import csv, gzip, json, math, os, re, requests, shutil, time
from modules import util
from modules.util import Failed
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
logger = util.logger
builders = ["imdb_list", "imdb_id", "imdb_chart", "imdb_watchlist", "imdb_search", "imdb_award"]
movie_charts = ["box_office", "popular_movies", "top_movies", "top_english", "top_indian", "lowest_rated"]
show_charts = ["popular_shows", "top_shows"]
charts = {
"box_office": "Box Office",
"popular_movies": "Most Popular Movies",
"popular_shows": "Most Popular TV Shows",
"top_movies": "Top 250 Movies",
"top_shows": "Top 250 TV Shows",
"top_english": "Top Rated English Movies",
"top_indian": "Top Rated Indian Movies",
"lowest_rated": "Lowest Rated Movies"
imdb_search_attributes = [
"limit", "sort_by", "title", "type", "type.not", "release.after", "release.before", "rating.gte", "rating.lte",
"votes.gte", "votes.lte", "genre", "genre.any", "genre.not", "event", "event.winning", "series", "series.not",
"imdb_top", "imdb_bottom", "company", "content_rating", "country", "country.any", "country.not", "country.origin",
"keyword", "keyword.any", "keyword.not", "language", "language.any", "language.not", "language.primary",
"popularity.gte", "popularity.lte", "cast", "cast.any", "cast.not", "runtime.gte", "runtime.lte", "adult",
sort_by_options = {
"popularity": "POPULARITY",
"title": "TITLE_REGIONAL",
"rating": "USER_RATING",
"runtime": "RUNTIME",
"year": "YEAR",
"release": "RELEASE_DATE",
sort_options = [f"{a}.{d}"for a in sort_by_options for d in ["asc", "desc"]]
title_type_options = {
"movie": "movie", "tv_series": "tvSeries", "short": "short", "tv_episode": "tvEpisode", "tv_mini_series": "tvMiniSeries",
"tv_movie": "tvMovie", "tv_special": "tvSpecial", "tv_short": "tvShort", "video_game": "videoGame", "video": "video",
"music_video": "musicVideo", "podcast_series": "podcastSeries", "podcast_episode": "podcastEpisode"
genre_options = {a.lower(): a for a in [
"Action", "Adventure", "Animation", "Biography", "Comedy", "Documentary", "Drama", "Crime", "Family", "History",
"News", "Short", "Western", "Sport", "Reality-TV", "Horror", "Fantasy", "Film-Noir", "Music", "Romance",
"Talk-Show", "Thriller", "War", "Sci-Fi", "Musical", "Mystery", "Game-Show"
company_options = {
"fox": ["co0000756", "co0176225", "co0201557", "co0017497"],
"dreamworks": ["co0067641", "co0040938", "co0252576", "co0003158"],
"mgm": ["co0007143", "co0026841"],
"paramount": ["co0023400"],
"sony": ["co0050868", "co0026545", "co0121181"],
"universal": ["co0005073", "co0055277", "co0042399"],
"disney": ["co0008970", "co0017902", "co0098836", "co0059516", "co0092035", "co0049348"],
"warner": ["co0002663", "co0005035", "co0863266", "co0072876", "co0080422", "co0046718"],
event_options = {
"cannes": {"eventId": "ev0000147"},
"choice": {"eventId": "ev0000133"},
"spirit": {"eventId": "ev0000349"},
"sundance": {"eventId": "ev0000631"},
"bafta": {"eventId": "ev0000123"},
"oscar": {"eventId": "ev0000003"},
"emmy": {"eventId": "ev0000223"},
"golden": {"eventId": "ev0000292"},
"oscar_picture": {"eventId": "ev0000003", "searchAwardCategoryId": "bestPicture"},
"oscar_director": {"eventId": "ev0000003", "searchAwardCategoryId": "bestDirector"},
"national_film_board_preserved": {"eventId": "ev0000468"},
"razzie": {"eventId": "ev0000558"},
base_url = "https://www.imdb.com"
graphql_url = "https://api.graphql.imdb.com/"
urls = {
"lists": f"{base_url}/list/ls",
"keyword_searches": f"{base_url}/search/keyword/",
"filmography_searches": f"{base_url}/filmosearch/"
class IMDb:
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self._ratings = None
self._genres = None
self._episode_ratings = None
def _request(self, url, language=None, xpath=None, params=None):
logger.trace(f"URL: {url}")
if params:
logger.trace(f"Params: {params}")
headers = util.header(language) if language else util.header()
response = self.config.get_html(url, headers=headers, params=params)
return response.xpath(xpath) if xpath else response
def _graph_request(self, json_data):
return self.config.post_json(graphql_url, headers={"content-type": "application/json"}, json=json_data)
def validate_imdb_lists(self, err_type, imdb_lists, language):
valid_lists = []
for imdb_dict in util.get_list(imdb_lists, split=False):
if not isinstance(imdb_dict, dict):
imdb_dict = {"url": imdb_dict}
dict_methods = {dm.lower(): dm for dm in imdb_dict}
if "url" not in dict_methods:
raise Failed(f"{err_type} Error: imdb_list url attribute not found")
