[54] fix duplicate collection error

meisnate12 12 months ago
parent 481e76a61d
commit e81339d996

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -433,9 +433,9 @@ class IMDb:
for nom in cat["nominations"]:
if data["winning"] and not nom["isWinner"]:
imdb_set = next(((n["const"], n["name"]) for n in nom["primaryNominees"] + nom["secondaryNominees"] if n["const"].startswith("tt")), None)
if imdb_set:
imdb_id = next((n["const"] for n in nom["primaryNominees"] + nom["secondaryNominees"] if n["const"].startswith("tt")), None)
if imdb_id:
return final_list
@ -519,10 +519,7 @@ class IMDb:
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb Award: {base_url}/{data['event_id']}/{data['event_year']}")
for k in ["award_filter", "category_filter", "winning"]:
logger.info(f" {k}: {data[k]}")
awards = self._award(data)
for award in awards:
return [(_i, "imdb") for _i, _ in awards]
return [(_i, "imdb") for _i in self._award(data)]
elif method == "imdb_search":
logger.info(f"Processing IMDb Search:")
for k, v in data.items():

@ -596,6 +596,7 @@ class MetadataFile(DataFile):
self.library = library
self.metadata = None
self.collections = None
self.dynamic_collections = []
self.templates = None
self.update_collections = True
self.update_seasons = True
@ -757,494 +758,496 @@ class MetadataFile(DataFile):
logger.separator(f"Loading {self.type_str} {file_type}: {path}")
data = self.load_file(self.type, self.path)
self.metadata = get_dict("metadata", data, library.metadatas)
if self.file_style == "metadata":
self.metadata = get_dict("metadata", data, library.metadatas)
self.templates = get_dict("templates", data)
self.collections = get_dict("collections", data, library.collections)
self.dynamic_collections = get_dict("dynamic_collections", data)
col_names = library.collections + [c for c in self.collections]
for map_name, dynamic in self.dynamic_collections.items():
logger.separator(f"Building {map_name} Dynamic Collections", space=False, border=False)
methods = {dm.lower(): dm for dm in dynamic}
for m in methods:
if m not in dynamic_attributes:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {methods[m]} attribute is invalid. Options: {', '.join(dynamic_attributes)}")
if "type" not in methods:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute not found")
elif not dynamic[methods["type"]]:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute is blank")
elif dynamic[methods["type"]].lower() not in auto[library.type]:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute {dynamic[methods['type']].lower()} invalid Options: {auto[library.type]}")
elif dynamic[methods["type"]].lower() == "network" and library.agent not in plex.new_plex_agents:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute: network only works with the New Plex TV Agent")
elif dynamic[methods["type"]].lower().startswith("trakt") and not self.config.Trakt:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute: {dynamic[methods['type']]} requires trakt to be configured")
auto_type = dynamic[methods["type"]].lower()
og_exclude = []
if "exclude" in self.temp_vars:
og_exclude = util.parse("Config", "exclude", self.temp_vars["exclude"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist")
elif "exclude" in methods:
og_exclude = util.parse("Config", "exclude", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist")
if "append_exclude" in self.temp_vars:
og_exclude.extend(util.parse("Config", "append_exclude", self.temp_vars["append_exclude"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"))
if "remove_exclude" in self.temp_vars:
for word in util.parse("Config", "remove_exclude", self.temp_vars["remove_exclude"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"):
include = []
if "include" in self.temp_vars:
include = util.parse("Config", "include", self.temp_vars["include"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist")
elif "include" in methods:
include = [i for i in util.parse("Config", "include", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist") if i not in og_exclude]
if "append_include" in self.temp_vars:
include.extend(util.parse("Config", "append_include", self.temp_vars["append_include"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"))
if "remove_include" in self.temp_vars:
for word in util.parse("Config", "remove_include", self.temp_vars["remove_include"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"):
addons = {}
if "addons" in self.temp_vars:
addons = util.parse("Config", "addons", self.temp_vars["addons"], parent="template_variables", datatype="dictliststr")
elif "addons" in methods:
addons = util.parse("Config", "addons", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictliststr")
if "append_addons" in self.temp_vars:
append_addons = util.parse("Config", "append_addons", self.temp_vars["append_addons"], parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictliststr")
for k, v in append_addons.items():
if k not in addons:
addons[k] = []
if "remove_addons" in self.temp_vars:
remove_addons = util.parse("Config", "remove_addons", self.temp_vars["remove_addons"], parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictliststr")
for k, v in remove_addons.items():
if k in addons:
for word in v:
exclude = [str(e) for e in og_exclude]
for k, v in addons.items():
if k in v:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {k} cannot be an addon for itself")
exclude.extend([y for y in v if y != k and y not in exclude])
default_title_format = "<<key_name>>"
default_template = None
auto_list = {}
all_keys = {}
dynamic_data = None
def _check_dict(check_dict):
for ck, cv in check_dict.items():
all_keys[str(ck)] = cv
if str(ck) not in exclude and str(cv) not in exclude:
auto_list[str(ck)] = cv
if auto_type == "decade" and library.is_show:
all_items = library.get_all()
if addons:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: addons cannot be used with show decades")
if self.file_style == "collection":
self.collections = get_dict("collections", data, library.collections)
self.dynamic_collections = get_dict("dynamic_collections", data)
col_names = library.collections + [c for c in self.collections]
for map_name, dynamic in self.dynamic_collections.items():
