@ -835,15 +835,30 @@ def library_operations(config, library):
meta = {}
if "metadata" not in meta:
meta["metadata"] = {}
special_names = {}
for mk, mv in meta["metadata"].items():
if "title" in mv:
special_names[mv["title"]] = mk
if "year" in mv:
special_names[f"{mv['title']} ({mv['year']})"] = mk
items = library.get_all(load=True)
titles = [i.title for i in items]
for i, item in enumerate(items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(items)} {item.title}")
map_key, attrs = library.get_locked_attributes(item, titles)
if attrs or library.metadata_backup["add_blank_entries"]:
if map_key in special_names:
map_key = special_names[map_key]
og_dict = meta["metadata"][map_key] if map_key in meta["metadata"] and meta["metadata"][map_key] else {}
if attrs or (library.metadata_backup["add_blank_entries"] and not og_dict):
def get_dict(attrs_dict):
return {ak: get_dict(av) if isinstance(av, dict) else av for ak, av in attrs_dict.items()} if isinstance(attrs_dict, dict) else attrs_dict
meta["metadata"][map_key] = get_dict(attrs)
return {ak: get_dict(av) if isinstance(av, dict) else av for ak, av in attrs_dict.items()}
def loop_dict(looping, dest_dict):
if not looping:
return None
for lk, lv in looping:
dest_dict[lk] = loop_dict(lv, dest_dict[lk] if lk in dest_dict and dest_dict[lk] else {}) if isinstance(lv, dict) else lv
return dest_dict
meta["metadata"][map_key] = loop_dict(get_dict(attrs), og_dict)
yaml.round_trip_dump(meta, open(library.metadata_backup["path"], "w", encoding="utf-8"), block_seq_indent=2)