elif imdb_dict[dict_methods["url"]] is None:
raise Failed(f"{err_type} Error: imdb_list url attribute is blank")
imdb_url = imdb_dict[dict_methods["url"]].strip()
if not imdb_url.startswith(tuple([v for k, v in urls.items()])):
fails = "\n".join([f"{v} (For {k.replace('_', ' ').title()})" for k, v in urls.items()])
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: {imdb_url} must begin with either:{fails}")
self._total(imdb_url, language)
list_count = None
if "limit" in dict_methods:
if imdb_dict[dict_methods["limit"]] is None:
logger.warning(f"{err_type} Warning: imdb_list limit attribute is blank using 0 as default")
value = int(str(imdb_dict[dict_methods["limit"]]))
if 0 <= value:
list_count = value
except ValueError:
if list_count is None:
logger.warning(f"{err_type} Warning: imdb_list limit attribute must be an integer 0 or greater using 0 as default")
if list_count is None:
list_count = 0
valid_lists.append({"url": imdb_url, "limit": list_count})
return valid_lists
def validate_imdb_watchlists(self, err_type, users, language):
valid_users = []
for user in util.get_list(users):
user_id = None
if user.startswith("ur"):
user_id = int(user[2:])
except ValueError:
if not user_id:
raise Failed(f"{err_type} Error: User {user} not in the format of 'ur########'")
if self._watchlist(user, language):
return valid_users
def get_event_years(self, event_id):
return self._request(f"{base_url}/event/{event_id}", xpath="//div[@class='event-history-widget']//a/text()")
def get_award_names(self, event_id, event_year):
award_names = []
category_names = []
for text in self._request(f"{base_url}/event/{event_id}/{event_year}", xpath="//div[@class='article']/script/text()")[0].split("\n"):
if text.strip().startswith("IMDbReactWidgets.NomineesWidget.push"):
jsonline = text.strip()
obj = json.loads(jsonline[jsonline.find("{"):-3])
for award in obj["nomineesWidgetModel"]["eventEditionSummary"]["awards"]:
for category in award["categories"]:
return award_names, category_names
def _watchlist(self, user, language):
imdb_url = f"{base_url}/user/{user}/watchlist"
group = self._request(imdb_url, language=language, xpath="//span[@class='ab_widget']/script[@type='text/javascript']/text()")
if group:
return [k for k in json.loads(str(group[0]).split("\n")[5][35:-2])["titles"]]
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: Failed to parse URL: {imdb_url}")
def _total(self, imdb_url, language):
if imdb_url.startswith(urls["lists"]):
xpath_total = "//div[@class='desc lister-total-num-results']/text()"
per_page = 100
xpath_total = "//div[@class='desc']/text()"
per_page = 50
results = self._request(imdb_url, language=language, xpath=xpath_total)
total = 0
for result in results:
if "title" in result:
total = int(re.findall("(\\d+) title", result.replace(",", ""))[0])
except IndexError:
if total > 0:
return total, per_page
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: Failed to parse URL: {imdb_url}")
def _ids_from_url(self, imdb_url, language, limit):
total, item_count = self._total(imdb_url, language)
imdb_ids = []
parsed_url = urlparse(imdb_url)
params = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)
imdb_base = parsed_url._replace(query=None).geturl() # noqa
params.pop("start", None) # noqa
params.pop("count", None) # noqa
params.pop("page", None) # noqa
logger.trace(f"URL: {imdb_base}")
logger.trace(f"Params: {params}")
if limit < 1 or total < limit:
limit = total
remainder = limit % item_count
if remainder == 0:
remainder = item_count
num_of_pages = math.ceil(int(limit) / item_count)
for i in range(1, num_of_pages + 1):
start_num = (i - 1) * item_count + 1
logger.ghost(f"Parsing Page {i}/{num_of_pages} {start_num}-{limit if i == num_of_pages else i * item_count}")
params["page"] = i # noqa
ids_found = self._request(imdb_base, language=language, xpath="//div[contains(@class, 'lister-item-image')]//a/img//@data-tconst", params=params)
if i == num_of_pages:
ids_found = ids_found[:remainder]
if len(imdb_ids) > 0:
return imdb_ids
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: No IMDb IDs Found at {imdb_url}")
def _search_json(self, data):
out = {
"locale": "en-US",
"first": data["limit"] if "limit" in data and data["limit"] < 250 else 250,
"titleTypeConstraint": {"anyTitleTypeIds": [title_type_options[t] for t in data["type"]] if "type" in data else []},
sort = data["sort_by"] if "sort_by" in data else "popularity.asc"
sort_by, sort_order = sort.split(".")
