import argparse , os , platform , re , sys , time , uuid , requests
from collections import Counter
from concurrent . futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from datetime import datetime
from modules . logs import MyLogger
if sys . version_info [ 0 ] != 3 or sys . version_info [ 1 ] < 8 :
print ( " Version Error: Version: %s . %s . %s incompatible please use Python 3.8+ " % ( sys . version_info [ 0 ] , sys . version_info [ 1 ] , sys . version_info [ 2 ] ) )
sys . exit ( 0 )
try :
import arrapi , lxml , pathvalidate , PIL , plexapi , psutil , dateutil , requests , ruamel . yaml , schedule , setuptools , tmdbapis
from dotenv import load_dotenv , version as dotenv_version
from PIL import ImageFile
from plexapi import server
from plexapi . exceptions import NotFound
from plexapi . video import Show , Season
except ( ModuleNotFoundError , ImportError ) as ie :
print ( f " Requirements Error: Requirements are not installed ( { ie } ) " )
sys . exit ( 0 )
system_versions = {
" arrapi " : arrapi . __version__ ,
" GitPython " : None ,
" lxml " : lxml . __version__ ,
" num2words " : None ,
" pathvalidate " : pathvalidate . __version__ ,
" pillow " : PIL . __version__ ,
" PlexAPI " : plexapi . __version__ ,
" psutil " : psutil . __version__ ,
" python-dotenv " : dotenv_version . __version__ ,
" python-dateutil " : dateutil . __version__ , # noqa
" requests " : requests . __version__ ,
" tenacity " : None ,
" ruamel.yaml " : ruamel . yaml . __version__ ,
" schedule " : None ,
" setuptools " : setuptools . __version__ ,
" tmdbapis " : tmdbapis . __version__
default_dir = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , " config " )
load_dotenv ( os . path . join ( default_dir , " .env " ) )
arguments = {
" config " : { " args " : " c " , " type " : " str " , " help " : " Run with desired *.yml file " } ,
" times " : { " args " : [ " t " , " time " ] , " type " : " str " , " default " : " 05:00 " , " help " : " Times to update each day use format HH:MM (Default: 05:00) (comma-separated list) " } ,
" run " : { " args " : " r " , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run without the scheduler " } ,
" tests " : { " args " : [ " ts " , " rt " , " test " , " run-test " , " run-tests " ] , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run in debug mode with only collections that have test: true " } ,
" debug " : { " args " : " db " , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run with Debug Logs Reporting to the Command Window " } ,
" trace " : { " args " : " tr " , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run with extra Trace Debug Logs " } ,
" log-requests " : { " args " : [ " lr " , " log-request " ] , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run with all Requests printed " } ,
" timeout " : { " args " : " ti " , " type " : " int " , " default " : 180 , " help " : " Kometa Global Timeout (Default: 180) " } ,
" no-verify-ssl " : { " args " : " nv " , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Turns off Global SSL Verification " } ,
" collections-only " : { " args " : [ " co " , " collection-only " ] , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run only collection files " } ,
" metadata-only " : { " args " : [ " mo " , " metadatas-only " ] , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run only metadata files " } ,
" playlists-only " : { " args " : [ " po " , " playlist-only " ] , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run only playlist files " } ,
" operations-only " : { " args " : [ " op " , " operation " , " operations " , " lo " , " library-only " , " libraries-only " , " operation-only " ] , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run only operations " } ,
" overlays-only " : { " args " : [ " ov " , " overlay " , " overlays " , " overlay-only " ] , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run only overlay files " } ,
" run-collections " : { " args " : [ " rc " , " cl " , " collection " , " collections " , " run-collection " ] , " type " : " str " , " help " : " Process only specified collections (pipe-separated list ' | ' ) " } ,
" run-libraries " : { " args " : [ " rl " , " l " , " library " , " libraries " , " run-library " ] , " type " : " str " , " help " : " Process only specified libraries (pipe-separated list ' | ' ) " } ,
" run-files " : { " args " : [ " rf " , " rm " , " m " , " run-file " , " metadata " , " metadata-files " , " run-metadata-files " ] , " type " : " str " , " help " : " Process only specified Files (pipe-separated list ' | ' ) " } ,
" ignore-schedules " : { " args " : " is " , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run ignoring collection schedules " } ,
" ignore-ghost " : { " args " : " ig " , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run ignoring ghost logging " } ,
" delete-collections " : { " args " : [ " dc " , " delete " , " delete-collection " ] , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Deletes all Collections in the Plex Library before running " } ,
" delete-labels " : { " args " : [ " dl " , " delete-label " ] , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Deletes all Labels in the Plex Library before running " } ,
" resume " : { " args " : " re " , " type " : " str " , " help " : " Resume collection run from a specific collection " } ,
" no-countdown " : { " args " : " nc " , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run without displaying the countdown " } ,
" no-missing " : { " args " : " nm " , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run without running the missing section " } ,
" no-report " : { " args " : " nr " , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run without saving a report " } ,
" read-only-config " : { " args " : " ro " , " type " : " bool " , " help " : " Run without writing to the config " } ,
" divider " : { " args " : " d " , " type " : " str " , " default " : " = " , " help " : " Character that divides the sections (Default: ' = ' ) " } ,
" width " : { " args " : " w " , " type " : " int " , " default " : 100 , " help " : " Screen Width (Default: 100) " } ,
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( )
for arg_key , arg_data in arguments . items ( ) :
temp_args = arg_data [ " args " ] if isinstance ( arg_data [ " args " ] , list ) else [ arg_data [ " args " ] ]
args = [ f " -- { arg_key } " ] + [ f " -- { a } " if len ( a ) > 2 else f " - { a } " for a in temp_args ]
kwargs = { " dest " : arg_key . replace ( " - " , " _ " ) , " help " : arg_data [ " help " ] }
if arg_data [ " type " ] == " bool " :
kwargs [ " action " ] = " store_true "
kwargs [ " default " ] = False # noqa
else :
kwargs [ " type " ] = int if arg_data [ " type " ] == " int " else str
if " default " in arg_data :
kwargs [ " default " ] = arg_data [ " default " ]
parser . add_argument ( * args , * * kwargs )
args , unknown = parser . parse_known_args ( )
def get_env ( env_str , default , arg_bool = False , arg_int = False ) :
env_vars = [ env_str ] if not isinstance ( env_str , list ) else env_str
final_value = None
static_envs . extend ( env_vars )
for env_var in env_vars :
env_value = os . environ . get ( env_var )
if env_value is not None :
final_value = env_value
if not final_value :
for env_var in env_vars :
if env_var . startswith ( " KOMETA " ) :
