name: Bug Report
about: Please do not use bug reports for support issues.
title: 'Bug: '
labels: 'status:not-yet-viewed, bug'
assignees: 'meisnate12'


THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO ASK FOR SUPPORT! Please use [Discord](https://discord.gg/TsdpsFYqqm) for support issues.
DO NOT ERASE THE TEMPLATE! Please complete the entire template.

**Describe the Bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

**Relevant Collection Config**
- Having a problem with a collection include the collection config from your metadata file.

**Plex Meta Manager Info**
- Version Number (can be found at the beginning of your meta.log file.

**Link to logs (required)**
- If having an error with a specific collection include the collection.log otherwise please include the full meta.log file on [Gist](http://gist.github.com). _Do not upload attachments_.