# Synology Walthrough This is a quick walkthrough of setting up the Plex-Meta-Manager Docker container in the Synology UI. ## Prerequisite: Installing Docker * Open the Package Center app from the Synology Web GUI. ![](synology/synology-01.png) * Type `docker` in the search bar and once it comes up click "Install" to add Docker. and then click "Open" to bring it up. ![](synology/synology-02.png) ## Installing Plex Meta Manager 1. Open the Docker app. ![](synology/synology-03.png) 2. Search and Download the Image. 1. Click Registry. 2. Search for `meisnate12/plex-meta-manager`. 3. Select the Repository. 4. Click Download. ![](synology/synology-04.png) 3. Select the tag you want to run from the dropdown and click "Select". The options are: - `latest` - most recent official release; typically the most stable. - `develop` - development release, contains new features that haven't made it to latest yet, but may have minor problems. - `nightly` - bleeding-edge development version; latest fixes go here, but breakage should be expected. ![](synology/synology-05.png) 4. Select the Image and Create a Container. 1. Click Image. 2. Select the `meisnate12/plex-meta-manager` Image. 4. Click Launch. ![](synology/synology-06.png) 5. You can name the Container whatever you want using the "Container Name" text Box. Then click "Advance Settings". ![](synology/synology-07.png) 6. Select the "Volume" Tab, click "Add Folder", and select from your Synology File System where you want to store your PMM config files. ![](synology/synology-08.png) 7. Enter `/config` as the "Mount Point". ![](synology/synology-09.png) 8. Select the "Environment" Tab. (Optional) Environment Variables and Command line arguments can be added here. - To add an Environment Variable Click "Add". - To use Command line arguments put the arguments in the "Command" text field. Information on available command line argument and Environment Variables can be found [here](../environmental.md) ![](synology/synology-10.png) 9. Select "Apply" to save the "Advance Settings", select "Next" to go to the Summary, and select "Done" to finish and creating the container. ![](synology/synology-11.png)