env_value = os . environ . get ( env_var . replace ( " KOMETA " , " PMM " ) )
if env_value is not None :
final_value = env_value
if final_value or ( arg_int and final_value == 0 ) :
if arg_bool :
if final_value is True or final_value is False :
return final_value
elif final_value . lower ( ) in [ " t " , " true " ] :
return True
else :
return False
elif arg_int :
try :
return int ( final_value )
except ValueError :
return default
else :
return str ( final_value )
else :
return default
static_envs = [ ]
run_args = { }
for arg_key , arg_data in arguments . items ( ) :
temp_args = arg_data [ " args " ] if isinstance ( arg_data [ " args " ] , list ) else [ arg_data [ " args " ] ]
final_vars = [ f " KOMETA_ { arg_key . replace ( ' - ' , ' _ ' ) . upper ( ) } " ] + [ f " KOMETA_ { a . replace ( ' - ' , ' _ ' ) . upper ( ) } " for a in temp_args if len ( a ) > 2 ]
run_args [ arg_key ] = get_env ( final_vars , getattr ( args , arg_key . replace ( " - " , " _ " ) ) , arg_bool = arg_data [ " type " ] == " bool " , arg_int = arg_data [ " type " ] == " int " )
env_branch = get_env ( " BRANCH_NAME " , " master " )
is_docker = get_env ( " KOMETA_DOCKER " , False , arg_bool = True )
is_linuxserver = get_env ( " KOMETA_LINUXSERVER " , False , arg_bool = True )
secret_args = { }
plex_url = None
plex_token = None
i = 0
while i < len ( unknown ) :
test_var = str ( unknown [ i ] ) . lower ( ) . replace ( " _ " , " - " )
if test_var . startswith ( ( " --pmm- " , " --kometa- " ) ) or test_var in [ " -pu " , " --plex-url " , " -pt " , " --plex-token " ] :
if test_var in [ " -pu " , " --plex-url " ] :
plex_url = str ( unknown [ i + 1 ] )
elif test_var in [ " -pt " , " --plex-token " ] :
plex_token = str ( unknown [ i + 1 ] )
elif test_var . startswith ( " --kometa- " ) :
secret_args [ test_var [ 9 : ] ] = str ( unknown [ i + 1 ] )
elif test_var . startswith ( " --pmm- " ) :
secret_args [ test_var [ 6 : ] ] = str ( unknown [ i + 1 ] )
i + = 1
i + = 1
plex_url = get_env ( " KOMETA_PLEX_URL " , plex_url )
plex_token = get_env ( " KOMETA_PLEX_TOKEN " , plex_token )
env_secrets = [ ]
for env_name , env_data in os . environ . items ( ) :
if env_data is not None and str ( env_data ) . strip ( ) :
if str ( env_name ) . upper ( ) . startswith ( " KOMETA_ " ) and str ( env_name ) . upper ( ) not in static_envs :
secret_args [ str ( env_name ) . lower ( ) [ 7 : ] . replace ( " _ " , " - " ) ] = env_data
elif str ( env_name ) . upper ( ) . startswith ( " PMM_ " ) and str ( env_name ) . upper ( ) not in static_envs :
secret_args [ str ( env_name ) . lower ( ) [ 4 : ] . replace ( " _ " , " - " ) ] = env_data
run_arg = " " . join ( [ f ' " { s } " ' if " " in s else s for s in sys . argv [ : ] ] )
for _ , sv in secret_args . items ( ) :
if sv in run_arg :
run_arg = run_arg . replace ( sv , " (redacted) " )
try :
import git # noqa
system_versions [ " GitPython " ] = git . __version__
from git import Repo , InvalidGitRepositoryError # noqa
try :
git_branch = Repo ( path = " . " ) . head . ref . name # noqa
except InvalidGitRepositoryError :
git_branch = None
except ImportError :
git_branch = None
if run_args [ " run-collections " ] :
run_args [ " collections-only " ] = True
if run_args [ " width " ] < 90 or run_args [ " width " ] > 300 :
print ( f " Argument Error: width argument invalid: { run_args [ ' width ' ] } must be an integer between 90 and 300 using the default 100 " )
run_args [ " width " ] = 100
if run_args [ " config " ] and os . path . exists ( run_args [ " config " ] ) :
default_dir = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( run_args [ " config " ] ) ) )
elif run_args [ " config " ] and not os . path . exists ( run_args [ " config " ] ) :
print ( f " Config Error: config not found at { os . path . abspath ( run_args [ ' config ' ] ) } " )
sys . exit ( 0 )
elif not os . path . exists ( os . path . join ( default_dir , " config.yml " ) ) :
template_path = os . path . join ( default_dir , " config.yml.template " )
config_path = os . path . join ( default_dir , " config.yml " )
if os . path . exists ( template_path ) :
try :
with open ( template_path , ' r ' ) as template_file :
content = template_file . read ( )
with open ( config_path , ' w ' ) as config_file :
config_file . write ( content )
print ( f " Configuration file (config.yml) created at { config_path } . Please open this file and update it with your API keys etc. " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
except Exception as e :
print ( f " Error: Unable to copy the configuration template file from { template_path } to { config_path } . Details: { e } " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
else :
if git_branch :
github_url = f " { git_branch } /config/config.yml.template "
try :
response = requests . get ( github_url , timeout = 10 )
if response . status_code == 200 :
with open ( template_path , ' w ' ) as template_file :
template_file . write ( response . text )
with open ( config_path , ' w ' ) as config_file :
config_file . write ( response . text )
print ( f " A Configuration file (config.yml) has been downloaded from GitHub and saved as { config_path } . Please update this file with your API keys and other required settings. " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
else :
print ( f " Error: No Configuration file (config.yml) found locally, and the template file(config.yml.template) could not be downloaded from GitHub. Please visit the GitHub repository to manually download the config.yml.template file. " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
except requests . RequestException as e :
print ( f " Error: Failed to download the configuration template file (config.yml.template) from GitHub. Details: { e } " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
else :
print (
f " Configuration Error: The configuration file (config.yml) and its template (config.yml.template) are missing from { os . path . abspath ( default_dir ) } . "
" Additionally, the GitHub branch could not be determined. Please download the template file manually from the GitHub repository. "
sys . exit ( 0 )
logger = MyLogger ( " Kometa " , default_dir , run_args [ " width " ] , run_args [ " divider " ] [ 0 ] , run_args [ " ignore-ghost " ] ,
run_args [ " tests " ] or run_args [ " debug " ] , run_args [ " trace " ] , run_args [ " log-requests " ] )
from modules import util
util . logger = logger
from modules . builder import CollectionBuilder
from modules . config import ConfigFile
from modules . request import Requests
from modules . util import Failed , FilterFailed , NonExisting , NotScheduled , Deleted
def my_except_hook ( exctype , value , tb ) :
if issubclass ( exctype , KeyboardInterrupt ) :
sys . __excepthook__ ( exctype , value , tb )
else :
logger . critical ( " Uncaught Exception " , exc_info = ( exctype , value , tb ) )
sys . excepthook = my_except_hook
old_send = requests . Session . send
def new_send ( * send_args , * * kwargs ) :
if kwargs . get ( " timeout " , None ) is None :
kwargs [ " timeout " ] = run_args [ " timeout " ]
return old_send ( * send_args , * * kwargs )
requests . Session . send = new_send
local_version = " Unknown "
with open ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , " VERSION " ) ) as handle :
for line in handle . readlines ( ) :
line = line . strip ( )
if len ( line ) > 0 :
local_version = line
local_part = " "