logger.separator(f"Building {map_name} Dynamic Collections", space=False, border=False)
methods = {dm.lower(): dm for dm in dynamic}
for m in methods:
if m not in dynamic_attributes:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {methods[m]} attribute is invalid. Options: {', '.join(dynamic_attributes)}")
if "type" not in methods:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute not found")
elif not dynamic[methods["type"]]:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute is blank")
elif dynamic[methods["type"]].lower() not in auto[library.type]:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute {dynamic[methods['type']].lower()} invalid Options: {auto[library.type]}")
elif dynamic[methods["type"]].lower() == "network" and library.agent not in plex.new_plex_agents:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute: network only works with the New Plex TV Agent")
elif dynamic[methods["type"]].lower().startswith("trakt") and not self.config.Trakt:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute: {dynamic[methods['type']]} requires trakt to be configured")
auto_type = dynamic[methods["type"]].lower()
og_exclude = []
if "exclude" in self.temp_vars:
og_exclude = util.parse("Config", "exclude", self.temp_vars["exclude"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist")
elif "exclude" in methods:
og_exclude = util.parse("Config", "exclude", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist")
if "append_exclude" in self.temp_vars:
og_exclude.extend(util.parse("Config", "append_exclude", self.temp_vars["append_exclude"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"))
if "remove_exclude" in self.temp_vars:
for word in util.parse("Config", "remove_exclude", self.temp_vars["remove_exclude"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"):
include = []
if "include" in self.temp_vars:
include = util.parse("Config", "include", self.temp_vars["include"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist")
elif "include" in methods:
include = [i for i in util.parse("Config", "include", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist") if i not in og_exclude]
if "append_include" in self.temp_vars:
include.extend(util.parse("Config", "append_include", self.temp_vars["append_include"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"))
if "remove_include" in self.temp_vars:
for word in util.parse("Config", "remove_include", self.temp_vars["remove_include"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strlist"):
addons = {}
if "addons" in self.temp_vars:
addons = util.parse("Config", "addons", self.temp_vars["addons"], parent="template_variables", datatype="dictliststr")
elif "addons" in methods:
addons = util.parse("Config", "addons", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictliststr")
if "append_addons" in self.temp_vars:
append_addons = util.parse("Config", "append_addons", self.temp_vars["append_addons"], parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictliststr")
for k, v in append_addons.items():
if k not in addons:
addons[k] = []
if "remove_addons" in self.temp_vars:
remove_addons = util.parse("Config", "remove_addons", self.temp_vars["remove_addons"], parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictliststr")
for k, v in remove_addons.items():
if k in addons:
for word in v:
exclude = [str(e) for e in og_exclude]
for k, v in addons.items():
if k in v:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {k} cannot be an addon for itself")
exclude.extend([y for y in v if y != k and y not in exclude])
default_title_format = "<<key_name>>"
default_template = None
auto_list = {}
all_keys = {}
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
if item.year:
decade = str(int(math.floor(item.year / 10) * 10))
if decade not in addons:
addons[decade] = []
if str(item.year) not in addons[decade]:
all_keys[str(item.year)] = str(item.year)
auto_list = {str(k): f"{k}s" for k in addons if str(k) not in exclude and f"{k}s" not in exclude}
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"limit": 50, "sort_by": "critic_rating.desc", "any": {"year": "<<value>>"}}}
default_title_format = "Best <<library_type>>s of <<key_name>>"
elif auto_type in ["genre", "mood", "style", "album_genre", "album_mood", "album_style", "track_mood", "country", "studio", "edition", "network", "year", "episode_year", "decade", "content_rating", "subtitle_language", "audio_language", "resolution"]:
search_tag = auto_type_translation[auto_type] if auto_type in auto_type_translation else auto_type
if library.is_show and auto_type in ["resolution", "subtitle_language", "audio_language"]:
tags = library.get_tags(f"episode.{search_tag}")
tags = library.get_tags(search_tag)
if auto_type in ["subtitle_language", "audio_language"]:
dynamic_data = None
def _check_dict(check_dict):
for ck, cv in check_dict.items():
all_keys[str(ck)] = cv
if str(ck) not in exclude and str(cv) not in exclude:
auto_list[str(ck)] = cv
if auto_type == "decade" and library.is_show:
all_items = library.get_all()
if addons:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: addons cannot be used with show decades")
addons = {}
all_keys = {}
auto_list = {}
for i in tags:
final_title = self.config.TMDb.TMDb._iso_639_1[str(i.key)].english_name if str(i.key) in self.config.TMDb.TMDb._iso_639_1 else str(i.title) # noqa
all_keys[str(i.key)] = final_title
if all([x not in exclude for x in [final_title, str(i.title), str(i.key)]]):
auto_list[str(i.key)] = final_title
elif auto_type in ["resolution", "decade"]:
all_keys = {str(i.key): i.title for i in tags}
auto_list = {str(i.key): i.title for i in tags if str(i.title) not in exclude and str(i.key) not in exclude}
all_keys = {str(i.title): i.title for i in tags}
auto_list = {str(i.title): i.title for i in tags if str(i.title) not in exclude}
if library.is_music:
final_var = auto_type if auto_type.startswith(("album", "track")) else f"artist_{auto_type}"
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"limit": 50 if auto_type.startswith("track") else 10, "sort_by": "plays.desc", "any": {final_var: "<<value>>"}}}
music_type = "<<library_type>>"
if auto_type.startswith(("album", "track")):
