If you do not use the US-based rating system within Plex, this file will attempt to match the international ratings (such as "gb/12A") to the respective US rating system (such as "TV-14")
| `sort_by` | **Description:** Controls the sort method for the collections<br>**Values:** Any sort method in the [Sorts Options Table](#sort-options) |
| `include` | **Description:** Overrides the default include list<br>**Values:** Any Content Rating found in your library |
| `exclude` | **Description:** Overrides the default exclude list<br>**Values:** Any Content Rating found in your library |
| `addons` | **Description:** Defines how multiple keys can be combined under a parent key. The parent key doesn't have to already exist in Plex<br>**Values:** Any Content Rating found in your library |
| `append_include` | **Description:** Appends to the existing include list<br>**Values:** Any Content Rating found in your library |
| `append_exclude` | **Description:** Appends to the existing exclude list<br>**Values:** Any Content Rating found in your library |
| `append_addons` | **Description:** Appends to the existing addons list<br>**Values:** Any Content Rating found in your library |