with open ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) , " PART " ) ) as handle :
for line in handle . readlines ( ) :
line = line . strip ( )
if len ( line ) > 0 :
local_part = line
uuid_file = os . path . join ( default_dir , " UUID " )
uuid_num = None
if os . path . exists ( uuid_file ) :
with open ( uuid_file ) as handle :
for line in handle . readlines ( ) :
line = line . strip ( )
if len ( line ) > 0 :
uuid_num = line
if not uuid_num :
uuid_num = uuid . uuid4 ( )
with open ( uuid_file , " w " ) as handle :
handle . write ( str ( uuid_num ) )
plexapi . BASE_HEADERS [ " X-Plex-Client-Identifier " ] = str ( uuid_num )
def process ( attrs ) :
with ProcessPoolExecutor ( max_workers = 1 ) as executor :
executor . submit ( start , * [ attrs ] )
def start ( attrs ) :
try :
logger . add_main_handler ( )
logger . separator ( )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info_center ( " __ ___ ______ ___ ___ _______ __________ ___ " )
logger . info_center ( " | |/ / / __ \\ | \\ / | | ____|| | / \\ " )
logger . info_center ( " | ' / | | | | | \\ / | | |__ `---| |---` / ^ \\ " )
logger . info_center ( " | < | | | | | | \\ /| | | __| | | / /_ \\ \\ " )
logger . info_center ( " | . \\ | `--` | | | | | | |____ | | / _____ \\ " )
logger . info_center ( " |__| \\ __ \\ \\ ______/ |__| |__| |_______| |__| /__/ \\ __ \\ " )
logger . info ( " " )
my_requests = Requests ( local_version , local_part , env_branch , git_branch , verify_ssl = False if run_args [ " no-verify-ssl " ] else True )
if is_linuxserver or is_docker :
system_ver = f " { ' Linuxserver ' if is_linuxserver else ' Docker ' } : { env_branch } "
else :
system_ver = f " Python { platform . python_version ( ) } ) ( { f ' Git: { git_branch } ' if git_branch else f ' Branch: { my_requests . branch } ' } "
logger . info ( f " Version: { my_requests . local } ( { system_ver } ) " )
if my_requests . newest :
logger . info ( f " Newest Version: { my_requests . newest } " )
logger . info ( f " Platform: { platform . platform ( ) } " )
logger . info ( f " Total Memory: { round ( psutil . virtual_memory ( ) . total / ( 1024.0 * * 3 ) ) } GB " )
logger . info ( f " Available Memory: { round ( psutil . virtual_memory ( ) . available / ( 1024.0 * * 3 ) ) } GB " )
if not is_docker and not is_linuxserver :
try :
with open ( os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , " requirements.txt " ) ) , " r " ) as file :
required_versions = { ln . split ( " == " ) [ 0 ] : ln . split ( " == " ) [ 1 ] . strip ( ) for ln in file . readlines ( ) }
for req_name , sys_ver in system_versions . items ( ) :
if sys_ver and sys_ver != required_versions [ req_name ] :
logger . info ( f " { req_name } version: { sys_ver } requires an update to: { required_versions [ req_name ] } " )
except FileNotFoundError :
logger . error ( " File Error: requirements.txt not found " )
if " time " in attrs and attrs [ " time " ] : start_type = f " { attrs [ ' time ' ] } "
elif run_args [ " tests " ] : start_type = " Test "
elif " collections " in attrs and attrs [ " collections " ] : start_type = " Collections "
elif " libraries " in attrs and attrs [ " libraries " ] : start_type = " Libraries "
else : start_type = " "
start_time = datetime . now ( )
if " time " not in attrs :
attrs [ " time " ] = start_time . strftime ( " % H: % M " )
attrs [ " time_obj " ] = start_time
attrs [ " config_file " ] = run_args [ " config " ]
attrs [ " ignore_schedules " ] = run_args [ " ignore-schedules " ]
attrs [ " read_only " ] = run_args [ " read-only-config " ]
attrs [ " no_missing " ] = run_args [ " no-missing " ]
attrs [ " no_report " ] = run_args [ " no-report " ]
attrs [ " collection_only " ] = run_args [ " collections-only " ]
attrs [ " metadata_only " ] = run_args [ " metadata-only " ]
attrs [ " playlist_only " ] = run_args [ " playlists-only " ]
attrs [ " operations_only " ] = run_args [ " operations-only " ]
attrs [ " overlays_only " ] = run_args [ " overlays-only " ]
attrs [ " plex_url " ] = plex_url
attrs [ " plex_token " ] = plex_token
logger . separator ( debug = True )
logger . debug ( f " Run Command: { run_arg } " )
for akey , adata in arguments . items ( ) :
if isinstance ( adata [ " help " ] , str ) :
ext = ' " ' if adata [ " type " ] == " str " and run_args [ akey ] not in [ None , " None " ] else " "
logger . debug ( f " -- { akey } (KOMETA_ { akey . replace ( ' - ' , ' _ ' ) . upper ( ) } ): { ext } { run_args [ akey ] } { ext } " )
logger . debug ( " " )
if secret_args :
logger . debug ( " Kometa Secrets Read: " )
for sec in secret_args :
logger . debug ( f " --kometa- { sec } (KOMETA_ { sec . upper ( ) . replace ( ' - ' , ' _ ' ) } ): (redacted) " )
logger . debug ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Starting { start_type } Run " )
config = None
stats = { " created " : 0 , " modified " : 0 , " deleted " : 0 , " added " : 0 , " unchanged " : 0 , " removed " : 0 , " radarr " : 0 , " sonarr " : 0 , " names " : [ ] }
try :
config = ConfigFile ( my_requests , default_dir , attrs , secret_args )
except Exception as e :
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . critical ( e )
else :
try :
stats = run_config ( config , stats )
except Exception as e :
config . notify ( e )
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . critical ( e )
logger . info ( " " )
end_time = datetime . now ( )
run_time = str ( end_time - start_time ) . split ( " . " ) [ 0 ]
if config :
try :
config . Webhooks . end_time_hooks ( start_time , end_time , run_time , stats )
except Failed as e :
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . error ( f " Webhooks Error: { e } " )
version_line = f " Version: { my_requests . local } "
if my_requests . newest :
version_line = f " { version_line } Newest Version: { my_requests . newest } "
try :
log_data = { }
no_overlays = [ ]
no_overlays_count = 0
convert_errors = { }
other_log_groups = [
( " No Items found for " , r " No Items found for .* \ ( \ d+ \ ) (.*) " ) ,
( " Convert Warning: No TVDb ID or IMDb ID found for AniDB ID: " , r " Convert Warning: No TVDb ID or IMDb ID found for AniDB ID: (.*) " ) ,
( " Convert Warning: No AniDB ID Found for AniList ID: " , r " Convert Warning: No AniDB ID Found for AniList ID: (.*) " ) ,
( " Convert Warning: No AniDB ID Found for MyAnimeList ID: " , r " Convert Warning: No AniDB ID Found for MyAnimeList ID: (.*) " ) ,
( " Convert Warning: No IMDb ID Found for TMDb ID: " , r " Convert Warning: No IMDb ID Found for TMDb ID: (.*) " ) ,
( " Convert Warning: No TMDb ID Found for IMDb ID: " , r " Convert Warning: No TMDb ID Found for IMDb ID: (.*) " ) ,
( " Convert Warning: No TVDb ID Found for TMDb ID: " , r " Convert Warning: No TVDb ID Found for TMDb ID: (.*) " ) ,
( " Convert Warning: No TMDb ID Found for TVDb ID: " , r " Convert Warning: No TMDb ID Found for TVDb ID: (.*) " ) ,
( " Convert Warning: No IMDb ID Found for TVDb ID: " , r " Convert Warning: No IMDb ID Found for TVDb ID: (.*) " ) ,
( " Convert Warning: No TVDb ID Found for IMDb ID: " , r " Convert Warning: No TVDb ID Found for IMDb ID: (.*) " ) ,
( " Convert Warning: No AniDB ID to Convert to MyAnimeList ID for Guid: " , r " Convert Warning: No AniDB ID to Convert to MyAnimeList ID for Guid: (.*) " ) ,
( " Convert Warning: No MyAnimeList Found for AniDB ID: " , r " Convert Warning: No MyAnimeList Found for AniDB ID: (.*) of Guid: .* " ) ,
