import glob, logging, os, re, requests from datetime import datetime, timedelta from modules import util from modules.util import Failed from plexapi import utils from plexapi.exceptions import BadRequest, NotFound, Unauthorized from plexapi.collection import Collections from plexapi.server import PlexServer from import Movie, Show from retrying import retry from ruamel import yaml from urllib import parse logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager") builders = ["plex_all", "plex_collection", "plex_collectionless", "plex_search"] search_translation = { "audio_language": "audioLanguage", "content_rating": "contentRating", "subtitle_language": "subtitleLanguage", "added": "addedAt", "originally_available": "originallyAvailableAt", "audience_rating": "audienceRating", "critic_rating": "rating", "user_rating": "userRating" } episode_sorting_options = {"default": "-1", "oldest": "0", "newest": "1"} keep_episodes_options = {"all": 0, "5_latest": 5, "3_latest": 3, "latest": 1, "past_3": -3, "past_7": -7, "past_30": -30} delete_episodes_options = {"never": 0, "day": 1, "week": 7, "refresh": 100} season_display_options = {"default": -1, "show": 0, "hide": 1} episode_ordering_options = {"default": None, "tmdb_aired": "tmdbAiring", "tvdb_aired": "airing", "tvdb_dvd": "dvd", "tvdb_absolute": "absolute"} plex_languages = ["default", "ar-SA", "ca-ES", "cs-CZ", "da-DK", "de-DE", "el-GR", "en-AU", "en-CA", "en-GB", "en-US", "es-ES", "es-MX", "et-EE", "fa-IR", "fi-FI", "fr-CA", "fr-FR", "he-IL", "hi-IN", "hu-HU", "id-ID", "it-IT", "ja-JP", "ko-KR", "lt-LT", "lv-LV", "nb-NO", "nl-NL", "pl-PL", "pt-BR", "pt-PT", "ro-RO", "ru-RU", "sk-SK", "sv-SE", "th-TH", "tr-TR", "uk-UA", "vi-VN", "zh-CN", "zh-HK", "zh-TW"] metadata_language_options = {lang.lower(): lang for lang in plex_languages} metadata_language_options["default"] = None use_original_title_options = {"default": -1, "no": 0, "yes": 1} collection_mode_keys = {-1: "default", 0: "hide", 1: "hideItems", 2: "showItems"} collection_order_keys = {0: "release", 1: "alpha", 2: "custom"} advance_keys = { "episode_sorting": ("episodeSort", episode_sorting_options), "keep_episodes": ("autoDeletionItemPolicyUnwatchedLibrary", keep_episodes_options), "delete_episodes": ("autoDeletionItemPolicyWatchedLibrary", delete_episodes_options), "season_display": ("flattenSeasons", season_display_options), "episode_ordering": ("showOrdering", episode_ordering_options), "metadata_language": ("languageOverride", metadata_language_options), "use_original_title": ("useOriginalTitle", use_original_title_options) } item_advance_keys = { "item_episode_sorting": ("episodeSort", episode_sorting_options), "item_keep_episodes": ("autoDeletionItemPolicyUnwatchedLibrary", keep_episodes_options), "item_delete_episodes": ("autoDeletionItemPolicyWatchedLibrary", delete_episodes_options), "item_season_display": ("flattenSeasons", season_display_options), "item_episode_ordering": ("showOrdering", episode_ordering_options), "item_metadata_language": ("languageOverride", metadata_language_options), "item_use_original_title": ("useOriginalTitle", use_original_title_options) } new_plex_agents = ["", "tv.plex.agents.series"] filter_alias = { "actor": "actors", "audience_rating": "audienceRating", "collection": "collections", "content_rating": "contentRating", "country": "countries", "critic_rating": "rating", "director": "directors", "genre": "genres", "originally_available": "originallyAvailableAt", "tmdb_vote_count": "vote_count", "user_rating": "userRating", "writer": "writers" } searches = [ "title", "title.and", "title.not", "title.begins", "title.ends", "studio", "studio.and", "studio.not", "studio.begins", "studio.ends", "actor", "actor.and", "actor.not", "audio_language", "audio_language.and", "audio_language.not", "collection", "collection.and", "collection.not", "content_rating", "content_rating.and", "content_rating.not", "country", "country.and", "country.not", "director", "director.and", "director.not", "genre", "genre.and", "genre.not", "label", "label.and", "label.not", "network", "network.and", "network.not", "producer", "producer.and", "producer.not", "subtitle_language", "subtitle_language.and", "subtitle_language.not", "writer", "writer.and", "writer.not", "decade", "resolution", "added.before", "added.after", "originally_available.before", "originally_available.after", "duration.greater", "duration.less", "user_rating.greater", "user_rating.less", "audience_rating.greater", "audience_rating.less", "critic_rating.greater", "critic_rating.less", "year", "year.not", "year.greater", "year.less" ] movie_only_searches = [ "audio_language", "audio_language.and", "audio_language.not", "country", "country.and", "country.not", "subtitle_language", "subtitle_language.and", "subtitle_language.not", "decade", "resolution", "originally_available.before", "originally_available.after", "duration.greater", "duration.less" ] show_only_searches = [ "network", "network.and", "network.not", ] tmdb_searches = [ "actor", "actor.and", "actor.not", "director", "director.and", "director.not", "producer", "producer.and", "producer.not", "writer", "writer.and", "writer.not" ] smart_sorts = { "title.asc": "titleSort", "title.desc": "titleSort%3Adesc", "year.asc": "year", "year.desc": "year%3Adesc", "originally_available.asc": "originallyAvailableAt", "originally_available.desc": "originallyAvailableAt%3Adesc", "critic_rating.asc": "rating", "critic_rating.desc": "rating%3Adesc", "audience_rating.asc": "audienceRating", "audience_rating.desc": "audienceRating%3Adesc", "user_rating.asc": "userRating", "user_rating.desc": "userRating%3Adesc", "content_rating.asc": "contentRating", "content_rating.desc": "contentRating%3Adesc", "duration.asc": "duration", "duration.desc": "duration%3Adesc", "plays.asc": "viewCount", "plays.desc": "viewCount%3Adesc", "added.asc": "addedAt", "added.desc": "addedAt%3Adesc", "random": "random" } sorts = { None: None, "title.asc": "titleSort:asc", "title.desc": "titleSort:desc", "originally_available.asc": "originallyAvailableAt:asc", "originally_available.desc": "originallyAvailableAt:desc", "critic_rating.asc": "rating:asc", "critic_rating.desc": "rating:desc", "audience_rating.asc": "audienceRating:asc", "audience_rating.desc": "audienceRating:desc", "duration.asc": "duration:asc", "duration.desc": "duration:desc", "added.asc": "addedAt:asc", "added.desc": "addedAt:desc" } modifiers = { ".and": "&", ".not": "!", ".begins": "<", ".ends": ">", ".before": "<<", ".after": ">>", ".greater": ">>", ".less": "<<" } class PlexAPI: def __init__(self, params, TMDb, TVDb): try: self.PlexServer = PlexServer(params["plex"]["url"], params["plex"]["token"], timeout=params["plex"]["timeout"]) except Unauthorized: raise Failed("Plex Error: Plex token is invalid") except ValueError as e: raise Failed(f"Plex Error: {e}") except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: util.print_stacktrace() raise Failed("Plex Error: Plex url is invalid") self.Plex = next((s for s in self.PlexServer.library.sections() if s.title == params["name"]), None) if not self.Plex: raise Failed(f"Plex Error: Plex Library {params['name']} not found") if self.Plex.type not in ["movie", "show"]: raise Failed(f"Plex Error: Plex Library must be a Movies or TV Shows library") self.agent = self.Plex.agent self.is_movie = self.Plex.type == "movie" self.is_show = self.Plex.type == "show""Using Metadata File: {params['metadata_path']}") try:, ind, bsi = yaml.util.load_yaml_guess_indent(open(params["metadata_path"], encoding="utf-8")) except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as ye: raise Failed(f"YAML Error: {util.tab_new_lines(ye)}") except Exception as e: util.print_stacktrace() raise Failed(f"YAML Error: {e}") def get_dict(attribute): if attribute in if[attribute]: if isinstance([attribute], dict): return[attribute] else: logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {attribute} must be a dictionary") else: logger.warning(f"Config Warning: {attribute} attribute is blank") return None self.metadata = get_dict("metadata") self.templates = get_dict("templates") self.collections = get_dict("collections") if self.metadata is None and self.collections is None: raise Failed("YAML Error: metadata or collections attribute is required") if params["asset_directory"]: for ad in params["asset_directory"]:"Using Asset Directory: {ad}") self.TMDb = TMDb self.TVDb = TVDb self.Radarr = None self.Sonarr = None self.Tautulli = None = params["name"] self.missing_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(params["metadata_path"])), f"{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(params['metadata_path']))[0]}_missing.yml") self.metadata_path = params["metadata_path"] self.asset_directory = params["asset_directory"] self.asset_folders = params["asset_folders"] self.assets_for_all = params["assets_for_all"] self.sync_mode = params["sync_mode"] self.show_unmanaged = params["show_unmanaged"] self.show_filtered = params["show_filtered"] self.show_missing = params["show_missing"] self.save_missing = params["save_missing"] self.mass_genre_update = params["mass_genre_update"] self.mass_audience_rating_update = params["mass_audience_rating_update"] self.mass_update = self.mass_genre_update or self.mass_audience_rating_update self.plex = params["plex"] self.url = params["plex"]["url"] self.token = params["plex"]["token"] self.timeout = params["plex"]["timeout"] self.missing = {} self.run_again = [] def get_all_collections(self): return"collection") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def search(self, title=None, libtype=None, sort=None, maxresults=None, **kwargs): return, sort=sort, maxresults=maxresults, libtype=libtype, **kwargs) @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def