out["sortBy"] = sort_by_options[sort_by]
out["sortOrder"] = sort_order.upper()
if "type.not" in data:
out["titleTypeConstraint"]["excludeTitleTypeIds"] = [title_type_options[t] for t in data["type.not"]]
if "release.after" in data or "release.before" in data:
num_range = {}
if "release.after" in data:
num_range["start"] = data["release.after"]
if "release.before" in data:
num_range["end"] = data["release.before"]
out["releaseDateConstraint"] = {"releaseDateRange": num_range}
if "title" in data:
out["titleTextConstraint"] = {"searchTerm": data["title"]}
if any([a in data for a in ["rating.gte", "rating.lte", "votes.gte", "votes.lte"]]):
out["userRatingsConstraint"] = {}
num_range = {}
if "rating.gte" in data:
num_range["min"] = data["rating.gte"]
if "rating.lte" in data:
num_range["max"] = data["rating.lte"]
out["userRatingsConstraint"]["aggregateRatingRange"] = num_range
num_range = {}
if "votes.gte" in data:
num_range["min"] = data["votes.gte"]
if "votes.lte" in data:
num_range["max"] = data["votes.lte"]
out["userRatingsConstraint"]["ratingsCountRange"] = num_range
if any([a in data for a in ["genre", "genre.any", "genre.not"]]):
out["genreConstraint"] = {}
if "genre" in data:
out["genreConstraint"]["allGenreIds"] = [genre_options[g] for g in data["genre"]]
if "genre.any" in data:
out["genreConstraint"]["anyGenreIds"] = [genre_options[g] for g in data["genre.any"]]
if "genre.not" in data:
out["genreConstraint"]["excludeGenreIds"] = [genre_options[g] for g in data["genre.not"]]
if "event" in data or "event.winning" in data:
input_list = []
if "event" in data:
input_list.extend([event_options[a] if a in event_options else {"eventId": a} for a in data["event"]])
if "event.winning" in data:
for a in data["event.winning"]:
award_dict = event_options[a] if a in event_options else {"eventId": a}
award_dict["winnerFilter"] = "WINNER_ONLY"
out["awardConstraint"] = {"allEventNominations": input_list}
if any([a in data for a in ["imdb_top", "imdb_bottom", "popularity.gte", "popularity.lte"]]):
ranges = []
if "imdb_top" in data:
ranges.append({"rankRange": {"max": data["imdb_top"]}, "rankedTitleListType": "TOP_RATED_MOVIES"})
if "imdb_bottom" in data:
ranges.append({"rankRange": {"max": data["imdb_bottom"]}, "rankedTitleListType": "LOWEST_RATED_MOVIES"})
if "popularity.gte" in data or "popularity.lte" in data:
num_range = {}
if "popularity.lte" in data:
num_range["max"] = data["popularity.lte"]
if "popularity.gte" in data:
num_range["min"] = data["popularity.gte"]
ranges.append({"rankRange": num_range, "rankedTitleListType": "TITLE_METER"})
out["rankedTitleListConstraint"] = {"allRankedTitleLists": ranges}
if any([a in data for a in ["series", "series.not"]]):
out["episodicConstraint"] = {}
if "series" in data:
out["episodicConstraint"]["anySeriesIds"] = data["series"]
if "series.not" in data:
out["episodicConstraint"]["excludeSeriesIds"] = data["series.not"]
if any([a in data for a in ["list", "list.any", "list.not"]]):
out["listConstraint"] = {}
if "list" in data:
out["listConstraint"]["inAllLists"] = data["list"]
if "list.any" in data:
out["listConstraint"]["inAnyList"] = data["list.any"]
if "list.not" in data:
out["listConstraint"]["notInAnyList"] = data["list.not"]
if "company" in data:
company_ids = []
for c in data["company"]:
if c in company_options:
out["creditedCompanyConstraint"] = {"anyCompanyIds": company_ids}
if "content_rating" in data:
out["certificateConstraint"] = {"anyRegionCertificateRatings": data["content_rating"]}
if any([a in data for a in ["country", "country.any", "country.not", "country.origin"]]):
out["originCountryConstraint"] = {}
if "country" in data:
out["originCountryConstraint"]["allCountries"] = data["country"]
if "country.any" in data:
out["originCountryConstraint"]["anyCountries"] = data["country.any"]
if "country.not" in data:
out["originCountryConstraint"]["excludeCountries"] = data["country.not"]
if "country.origin" in data:
out["originCountryConstraint"]["anyPrimaryCountries"] = data["country.origin"]
if any([a in data for a in ["keyword", "keyword.any", "keyword.not"]]):
out["keywordConstraint"] = {}
if "keyword" in data:
out["keywordConstraint"]["allKeywords"] = data["keyword"]
if "keyword.any" in data:
out["keywordConstraint"]["anyKeywords"] = data["keyword.any"]
if "keyword.not" in data:
out["keywordConstraint"]["excludeKeywords"] = data["keyword.not"]
if any([a in data for a in ["language", "language.any", "language.not", "language.primary"]]):
out["languageConstraint"] = {}
if "language" in data:
out["languageConstraint"]["allLanguages"] = data["language"]
if "language.any" in data:
out["languageConstraint"]["anyLanguages"] = data["language.any"]
if "language.not" in data:
out["languageConstraint"]["excludeLanguages"] = data["language.not"]
if "language.primary" in data:
out["languageConstraint"]["anyPrimaryLanguages"] = data["language.primary"]
if any([a in data for a in ["cast", "cast.any", "cast.not"]]):
out["creditedNameConstraint"] = {}
if "cast" in data:
out["creditedNameConstraint"]["allNameIds"] = data["cast"]
if "cast.any" in data:
out["creditedNameConstraint"]["anyNameIds"] = data["cast.any"]
if "cast.not" in data:
out["creditedNameConstraint"]["excludeNameIds"] = data["cast.not"]
if "runtime.gte" in data or "runtime.lte" in data:
num_range = {}
if "runtime.gte" in data:
num_range["min"] = data["runtime.gte"]
if "runtime.lte" in data:
num_range["max"] = data["runtime.lte"]
out["runtimeConstraint"] = {"runtimeRangeMinutes": num_range}
if "adult" in data and data["adult"]:
out["explicitContentConstraint"] = {"explicitContentFilter": "INCLUDE_ADULT"}
return {
"operationName": "AdvancedTitleSearch",
"variables": out,
"extensions": {
"persistedQuery": {
"version": 1,
"sha256Hash": "7327d144ec84b57c93f761affe0d0609b0d495f85e8e47fdc76291679850cfda"
def _search(self, data):
json_obj = self._search_json(data)
item_count = 250
imdb_ids = []
logger.ghost("Parsing Page 1")
response_json = self._graph_request(json_obj)
total = response_json["data"]["advancedTitleSearch"]["total"]
limit = data["limit"]
if limit < 1 or total < limit:
limit = total
remainder = limit % item_count
if remainder == 0:
remainder = item_count
num_of_pages = math.ceil(int(limit) / item_count)
end_cursor = response_json["data"]["advancedTitleSearch"]["pageInfo"]["endCursor"]
imdb_ids.extend([n["node"]["title"]["id"] for n in response_json["data"]["advancedTitleSearch"]["edges"]])
if num_of_pages > 1:
for i in range(2, num_of_pages + 1):
start_num = (i - 1) * item_count + 1
logger.ghost(f"Parsing Page {i}/{num_of_pages} {start_num}-{limit if i == num_of_pages else i * item_count}")
json_obj["variables"]["after"] = end_cursor
response_json = self._graph_request(json_obj)
end_cursor = response_json["data"]["advancedTitleSearch"]["pageInfo"]["endCursor"]
ids_found = [n["node"]["title"]["id"] for n in response_json["data"]["advancedTitleSearch"]["edges"]]
if i == num_of_pages:
ids_found = ids_found[:remainder]
if len(imdb_ids) > 0:
return imdb_ids
raise Failed("IMDb Error: No IMDb IDs Found")
def _award(self, data):
final_list = []
for text in self._request(f"{base_url}/event/{data['event_id']}/{data['event_year']}", xpath="//div[@class='article']/script/text()")[0].split("\n"):
if text.strip().startswith("IMDbReactWidgets.NomineesWidget.push"):
jsonline = text.strip()
obj = json.loads(jsonline[jsonline.find('{'):-3])
for award in obj["nomineesWidgetModel"]["eventEditionSummary"]["awards"]:
if data["award_filter"] and award["awardName"] not in data["award_filter"]:
for cat in award["categories"]:
if data["category_filter"] and cat["categoryName"] not in data["category_filter"]:
for nom in cat["nominations"]:
if data["winning"] and not nom["isWinner"]:
imdb_set = next(((n["const"], n["name"]) for n in nom["primaryNominees"] + nom["secondaryNominees"] if n["const"].startswith("tt")), None)
if imdb_set:
return final_list
def keywords(self, imdb_id, language, ignore_cache=False):
imdb_keywords = {}
expired = None
if self.config.Cache and not ignore_cache:
imdb_keywords, expired = self.config.Cache.query_imdb_keywords(imdb_id, self.config.Cache.expiration)
if imdb_keywords and expired is False:
return imdb_keywords
keywords = self._request(f"{base_url}/title/{imdb_id}/keywords", language=language, xpath="//td[@class='soda sodavote']")
if not keywords:
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: No Item Found for IMDb ID: {imdb_id}")
for k in keywords:
name = k.xpath("div[@class='sodatext']/a/text()")[0]
relevant = k.xpath("div[@class='did-you-know-actions']/div/a/text()")[0].strip()
if "of" in relevant:
result = re.search(r"(\d+) of (\d+).*", relevant)
imdb_keywords[name] = (int(result.group(1)), int(result.group(2)))
imdb_keywords[name] = (0, 0)
if self.config.Cache and not ignore_cache:
self.config.Cache.update_imdb_keywords(expired, imdb_id, imdb_keywords, self.config.Cache.expiration)
return imdb_keywords
def parental_guide(self, imdb_id, ignore_cache=False):
parental_dict = {}
expired = None
if self.config.Cache and not ignore_cache:
parental_dict, expired = self.config.Cache.query_imdb_parental(imdb_id, self.config.Cache.expiration)
if parental_dict and expired is False:
return parental_dict
response = self._request(f"{base_url}/title/{imdb_id}/parentalguide")
for ptype in util.parental_types:
results = response.xpath(f"//section[@id='advisory-{ptype}']//span[contains(@class,'ipl-status-pill')]/text()")
if results:
parental_dict[ptype] = results[0].strip()
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: No Item Found for IMDb ID: {imdb_id}")
if self.config.Cache and not ignore_cache:
self.config.Cache.update_imdb_parental(expired, imdb_id, parental_dict, self.config.Cache.expiration)
return parental_dict
def _ids_from_chart(self, chart, language):
if chart == "box_office":
url = "chart/boxoffice"
elif chart == "popular_movies":
url = "chart/moviemeter"
elif chart == "popular_shows":
url = "chart/tvmeter"
elif chart == "top_movies":
url = "chart/top"
elif chart == "top_shows":
url = "chart/toptv"
elif chart == "top_english":
url = "chart/top-english-movies"
elif chart == "top_indian":
url = "india/top-rated-indian-movies"
elif chart == "lowest_rated":
url = "chart/bottom"
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: chart: {chart} not ")
links = self._request(f"{base_url}/{url}", language=language, xpath="//li//a[@class='ipc-title-link-wrapper']/@href")
return [re.search("(tt\\d+)", l).group(1) for l in links]
def get_imdb_ids(self, method, data, language):
if method == "imdb_id":
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb ID: {data}")
return [(data, "imdb")]
elif method == "imdb_list":
status = f"{data['limit']} Items at " if data['limit'] > 0 else ''
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb List: {status}{data['url']}")
return [(i, "imdb") for i in self._ids_from_url(data["url"], language, data["limit"])]
elif method == "imdb_chart":
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb Chart: {charts[data]}")
return [(_i, "imdb") for _i in self._ids_from_chart(data, language)]
elif method == "imdb_watchlist":
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb Watchlist: {data}")
return [(_i, "imdb") for _i in self._watchlist(data, language)]
