less and more "then" should be less and more "than"

YozoraXCII 4 months ago
parent 8fbcf49afd
commit c81a4fb134

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ You can create individual blocks of operations by using a list under `operations
<tr><td>`managed: false`</td><td>Collection must be Unmanaged to be deleted<br>(collection does not have the `PMM` label)</td></tr>
<tr><td>`configured: true`</td><td>Collection must be Configured to be deleted<br>(collection is in the config file of the specific PMM run)</td></tr>
<tr><td>`configured: false`</td><td>Collection must be Unconfigured to be deleted<br>(collection is not in the config file of the specific PMM run)</td></tr>
<tr><td>`less: ###`</td><td>Collection must contain less then the given number of items to be deleted.<br>### is a Number greater than 0<br>Optional value which if undefined means collections will be deleted regardless of how many items they have</td></tr>
<tr><td>`less: ###`</td><td>Collection must contain less than the given number of items to be deleted.<br>### is a Number greater than 0<br>Optional value which if undefined means collections will be deleted regardless of how many items they have</td></tr>
**The collection does not need to be scheduled to be considered configured and only needs to be in the config file.**

@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ The `sync_mode: sync` and `collection_order: custom` Setting are recommended sin
| `list_name` | **Description:** A user's AniList List Name |
| `score.gt`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Only return items that have a score greater than the given number.<br>**Values:** `0.0`-`10.0` |
| `score.gte`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Only return items that have a score greater than or equal to the given number.<br>**Values:** `0.0`-`10.0` |
| `score.lt`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Only return items that have a score less then the given number.<br>**Values:** `0.0`-`10.0` |
| `score.lte`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Only return items that have a score less then or equal to the given number.<br>**Values:** `0.0`-`10.0` |
| `score.lt`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Only return items that have a score less than the given number.<br>**Values:** `0.0`-`10.0` |
| `score.lte`<sup>1</sup> | **Description:** Only return items that have a score less than or equal to the given number.<br>**Values:** `0.0`-`10.0` |
| `sort_by` | **Description:** Sort Order to return<br>**Default:** `score`<br>**Values:**<table class="clearTable"><tr><td>`score`</td><td>Sort by User Score</td></tr><tr><td>`popularity`</td><td>Sort by Popularity</td></tr><tr><td>`status`</td><td>Sort by Status</td></tr><tr><td>`progress`</td><td>Sort by Progress</td></tr><tr><td>`last_updated`</td><td>Sort by Last Updated</td></tr><tr><td>`last_added`</td><td>Sort by Last Added</td></tr><tr><td>`start_date`</td><td>Sort by Start Date</td></tr><tr><td>`completed_date`</td><td>Sort by Completed Date</td></tr></table> |
<sup>1</sup> You can use multiple score filters but the number will have to match every filter. All unrated items are considered to have a 0 rating.