get_labeled_items(self, label): return @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def fetchItem(self, data): return self.PlexServer.fetchItem(data) @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def get_all(self): return self.Plex.all() @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def server_search(self, data): return @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def query(self, method): return method() @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def query_data(self, method, data): return method(data) @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def collection_mode_query(self, collection, data): collection.modeUpdate(mode=data) @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def collection_order_query(self, collection, data): collection.sortUpdate(sort=data) @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def edit_query(self, item, edits, advance=False): if advance: item.editAdvanced(**edits) else: item.edit(**edits) item.reload() @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def upload_image(self, item, location, poster=True, url=True): if poster and url: item.uploadPoster(url=location) elif poster: item.uploadPoster(filepath=location) elif url: item.uploadArt(url=location) else: item.uploadArt(filepath=location) @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def get_search_choices(self, search_name): try: choices = {} for choice in self.Plex.listFilterChoices(search_name): choices[choice.title.lower()] = choice.title choices[choice.key.lower()] = choice.title return choices except NotFound: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: plex search attribute: {search_name} only supported with Plex's New TV Agent") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def get_labels(self): return {label.title: label.key for label in self.Plex.listFilterChoices(field="label")} @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000) def _query(self, key, post=False, put=False): if post: method = elif put: method = self.Plex._server._session.put else: method = None self.Plex._server.query(key, method=method) def create_smart_labels(self, title, sort): labels = self.get_labels() if title not in labels: raise Failed(f"Plex Error: Label: {title} does not exist") uri_args = f"?type=1&sort={smart_sorts[sort]}&label={labels[title]}" self.create_smart_collection(title, uri_args) def create_smart_collection(self, title, uri_args): args = { "type": 1, "title": title, "smart": 1, "sectionId": self.Plex.key, "uri": self.build_smart_filter(uri_args) } self._query(f"/library/collections{utils.joinArgs(args)}", post=True) def get_smart_filter_from_uri(self, uri): smart_filter = parse.parse_qs(parse.urlparse(uri.replace("/#!/", "/")).query)["key"][0] return self.build_smart_filter(smart_filter[smart_filter.index("?"):]) def build_smart_filter(self, uri_args): return f"server://{self.PlexServer.machineIdentifier}/com.plexapp.plugins.library/library/sections/{self.Plex.key}/all{uri_args}" def update_smart_collection(self, collection, uri_args): self._query(f"/library/collections/{collection.ratingKey}/items{utils.joinArgs({'uri': self.build_smart_filter(uri_args)})}", put=True) def smart(self, collection): return utils.cast(bool, self.get_collection(collection)._data.attrib.get('smart', '0')) def smart_filter(self, collection): smart_filter = self.get_collection(collection)._data.attrib.get('content') return smart_filter[smart_filter.index("?"):] def validate_search_list(self, data, search_name): final_search = search_translation[search_name] if search_name in search_translation else search_name search_choices = self.get_search_choices(final_search) valid_list = [] for value in util.get_list(data): if str(value).lower() in search_choices: valid_list.append(search_choices[str(value).lower()]) else: logger.error(f"Plex Error: {search_name}: {value} not found") return valid_list def get_collection(self, data): if isinstance(data, int): collection = self.fetchItem(data) elif isinstance(data, Collections): collection = data else: collection = util.choose_from_list(, libtype="collection"), "collection", str(data), exact=True) if collection: return collection else: raise Failed(f"Plex Error: Collection {data} not found") def validate_collections(self, collections): valid_collections = [] for collection in collections: try: valid_collections.append(self.get_collection(collection)) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) if len(valid_collections) == 0: raise Failed(f"Collection Error: No valid Plex Collections in {collections}") return valid_collections def get_items(self, method, data, status_message=True): if status_message: logger.debug(f"Data: {data}") pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method media_type = "Movie" if