elif method == "imdb_award":
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb Award: {base_url}/{data['event_id']}/{data['event_year']}")
for k in ["award_filter", "category_filter", "winning"]:
logger.info(f" {k}: {data[k]}")
awards = self._award(data)
for award in awards:
return [(_i, "imdb") for _i, _ in awards]
elif method == "imdb_search":
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb Search:")
for k, v in data.items():
logger.info(f" {k}: {v}")
return [(_i, "imdb") for _i in self._search(data)]
raise Failed(f"IMDb Error: Method {method} not supported")
def _interface(self, interface):
gz = os.path.join(self.config.default_dir, f"title.{interface}.tsv.gz")
tsv = os.path.join(self.config.default_dir, f"title.{interface}.tsv")
if os.path.exists(gz):
if os.path.exists(tsv):
with requests.get(f"https://datasets.imdbws.com/title.{interface}.tsv.gz", stream=True) as r:
total_length = r.headers.get('content-length')
if total_length is not None:
total_length = int(total_length)
dl = 0
with open(gz, "wb") as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
dl += len(chunk)
logger.ghost(f"Downloading IMDb Interface: {dl / total_length * 100:6.2f}%")
with open(tsv, "wb") as f_out:
with gzip.open(gz, "rb") as f_in:
shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
with open(tsv, "r", encoding="utf-8") as t:
if interface == "ratings":
data = {line[0]: line[1] for line in csv.reader(t, delimiter="\t")}
elif interface == "basics":
data = {line[0]: str(line[-1]).split(",") for line in csv.reader(t, delimiter="\t")}
data = [line for line in csv.reader(t, delimiter="\t")]
if os.path.exists(gz):
if os.path.exists(tsv):
return data
def ratings(self):
if self._ratings is None:
self._ratings = self._interface("ratings")
return self._ratings
def genres(self):
if self._genres is None:
self._genres = self._interface("basics")
return self._genres
def episode_ratings(self):
if self._episode_ratings is None:
self._episode_ratings = {}
for imdb_id, parent_id, season_num, episode_num in self._interface("episode"):
if imdb_id not in self.ratings:
if parent_id not in self._episode_ratings:
self._episode_ratings[parent_id] = {}
if season_num not in self._episode_ratings[parent_id]:
self._episode_ratings[parent_id][season_num] = {}
self._episode_ratings[parent_id][season_num][episode_num] = self.ratings[imdb_id]
return self._episode_ratings
def get_rating(self, imdb_id):
return self.ratings[imdb_id] if imdb_id in self.ratings else None
def get_episode_rating(self, imdb_id, season_num, episode_num):
season_num = str(season_num)
episode_num = str(episode_num)
if imdb_id not in self.episode_ratings or season_num not in self.episode_ratings[imdb_id] or episode_num not in self.episode_ratings[imdb_id][season_num]:
return None
return self.episode_ratings[imdb_id][season_num][episode_num]
def item_filter(self, imdb_info, filter_attr, modifier, filter_final, filter_data):
if filter_attr == "imdb_keyword":
mr = filter_data["minimum_relevant"]
mv = filter_data["minimum_votes"]
mp = filter_data["minimum_percentage"]
attrs = [k for k, (r, v) in imdb_info.items() if r >= mr and v >= mv and (v == 0 or r / v >= mp)]
if modifier == ".regex":
has_match = False
for reg in filter_data:
for name in attrs:
if re.compile(reg).search(name):
has_match = True
if has_match is False:
return False
elif modifier in [".count_gt", ".count_gte", ".count_lt", ".count_lte"]:
test_number = len(attrs) if attrs else 0
modifier = f".{modifier[7:]}"
if test_number is None or util.is_number_filter(test_number, modifier, filter_data):
return False
elif (not list(set(filter_data["keywords"]) & set(attrs)) and modifier == "") \
or (list(set(filter_data["keywords"]) & set(attrs)) and modifier == ".not"):
return False
return True