other_message = { }
with open ( logger . main_log , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
for log_line in f :
for err_type in [ " WARNING " , " ERROR " , " CRITICAL " ] :
if f " [ { err_type } ] " in log_line :
log_line = log_line . split ( " | " ) [ 1 ] . strip ( )
other = False
for key , reg in other_log_groups :
if log_line . startswith ( key ) :
other = True
_name = re . match ( reg , log_line ) . group ( 1 )
if key not in other_message :
other_message [ key ] = { " list " : [ ] , " count " : 0 }
other_message [ key ] [ " count " ] + = 1
if _name not in other_message [ key ] :
other_message [ key ] [ " list " ] . append ( _name )
if other is False :
if err_type not in log_data :
log_data [ err_type ] = [ ]
log_data [ err_type ] . append ( log_line )
if " No Items found for " in other_message :
logger . separator ( f " Overlay Errors Summary " , space = False , border = False )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( f " No Items found for { other_message [ ' No Items found for ' ] [ ' count ' ] } Overlays: { other_message [ ' No Items found for ' ] [ ' list ' ] } " )
logger . info ( " " )
convert_title = False
for key , _ in other_log_groups :
if key . startswith ( " Convert Warning " ) and key in other_message :
if convert_title is False :
logger . separator ( " Convert Summary " , space = False , border = False )
logger . info ( " " )
convert_title = True
logger . info ( f " { key [ 17 : ] } " )
logger . info ( " , " . join ( other_message [ key ] [ " list " ] ) )
if convert_title :
logger . info ( " " )
for err_type in [ " WARNING " , " ERROR " , " CRITICAL " ] :
if err_type not in log_data :
logger . separator ( f " { err_type . lower ( ) . capitalize ( ) } Summary " , space = False , border = False )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( " Count | Message " )
logger . separator ( f " { logger . separating_character * 5 } | " , space = False , border = False , side_space = False , left = True )
for k , v in Counter ( log_data [ err_type ] ) . most_common ( ) :
logger . info ( f " { v : >5 } | { k } " )
logger . info ( " " )
except Failed as e :
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . error ( f " Report Error: { e } " )
start_str = start_time . strftime ( ' % H: % M: % S % Y- % m- %d ' )
end_str = end_time . strftime ( ' % H: % M: % S % Y- % m- %d ' )
logger . separator ( f " Finished { start_type } Run \n { version_line } \n Start Time: { start_str } Finished: { end_str } Run Time: { run_time } " )
logger . remove_main_handler ( )
except Exception as e :
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . critical ( e )
def run_config ( config , stats ) :
library_status = run_libraries ( config )
playlist_status = { }
playlist_stats = { }
if ( config . playlist_files or config . general [ " playlist_report " ] ) and not run_args [ " overlays-only " ] and not run_args [ " metadata-only " ] and not run_args [ " operations-only " ] and not run_args [ " collections-only " ] and not config . requested_files :
if config . playlist_files :
playlist_status , playlist_stats = run_playlists ( config )
if config . general [ " playlist_report " ] :
ran = [ ]
for library in config . libraries :
if library . PlexServer . machineIdentifier in ran :
ran . append ( library . PlexServer . machineIdentifier )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " { library . PlexServer . friendlyName } Playlist Report " )
logger . info ( " " )
report = library . playlist_report ( )
max_length = 0
for playlist_name in report :
if len ( playlist_name ) > max_length :
max_length = len ( playlist_name )
logger . info ( f " { ' Playlist Title ' : < { max_length } } | Users " )
logger . separator ( f " { logger . separating_character * max_length } | " , space = False , border = False , side_space = False , left = True )
for playlist_name , users in report . items ( ) :
logger . info ( f " { playlist_name : < { max_length } } | { ' all ' if len ( users ) == len ( library . users ) + 1 else ' , ' . join ( users ) } " )
amount_added = 0
if not run_args [ " operations-only " ] and not run_args [ " overlays-only " ] and not run_args [ " playlists-only " ] :
has_run_again = False
for library in config . libraries :
if library . run_again :
has_run_again = True
if has_run_again :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( " Run Again " )
logger . info ( " " )
for x in range ( 0 , config . general [ " run_again_delay " ] ) :
logger . ghost ( f " Waiting to run again in { config . general [ ' run_again_delay ' ] - x } minutes " )
time . sleep ( 60 )
logger . exorcise ( )
for library in config . libraries :
if library . run_again :
try :
os . environ [ " PLEXAPI_PLEXAPI_TIMEOUT " ] = str ( library . timeout )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " { library . name } Library Run Again " )
logger . info ( " " )
library . map_guids ( library . cache_items ( ) )
for builder in library . run_again :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " { builder . name } Collection in { library . name } " )
logger . info ( " " )
try :
amount_added + = builder . run_collections_again ( )
except Failed as e :
library . notify ( e , collection = builder . name , critical = False )
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . error ( e )
except Exception as e :
library . notify ( e )
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . critical ( e )
if not run_args [ " collections-only " ] and not run_args [ " overlays-only " ] and not run_args [ " playlists-only " ] :
used_url = [ ]
for library in config . libraries :
if library . url not in used_url :
used_url . append ( library . url )
if library . empty_trash :
library . query ( library . PlexServer . library . emptyTrash )
if library . clean_bundles :
library . query ( library . PlexServer . library . cleanBundles )
if library . optimize :
library . query ( library . PlexServer . library . optimize )
longest = 20
for library in config . libraries :
for title in library . status :
if len ( title ) > longest :
longest = len ( title )
if playlist_status :
for title in playlist_status :
if len ( title ) > longest :
longest = len ( title )
def print_status ( status ) :
logger . info ( f " { ' Title ' : ^ { longest } } | + | = | - | Run Time | { ' Status ' } " )
breaker = f " { logger . separating_character * longest } | { logger . separating_character * 7 } | { logger . separating_character * 7 } | { logger . separating_character * 7 } | { logger . separating_character * 10 } | "
logger . separator ( breaker , space = False , border = False , side_space = False , left = True )
for name , data in status . items ( ) :
logger . info ( f " { name : < { longest } } | { data [ ' added ' ] : >5 } | { data [ ' unchanged ' ] : >5 } | { data [ ' removed ' ] : >5 } | { data [ ' run_time ' ] : >8 } | { data [ ' status ' ] } " )
if data [ " errors " ] :
for error in data [ " errors " ] :
logger . info ( error )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( " Summary " )
for library in config . libraries :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " { library . name } Summary " , space = False , border = False )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( f " { ' Title ' : <27 } | Run Time | " )
logger . info ( f " { logger . separating_character * 27 } | { logger . separating_character * 8 } | " )