self.is_movie else "Show" items = [] if method == "plex_all": if status_message:"Processing {pretty} {media_type}s") items = self.get_all() elif method == "plex_collection": if status_message:"Processing {pretty} {data}") items = data.items() elif method == "plex_search": search_terms = {} has_processed = False search_limit = None search_sort = None for search_method, search_data in data.items(): if search_method == "limit": search_limit = search_data elif search_method == "sort_by": search_sort = search_data else: search, modifier = os.path.splitext(str(search_method).lower()) final_search = search_translation[search] if search in search_translation else search if search in ["added", "originally_available"] and modifier == "": final_mod = ">>" elif search in ["added", "originally_available"] and modifier == ".not": final_mod = "<<" elif search in ["critic_rating", "audience_rating"] and modifier == ".greater": final_mod = "__gte" elif search in ["critic_rating", "audience_rating"] and modifier == ".less": final_mod = "__lt" else: final_mod = modifiers[modifier] if modifier in modifiers else "" final_method = f"{final_search}{final_mod}" if search == "duration": search_terms[final_method] = search_data * 60000 elif search in ["added", "originally_available"] and modifier in ["", ".not"]: search_terms[final_method] = f"{search_data}d" else: search_terms[final_method] = search_data if status_message: if search in ["added", "originally_available"] or modifier in [".greater", ".less", ".before", ".after"]: ors = f"{search_method}({search_data}" else: ors = "" conjunction = " AND " if final_mod == "&" else " OR " for o, param in enumerate(search_data): or_des = conjunction if o > 0 else f"{search_method}(" ors += f"{or_des}{param}" if has_processed:"\t\t AND {ors})") else:"Processing {pretty}: {ors})") has_processed = True if status_message: if search_sort:"\t\t SORT BY {search_sort})") if search_limit:"\t\t LIMIT {search_limit})") logger.debug(f"Search: {search_terms}") return[search_sort], maxresults=search_limit, **search_terms) elif method == "plex_collectionless": good_collections = [] for col in self.get_all_collections(): keep_collection = True for pre in data["exclude_prefix"]: if col.title.startswith(pre) or (col.titleSort and col.titleSort.startswith(pre)): keep_collection = False"Collection Excluded: {col.title} by prefix {pre}") break if keep_collection: for ext in data["exclude"]: if col.title == ext or (col.titleSort and col.titleSort == ext): keep_collection = False"Collection Excluded: {col.title} by exact match") break if keep_collection:"Collection Passed: {col.title}") good_collections.append(col.index) all_items = self.get_all() length = 0 for i, item in enumerate(all_items, 1): length = util.print_return(length, f"Processing: {i}/{len(all_items)} {item.title}") add_item = True self.query(item.reload) for collection in item.collections: if in good_collections: add_item = False break if add_item: items.append(item) util.print_end(length, f"Processed {len(all_items)} {'Movies' if self.is_movie else 'Shows'}") else: raise Failed(f"Plex Error: Method {method} not supported") if len(items) > 0: return items else: raise Failed("Plex Error: No Items found in Plex") def add_missing(self, collection, items, is_movie): col_name = collection.encode("ascii", "replace").decode() if col_name not in self.missing: self.missing[col_name] = {} section = "Movies Missing (TMDb IDs)" if is_movie else "Shows Missing (TVDb IDs)" if section not in self.missing[col_name]: self.missing[col_name][section] = {} for title, item_id in items: self.missing[col_name][section][int(item_id)] = str(title).encode("ascii", "replace").decode() with open(self.missing_path, "w"): pass try: yaml.round_trip_dump(self.missing, open(self.missing_path, "w")) except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e: logger.error(f"YAML Error: {util.tab_new_lines(e)}") def get_collection_items(self, collection, smart_label_collection): if smart_label_collection: return self.get_labeled_items(collection.title if isinstance(collection, Collections) else str(collection)) elif isinstance(collection, Collections): return self.query(collection.items) else: return [] def get_collection_name_and_items(self, collection, smart_label_collection): name = collection.title if isinstance(collection, Collections) else str(collection) return name, self.get_collection_items(collection, smart_label_collection) def add_to_collection(self, collection, items, filters, show_filtered, smart, rating_key_map, movie_map, show_map): name, collection_items = self.get_collection_name_and_items(collection, smart) total = len(items) max_length = len(str(total)) length = 0 for i, item in enumerate(items, 1): try: current = self.fetchItem(item.ratingKey if isinstance(item, (Movie, Show)) else int(item)) if not