default_template["builder_level"] = "album" if auto_type.startswith("album") else "track"
music_type = "Album" if auto_type.startswith("album") else "Track"
default_title_format = f"Most Played <<key_name>> {music_type}s"
elif auto_type == "resolution":
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"sort_by": "title.asc", "any": {auto_type: "<<value>>"}}}
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
if item.year:
decade = str(int(math.floor(item.year / 10) * 10))
if decade not in addons:
addons[decade] = []
if str(item.year) not in addons[decade]:
all_keys[str(item.year)] = str(item.year)
auto_list = {str(k): f"{k}s" for k in addons if str(k) not in exclude and f"{k}s" not in exclude}
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"limit": 50, "sort_by": "critic_rating.desc", "any": {"year": "<<value>>"}}}
default_title_format = "Best <<library_type>>s of <<key_name>>"
elif auto_type in ["genre", "mood", "style", "album_genre", "album_mood", "album_style", "track_mood", "country", "studio", "edition", "network", "year", "episode_year", "decade", "content_rating", "subtitle_language", "audio_language", "resolution"]:
search_tag = auto_type_translation[auto_type] if auto_type in auto_type_translation else auto_type
if library.is_show and auto_type in ["resolution", "subtitle_language", "audio_language"]:
tags = library.get_tags(f"episode.{search_tag}")
tags = library.get_tags(search_tag)
if auto_type in ["subtitle_language", "audio_language"]:
all_keys = {}
auto_list = {}
for i in tags:
final_title = self.config.TMDb.TMDb._iso_639_1[str(i.key)].english_name if str(i.key) in self.config.TMDb.TMDb._iso_639_1 else str(i.title) # noqa
all_keys[str(i.key)] = final_title
if all([x not in exclude for x in [final_title, str(i.title), str(i.key)]]):
auto_list[str(i.key)] = final_title
elif auto_type in ["resolution", "decade"]:
all_keys = {str(i.key): i.title for i in tags}
auto_list = {str(i.key): i.title for i in tags if str(i.title) not in exclude and str(i.key) not in exclude}
all_keys = {str(i.title): i.title for i in tags}
auto_list = {str(i.title): i.title for i in tags if str(i.title) not in exclude}
if library.is_music:
final_var = auto_type if auto_type.startswith(("album", "track")) else f"artist_{auto_type}"
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"limit": 50 if auto_type.startswith("track") else 10, "sort_by": "plays.desc", "any": {final_var: "<<value>>"}}}
music_type = "<<library_type>>"
if auto_type.startswith(("album", "track")):
default_template["builder_level"] = "album" if auto_type.startswith("album") else "track"
music_type = "Album" if auto_type.startswith("album") else "Track"
default_title_format = f"Most Played <<key_name>> {music_type}s"
elif auto_type == "resolution":
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"sort_by": "title.asc", "any": {auto_type: "<<value>>"}}}
default_title_format = "<<key_name>> <<library_type>>s"
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"limit": 50, "sort_by": "critic_rating.desc", "any": {f"{auto_type}.is" if auto_type == "studio" else auto_type: "<<value>>"}}}
default_title_format = "Best <<library_type>>s of <<key_name>>" if auto_type in ["year", "decade", "episode_year"] else "Top <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s"
elif auto_type == "tmdb_collection":
all_items = library.get_all()
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id = library.get_ids(item)
tmdb_item = config.TMDb.get_item(item, tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, is_movie=True)
if tmdb_item and tmdb_item.collection_id and tmdb_item.collection_name:
all_keys[str(tmdb_item.collection_id)] = tmdb_item.collection_name
if str(tmdb_item.collection_id) not in exclude and tmdb_item.collection_name not in exclude:
auto_list[str(tmdb_item.collection_id)] = tmdb_item.collection_name
elif auto_type == "original_language":
all_items = library.get_all()
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id = library.get_ids(item)
tmdb_item = config.TMDb.get_item(item, tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, is_movie=library.type == "Movie")
if tmdb_item and tmdb_item.language_iso:
all_keys[tmdb_item.language_iso] = tmdb_item.language_name
if tmdb_item.language_iso not in exclude and tmdb_item.language_name not in exclude:
auto_list[tmdb_item.language_iso] = tmdb_item.language_name
default_title_format = "<<key_name>> <<library_type>>s"
default_template = {"smart_filter": {"limit": 50, "sort_by": "critic_rating.desc", "any": {f"{auto_type}.is" if auto_type == "studio" else auto_type: "<<value>>"}}}
default_title_format = "Best <<library_type>>s of <<key_name>>" if auto_type in ["year", "decade", "episode_year"] else "Top <<key_name>> <<library_type>>s"
elif auto_type == "tmdb_collection":
all_items = library.get_all()
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id = library.get_ids(item)
tmdb_item = config.TMDb.get_item(item, tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, is_movie=True)
if tmdb_item and tmdb_item.collection_id and tmdb_item.collection_name:
all_keys[str(tmdb_item.collection_id)] = tmdb_item.collection_name
if str(tmdb_item.collection_id) not in exclude and tmdb_item.collection_name not in exclude:
auto_list[str(tmdb_item.collection_id)] = tmdb_item.collection_name
elif auto_type == "original_language":
all_items = library.get_all()
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id = library.get_ids(item)
tmdb_item = config.TMDb.get_item(item, tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, is_movie=library.type == "Movie")
if tmdb_item and tmdb_item.language_iso:
all_keys[tmdb_item.language_iso] = tmdb_item.language_name
if tmdb_item.language_iso not in exclude and tmdb_item.language_name not in exclude:
auto_list[tmdb_item.language_iso] = tmdb_item.language_name
default_title_format = "<<key_name>> <<library_type>>s"
elif auto_type == "origin_country":
all_items = library.get_all()
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id = library.get_ids(item)
tmdb_item = config.TMDb.get_item(item, tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, is_movie=library.type == "Movie")
if tmdb_item and tmdb_item.countries:
for country in tmdb_item.countries:
all_keys[country.iso_3166_1.lower()] = country.name
if country.iso_3166_1.lower() not in exclude and country.name not in exclude:
auto_list[country.iso_3166_1.lower()] = country.name
default_title_format = "<<key_name>> <<library_type>>s"
elif auto_type in ["actor", "director", "writer", "producer"]:
people = {}
if "data" not in methods:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data attribute not found")
elif "data" in self.temp_vars:
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", self.temp_vars["data"], datatype="dict")
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dict")
person_methods = {am.lower(): am for am in dynamic_data}
if "actor_depth" in person_methods:
person_methods["depth"] = person_methods.pop("actor_depth")
if "actor_minimum" in person_methods:
person_methods["minimum"] = person_methods.pop("actor_minimum")
if "number_of_actors" in person_methods:
person_methods["limit"] = person_methods.pop("number_of_actors")
person_depth = util.parse("Config", "depth", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=person_methods, datatype="int", default=3, minimum=1)
person_minimum = util.parse("Config", "minimum", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=person_methods, datatype="int", default=3, minimum=1) if "minimum" in person_methods else None
person_limit = util.parse("Config", "limit", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=person_methods, datatype="int", default=25, minimum=1) if "limit" in person_methods else None
lib_all = library.get_all()
include_cols = []
for i, item in enumerate(lib_all, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Scanning: {i}/{len(lib_all)} {item.title}")
item = self.library.reload(item)
for person in getattr(item, f"{auto_type}s")[:person_depth]:
if person.tag in include:
if person.tag not in include_cols:
if person.id not in people:
people[person.id] = {"name": person.tag, "count": 0}
people[person.id]["count"] += 1
except Failed as e:
logger.error(f"Plex Error: {e}")
roles = [data for _, data in people.items()]
roles.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('count'), reverse=True)
if not person_minimum:
person_minimum = 1 if person_limit else 3
if not person_limit:
person_limit = len(roles)
person_count = 0
for inc in include_cols:
auto_list[inc] = inc
all_keys[inc] = inc
person_count += 1
for role in roles:
if person_count < person_limit and role["count"] >= person_minimum and role["name"] not in exclude:
auto_list[role["name"]] = role["name"]
all_keys[role["name"]] = role["name"]
elif auto_type == "origin_country":
all_items = library.get_all()
for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}")
tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id = library.get_ids(item)
tmdb_item = config.TMDb.get_item(item, tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, is_movie=library.type == "Movie")
if tmdb_item and tmdb_item.countries:
for country in tmdb_item.countries:
all_keys[country.iso_3166_1.lower()] = country.name
if country.iso_3166_1.lower() not in exclude and country.name not in exclude:
auto_list[country.iso_3166_1.lower()] = country.name
default_title_format = "<<key_name>> <<library_type>>s"
elif auto_type in ["actor", "director", "writer", "producer"]:
people = {}
if "data" not in methods:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data attribute not found")
elif "data" in self.temp_vars:
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", self.temp_vars["data"], datatype="dict")
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dict")
person_methods = {am.lower(): am for am in dynamic_data}
if "actor_depth" in person_methods:
person_methods["depth"] = person_methods.pop("actor_depth")
if "actor_minimum" in person_methods:
person_methods["minimum"] = person_methods.pop("actor_minimum")
if "number_of_actors" in person_methods:
person_methods["limit"] = person_methods.pop("number_of_actors")
person_depth = util.parse("Config", "depth", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=person_methods, datatype="int", default=3, minimum=1)
person_minimum = util.parse("Config", "minimum", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=person_methods, datatype="int", default=3, minimum=1) if "minimum" in person_methods else None
person_limit = util.parse("Config", "limit", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=person_methods, datatype="int", default=25, minimum=1) if "limit" in person_methods else None
lib_all = library.get_all()
include_cols = []
for i, item in enumerate(lib_all, 1):
logger.ghost(f"Scanning: {i}/{len(lib_all)} {item.title}")
item = self.library.reload(item)
for person in getattr(item, f"{auto_type}s")[:person_depth]:
if person.tag in include:
if person.tag not in include_cols:
if person.id not in people:
people[person.id] = {"name": person.tag, "count": 0}
people[person.id]["count"] += 1
except Failed as e:
logger.error(f"Plex Error: {e}")
roles = [data for _, data in people.items()]
roles.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('count'), reverse=True)
if not person_minimum:
person_minimum = 1 if person_limit else 3
if not person_limit:
person_limit = len(roles)
person_count = 0
for inc in include_cols:
auto_list[inc] = inc
all_keys[inc] = inc
person_count += 1
default_template = {"plex_search": {"any": {auto_type: "<<value>>"}}}
elif auto_type == "number":
if "data" not in methods:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data attribute not found")
elif "data" in self.temp_vars:
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", self.temp_vars["data"], datatype="dict")
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dict")
number_methods = {nm.lower(): nm for nm in dynamic_data}
if "starting" in number_methods and str(dynamic_data[number_methods["starting"]]).startswith("current_year"):
year_values = str(dynamic_data[number_methods["starting"]]).split("-")
starting = datetime.now().year - (0 if len(year_values) == 1 else int(year_values[1].strip()))
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: starting attribute modifier invalid '{year_values[1]}'")
