- [`tiff`](https://metamanager.wiki/en/latest/defaults/award/tiff/) - Toronto International Film Festival Awards
- [`venice`](https://metamanager.wiki/en/latest/defaults/award/venice/) - Venice Film Festival Awards
Reintroduced [Flixpatrol Builder](https://metamanager.wiki/en/latest/builders/flixpatrol/) following introduction of paywalled API.
Added a JSON Schema file which will assist users in validating their configuration file when using a code-aware text editor such as VSCode and VSCodium. This is a work in progress and will help identify basic errors such as specifying "yes" when the available options are "true" and "false"
- If you run into any validation issues which you don't understand, ask in our Discord Server
@ -26,7 +34,7 @@ Redesigned Wiki with new landing page and new layout using mkdocs.
Introduced batchMultiEdits - this is a major feature introduction that we hope will increase performance for all users. This is a behind-the-scenes change that the user does not need to do anything to take advantage of.
Updated `overlay_path` to `overlay_files` and split `metadata_path` into `collection_files` and `metadata_files`.
Moved `remove_overalys`, `reapply_overlays`, and `reset_overlays` to the [library level](https://metamanager.wiki/en/latest/config/libraries/#remove-overlays) instead of under `overlay_path`.
Removed `schedule` from under `overlay_path` and replaced it with the library level attribute [`schedule_overlays`](https://metamanager.wiki/en/nightly/config/libraries/#schedule-overlays).
Removed `schedule` from under `overlay_path` and replaced it with the library level attribute [`schedule_overlays`](https://metamanager.wiki/en/latest/config/libraries/#schedule-overlays).
Removed library-level and collection-level logging, all logging is handled in the meta.log
Added the `score` attribute to the [`anilist_userlist`](https://metamanager.wiki/en/latest/files/builders/anilist/#anilist-userlist) builder.
Added the `episode_actor` attribute to the [`plex_search`](https://metamanager.wiki/en/latest/files/builders/plex/#plex-search) builder.