if library . name in library_status :
for text , value in library_status [ library . name ] . items ( ) :
logger . info ( f " { text : <27 } | { value : >8 } | " )
logger . info ( " " )
print_status ( library . status )
if playlist_status :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Playlists Summary " , space = False , border = False )
logger . info ( " " )
print_status ( playlist_status )
stats [ " added " ] + = amount_added
for library in config . libraries :
stats [ " created " ] + = library . stats [ " created " ]
stats [ " modified " ] + = library . stats [ " modified " ]
stats [ " deleted " ] + = library . stats [ " deleted " ]
stats [ " added " ] + = library . stats [ " added " ]
stats [ " unchanged " ] + = library . stats [ " unchanged " ]
stats [ " removed " ] + = library . stats [ " removed " ]
stats [ " radarr " ] + = library . stats [ " radarr " ]
stats [ " sonarr " ] + = library . stats [ " sonarr " ]
stats [ " names " ] . extend ( [ { " name " : n , " library " : library . name } for n in library . stats [ " names " ] ] )
if playlist_stats :
stats [ " created " ] + = playlist_stats [ " created " ]
stats [ " modified " ] + = playlist_stats [ " modified " ]
stats [ " deleted " ] + = playlist_stats [ " deleted " ]
stats [ " added " ] + = playlist_stats [ " added " ]
stats [ " unchanged " ] + = playlist_stats [ " unchanged " ]
stats [ " removed " ] + = playlist_stats [ " removed " ]
stats [ " radarr " ] + = playlist_stats [ " radarr " ]
stats [ " sonarr " ] + = playlist_stats [ " sonarr " ]
stats [ " names " ] . extend ( [ { " name " : n , " library " : " PLAYLIST " } for n in playlist_stats [ " names " ] ] )
return stats
def run_libraries ( config ) :
library_status = { }
for library in config . libraries :
if library . skip_library :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Skipping { library . original_mapping_name } Library " )
library_status [ library . name ] = { }
try :
plexapi . server . TIMEOUT = library . timeout
os . environ [ " PLEXAPI_PLEXAPI_TIMEOUT " ] = str ( library . timeout )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " { library . original_mapping_name } Library " )
logger . debug ( " " )
logger . debug ( f " Library Name: { library . name } " )
logger . debug ( f " Run Order: { ' , ' . join ( library . run_order ) } " )
logger . debug ( f " Folder Name: { library . mapping_name } " )
for ad in library . asset_directory :
logger . debug ( f " Asset Directory: { ad } " )
logger . debug ( f " Asset Folders: { library . asset_folders } " )
logger . debug ( f " Asset Depth: { library . asset_depth } " )
logger . debug ( f " Create Asset Folders: { library . create_asset_folders } " )
logger . debug ( f " Prioritize Assets: { library . prioritize_assets } " )
logger . debug ( f " Dimensional Asset Rename: { library . dimensional_asset_rename } " )
logger . debug ( f " Download URL Assets: { library . download_url_assets } " )
logger . debug ( f " Show Missing Assets: { library . show_missing_assets } " )
logger . debug ( f " Show Missing Season Assets: { library . show_missing_season_assets } " )
logger . debug ( f " Show Missing Episode Assets: { library . show_missing_episode_assets } " )
logger . debug ( f " Show Assets Not Needed: { library . show_asset_not_needed } " )
logger . debug ( f " Sync Mode: { library . sync_mode } " )
logger . debug ( f " Minimum Items: { library . minimum_items } " )
logger . debug ( f " Delete Below Minimum: { library . delete_below_minimum } " )
logger . debug ( f " Delete Not Scheduled: { library . delete_not_scheduled } " )
logger . debug ( f " Default Collection Order: { library . default_collection_order } " )
logger . debug ( f " Missing Only Released: { library . missing_only_released } " )
logger . debug ( f " Only Filter Missing: { library . only_filter_missing } " )
logger . debug ( f " Show Unmanaged: { library . show_unmanaged } " )
logger . debug ( f " Show Unconfigured: { library . show_unconfigured } " )
logger . debug ( f " Show Filtered: { library . show_filtered } " )
logger . debug ( f " Show Unfiltered: { library . show_unfiltered } " )
logger . debug ( f " Show Options: { library . show_options } " )
logger . debug ( f " Show Missing: { library . show_missing } " )
logger . debug ( f " Save Report: { library . save_report } " )
logger . debug ( f " Report Path: { library . report_path } " )
logger . debug ( f " Ignore IDs: { library . ignore_ids } " )
logger . debug ( f " Ignore IMDb IDs: { library . ignore_imdb_ids } " )
logger . debug ( f " Item Refresh Delay: { library . item_refresh_delay } " )
logger . debug ( f " Clean Bundles: { library . clean_bundles } " )
logger . debug ( f " Empty Trash: { library . empty_trash } " )
logger . debug ( f " Optimize: { library . optimize } " )
logger . debug ( f " Timeout: { library . timeout } " )
if run_args [ " delete-collections " ] and not run_args [ " playlists-only " ] :
time_start = datetime . now ( )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Deleting all Collections from the { library . name } Library " , space = False , border = False )
logger . info ( " " )
for collection in library . get_all_collections ( ) :
try :
library . delete ( collection )
logger . info ( f " Collection { collection . title } Deleted " )
except Failed as e :
logger . error ( e )
library_status [ library . name ] [ " All Collections Deleted " ] = str ( datetime . now ( ) - time_start ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
if run_args [ " delete-labels " ] and not run_args [ " playlists-only " ] :
time_start = datetime . now ( )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Deleting all Labels from All items in the { library . name } Library " , space = False , border = False )
logger . info ( " " )
if library . is_show :
library_types = [ " show " , " season " , " episode " ]
elif library . is_music :
library_types = [ " artist " , " album " , " track " ]
else :
library_types = [ " movie " ]
for library_type in library_types :
for item in library . get_all ( builder_level = library_type ) :
try :
sync = [ " Overlay " ] if " Overlay " in [ lbl . tag for lbl in item . labels ] else [ ]
library . edit_tags ( " label " , item , sync_tags = sync )
except NotFound :
logger . error ( f " { item . title [ : 25 ] : <25 } | Labels Failed to be Removed " )
library_status [ library . name ] [ " All Labels Deleted " ] = str ( datetime . now ( ) - time_start ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
time_start = datetime . now ( )
temp_items = None
list_key = None
if config . Cache :
list_key , _ = config . Cache . query_list_cache ( " library " , library . mapping_name , 1 )
if not temp_items :
temp_items = library . cache_items ( )
if config . Cache and list_key :
config . Cache . delete_list_ids ( list_key )
if not library . is_music :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Mapping { library . original_mapping_name } Library " , space = False , border = False )
logger . info ( " " )
library . map_guids ( temp_items )
library_status [ library . name ] [ " Library Loading and Mapping " ] = str ( datetime . now ( ) - time_start ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
runs = {
" metadata " : all ( [ not run_args [ x ] for x in [ " tests " , " operations-only " , " overlays-only " , " playlists-only " , " collections-only " ] ] ) ,