@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ The `sync_mode: sync` and `collection_order: custom` Setting are recommended sin
| `release.after` | Item must have been released after the given date.<br>**Options:** `today` or Date in the format `YYYY-MM-DD` |
| `release.before` | Item must have been released before the given date.<br>**Options:** `today` or Date in the format `YYYY-MM-DD` |
| `rating.gte` | Item must have an IMDb Rating greater then or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Number `0.1` - `10.0`<br>**Example:** `7.5` |
| `rating.lte` | Item must have an IMDb Rating less then or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Number `0.1` - `10.0`<br>**Example:** `7.5` |
| `rating.lte` | Item must have an IMDb Rating less than or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Number `0.1` - `10.0`<br>**Example:** `7.5` |
| `votes.gte` | Item must have a Number of Votes greater then or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Integer greater then `0`<br>**Example:** `1000` |
| `votes.lte` | Item must have a Number of Votes less then or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Integer greater then `0`<br>**Example:** `1000` |
| `votes.lte` | Item must have a Number of Votes less than or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Integer greater then `0`<br>**Example:** `1000` |
| `genre` | Item must match all genres given. Can be a comma-separated list.<br>**Options:** `action`, `adventure`, `animation`, `biography`, `comedy`, `documentary`, `drama`, `crime`, `family`, `history`, `news`, `short`, `western`, `sport`, `reality-tv`, `horror`, `fantasy`, `film-noir`, `music`, `romance`, `talk-show`, `thriller`, `war`, `sci-fi`, `musical`, `mystery`, `game-show` |
| `genre.any` | Item must match at least one given genre. Can be a comma-separated list.<br>**Options:** `action`, `adventure`, `animation`, `biography`, `comedy`, `documentary`, `drama`, `crime`, `family`, `history`, `news`, `short`, `western`, `sport`, `reality-tv`, `horror`, `fantasy`, `film-noir`, `music`, `romance`, `talk-show`, `thriller`, `war`, `sci-fi`, `musical`, `mystery`, `game-show` |
| `genre.not` | Item must not match any og the given genres. Can be a comma-separated list.<br>**Options:** `action`, `adventure`, `animation`, `biography`, `comedy`, `documentary`, `drama`, `crime`, `family`, `history`, `news`, `short`, `western`, `sport`, `reality-tv`, `horror`, `fantasy`, `film-noir`, `music`, `romance`, `talk-show`, `thriller`, `war`, `sci-fi`, `musical`, `mystery`, `game-show` |
@ -221,12 +221,12 @@ The `sync_mode: sync` and `collection_order: custom` Setting are recommended sin
| `language.not` | Item must not match any given language. Can be a comma-separated list.<br>**Options:** [ISO 639-2 Language Codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-2_codes) |
| `language.primary` | Item must match any given language as the primary language. Can be a comma-separated list.<br>**Options:** [ISO 639-2 Language Codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-2_codes) |
| `popularity.gte` | Item must have a Popularity greater then or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Integer greater then `0`<br>**Example:** `1000` |
| `popularity.lte` | Item must have a Popularity less then or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Integer greater then `0`<br>**Example:** `1000` |
| `popularity.lte` | Item must have a Popularity less than or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Integer greater then `0`<br>**Example:** `1000` |
| `cast` | Item must have all the given cast members. Can be a comma-separated list.<br>**Options:** Any IMDb Person ID (ex. `nm0000138`) |
| `cast.any` | Item must have any of the given cast members. Can be a comma-separated list.<br>**Options:** Any IMDb Person ID (ex. `nm0000138`) |
| `cast.not` | Item must not have any of the given cast members. Can be a comma-separated list.<br>**Options:** Any IMDb Person ID (ex. `nm0000138`) |
| `runtime.gte` | Item must have a Runtime greater then or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Integer greater then `0`<br>**Example:** `1000` |
| `runtime.lte` | Item must have a Runtime less then or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Integer greater then `0`<br>**Example:** `1000` |
| `runtime.lte` | Item must have a Runtime less than or equal to the given number.<br>**Options:** Any Integer greater then `0`<br>**Example:** `1000` |
| `adult` | Include adult titles in the search results.<br>**Options:** `true`/`false` |
### Examples

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The `sync_mode: sync` and `collection_order: custom` Setting are recommended sin
| Attribute | Description |
| `sort_by` | **Description:** Sort Order to return<br>**Values:** `mal_id.desc`, `mal_id.asc`, `title.desc`, `title.asc`, `type.desc`, `type.asc`, `rating.desc`, `rating.asc`, `start_date.desc`, `start_date.asc`, `end_date.desc`, `end_date.asc`, `episodes.desc`, `episodes.asc`, `score.desc`, `score.asc`, `scored_by.desc`, `scored_by.asc`, `rank.desc`, `rank.asc`, `popularity.desc`, `popularity.asc`, `members.desc`, `members.asc`, `favorites.desc`, `favorites.asc` |
| `limit` | **Description:** Don't return more then this number<br>**Values:** Number of Anime to query from MyAnimeList |
| `limit` | **Description:** Don't return more than this number<br>**Values:** Number of Anime to query from MyAnimeList |
| `query` | **Description:** Text query to search for |
| `prefix` | **Description:** Results must begin with this prefix |
| `type` | **Description:** Type of Anime to search for<br>**Values:** `tv`, `movie`, `ova`, `special`, `ona`, `music` |
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ The `sync_mode: sync` and `collection_order: custom` Setting are recommended sin
| `username` | **Description:** A user's MyAnimeList Username or `@me` for the authorized user |
| `status` | **Description:** Status to search for<br>**Default:** `all`<br>**Values:**<table class="clearTable"><tr><td>`all`</td><td>All Anime List</td></tr><tr><td>`watching`</td><td>Currently Watching List</td></tr><tr><td>`completed`</td><td>Completed List</td></tr><tr><td>`on_hold`</td><td>On Hold List</td></tr><tr><td>`dropped`</td><td>Dropped List</td></tr><tr><td>`plan_to_watch`</td><td>Plan to Watch</td></tr></table> |
| `sort_by` | **Description:** Sort Order to return<br>**Default:** `score`<br>**Values:**<table class="clearTable"><tr><td>`score`</td><td>Sort by Score</td></tr><tr><td>`last_updated`</td><td>Sort by Last Updated</td></tr><tr><td>`title`</td><td>Sort by Anime Title</td></tr><tr><td>`start_date`</td><td>Sort by Start Date</td></tr></table> |
| `limit` | **Description:** Don't return more then this number<br>**Default:** `100`<br>**Values:** Number of Anime to query from MyAnimeList (max: 1000) |
| `limit` | **Description:** Don't return more than this number<br>**Default:** `100`<br>**Values:** Number of Anime to query from MyAnimeList (max: 1000) |
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ The `sync_mode: sync` and `collection_order: custom` Setting are recommended sin
| `season` | **Description:** Season to search<br>**Default:** `current`<br>**Values:**<table class="clearTable"><tr><td>`winter`</td><td>For winter season January, February, March</td></tr><tr><td>`spring`</td><td>For spring season April, May, June</td></tr><tr><td>`summer`</td><td>For summer season July, August, September</td></tr><tr><td>`fall`</td><td>For fall season October, November, December</td></tr><tr><td>`current`</td><td>For the current Season</td></tr></table> |
| `year` | **Description:** Year to search<br>**Default:** Current Year<br>**Values:** Number between `1917` and the current year. |
| `sort_by` | **Description:** Sort Order<br>**Default:** `members`<br>**Values:**<table class="clearTable"><tr><td>`members`</td><td>Sort by Most Members</td></tr><tr><td>`score`</td><td>Sort by Score</td></tr></table> |
| `limit` | **Description:** Don't return more then this number<br>**Default:** `100`<br>**Values:** Number of Anime to query from MyAnimeList (max: 500) |
| `limit` | **Description:** Don't return more than this number<br>**Default:** `100`<br>**Values:** Number of Anime to query from MyAnimeList (max: 500) |
| `starting_only` | **Description:** Return only anime that began airing in the selected season<br>**Default:** `False`<br>**Values:** `True` or `False` |

