Note that the `template_variables:` section only needs to be used if you do want to actually change how the defaults work. Any value not specified is its default value if it has one if not it's just ignored.
All [Shared Overlay Variables](../overlay_variables) except `horizontal_offset`, `horizontal_align`, `vertical_offset`, and `vertical_align` are available with the default values below as well as the additional Variables below which can be used to customize the file.
| `limit` | **Description:** Changes the Builder Limit for all overlays in a Defaults file.<br>**Default:** `10`<br>**Values:** Any number greater than 0 |
| `limit_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Changes the Builder Limit of the specified key's overlay.<br>**Default:** `limit`<br>**Values:** Any number greater than 0 |
| `location` | **Description:** Changes the Builder Location for all overlays in a Defaults file.<br>**Default:** `world`<br>**Values:** [`location` Attribute Options](../../metadata/builders/ |
| `location_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Changes the Builder Location of the specified key's overlay.<br>**Default:** `location`<br>**Values:** [`location` Attribute Options](../../metadata/builders/ |
| `time_window` | **Description:** Changes the Builder Time Window for all overlays in a Defaults file.<br>**Default:** `last_week`<br>**Values:** [`time_window` Attribute Options](../../metadata/builders/ |
| `time_window_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Changes the Builder Time Window of the specified key's overlay.<br>**Default:** `time_window`<br>**Values:** [`time_window` Attribute Options](../../metadata/builders/ |
| `weight_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Controls the weight of the Overlay. Higher numbers have priority.<br>**Values:** Any Number |
| `font` | **Description:** Choose the font for the Overlay.<br>**Default:** `fonts/Inter-Medium.ttf`<br>**Values:** Path to font file |
| `font_style` | **Description:** Font style for Variable Fonts.<br>**Values:** Variable Font Style |
| `font_color` | **Description:** Choose the font color for the Overlay.<br>**Default:** `#FFFFFF`<br>**Values:** Color Hex Code in format `#RGB`, `#RGBA`, `#RRGGBB` or `#RRGGBBAA` |
| `stroke_color` | **Description:** Font Stroke Color for the Text Overlay.<br>**Values:** Color Hex Code in format `#RGB`, `#RGBA`, `#RRGGBB` or `#RRGGBBAA` |
| `addon_position` | **Description:** Text Addon Image Alignment in relation to the text.<br>**Default:** `top`<br>**Values:** `left`, `right`, `top`, `bottom` |