search_terms [ final_method ] = search_list
ors = " "
for o , param in enumerate ( attr_pair [ 1 ] ) :
or_des = " OR " if o > 0 else f " { attr_pair [ 0 ] } ( "
ors + = f " { or_des } { param } "
logger . info ( f " \t \t AND { ors } ) " if i > 0 else f " Processing { pretty } : { ors } ) " )
items = self . library . Plex . search ( * * search_terms )
items_found + = len ( items )
elif method == " plex_collectionless " :
good_collections = [ ]
for col in self . library . get_all_collections ( ) :
keep_collection = True
for pre in value [ " exclude_prefix " ] :
if col . title . startswith ( pre ) or ( col . titleSort and col . titleSort . startswith ( pre ) ) :
keep_collection = False
for ext in value [ " exclude " ] :
if col . title == ext or ( col . titleSort and col . titleSort == ext ) :
keep_collection = False
if keep_collection :
good_collections . append ( col . title . lower ( ) )
all_items = self . library . Plex . all ( )
length = 0
for i , item in enumerate ( all_items , 1 ) :
length = util . print_return ( length , f " Processing: { i } / { len ( all_items ) } { item . title } " )
add_item = True
for collection in item . collections :
if collection . tag . lower ( ) in good_collections :
add_item = False
if add_item :
items . append ( item )
items_found + = len ( items )
util . print_end ( length , f " Processed { len ( all_items ) } { ' Movies ' if self . library . is_movie else ' Shows ' } " )
elif " tautulli " in method :
items = self . library . Tautulli . get_items ( self . library , time_range = value [ " list_days " ] , stats_count = value [ " list_size " ] , list_type = value [ " list_type " ] , stats_count_buffer = value [ " list_buffer " ] )
items_found + = len ( items )
elif " anidb " in method : items_found + = check_map ( self . config . AniDB . get_items ( method , value , self . library . Plex . language ) )
elif " mal " in method : items_found + = check_map ( self . config . MyAnimeList . get_items ( method , value ) )
elif " tvdb " in method : items_found + = check_map ( self . config . TVDb . get_items ( method , value , self . library . Plex . language ) )
elif " imdb " in method : items_found + = check_map ( self . config . IMDb . get_items ( method , value , self . library . Plex . language ) )
elif " tmdb " in method : items_found + = check_map ( self . config . TMDb . get_items ( method , value , self . library . is_movie ) )
elif " trakt " in method : items_found + = check_map ( self . config . Trakt . get_items ( method , value , self . library . is_movie ) )
else : logger . error ( f " Collection Error: { method } method not supported " )
if len ( items ) > 0 : rating_key_map = self . library . add_to_collection ( collection_obj if collection_obj else collection_name , items , self . filters , self . details [ " show_filtered " ] , rating_key_map , movie_map , show_map )
else : logger . error ( " No items found to add to this collection " )
if len ( missing_movies ) > 0 or len ( missing_shows ) > 0 :
logger . info ( " " )
if len ( missing_movies ) > 0 :
not_lang = None
terms = None
for filter_method , filter_data in self . filters :
if filter_method . startswith ( " original_language " ) :
terms = util . get_list ( filter_data , lower = True )
not_lang = filter_method . endswith ( " .not " )
missing_movies_with_names = [ ]
for missing_id in missing_movies :
try :
movie = self . config . TMDb . get_movie ( missing_id )
title = str ( movie . title )
if not_lang is None or ( not_lang is True and movie . original_language not in terms ) or ( not_lang is False and movie . original_language in terms ) :
missing_movies_with_names . append ( ( title , missing_id ) )
if self . details [ " show_missing " ] is True :
logger . info ( f " { collection_name } Collection | ? | { title } (TMDb: { missing_id } ) " )
elif self . details [ " show_filtered " ] is True :
logger . info ( f " { collection_name } Collection | X | { title } (TMDb: { missing_id } ) " )
except Failed as e :
logger . error ( e )
logger . info ( f " { len ( missing_movies_with_names ) } Movie { ' s ' if len ( missing_movies_with_names ) > 1 else ' ' } Missing " )
if self . details [ " save_missing " ] is True :
self . library . add_missing ( collection_name , missing_movies_with_names , True )
if self . do_arr and self . library . Radarr :
self . library . Radarr . add_tmdb ( [ missing_id for title , missing_id in missing_movies_with_names ] , tag = self . details [ " arr_tag " ] )
if len ( missing_shows ) > 0 and self . library . is_show :
missing_shows_with_names = [ ]
for missing_id in missing_shows :
try :
title = str ( self . config . TVDb . get_series ( self . library . Plex . language , tvdb_id = missing_id ) . title . encode ( " ascii " , " replace " ) . decode ( ) )
missing_shows_with_names . append ( ( title , missing_id ) )
if self . details [ " show_missing " ] is True :
logger . info ( f " { collection_name } Collection | ? | { title } (TVDB: { missing_id } ) " )
except Failed as e :
logger . error ( e )
logger . info ( f " { len ( missing_shows_with_names ) } Show { ' s ' if len ( missing_shows_with_names ) > 1 else ' ' } Missing " )
if self . details [ " save_missing " ] is True :
