| Hourly | Update only when the script is run in that hour | hourly(Hour of Day) | `hourly(17)` |
| Daily | Update once a day | daily | `daily` |
| Weekly | Update once a week on the specified day | weekly(Day of Week) | `weekly(sunday)` |
| Monthly | Update once a month on the specified day | monthly(Day of Month) | `monthly(1)` |
| Yearly | Update once a year on the specified day | yearly(MM/DD) | `yearly(01/30)` |
| Range | Updates whenever the date is within the range | range(MM/DD-MM/DD) | `range(12/01-12/31)` |
| Never | Never updates | never | `never` |
| All | Requires that all comma separated scheduling options inside its brackets be meet in order to run | all[Options] | `all[weekly(sunday), hourly(17)]` |
*`daily` is the default when `schedule` isn't specified.
* You can run the script multiple times per day but using the `--time` command line argument detailed on the [Run Commands & Environmental Variables Page](../../home/environmental.md#time-to-run).