isinstance(current, (Movie, Show)): raise NotFound except (BadRequest, NotFound): logger.error(f"Plex Error: Item {item} not found") continue match = True if filters: length = util.print_return(length, f"Filtering {(' ' * (max_length - len(str(i)))) + str(i)}/{total} {current.title}") for filter_method, filter_data in filters: modifier = filter_method[-4:] method = filter_method[:-4] if modifier in [".not", ".lte", ".gte"] else filter_method method_name = filter_alias[method] if method in filter_alias else method if method_name == "max_age": threshold_date = - timedelta(days=filter_data) if current.originallyAvailableAt is None or current.originallyAvailableAt < threshold_date: match = False break elif method_name == "original_language": movie = None for key, value in movie_map.items(): if current.ratingKey in value: try: movie = self.TMDb.get_movie(key) break except Failed: pass if movie is None: logger.warning(f"Filter Error: No TMDb ID found for {current.title}") continue if (modifier == ".not" and movie.original_language in filter_data) or (modifier != ".not" and movie.original_language not in filter_data): match = False break elif method_name == "audio_track_title": jailbreak = False for media in for part in for audio in part.audioStreams(): for check_title in filter_data: title = audio.title if audio.title else "" if check_title.lower() in title.lower(): jailbreak = True break if jailbreak: break if jailbreak: break if jailbreak: break if (jailbreak and modifier == ".not") or (not jailbreak and modifier != ".not"): match = False break elif method_name == "filepath": jailbreak = False for location in current.locations: for location_prefix in filter_data: if location.startswith(location_prefix): jailbreak = True break if jailbreak: break if (jailbreak and modifier == ".not") or (not jailbreak and modifier != ".not"): match = False break elif modifier in [".gte", ".lte"]: if method_name == "vote_count": tmdb_item = None for key, value in movie_map.items(): if current.ratingKey in value: try: tmdb_item = self.TMDb.get_movie(key) if self.is_movie else self.TMDb.get_show(key) break except Failed: pass if tmdb_item is None: logger.warning(f"Filter Error: No TMDb ID found for {current.title}") continue attr = tmdb_item.vote_count else: attr = getattr(current, method_name) / 60000 if method_name == "duration" else getattr(current, method_name) if attr is None or (modifier == ".lte" and attr > filter_data) or (modifier == ".gte" and attr < filter_data): match = False break else: attrs = [] if method_name in ["video_resolution", "audio_language", "subtitle_language"]: for media in if method_name == "video_resolution": attrs.extend([media.videoResolution]) for part in if method_name == "audio_language": attrs.extend([a.language for a in part.audioStreams()]) if method_name == "subtitle_language": attrs.extend([s.language for s in part.subtitleStreams()]) elif method_name in ["contentRating", "studio", "year", "rating", "originallyAvailableAt"]: attrs = [str(getattr(current, method_name))] elif method_name in ["actors", "countries", "directors", "genres", "writers", "collections"]: attrs = [getattr(x, "tag") for x in getattr(current, method_name)] else: raise Failed(f"Filter Error: filter: {method_name} not supported") if (not list(set(filter_data) & set(attrs)) and modifier != ".not") or (list(set(filter_data) & set(attrs)) and modifier == ".not"): match = False break length = util.print_return(length, f"Filtering {(' ' * (max_length - len(str(i)))) + str(i)}/{total} {current.title}") if match: util.print_end(length, f"{name} Collection | {'=' if current in collection_items else '+'} | {current.title}") if current in collection_items: rating_key_map[current.ratingKey] = None elif smart: self.query_data(current.addLabel, name) else: self.query_data(current.addCollection, name) elif show_filtered is True:"{name} Collection | X | {current.title}") media_type = f"{'Movie' if self.is_movie else 'Show'}{'s' if total > 1 else ''}" util.print_end(length, f"{total} {media_type} Processed") return rating_key_map def search_item(self, data, year=None): kwargs = {} if year is not None: kwargs["year"] = year return util.choose_from_list(, **kwargs), "movie" if self.is_movie else "show", str(data), exact=True) def edit_item(self, item, name, item_type, edits, advanced=False): if len(edits) > 0: logger.debug(f"Details Update: {edits}") try: self.edit_query(item, edits, advanced=advanced) if advanced and "languageOverride" in edits: self.query(item.refresh)"{item_type}: {name}{' Advanced' if advanced else ''} Details Update Successful") except BadRequest: util.print_stacktrace() logger.error(f"{item_type}: {name}{' Advanced' if advanced else ''} Details Update Failed") def update_metadata(self, TMDb, test):"") util.separator(f"{} Library Metadata")"") if not self.metadata: raise Failed("No metadata to edit") for