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ The `sync_mode: sync` and `collection_order: custom` Setting are recommended sin
| `chart` | **Description:** Which Trakt chart to query<br>**Values:**<table class="clearTable"><tr><td>`trending`</td><td>Trakt's Trending [Movies](https://trakt.tv/movies/trending)/[Shows](https://trakt.tv/shows/trending) list</td></tr><tr><td>`popular`</td><td>Trakt's Popular [Movies](https://trakt.tv/movies/popular)/[Shows](https://trakt.tv/shows/popular) list</td></tr><tr><td>`recommended`</td><td>Trakt's Recommended [Movies](https://trakt.tv/movies/recommended)/[Shows](https://trakt.tv/shows/recommended) list</td></tr><tr><td>`watched`</td><td>Trakt's Watched [Movies](https://trakt.tv/movies/watched)/[Shows](https://trakt.tv/shows/watched) list</td></tr><tr><td>`collected`</td><td>Trakt's Collected [Movies](https://trakt.tv/movies/collected)/[Shows](https://trakt.tv/shows/collected) list</td></tr></table> |
| `time_period` | **Description:** Time Period for the chart. Does not work with `trending` or `popular` chart types.<br>**Default:** `weekly`<br>**Values:** `daily`, `weekly`, `monthly`, `yearly`, or `all` |
| `limit` | **Description:** Don't return more then this number<br>**Default:** `10`<br>**Values:** Number of Items to query. |
| `limit` | **Description:** Don't return more than this number<br>**Default:** `10`<br>**Values:** Number of Items to query. |
| `query` | **Description:** Search titles and descriptions for this<br>**Values:** Any String. |
| `years` | **Description:** Search for the specified years only<br>**Values:** 4 digit year or range of 4 digit years. i.e. `1950` or `1950-1959` |
| `genres` | **Description:** Search for the specified genres only<br>**Values:** Comma separated string or list of genres<br>**Movie Genres:** `action`, `adventure`, `animation`, `anime`, `comedy`, `crime`, `documentary`, `drama`, `family`, `fantasy`, `history`, `holiday`, `horror`, `music`, `musical`, `mystery`, `none`, `romance`, `science-fiction`, `short`, `sporting-event`, `superhero`, `suspense`, `thriller`, `war`, `western`<br>**Show Genres:** `action`, `adventure`, `animation`, `anime`, `biography`, `children`, `comedy`, `crime`, `documentary`, `drama`, `family`, `fantasy`, `game-show`, `history`, `holiday`, `home-and-garden`, `horror`, `mini-series`, `music`, `musical`, `mystery`, `news`, `none`, `reality`, `romance`, `science-fiction`, `short`, `soap`, `special-interest`, `sporting-event`, `superhero`, `suspense`, `talk-show`, `thriller`, `war`, `western` |

@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ requirements of creating the collection.
**Valid Library Types:** Movies and Shows
**Key Values:** Award Year (sometimes this will look like `2003-2` if there are more then one award show that year)
**Key Values:** Award Year (sometimes this will look like `2003-2` if there are more than one award show that year)
**Key Name Value:** Award Year (sometimes this will look like `2003-2` if there are more then one award show that
**Key Name Value:** Award Year (sometimes this will look like `2003-2` if there are more than one award show that
**Default `title_format`:** `<<key_name>>`