self . library . add_missing ( collection_name , missing_shows_with_names , False )
if self . do_arr and self . library . Sonarr :
self . library . Sonarr . add_tvdb ( [ missing_id for title , missing_id in missing_shows_with_names ] , tag = self . details [ " arr_tag " ] )
if self . sync and items_found > 0 :
logger . info ( " " )
count_removed = 0
for ratingKey , item in rating_key_map . items ( ) :
if item is not None :
logger . info ( f " { collection_name } Collection | - | { item . title } " )
item . removeCollection ( collection_name )
count_removed + = 1
logger . info ( f " { count_removed } { ' Movie ' if self . library . is_movie else ' Show ' } { ' s ' if count_removed == 1 else ' ' } Removed " )
logger . info ( " " )
def update_details ( self , collection ) :
edits = { }
if " sort_title " in self . details :
edits [ " titleSort.value " ] = self . details [ " sort_title " ]
edits [ " titleSort.locked " ] = 1
if " content_rating " in self . details :
edits [ " contentRating.value " ] = self . details [ " content_rating " ]
edits [ " contentRating.locked " ] = 1
if " summary " in self . details :
edits [ " summary.value " ] = self . details [ " summary " ]
edits [ " summary.locked " ] = 1
if len ( edits ) > 0 :
logger . debug ( edits )
collection . edit ( * * edits )
collection . reload ( )
logger . info ( " Details: have been updated " )
if " collection_mode " in self . details :
collection . modeUpdate ( mode = self . details [ " collection_mode " ] )
if " collection_order " in self . details :
collection . sortUpdate ( sort = self . details [ " collection_order " ] )
if " label " in self . details :
item_labels = [ label . tag for label in collection . labels ]
labels = util . get_list ( self . details [ " label " ] )
if " label_sync_mode " in self . details and self . details [ " label_sync_mode " ] == " sync " :
for label in ( la for la in item_labels if la not in labels ) :
collection . removeLabel ( label )
logger . info ( f " Detail: Label { label } removed " )
for label in ( la for la in labels if la not in item_labels ) :
collection . addLabel ( label )
logger . info ( f " Detail: Label { label } added " )
if self . library . asset_directory :
name_mapping = self . name
if " name_mapping " in self . details :
if self . details [ " name_mapping " ] : name_mapping = self . details [ " name_mapping " ]
else : logger . error ( " Collection Error: name_mapping attribute is blank " )
for ad in self . library . asset_directory :
path = os . path . join ( ad , f " { name_mapping } " )
if not os . path . isdir ( path ) :
matches = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( ad , f " { name_mapping } " , " poster.* " ) )
if len ( matches ) > 0 :
for match in matches :
self . posters . append ( ( " file " , os . path . abspath ( match ) , " asset_directory " ) )
matches = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( ad , f " { name_mapping } " , " background.* " ) )
if len ( matches ) > 0 :
for match in matches :
self . backgrounds . append ( ( " file " , os . path . abspath ( match ) , " asset_directory " ) )
dirs = [ folder for folder in os . listdir ( path ) if os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( path , folder ) ) ]
if len ( dirs ) > 0 :
for item in collection . items ( ) :
folder = os . path . basename ( os . path . dirname ( item . locations [ 0 ] ) )
if folder in dirs :
matches = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( path , folder , " poster.* " ) )
poster_path = os . path . abspath ( matches [ 0 ] ) if len ( matches ) > 0 else None
matches = glob . glob ( os . path . join ( path , folder , " background.* " ) )
background_path = os . path . abspath ( matches [ 0 ] ) if len ( matches ) > 0 else None
if poster_path :
item . uploadPoster ( filepath = poster_path )
logger . info ( f " Detail: asset_directory updated { item . title } ' s poster to [file] { poster_path } " )
if background_path :
item . uploadArt ( filepath = background_path )
logger . info ( f " Detail: asset_directory updated { item . title } ' s background to [file] { background_path } " )
if poster_path is None and background_path is None :
logger . warning ( f " No Files Found: { os . path . join ( path , folder ) } " )
else :
logger . warning ( f " No Folder: { os . path . join ( path , folder ) } " )
poster = util . choose_from_list ( self . posters , " poster " , list_type = " tuple " )
if not poster and " poster " in self . details : poster = self . details [ " poster " ]
if poster :
if poster [ 0 ] == " url " : collection . uploadPoster ( url = poster [ 1 ] )
else : collection . uploadPoster ( filepath = poster [ 1 ] )
logger . info ( f " Detail: { poster [ 2 ] } updated collection poster to [ { poster [ 0 ] } ] { poster [ 1 ] } " )
background = util . choose_from_list ( self . backgrounds , " background " , list_type = " tuple " )
if not background and " background " in self . details : background = self . details [ " background " ]
if background :
if background [ 0 ] == " url " : collection . uploadArt ( url = background [ 1 ] )
else : collection . uploadArt ( filepath = background [ 1 ] )
logger . info ( f " Detail: { background [ 2 ] } updated collection background to [ { background [ 0 ] } ] { background [ 1 ] } " )