mapping_name, meta in self.metadata.items(): methods = {mm.lower(): mm for mm in meta} if test and ("test" not in methods or meta[methods["test"]] is not True): continue updated = False edits = {} advance_edits = {} def add_edit(name, current, group, alias, key=None, value=None, var_type="str"): if value or name in alias: if value or group[alias[name]]: if key is None: key = name if value is None: value = group[alias[name]] try: if var_type == "date": final_value = util.check_date(value, name, return_string=True, plex_date=True) elif var_type == "float": final_value = util.check_number(value, name, number_type="float", minimum=0, maximum=10) else: final_value = value if str(current) != str(final_value): edits[f"{key}.value"] = final_value edits[f"{key}.locked"] = 1"Detail: {name} updated to {final_value}") except Failed as ee: logger.error(ee) else: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: {name} attribute is blank") def add_advanced_edit(attr, obj, group, alias, show_library=False, new_agent=False): key, options = advance_keys[attr] if attr in alias: if new_agent and self.agent not in new_plex_agents: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: {attr} attribute only works for with the New Plex Movie Agent and New Plex TV Agent") elif show_library and not self.is_show: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: {attr} attribute only works for show libraries") elif group[alias[attr]]: method_data = str(group[alias[attr]]).lower() if method_data not in options: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: {group[alias[attr]]} {attr} attribute invalid") elif getattr(obj, key) != options[method_data]: advance_edits[key] = options[method_data]"Detail: {attr} updated to {method_data}") else: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: {attr} attribute is blank") def edit_tags(attr, obj, group, alias, key=None, extra=None, movie_library=False): if key is None: key = f"{attr}s" if attr in alias and f"{attr}.sync" in alias: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: Cannot use {attr} and {attr}.sync together") elif attr in alias or f"{attr}.sync" in alias: attr_key = attr if attr in alias else f"{attr}.sync" if movie_library and not self.is_movie: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: {attr_key} attribute only works for movie libraries") elif group[alias[attr_key]] or extra: item_tags = [item_tag.tag for item_tag in getattr(obj, key)] input_tags = [] if group[alias[attr_key]]: input_tags.extend(util.get_list(group[alias[attr_key]])) if extra: input_tags.extend(extra) if f"{attr}.sync" in alias: remove_method = getattr(obj, f"remove{attr.capitalize()}") for tag in (t for t in item_tags if t not in input_tags): updated = True remove_method(tag)"Detail: {attr.capitalize()} {tag} removed") add_method = getattr(obj, f"add{attr.capitalize()}") for tag in (t for t in input_tags if t not in item_tags): updated = True add_method(tag)"Detail: {attr.capitalize()} {tag} added") else: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: {attr} attribute is blank") def set_image(attr, obj, group, alias, poster=True, url=True): if group[alias[attr]]: message = f"{'poster' if poster else 'background'} to [{'URL' if url else 'File'}] {group[alias[attr]]}" self.upload_image(obj, group[alias[attr]], poster=poster, url=url)"Detail: {attr} updated {message}") else: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: {attr} attribute is blank") def set_images(obj, group, alias): if "url_poster" in alias: set_image("url_poster", obj, group, alias) elif "file_poster" in alias: set_image("file_poster", obj, group, alias, url=False) if "url_background" in alias: set_image("url_background", obj, group, alias, poster=False) elif "file_background" in alias: set_image("file_background", obj, group, alias, poster=False, url=False)"") util.separator()"") year = None if "year" in methods: year = util.check_number(meta[methods["year"]], "year", minimum=1800, + 1) title = mapping_name if "title" in methods: if meta[methods["title"]] is None: logger.error("Metadata Error: title attribute is blank") else: title = meta[methods["title"]] item = self.search_item(title, year=year) if item is None: item = self.search_item(f"{title} (SUB)", year=year) if item is None and "alt_title" in methods: if meta[methods["alt_title"]] is None: logger.error("Metadata Error: alt_title attribute is blank") else: alt_title = meta["alt_title"] item = self.search_item(alt_title, year=year) if item is None: logger.error(f"Plex Error: Item {mapping_name} not found") logger.error(f"Skipping {mapping_name}") continue item_type = "Movie" if self.is_movie else "Show""Updating {item_type}: {title}...") tmdb_item = None tmdb_is_movie = None if ("tmdb_show" in methods or "tmdb_id" in methods) and "tmdb_movie" in methods: logger.error("Metadata Error: Cannot use tmdb_movie