| `color` | **Description:** Color version of the content rating images<br>**Default:**`` Set to `false` if you want b&w version. |
| `back_color` | **Description:** Choose the back color in RGBA for the overlay lozenge.<br>**Default:**`#00000099` |
| `back_radius` | **Description:** Choose the back radius for the overlay lozenge.<br>**Default:**`30` |
| `back_width` | **Description:** Choose the back width for the overlay lozenge.<br>**Default:**`305` |
| `back_height` | **Description:** Choose the back height for the overlay lozenge.<br>**Default:**`105` |
| `addon_offset` | **Description:** Text Addon Image Offset from the text.<br>**Default:** `15`<br>**Values:** Any number greater than 0 |
| `addon_position` | **Description:** Text Addon Image Alignment in relation to the text.<br>**Default:** `left`<br>**Values:** `left`, `right`, `top`, `bottom` |
| `builder_level` | **Description:** Choose the Overlay Level.<br>**Values:** `season` or `episode` |
=== "Overlay Template Variables"
include-markdown "../overlay_variables.md"
???+ example "Example Template Variable Amendments"
The below is an example config.yml extract with some Template Variables added in to change how the file works.