" collections " : all ( [ not run_args [ x ] for x in [ " operations-only " , " overlays-only " , " playlists-only " , " metadata-only " ] ] ) ,
" operations " : all ( [ not run_args [ x ] for x in [ " tests " , " collections-only " , " overlays-only " , " playlists-only " , " metadata-only " ] ] ) ,
" overlays " : all ( [ not run_args [ x ] for x in [ " tests " , " collections-only " , " operations-only " , " playlists-only " , " metadata-only " ] ] ) ,
for run_type in library . run_order :
if run_type == " collections " and runs [ run_type ] :
time_start = datetime . now ( )
for metadata in library . collection_files :
metadata_name = metadata . get_file_name ( )
if config . requested_files and metadata_name not in config . requested_files :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Skipping { metadata_name } Collection File " )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Running { metadata_name } Collection File \n { metadata . path } " )
collections_to_run = metadata . get_collections ( config . requested_collections )
if run_args [ " resume " ] and run_args [ " resume " ] not in collections_to_run :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . warning ( f " Collection: { run_args [ ' resume ' ] } not in Collection File: { metadata . path } " )
if collections_to_run :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " { ' Test ' if run_args [ ' tests ' ] else ' ' } Collections " )
# logger.remove_library_handler(library.mapping_name)
run_collection ( config , library , metadata , collections_to_run )
# logger.re_add_library_handler(library.mapping_name)
library_status [ library . name ] [ " Library Collection Files " ] = str ( datetime . now ( ) - time_start ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
elif run_type == " metadata " and runs [ run_type ] :
time_start = datetime . now ( )
for images in library . images_files :
images_name = images . get_file_name ( )
if config . requested_files and images_name not in config . requested_files :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Skipping { images_name } Images File " )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Running { images_name } Images File \n { images . path } " )
if not run_args [ " tests " ] and not run_args [ " resume " ] and not run_args [ " collections-only " ] :
try :
images . update_metadata ( )
except Failed as e :
library . notify ( e )
logger . error ( e )
library_status [ library . name ] [ " Library Images Files " ] = str ( datetime . now ( ) - time_start ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
time_start = datetime . now ( )
for metadata in library . metadata_files :
metadata_name = metadata . get_file_name ( )
if config . requested_files and metadata_name not in config . requested_files :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Skipping { metadata_name } Metadata File " )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Running { metadata_name } Metadata File \n { metadata . path } " )
try :
metadata . update_metadata ( )
except Failed as e :
library . notify ( e )
logger . error ( e )
library_status [ library . name ] [ " Library Metadata Files " ] = str ( datetime . now ( ) - time_start ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
elif run_type == " operations " and runs [ run_type ] and not config . requested_files and library . library_operation :
library_status [ library . name ] [ " Library Operations " ] = library . Operations . run_operations ( )
elif run_type == " overlays " and runs [ run_type ] and ( library . overlay_files or ( library . remove_overlays and not config . requested_files ) ) :
library_status [ library . name ] [ " Library Overlay Files " ] = library . Overlays . run_overlays ( )
except Exception as e :
library . notify ( e )
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . critical ( e )
return library_status
def run_collection ( config , library , metadata , requested_collections ) :
logger . info ( " " )
for mapping_name , collection_attrs in requested_collections . items ( ) :
collection_start = datetime . now ( )
if run_args [ " tests " ] and ( " test " not in collection_attrs or collection_attrs [ " test " ] is not True ) :
no_template_test = True
if " template " in collection_attrs and collection_attrs [ " template " ] :
for data_template in util . get_list ( collection_attrs [ " template " ] , split = False ) :
if " name " in data_template \
and data_template [ " name " ] \
and metadata . templates \
and data_template [ " name " ] in metadata . templates \
and metadata . templates [ data_template [ " name " ] ] [ 0 ] \
and " test " in metadata . templates [ data_template [ " name " ] ] [ 0 ] \
and metadata . templates [ data_template [ " name " ] ] [ 0 ] [ " test " ] is True :
no_template_test = False
if no_template_test :
if run_args [ " resume " ] and run_args [ " resume " ] != mapping_name :
elif run_args [ " resume " ] == mapping_name :
run_args [ " resume " ] = None
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Resuming Collections " )
if " name_mapping " in collection_attrs and collection_attrs [ " name_mapping " ] :
collection_log_name , output_str = util . validate_filename ( collection_attrs [ " name_mapping " ] )
else :
collection_log_name , output_str = util . validate_filename ( mapping_name )
#logger.add_collection_handler(library.mapping_name, collection_log_name)
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] = { " status " : " Unchanged " , " errors " : [ ] , " added " : 0 , " unchanged " : 0 , " removed " : 0 , " radarr " : 0 , " sonarr " : 0 }
try :
builder = CollectionBuilder ( config , metadata , mapping_name , collection_attrs , library = library , extra = output_str )
library . stats [ " names " ] . append ( builder . name )
if builder . build_collection :
library . collection_names . append ( builder . name )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Running { builder . name } Collection " , space = False , border = False )
if len ( builder . schedule ) > 0 :
logger . info ( builder . schedule )
if len ( builder . smart_filter_details ) > 0 :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( builder . smart_filter_details )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( f " Items Found: { builder . beginning_count } " )
items_added = 0
items_removed = 0
if not builder . smart_url and builder . builders and not builder . blank_collection :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( f " Sync Mode: { ' sync ' if builder . sync else ' append ' } " )
for method , value in builder . builders :
logger . debug ( " " )
logger . debug ( f " Builder: { method } : { value } " )
logger . info ( " " )
try :
builder . filter_and_save_items ( builder . gather_ids ( method , value ) )
except Failed as e :
if builder . ignore_blank_results :
logger . warning ( e )
else :
raise Failed ( e )
builder . display_filters ( )
if len ( builder . found_items ) > 0 and len ( builder . found_items ) + builder . beginning_count > = builder . minimum and builder . build_collection :
items_added , items_unchanged = builder . add_to_collection ( )
library . stats [ " added " ] + = items_added
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " added " ] = items_added
library . stats [ " unchanged " ] + = items_unchanged