and tmdb_show when editing the same metadata item") if "tmdb_show" in methods or "tmdb_id" in methods or "tmdb_movie" in methods: try: if "tmdb_show" in methods or "tmdb_id" in methods: data = meta[methods["tmdb_show" if "tmdb_show" in methods else "tmdb_id"]] if data is None: logger.error("Metadata Error: tmdb_show attribute is blank") else: tmdb_is_movie = False tmdb_item = TMDb.get_show(util.regex_first_int(data, "Show")) elif "tmdb_movie" in methods: if meta[methods["tmdb_movie"]] is None: logger.error("Metadata Error: tmdb_movie attribute is blank") else: tmdb_is_movie = True tmdb_item = TMDb.get_movie(util.regex_first_int(meta[methods["tmdb_movie"]], "Movie")) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) originally_available = None original_title = None rating = None studio = None tagline = None summary = None genres = [] if tmdb_item: originally_available = tmdb_item.release_date if tmdb_is_movie else tmdb_item.first_air_date if tmdb_item and tmdb_is_movie is True and tmdb_item.original_title != tmdb_item.title: original_title = tmdb_item.original_title elif tmdb_item and tmdb_is_movie is False and tmdb_item.original_name != original_title = tmdb_item.original_name rating = tmdb_item.vote_average if tmdb_is_movie is True and tmdb_item.production_companies: studio = tmdb_item.production_companies[0].name elif tmdb_is_movie is False and tmdb_item.networks: studio = tmdb_item.networks[0].name tagline = tmdb_item.tagline if len(tmdb_item.tagline) > 0 else None summary = tmdb_item.overview genres = [ for genre in tmdb_item.genres] edits = {} add_edit("title", item.title, meta, methods, value=title) add_edit("sort_title", item.titleSort, meta, methods, key="titleSort") add_edit("originally_available", str(item.originallyAvailableAt)[:-9], meta, methods, key="originallyAvailableAt", value=originally_available, var_type="date") add_edit("critic_rating", item.rating, meta, methods, value=rating, key="rating", var_type="float") add_edit("audience_rating", item.audienceRating, meta, methods, key="audienceRating", var_type="float") add_edit("content_rating", item.contentRating, meta, methods, key="contentRating") add_edit("original_title", item.originalTitle, meta, methods, key="originalTitle", value=original_title) add_edit("studio",, meta, methods, value=studio) add_edit("tagline", item.tagline, meta, methods, value=tagline) add_edit("summary", item.summary, meta, methods, value=summary) self.edit_item(item, mapping_name, item_type, edits) advance_edits = {} add_advanced_edit("episode_sorting", item, meta, methods, show_library=True) add_advanced_edit("keep_episodes", item, meta, methods, show_library=True) add_advanced_edit("delete_episodes", item, meta, methods, show_library=True) add_advanced_edit("season_display", item, meta, methods, show_library=True) add_advanced_edit("episode_ordering", item, meta, methods, show_library=True) add_advanced_edit("metadata_language", item, meta, methods, new_agent=True) add_advanced_edit("use_original_title", item, meta, methods, new_agent=True) self.edit_item(item, mapping_name, item_type, advance_edits, advanced=True) edit_tags("genre", item, meta, methods, extra=genres) edit_tags("label", item, meta, methods) edit_tags("collection", item, meta, methods) edit_tags("country", item, meta, methods, key="countries", movie_library=True) edit_tags("director", item, meta, methods, movie_library=True) edit_tags("producer", item, meta, methods, movie_library=True) edit_tags("writer", item, meta, methods, movie_library=True)"{item_type}: {mapping_name} Details Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}") set_images(item, meta, methods) if "seasons" in methods and self.is_show: if meta[methods["seasons"]]: for season_id in meta[methods["seasons"]]: updated = False"")"Updating season {season_id} of {mapping_name}...") if isinstance(season_id, int): season = None for s in item.seasons(): if s.index == season_id: season = s break if season is None: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: Season: {season_id} not found") else: season_dict = meta[methods["seasons"]][season_id] season_methods = {sm.lower(): sm for sm in season_dict} if "title" in season_methods and season_dict[season_methods["title"]]: title = season_dict[season_methods["title"]] else: title = season.title if "sub" in season_methods: if season_dict[season_methods["sub"]] is None: logger.error("Metadata Error: sub attribute is blank") elif season_dict[season_methods["sub"]] is True and "(SUB)" not in title: title = f"{title} (SUB)" elif season_dict[season_methods["sub"]] is False and title.endswith(" (SUB)"): title = title[:-6] else: logger.error("Metadata Error: sub attribute must be True or False") edits = {} add_edit("title", season.title, season_dict, season_methods, value=title) add_edit("summary", season.summary, season_dict, season_methods) self.edit_item(season, season_id, "Season", edits) set_images(season, season_dict, season_methods) else: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: Season: {season_id} invalid, it must be an integer")"Season {season_id} of {mapping_name} Details Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}") else: logger.error("Metadata Error: seasons attribute is blank") elif "seasons" in methods: logger.error("Metadata Error: seasons attribute only works for show libraries") if "episodes" in methods and self.is_show: if meta[methods["episodes"]]: for episode_str in meta[methods["episodes"]]: updated = False"") match ="[Ss]\\d+[Ee]\\d+", episode_str) if match: output =[1:].split("E" if "E" in else "e") season_id = int(output[0]) episode_id = int(output[1])"Updating episode S{season_id}E{episode_id} of {mapping_name}...") try: episode = item.episode(season=season_id, episode=episode_id) except NotFound: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: episode {episode_id} of season {season_id} not found") else: episode_dict = meta[methods["episodes"]][episode_str] episode_methods = {em.lower(): em for em in episode_dict} if "title" in episode_methods and episode_dict[episode_methods["title"]]: title = episode_dict[episode_methods["title"]] else: title = episode.title if "sub" in episode_dict: if episode_dict[episode_methods["sub"]] is None: logger.error("Metadata Error: sub attribute is blank") elif episode_dict[episode_methods["sub"]] is True and "(SUB)" not in title: title = f"{title} (SUB)" elif episode_dict[episode_methods["sub"]] is False and title.endswith(" (SUB)"): title = title[:-6] else: logger.error("Metadata Error: sub attribute must be True or False") edits = {} add_edit("title", episode.title, episode_dict, episode_methods, value=title) add_edit("sort_title", episode.titleSort, episode_dict, episode_methods, key="titleSort") add_edit("rating", episode.rating, episode_dict, episode_methods) add_edit("originally_available", str(episode.originallyAvailableAt)[:-9], episode_dict, episode_methods, key="originallyAvailableAt") add_edit("summary", episode.summary, episode_dict, episode_methods) self.edit_item(episode, f"{season_id} Episode: {episode_id}", "Season", edits) edit_tags("director", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods) edit_tags("writer", episode, episode_dict, episode_methods) set_images(episode, episode_dict, episode_methods)"Episode S{episode_id}E{season_id} of {mapping_name} Details Update {'Complete' if updated else 'Not Needed'}") else: logger.error(f"Metadata Error: episode {episode_str} invalid must have S##E## format") else: logger.error("Metadata Error: episodes attribute is blank") elif "episodes" in methods: logger.error("Metadata Error: episodes attribute only works for show libraries") def update_item_from_assets(self, item, dirs=None): if dirs is None: dirs = self.asset_directory name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(item.locations[0]) if self.is_movie else item.locations[0]) for ad in dirs: if self.asset_folders: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(ad, name)): continue poster_filter = os.path.join(ad, name, "poster.*") background_filter = os.path.join(ad, name, "background.*") else: poster_filter = os.path.join(ad, f"{name}.*") background_filter = os.path.join(ad, f"{name}_background.*") matches = glob.glob(poster_filter) if len(matches) > 0: self.upload_image(item, os.path.abspath(matches[0]), url=False)"Detail: asset_directory updated {item.title}'s poster to [file] {os.path.abspath(matches[0])}") matches = glob.glob(background_filter) if len(matches) > 0: self.upload_image(item, os.path.abspath(matches[0]), poster=False, url=False)"Detail: asset_directory updated {item.title}'s background to [file] {os.path.abspath(matches[0])}") if self.is_show: for season in self.query(item.seasons): if self.asset_folders: season_filter = os.path.join(ad, name, f"Season{'0' if season.seasonNumber < 10 else ''}{season.seasonNumber}.*") else: season_filter = os.path.join(ad, f"{name}_Season{'0' if season.seasonNumber < 10 else ''}{season.seasonNumber}.*") matches = glob.glob(season_filter) if len(matches) > 0: season_path = os.path.abspath(matches[0]) self.upload_image(season, season_path, url=False)"Detail: asset_directory updated {item.title} Season {season.seasonNumber}'s poster to [file] {season_path}") for episode in self.query(season.episodes): if self.asset_folders: episode_filter = os.path.join(ad, name, f"{episode.seasonEpisode.upper()}.*") else: episode_filter = os.path.join(ad, f"{name}_{episode.seasonEpisode.upper()}.*") matches = glob.glob(episode_filter) if len(matches) > 0: episode_path = os.path.abspath(matches[0]) self.upload_image(episode, episode_path, url=False)"Detail: asset_directory updated {item.title} {episode.seasonEpisode.upper()}'s poster to [file] {episode_path}")