starting = util.parse("Config", "starting", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=number_methods, datatype="int", default=0, minimum=0)
if "ending" in number_methods and str(dynamic_data[number_methods["ending"]]).startswith("current_year"):
year_values = str(dynamic_data[number_methods["ending"]]).split("-")
ending = datetime.now().year - (0 if len(year_values) == 1 else int(year_values[1].strip()))
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: ending attribute modifier invalid '{year_values[1]}'")
ending = util.parse("Config", "ending", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=number_methods, datatype="int", default=0, minimum=1)
increment = util.parse("Config", "increment", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=number_methods, datatype="int", default=1, minimum=1) if "increment" in number_methods else 1
if starting > ending:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data ending must be greater than starting")
current = starting
while current <= ending:
all_keys[str(current)] = str(current)
if str(current) not in exclude and current not in exclude:
auto_list[str(current)] = str(current)
current += increment
elif auto_type == "custom":
if "data" not in methods:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data attribute not found")
for k, v in util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict").items():
all_keys[k] = v
if k not in exclude and v not in exclude:
auto_list[k] = v
elif auto_type == "trakt_user_lists":
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="list")
for option in dynamic_data:
_check_dict({self.config.Trakt.build_user_url(u[0], u[1]): u[2] for u in self.config.Trakt.all_user_lists(option)})
elif auto_type == "trakt_liked_lists":
elif auto_type == "tmdb_popular_people":
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="int", minimum=1)
elif auto_type == "trakt_people_list":
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="list")
for option in dynamic_data:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute {dynamic[methods['type']]} invalid")
if "append_data" in self.temp_vars:
for k, v in util.parse("Config", "append_data", self.temp_vars["append_data"], parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict").items():
all_keys[k] = v
if k not in exclude and v not in exclude:
auto_list[k] = v
custom_keys = True
if "custom_keys" in self.temp_vars:
custom_keys = util.parse("Config", "custom_keys", self.temp_vars["custom_keys"], parent="template_variables", default=custom_keys)
elif "custom_keys" in methods:
custom_keys = util.parse("Config", "custom_keys", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=custom_keys)
for add_key, combined_keys in addons.items():
if add_key not in all_keys and add_key not in og_exclude:
final_keys = [ck for ck in combined_keys if ck in all_keys]
if custom_keys and final_keys:
auto_list[add_key] = add_key
addons[add_key] = final_keys
elif custom_keys:
logger.trace(f"Config Warning: {add_key} Custom Key must have at least one Key")
for role in roles:
if person_count < person_limit and role["count"] >= person_minimum and role["name"] not in exclude:
auto_list[role["name"]] = role["name"]
all_keys[role["name"]] = role["name"]
person_count += 1
default_template = {"plex_search": {"any": {auto_type: "<<value>>"}}}
elif auto_type == "number":
if "data" not in methods:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data attribute not found")
elif "data" in self.temp_vars:
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", self.temp_vars["data"], datatype="dict")
for final_key in final_keys:
auto_list[final_key] = all_keys[final_key]
title_format = default_title_format
if "title_format" in self.temp_vars:
title_format = util.parse("Config", "title_format", self.temp_vars["title_format"], parent="template_variables", default=default_title_format)
elif "title_format" in methods:
title_format = util.parse("Config", "title_format", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=default_title_format)
if "<<key_name>>" not in title_format and "<<title>>" not in title_format:
logger.error(f"Config Error: <<key_name>> not in title_format: {title_format} using default: {default_title_format}")
title_format = default_title_format
if "post_format_override" in methods:
methods["title_override"] = methods.pop("post_format_override")
if "pre_format_override" in methods:
methods["key_name_override"] = methods.pop("pre_format_override")
title_override = {}
if "title_override" in self.temp_vars:
title_override = util.parse("Config", "title_override", self.temp_vars["title_override"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strdict")
elif "title_override" in methods:
title_override = util.parse("Config", "title_override", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict")
key_name_override = {}
if "key_name_override" in self.temp_vars:
key_name_override = util.parse("Config", "key_name_override", self.temp_vars["key_name_override"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strdict")
elif "key_name_override" in methods:
key_name_override = util.parse("Config", "key_name_override", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict")
test_override = []
for k, v in key_name_override.items():
if v in test_override:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {v} can only be used once skipping {k}: {v}")
test = util.parse("Config", "test", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=False, datatype="bool") if "test" in methods else False
sync = False
if "sync" in self.temp_vars:
sync = util.parse("Config", "sync", self.temp_vars["sync"], parent="template_variables", datatype="bool")
elif "sync" in methods:
sync = util.parse("Config", "sync", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=False, datatype="bool")
if "<<library_type>>" in title_format:
title_format = title_format.replace("<<library_type>>", library.type.lower())
if "<<library_typeU>>" in title_format:
title_format = title_format.replace("<<library_typeU>>", library.type)
if "limit" in self.temp_vars and "<<limit>>" in title_format:
title_format = title_format.replace("<<limit>>", self.temp_vars["limit"])