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " unchanged " ] = items_unchanged
items_removed = 0
if builder . sync :
items_removed = builder . sync_collection ( )
library . stats [ " removed " ] + = items_removed
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " removed " ] = items_removed
if builder . do_missing and ( len ( builder . missing_movies ) > 0 or len ( builder . missing_shows ) > 0 ) :
radarr_add , sonarr_add = builder . run_missing ( )
library . stats [ " radarr " ] + = radarr_add
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " radarr " ] + = radarr_add
library . stats [ " sonarr " ] + = sonarr_add
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " sonarr " ] + = sonarr_add
if not builder . found_items and not builder . ignore_blank_results :
raise NonExisting ( f " { builder . Type } Warning: No items found " )
valid = True
if builder . build_collection and not builder . blank_collection and items_added + builder . beginning_count < builder . minimum :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( f " { builder . Type } Minimum: { builder . minimum } not met for { mapping_name } Collection " )
delete_status = f " Minimum { builder . minimum } Not Met "
valid = False
if builder . details [ " delete_below_minimum " ] and builder . obj :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( builder . delete ( ) )
library . stats [ " deleted " ] + = 1
delete_status = f " Deleted; { delete_status } "
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " status " ] = delete_status
run_item_details = True
if valid and builder . build_collection and ( builder . builders or builder . smart_url or builder . blank_collection ) :
try :
builder . load_collection ( )
if builder . created :
library . stats [ " created " ] + = 1
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " status " ] = " Created "
elif items_added > 0 or items_removed > 0 :
library . stats [ " modified " ] + = 1
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " status " ] = " Modified "
except Failed :
logger . stacktrace ( )
run_item_details = False
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " No { builder . Type } to Update " , space = False , border = False )
else :
details_list = builder . update_details ( )
if details_list :
pre = " "
if library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " status " ] != " Unchanged " :
pre = f " { library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ ' status ' ] } and "
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " status " ] = f " { pre } Updated { ' , ' . join ( details_list ) } "
if builder . server_preroll is not None :
library . set_server_preroll ( builder . server_preroll )
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( f " Plex Server Movie pre-roll video updated to { builder . server_preroll } " )
if valid and run_item_details and ( builder . item_details or builder . custom_sort or builder . sync_to_trakt_list ) :
try :
builder . load_collection_items ( )
except Failed :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( " No Items Found " , space = False , border = False )
else :
if builder . item_details :
builder . update_item_details ( )
if builder . custom_sort :
builder . sort_collection ( )
if builder . sync_to_trakt_list :
builder . sync_trakt_list ( )
builder . send_notifications ( )
if builder . run_again and ( len ( builder . run_again_movies ) > 0 or len ( builder . run_again_shows ) > 0 ) :
library . run_again . append ( builder )
except NonExisting as e :
logger . warning ( e )
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " status " ] = " Ignored "
except NotScheduled as e :
logger . info ( e )
if str ( e ) . endswith ( " and was deleted " ) :
library . notify_delete ( e )
library . stats [ " deleted " ] + = 1
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " status " ] = " Deleted Not Scheduled "
elif str ( e ) . startswith ( " Skipped because run_definition " ) :
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " status " ] = " Skipped Run Definition "
else :
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " status " ] = " Not Scheduled "
except FilterFailed :
except Failed as e :
library . notify ( e , collection = mapping_name )
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . error ( e )
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " status " ] = " Kometa Failure "
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " errors " ] . append ( e )
except Exception as e :
library . notify ( f " Unknown Error: { e } " , collection = mapping_name )
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . error ( f " Unknown Error: { e } " )
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " status " ] = " Unknown Error "
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " errors " ] . append ( e )
collection_run_time = str ( datetime . now ( ) - collection_start ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
library . status [ str ( mapping_name ) ] [ " run_time " ] = collection_run_time
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Finished { mapping_name } Collection \n Collection Run Time: { collection_run_time } " )
#logger.remove_collection_handler(library.mapping_name, collection_log_name)
def run_playlists ( config ) :
stats = { " created " : 0 , " modified " : 0 , " deleted " : 0 , " added " : 0 , " unchanged " : 0 , " removed " : 0 , " radarr " : 0 , " sonarr " : 0 , " names " : [ ] }
status = { }
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( " Playlists " )
logger . info ( " " )
for playlist_file in config . playlist_files :
for mapping_name , playlist_attrs in playlist_file . playlists . items ( ) :
playlist_start = datetime . now ( )
if run_args [ " tests " ] and ( " test " not in playlist_attrs or playlist_attrs [ " test " ] is not True ) :
no_template_test = True
if " template " in playlist_attrs and playlist_attrs [ " template " ] :
for data_template in util . get_list ( playlist_attrs [ " template " ] , split = False ) :
if " name " in data_template \
and data_template [ " name " ] \
and playlist_file . templates \
and data_template [ " name " ] in playlist_file . templates \
and playlist_file . templates [ data_template [ " name " ] ] [ 0 ] \
and " test " in playlist_file . templates [ data_template [ " name " ] ] [ 0 ] \
and playlist_file . templates [ data_template [ " name " ] ] [ 0 ] [ " test " ] is True :
no_template_test = False
if no_template_test :
if " name_mapping " in playlist_attrs and playlist_attrs [ " name_mapping " ] :
playlist_log_name , output_str = util . validate_filename ( playlist_attrs [ " name_mapping " ] )
else :
playlist_log_name , output_str = util . validate_filename ( mapping_name )
status [ mapping_name ] = { " status " : " Unchanged " , " errors " : [ ] , " added " : 0 , " unchanged " : 0 , " removed " : 0 , " radarr " : 0 , " sonarr " : 0 }
server_name = None
try :
builder = CollectionBuilder ( config , playlist_file , mapping_name , playlist_attrs , extra = output_str )
stats [ " names " ] . append ( builder . name )
logger . info ( " " )
server_name = builder . libraries [ 0 ] . PlexServer . friendlyName
logger . separator ( f " Running { mapping_name } Playlist " , space = False , border = False )
if len ( builder . schedule ) > 0 :
logger . info ( builder . schedule )
items_added = 0
