# Universe Default Metadata File The `universe` Metadata File is used to create collections based on popular Movie universes (such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Wizarding World) This Default file requires [Trakt Authentication](https://metamanager.wiki/en/latest/config/trakt.html) Example Collections Created: ![](../images/universe.png) The below YAML in your config.yml will create the collections: ```yaml libraries: Movies: metadata_path: - pmm: universe ``` ## Template Variables Template Variables can be used to manipulate the file from the default settings which are provided. Note that the `templates_variables:` section only needs to be used if you do NOT want to use the default settings. All [Shared Variables](../variables) are available The below is an example config.yml extract with some template_variables changed from their defaults. ```yaml libraries: Movies: metadata_path: - pmm: universe template_variables: collection_order: release radarr_add_missing: true radarr_folder: /mnt/local/Media/Movies radarr_tag: <> item_radarr_tag: <> use_separator: false sep_style: gray ```