template_variables = util.parse("Config", "template_variables", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictdict") if "template_variables" in methods else {}
if "template" in methods:
template_names = util.parse("Config", "template", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist")
has_var = False
for template_name in template_names:
if template_name not in self.templates:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} template: {template_name} not found")
if any([a in str(self.templates[template_name][0]) for a in ["<<value", "<<key", f"<<{auto_type}"]]):
has_var = True
if not has_var:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: One {map_name} template: {template_names} is required to have the template variable <<value>>")
elif auto_type in ["number", "list"]:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} template required for type: {auto_type}")
self.templates[map_name] = (default_template if default_template else default_templates[auto_type], {})
template_names = [map_name]
remove_prefix = []
if "remove_prefix" in self.temp_vars:
remove_prefix = util.parse("Config", "remove_prefix", self.temp_vars["remove_prefix"], parent="template_variables", datatype="commalist")
elif "remove_prefix" in methods:
remove_prefix = util.parse("Config", "remove_prefix", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="commalist")
remove_suffix = []
if "remove_suffix" in self.temp_vars:
remove_suffix = util.parse("Config", "remove_suffix", self.temp_vars["remove_suffix"], parent="template_variables", datatype="commalist")
elif "remove_suffix" in methods:
remove_suffix = util.parse("Config", "remove_suffix", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="commalist")
sync = {i.title: i for i in self.library.get_all_collections(label=str(map_name))} if sync else {}
other_name = None
if "other_name" in self.temp_vars and include:
other_name = util.parse("Config", "other_name", self.temp_vars["remove_suffix"], parent="template_variables")
elif "other_name" in methods and include:
other_name = util.parse("Config", "other_name", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods)
other_templates = util.parse("Config", "other_template", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist") if "other_template" in methods and include else None
if other_templates:
for other_template in other_templates:
if other_template not in self.templates:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} other template: {other_template} not found")
other_templates = template_names
other_keys = []
logger.debug(f"Mapping Name: {map_name}")
logger.debug(f"Type: {auto_type}")
logger.debug(f"Data: {dynamic_data}")
logger.debug(f"Exclude: {og_exclude}")
logger.debug(f"Exclude Final: {exclude}")
logger.debug(f"Addons: {addons}")
logger.debug(f"Template: {template_names}")
logger.debug(f"Other Template: {other_templates}")
logger.debug(f"Library Variables: {self.temp_vars}")
logger.debug(f"Template Variables: {template_variables}")
logger.debug(f"Remove Prefix: {remove_prefix}")
logger.debug(f"Remove Suffix: {remove_suffix}")
logger.debug(f"Title Format: {title_format}")
logger.debug(f"Key Name Override: {key_name_override}")
logger.debug(f"Title Override: {title_override}")
logger.debug(f"Custom Keys: {custom_keys}")
logger.debug(f"Test: {test}")
logger.debug(f"Sync: {sync}")
logger.debug(f"Include: {include}")
logger.debug(f"Other Name: {other_name}")
logger.debug(f"All Keys: {all_keys.keys()}")
if not auto_list:
raise Failed("No Keys found to create a set of Dynamic Collections")
logger.debug(f"Keys (Title):")
for key, value in auto_list.items():
logger.debug(f" - {key}{'' if key == value else f' ({value})'}")
used_keys = []
for key, value in auto_list.items():
if include and key not in include:
if key not in exclude:
if key in key_name_override:
key_name = key_name_override[key]
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dict")
number_methods = {nm.lower(): nm for nm in dynamic_data}
if "starting" in number_methods and str(dynamic_data[number_methods["starting"]]).startswith("current_year"):
year_values = str(dynamic_data[number_methods["starting"]]).split("-")
starting = datetime.now().year - (0 if len(year_values) == 1 else int(year_values[1].strip()))
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: starting attribute modifier invalid '{year_values[1]}'")
starting = util.parse("Config", "starting", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=number_methods, datatype="int", default=0, minimum=0)
if "ending" in number_methods and str(dynamic_data[number_methods["ending"]]).startswith("current_year"):
year_values = str(dynamic_data[number_methods["ending"]]).split("-")
ending = datetime.now().year - (0 if len(year_values) == 1 else int(year_values[1].strip()))
except ValueError:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: ending attribute modifier invalid '{year_values[1]}'")
ending = util.parse("Config", "ending", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=number_methods, datatype="int", default=0, minimum=1)
increment = util.parse("Config", "increment", dynamic_data, parent=f"{map_name} data", methods=number_methods, datatype="int", default=1, minimum=1) if "increment" in number_methods else 1
if starting > ending:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data ending must be greater than starting")
current = starting
while current <= ending:
all_keys[str(current)] = str(current)
if str(current) not in exclude and current not in exclude:
auto_list[str(current)] = str(current)
current += increment
elif auto_type == "custom":
if "data" not in methods:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} data attribute not found")
for k, v in util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict").items():
all_keys[k] = v
if k not in exclude and v not in exclude:
auto_list[k] = v
elif auto_type == "trakt_user_lists":
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="list")
for option in dynamic_data:
_check_dict({self.config.Trakt.build_user_url(u[0], u[1]): u[2] for u in self.config.Trakt.all_user_lists(option)})
elif auto_type == "trakt_liked_lists":
elif auto_type == "tmdb_popular_people":
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="int", minimum=1)