items_removed = 0
valid = True
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( f " Sync Mode: { ' sync ' if builder . sync else ' append ' } " )
method , value = builder . builders [ 0 ]
logger . debug ( " " )
logger . debug ( f " Builder: { method } : { value } " )
logger . info ( " " )
if method == " plex_watchlist " :
ids = builder . libraries [ 0 ] . get_rating_keys ( method , value , True )
elif " plex " in method :
ids = [ ]
for pl_library in builder . libraries :
try :
ids . extend ( pl_library . get_rating_keys ( method , value , True ) )
except Failed as e :
if builder . validate_builders :
else :
logger . error ( e )
elif " tautulli " in method :
ids = [ ]
for pl_library in builder . libraries :
try :
ids . extend ( pl_library . Tautulli . get_rating_keys ( value , True ) )
except Failed as e :
if builder . validate_builders :
else :
logger . error ( e )
else :
ids = builder . gather_ids ( method , value )
builder . display_filters ( )
builder . filter_and_save_items ( ids )
if len ( builder . found_items ) > 0 and len ( builder . found_items ) + builder . beginning_count > = builder . minimum :
items_added , items_unchanged = builder . add_to_collection ( )
stats [ " added " ] + = items_added
status [ mapping_name ] [ " added " ] + = items_added
stats [ " unchanged " ] + = items_unchanged
status [ mapping_name ] [ " unchanged " ] + = items_unchanged
items_removed = 0
if builder . sync :
items_removed = builder . sync_collection ( )
stats [ " removed " ] + = items_removed
status [ mapping_name ] [ " removed " ] + = items_removed
elif len ( builder . found_items ) < builder . minimum :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( f " Playlist Minimum: { builder . minimum } not met for { mapping_name } Playlist " )
delete_status = f " Minimum { builder . minimum } Not Met "
valid = False
if builder . details [ " delete_below_minimum " ] and builder . obj :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . info ( builder . delete ( ) )
stats [ " deleted " ] + = 1
delete_status = f " Deleted; { delete_status } "
status [ mapping_name ] [ " status " ] = delete_status
if builder . do_missing and ( len ( builder . missing_movies ) > 0 or len ( builder . missing_shows ) > 0 ) :
radarr_add , sonarr_add = builder . run_missing ( )
stats [ " radarr " ] + = radarr_add
status [ mapping_name ] [ " radarr " ] + = radarr_add
stats [ " sonarr " ] + = sonarr_add
status [ mapping_name ] [ " sonarr " ] + = sonarr_add
run_item_details = True
if valid and builder . builders :
try :
builder . load_collection ( )
if builder . created :
stats [ " created " ] + = 1
status [ mapping_name ] [ " status " ] = " Created "
elif items_added > 0 or items_removed > 0 :
stats [ " modified " ] + = 1
status [ mapping_name ] [ " status " ] = " Modified "
except Failed :
logger . stacktrace ( )
run_item_details = False
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( " No Playlist to Update " , space = False , border = False )
else :
details_list = builder . update_details ( )
if details_list :
pre = " "
if status [ mapping_name ] [ " status " ] != " Unchanged " :
pre = f " { status [ mapping_name ] [ ' status ' ] } and "
status [ mapping_name ] [ " status " ] = f " { pre } Updated { ' , ' . join ( details_list ) } "
if valid and run_item_details and builder . builders and ( builder . item_details or builder . custom_sort ) :
try :
builder . load_collection_items ( )
except Failed :
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( " No Items Found " , space = False , border = False )
else :
if builder . item_details :
builder . update_item_details ( )
if builder . custom_sort :
builder . sort_collection ( )
if valid :
builder . sync_playlist ( )
builder . exclude_admin_from_playlist ( )
builder . send_notifications ( playlist = True )
except Deleted as e :
logger . info ( e )
status [ mapping_name ] [ " status " ] = " Deleted "
config . notify_delete ( e , server = server_name )
except NotScheduled as e :
logger . info ( e )
if str ( e ) . endswith ( " and was deleted " ) :
stats [ " deleted " ] + = 1
status [ mapping_name ] [ " status " ] = " Deleted Not Scheduled "
config . notify_delete ( e )
else :
status [ mapping_name ] [ " status " ] = " Not Scheduled "
except Failed as e :
config . notify ( e , server = server_name , playlist = mapping_name )
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . error ( e )
status [ mapping_name ] [ " status " ] = " Kometa Failure "
status [ mapping_name ] [ " errors " ] . append ( e )
except Exception as e :
config . notify ( f " Unknown Error: { e } " , server = server_name , playlist = mapping_name )
logger . stacktrace ( )
logger . error ( f " Unknown Error: { e } " )
status [ mapping_name ] [ " status " ] = " Unknown Error "
status [ mapping_name ] [ " errors " ] . append ( e )
logger . info ( " " )
playlist_run_time = str ( datetime . now ( ) - playlist_start ) . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
status [ mapping_name ] [ " run_time " ] = playlist_run_time
logger . info ( " " )
logger . separator ( f " Finished { mapping_name } Playlist \n Playlist Run Time: { playlist_run_time } " )
return status , stats
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
try :
if run_args [ " run " ] or run_args [ " tests " ] or run_args [ " run-collections " ] or run_args [ " run-libraries " ] or run_args [ " run-files " ] or run_args [ " resume " ] :
process ( { " collections " : run_args [ " run-collections " ] , " libraries " : run_args [ " run-libraries " ] , " files " : run_args [ " run-files " ] } )
else :
times_to_run = util . get_list ( run_args [ " times " ] )
valid_times = [ ]
for time_to_run in times_to_run :
try :
final_time = datetime . strftime ( datetime . strptime ( time_to_run , " % H: % M " ) , " % H: % M " )
if final_time not in valid_times :
valid_times . append ( final_time )
except ValueError :
if time_to_run :
raise Failed ( f " Argument Error: time argument invalid: { time_to_run } must be in the HH:MM format between 00:00-23:59 " )
else :
raise Failed ( f " Argument Error: blank time argument " )
for time_to_run in valid_times :
schedule . every ( ) . day . at ( time_to_run ) . do ( process , { " time " : time_to_run } )
while True :
schedule . run_pending ( )
if not run_args [ " no-countdown " ] :
current_time = datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % H: % M " )
seconds = None
og_time_str = " "
for time_to_run in valid_times :
new_seconds = ( datetime . strptime ( time_to_run , " % H: % M " ) - datetime . strptime ( current_time , " % H: % M " ) ) . total_seconds ( )
if new_seconds < 0 :
new_seconds + = 86400
if ( seconds is None or new_seconds < seconds ) and new_seconds > 0 :
seconds = new_seconds
og_time_str = time_to_run
if seconds is not None :
hours = int ( seconds / / 3600 )
minutes = int ( ( seconds % 3600 ) / / 60 )
time_str = f " { hours } Hour { ' s ' if hours > 1 else ' ' } and " if hours > 0 else " "
time_str + = f " { minutes } Minute { ' s ' if minutes > 1 else ' ' } "
logger . ghost ( f " Current Time: { current_time } | { time_str } until the next run at { og_time_str } | Runs: { ' , ' . join ( valid_times ) } " )
else :
logger . error ( f " Time Error: { valid_times } " )
time . sleep ( 60 )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
logger . separator ( " Exiting Kometa " )