| `limit` | **Description:** Changes the Builder Limit for all collections in a Defaults file.<br>**Default:** `100`<br>**Values:** Number Greater than 0 |
| `limit_<<key>>`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Changes the Builder Limit of the [key's](#collection_section) collection.<br>**Default:** `limit`<br>**Values:** Number Greater than 0 |
| `sort_by` | **Description:** Changes the Smart Filter Sort for all collections in a Defaults file.<br>**Default:** `critic_rating.desc`<br>**Values:** [Any `smart_filter` Sort Option](../../files/builders/smart.md#sort-options) |
| `exclude` | **Description:** Exclude these Decades from creating a Dynamic Collection.<br>**Values:** List of Decades found in your library |
| `name_format` | **Description:** Changes the title format of the Dynamic Collections.<br>**Default:** `Best of <<key_name>>`<br>**Values:** Any string with `<<key_name>>` in it. |
| `summary_format` | **Description:** Changes the summary format of the Dynamic Collections.<br>**Default:** `Top <<limit>> <<library_translation>>s of the <<key_name>>.`<br>**Values:** Any string. |