elif auto_type == "trakt_people_list":
dynamic_data = util.parse("Config", "data", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="list")
for option in dynamic_data:
key_name = value
for prefix in remove_prefix:
if key_name.startswith(prefix):
key_name = key_name[len(prefix):].strip()
for suffix in remove_suffix:
if key_name.endswith(suffix):
key_name = key_name[:-len(suffix)].strip()
key_value = [key] if key in all_keys else []
if key in addons:
key_value.extend([a for a in addons[key] if (a in all_keys or auto_type == "custom") and a != key])
og_call = {"value": key_value, auto_type: key_value, "key_name": key_name, "key": key}
for k, v in template_variables.items():
if k in self.temp_vars:
og_call[k] = self.temp_vars[k]
elif key in v:
og_call[k] = v[key]
elif "default" in v:
og_call[k] = v["default"]
template_call = []
for template_name in template_names:
new_call = og_call.copy()
new_call["name"] = template_name
if key in title_override:
collection_title = title_override[key]
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} type attribute {dynamic[methods['type']]} invalid")
if "append_data" in self.temp_vars:
for k, v in util.parse("Config", "append_data", self.temp_vars["append_data"], parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict").items():
all_keys[k] = v
if k not in exclude and v not in exclude:
auto_list[k] = v
custom_keys = True
if "custom_keys" in self.temp_vars:
custom_keys = util.parse("Config", "custom_keys", self.temp_vars["custom_keys"], parent="template_variables", default=custom_keys)
elif "custom_keys" in methods:
custom_keys = util.parse("Config", "custom_keys", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=custom_keys)
for add_key, combined_keys in addons.items():
if add_key not in all_keys and add_key not in og_exclude:
final_keys = [ck for ck in combined_keys if ck in all_keys]
if custom_keys and final_keys:
auto_list[add_key] = add_key
addons[add_key] = final_keys
elif custom_keys:
logger.trace(f"Config Warning: {add_key} Custom Key must have at least one Key")
for final_key in final_keys:
auto_list[final_key] = all_keys[final_key]
title_format = default_title_format
if "title_format" in self.temp_vars:
title_format = util.parse("Config", "title_format", self.temp_vars["title_format"], parent="template_variables", default=default_title_format)
elif "title_format" in methods:
title_format = util.parse("Config", "title_format", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=default_title_format)
if "<<key_name>>" not in title_format and "<<title>>" not in title_format:
logger.error(f"Config Error: <<key_name>> not in title_format: {title_format} using default: {default_title_format}")
title_format = default_title_format
if "post_format_override" in methods:
methods["title_override"] = methods.pop("post_format_override")
if "pre_format_override" in methods:
methods["key_name_override"] = methods.pop("pre_format_override")
title_override = {}
if "title_override" in self.temp_vars:
title_override = util.parse("Config", "title_override", self.temp_vars["title_override"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strdict")
elif "title_override" in methods:
title_override = util.parse("Config", "title_override", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict")
key_name_override = {}
if "key_name_override" in self.temp_vars:
key_name_override = util.parse("Config", "key_name_override", self.temp_vars["key_name_override"], parent="template_variables", datatype="strdict")
elif "key_name_override" in methods:
key_name_override = util.parse("Config", "key_name_override", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strdict")
test_override = []
for k, v in key_name_override.items():
if v in test_override:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {v} can only be used once skipping {k}: {v}")
test = util.parse("Config", "test", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=False, datatype="bool") if "test" in methods else False
sync = False
if "sync" in self.temp_vars:
sync = util.parse("Config", "sync", self.temp_vars["sync"], parent="template_variables", datatype="bool")
elif "sync" in methods:
sync = util.parse("Config", "sync", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, default=False, datatype="bool")
if "<<library_type>>" in title_format:
title_format = title_format.replace("<<library_type>>", library.type.lower())
if "<<library_typeU>>" in title_format:
title_format = title_format.replace("<<library_typeU>>", library.type)
if "limit" in self.temp_vars and "<<limit>>" in title_format:
title_format = title_format.replace("<<limit>>", self.temp_vars["limit"])
template_variables = util.parse("Config", "template_variables", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="dictdict") if "template_variables" in methods else {}
if "template" in methods:
template_names = util.parse("Config", "template", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist")
has_var = False
for template_name in template_names:
if template_name not in self.templates:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} template: {template_name} not found")
if any([a in str(self.templates[template_name][0]) for a in ["<<value", "<<key", f"<<{auto_type}"]]):
has_var = True
if not has_var:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: One {map_name} template: {template_names} is required to have the template variable <<value>>")
elif auto_type in ["number", "list"]:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} template required for type: {auto_type}")
collection_title = title_format.replace("<<title>>", key_name).replace("<<key_name>>", key_name)
if collection_title in col_names:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: Skipping duplicate collection: {collection_title}")
self.templates[map_name] = (default_template if default_template else default_templates[auto_type], {})
template_names = [map_name]
remove_prefix = []
if "remove_prefix" in self.temp_vars:
remove_prefix = util.parse("Config", "remove_prefix", self.temp_vars["remove_prefix"], parent="template_variables", datatype="commalist")
elif "remove_prefix" in methods:
remove_prefix = util.parse("Config", "remove_prefix", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="commalist")
remove_suffix = []
if "remove_suffix" in self.temp_vars:
remove_suffix = util.parse("Config", "remove_suffix", self.temp_vars["remove_suffix"], parent="template_variables", datatype="commalist")
elif "remove_suffix" in methods:
remove_suffix = util.parse("Config", "remove_suffix", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="commalist")
sync = {i.title: i for i in self.library.get_all_collections(label=str(map_name))} if sync else {}
other_name = None
if "other_name" in self.temp_vars and include:
other_name = util.parse("Config", "other_name", self.temp_vars["remove_suffix"], parent="template_variables")
elif "other_name" in methods and include:
other_name = util.parse("Config", "other_name", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods)
other_templates = util.parse("Config", "other_template", dynamic, parent=map_name, methods=methods, datatype="strlist") if "other_template" in methods and include else None
if other_templates:
for other_template in other_templates:
if other_template not in self.templates:
raise Failed(f"Config Error: {map_name} other template: {other_template} not found")
col = {"template": template_call, "append_label": str(map_name)}
other_templates = template_names
other_keys = []
logger.debug(f"Mapping Name: {map_name}")
logger.debug(f"Type: {auto_type}")
logger.debug(f"Data: {dynamic_data}")
logger.debug(f"Exclude: {og_exclude}")
logger.debug(f"Exclude Final: {exclude}")
logger.debug(f"Addons: {addons}")
logger.debug(f"Template: {template_names}")
logger.debug(f"Other Template: {other_templates}")
logger.debug(f"Library Variables: {self.temp_vars}")
logger.debug(f"Template Variables: {template_variables}")
logger.debug(f"Remove Prefix: {remove_prefix}")
logger.debug(f"Remove Suffix: {remove_suffix}")
logger.debug(f"Title Format: {title_format}")
logger.debug(f"Key Name Override: {key_name_override}")
logger.debug(f"Title Override: {title_override}")
logger.debug(f"Custom Keys: {custom_keys}")
logger.debug(f"Test: {test}")
logger.debug(f"Sync: {sync}")
logger.debug(f"Include: {include}")
logger.debug(f"Other Name: {other_name}")
logger.debug(f"All Keys: {all_keys.keys()}")
if not auto_list:
raise Failed("No Keys found to create a set of Dynamic Collections")
logger.debug(f"Keys (Title):")
for key, value in auto_list.items():
logger.debug(f" - {key}{'' if key == value else f' ({value})'}")
used_keys = []
for key, value in auto_list.items():
if include and key not in include:
if key not in exclude:
if key in key_name_override:
key_name = key_name_override[key]
key_name = value
for prefix in remove_prefix:
if key_name.startswith(prefix):
key_name = key_name[len(prefix):].strip()
for suffix in remove_suffix:
if key_name.endswith(suffix):
key_name = key_name[:-len(suffix)].strip()
key_value = [key] if key in all_keys else []
if key in addons:
key_value.extend([a for a in addons[key] if (a in all_keys or auto_type == "custom") and a != key])
og_call = {"value": key_value, auto_type: key_value, "key_name": key_name, "key": key}
for k, v in template_variables.items():
if k in self.temp_vars:
og_call[k] = self.temp_vars[k]
elif key in v:
og_call[k] = v[key]
elif "default" in v:
og_call[k] = v["default"]
template_call = []
for template_name in template_names:
new_call = og_call.copy()
new_call["name"] = template_name
if key in title_override:
collection_title = title_override[key]
collection_title = title_format.replace("<<title>>", key_name).replace("<<key_name>>", key_name)
if collection_title in col_names:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: Skipping duplicate collection: {collection_title}")
col = {"template": template_call, "append_label": str(map_name)}
if test:
col["test"] = True
if collection_title in sync:
self.collections[collection_title] = col
if other_name and not other_keys:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: Other Collection {other_name} not needed")
elif other_name:
og_other = {
"value": other_keys, "included_keys": include, "used_keys": used_keys,
auto_type: other_keys, "key_name": other_name, "key": "other"
for k, v in template_variables.items():
if k in self.temp_vars and "other" in self.temp_vars[k]:
og_other[k] = self.temp_vars[k]["other"]
elif k in self.temp_vars and "default" in self.temp_vars[k]:
og_other[k] = self.temp_vars[k]["default"]
if "other" in v:
og_other[k] = v["other"]
elif "default" in v:
og_other[k] = v["default"]
other_call = []
for other_template in other_templates:
new_call = og_other.copy()
new_call["name"] = other_template
col = {"template": other_call, "append_label": str(map_name)}
if test:
col["test"] = True
if collection_title in sync:
self.collections[collection_title] = col
if other_name and not other_keys:
logger.warning(f"Config Warning: Other Collection {other_name} not needed")
elif other_name:
og_other = {
"value": other_keys, "included_keys": include, "used_keys": used_keys,
auto_type: other_keys, "key_name": other_name, "key": "other"
for k, v in template_variables.items():
if k in self.temp_vars and "other" in self.temp_vars[k]:
og_other[k] = self.temp_vars[k]["other"]
elif k in self.temp_vars and "default" in self.temp_vars[k]:
og_other[k] = self.temp_vars[k]["default"]
if "other" in v:
og_other[k] = v["other"]
elif "default" in v:
og_other[k] = v["default"]
other_call = []
for other_template in other_templates:
new_call = og_other.copy()
new_call["name"] = other_template
col = {"template": other_call, "append_label": str(map_name)}
if test:
col["test"] = True
if other_name in sync:
self.collections[other_name] = col
for col_title, col in sync.items():
logger.info(f"{map_name} Dynamic Collection: {col_title} Deleted")
except Failed as e:
except Failed as e:
logger.error(f"{map_name} Dynamic Collection Failed")
if other_name in sync:
self.collections[other_name] = col
for col_title, col in sync.items():
logger.info(f"{map_name} Dynamic Collection: {col_title} Deleted")
except Failed as e:
except Failed as e:
logger.error(f"{map_name} Dynamic Collection Failed")
if self.file_style == "metadata" and not self.metadata:
raise Failed("YAML Error: metadata attribute is required")
