import os, re from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from modules import plex, util, anidb from modules.util import Failed, LimitReached, YAML from plexapi.exceptions import NotFound from import Movie, Show logger = util.logger meta_operations = [ "mass_audience_rating_update", "mass_user_rating_update", "mass_critic_rating_update", "mass_episode_audience_rating_update", "mass_episode_user_rating_update", "mass_episode_critic_rating_update", "mass_genre_update", "mass_content_rating_update", "mass_originally_available_update", "mass_added_at_update", "mass_original_title_update", "mass_poster_update", "mass_background_update", "mass_studio_update" ] name_display = { "audienceRating": "Audience Rating", "rating": "Critic Rating", "userRating": "User Rating", "originallyAvailableAt": "Originally Available Date", "addedAt": "Added At Date", "contentRating": "Content Rating" } class Operations: def __init__(self, config, library): self.config = config self.library = library def run_operations(self): operation_start ="") logger.separator(f"{} Library Operations")"") logger.debug(f"Assets For All: {self.library.assets_for_all}") logger.debug(f"Delete Collections: {self.library.delete_collections}") logger.debug(f"Show Unmanaged Collections: {self.library.show_unmanaged}") logger.debug(f"Show Unconfigured Collections: {self.library.show_unconfigured}") logger.debug(f"Mass Genre Update: {self.library.mass_genre_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass Audience Rating Update: {self.library.mass_audience_rating_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass Critic Rating Update: {self.library.mass_critic_rating_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass User Rating Update: {self.library.mass_user_rating_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass Episode Audience Rating Update: {self.library.mass_episode_audience_rating_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass Episode Critic Rating Update: {self.library.mass_episode_critic_rating_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass Episode User Rating Update: {self.library.mass_episode_user_rating_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass Content Rating Update: {self.library.mass_content_rating_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass Original Title Update: {self.library.mass_original_title_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass Originally Available Update: {self.library.mass_originally_available_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass Added At Update: {self.library.mass_added_at_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass IMDb Parental Labels: {self.library.mass_imdb_parental_labels}") logger.debug(f"Mass Poster Update: {self.library.mass_poster_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass Background Update: {self.library.mass_background_update}") logger.debug(f"Mass Collection Mode Update: {self.library.mass_collection_mode}") logger.debug(f"Split Duplicates: {self.library.split_duplicates}") logger.debug(f"Radarr Add All Existing: {self.library.radarr_add_all_existing}") logger.debug(f"Radarr Remove by Tag: {self.library.radarr_remove_by_tag}") logger.debug(f"Sonarr Add All Existing: {self.library.sonarr_add_all_existing}") logger.debug(f"Sonarr Remove by Tag: {self.library.sonarr_remove_by_tag}") logger.debug(f"Update Blank Track Titles: {self.library.update_blank_track_titles}") logger.debug(f"Update Remove Title Parentheses: {self.library.remove_title_parentheses}") logger.debug(f"Genre Mapper: {self.library.genre_mapper}") logger.debug(f"Content Rating Mapper: {self.library.content_rating_mapper}") logger.debug(f"Metadata Backup: {self.library.metadata_backup}") logger.debug(f"Item Operation: {self.library.items_library_operation}") logger.debug("") if self.library.split_duplicates: items =**{"duplicate": True}) for item in items: item.split()"{item.title[:25]:<25} | Splitting") if self.library.update_blank_track_titles: tracks = self.library.get_all(builder_level="track") num_edited = 0 for i, track in enumerate(tracks, 1): logger.ghost(f"Processing Track: {i}/{len(tracks)} {track.title}") if not track.title and track.titleSort: track.editTitle(track.titleSort) num_edited += 1"Track: {track.titleSort} was updated with sort title")"{len(tracks)} Tracks Processed; {num_edited} Blank Track Titles Updated") if self.library.items_library_operation: items = self.library.get_all() radarr_adds = [] sonarr_adds = [] label_edits = {"add": {}, "remove": {}} rating_edits = {"audienceRating": {}, "rating": {}, "userRating": {}} genre_edits = {"add": {}, "remove": {}} content_edits = {} studio_edits = {} date_edits = {"originallyAvailableAt": {}, "addedAt": {}} remove_edits = {} reset_edits = {} lock_edits = {} unlock_edits = {} ep_rating_edits = {"audienceRating": {}, "rating": {}, "userRating": {}} ep_remove_edits = {} ep_reset_edits = {} ep_lock_edits = {} ep_unlock_edits = {} if self.library.assets_for_all and not self.library.asset_directory: logger.error("Asset Error: No Asset Directory for Assets For All") for i, item in enumerate(items, 1):"")"Processing: {i}/{len(items)} {item.title}") try: item = self.library.reload(item) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) continue current_labels = [la.tag for la in self.library.item_labels(item)] if self.library.label_operations else [] if self.library.assets_for_all and self.library.asset_directory: self.library.find_and_upload_assets(item, current_labels) locked_fields = [ for f in item.fields if f.locked] tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id = self.library.get_ids(item) item_edits = "" if self.library.remove_title_parentheses: if not any([ == "title" and f.locked for f in item.fields]) and item.title.endswith(")"): new_title = re.sub(" \\(\\w+\\)$", "", item.title) item.editTitle(new_title) item_edits += f"\nUpdated Title: {item.title[:25]:<25} | {new_title}" if self.library.mass_imdb_parental_labels: try: if self.library.mass_imdb_parental_labels == "remove": parental_labels = [] else: parental_guide = self.config.IMDb.parental_guide(imdb_id) parental_labels = [f"{k.capitalize()}:{v}" for k, v in parental_guide.items() if v not in util.parental_levels[self.library.mass_imdb_parental_labels]] add_labels = [la for la in parental_labels if la not in current_labels] remove_labels = [la for la in current_labels if la in util.parental_labels and la not in parental_labels] for label_list, edit_type in [(add_labels, "add"), (remove_labels, "remove")]: if label_list: for label in label_list: if label not in label_edits[edit_type]: label_edits[edit_type][label] = [] label_edits[edit_type][label].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\n{edit_type.capitalize()} IMDb Parental Labels (Batched) | {', '.join(label_list)}" except Failed: pass if item.locations: path = os.path.dirname(str(item.locations[0])) if self.library.is_movie else str(item.locations[0]) if self.library.Radarr and self.library.radarr_add_all_existing and tmdb_id: path = path.replace(self.library.Radarr.plex_path, self.library.Radarr.radarr_path) path = path[:-1] if path.endswith(('/', '\\')) else path radarr_adds.append((tmdb_id, path)) if self.library.Sonarr and self.library.sonarr_add_all_existing and tvdb_id: path = path.replace(self.library.Sonarr.plex_path, self.library.Sonarr.sonarr_path) path = path[:-1] if path.endswith(("/", "\\")) else path sonarr_adds.append((tvdb_id, path)) _trakt_ratings = None def trakt_ratings(): nonlocal _trakt_ratings if _trakt_ratings is None: _trakt_ratings = self.config.Trakt.user_ratings(self.library.is_movie) if not _trakt_ratings: raise Failed return _trakt_ratings _tmdb_obj = None def tmdb_obj(): nonlocal _tmdb_obj if _tmdb_obj is None: _tmdb_obj = False try: _item = self.config.TMDb.get_item(item, tmdb_id, tvdb_id, imdb_id, is_movie=self.library.is_movie) if _item: _tmdb_obj = _item except Failed as err: logger.error(str(err)) if not _tmdb_obj: raise Failed return _tmdb_obj _omdb_obj = None def omdb_obj(): nonlocal _omdb_obj if _omdb_obj is None: _omdb_obj = False if self.config.OMDb.limit is not False: logger.error("Daily OMDb Limit Reached") elif not imdb_id:"No IMDb ID for Guid: {item.guid}") else: try: _omdb_obj = self.config.OMDb.get_omdb(imdb_id) except Failed as err: logger.error(str(err)) except Exception: logger.error(f"IMDb ID: {imdb_id}") raise if not _omdb_obj: raise Failed return _omdb_obj _tvdb_obj = None def tvdb_obj(): nonlocal _tvdb_obj if _tvdb_obj is None: _tvdb_obj = False if tvdb_id: try: _tvdb_obj = self.config.TVDb.get_tvdb_obj(tvdb_id, is_movie=self.library.is_movie) except Failed as err: logger.error(str(err)) else:"No TVDb ID for Guid: {item.guid}") if not _tvdb_obj: raise Failed return _tvdb_obj _mdb_obj = None def mdb_obj(): nonlocal _mdb_obj if _mdb_obj is None: _mdb_obj = False if self.config.MDBList.limit is False: if self.library.is_show and tvdb_id: try: _mdb_obj = self.config.MDBList.get_series(tvdb_id) except LimitReached as err: logger.debug(err) except Failed as err: logger.error(str(err)) except Exception: logger.trace(f"TVDb ID: {tvdb_id}") raise if self.library.is_movie and tmdb_id: try: _mdb_obj = self.config.MDBList.get_movie(tmdb_id) except LimitReached as err: logger.debug(err) except Failed as err: logger.error(str(err)) except Exception: logger.trace(f"TMDb ID: {tmdb_id}") raise if imdb_id and not _mdb_obj: try: _mdb_obj = self.config.MDBList.get_imdb(imdb_id) except LimitReached as err: logger.debug(err) except Failed as err: logger.error(str(err)) except Exception: logger.trace(f"IMDb ID: {imdb_id}") raise if not _mdb_obj: logger.warning(f"No MdbItem for {item.title} (Guid: {item.guid})") if not _mdb_obj: raise Failed return _mdb_obj anidb_id = None def get_anidb_id(): temp_id = self.config.Convert.ids_to_anidb(self.library, item.ratingKey, tvdb_id, imdb_id, tmdb_id) return temp_id if temp_id else False _anidb_obj = None def anidb_obj(): nonlocal anidb_id, _anidb_obj if _anidb_obj is None: _anidb_obj = False if anidb_id is None: anidb_id = get_anidb_id() if anidb_id: try: _anidb_obj = self.config.AniDB.get_anime(anidb_id) except Failed as err: logger.error(str(err)) else: logger.warning(f"No AniDB ID for Guid: {item.guid}") if not _anidb_obj: raise Failed return _anidb_obj _mal_obj = None def mal_obj(): nonlocal anidb_id, _mal_obj if _mal_obj is None: _mal_obj = False if anidb_id is None: anidb_id = get_anidb_id() mal_id = None if item.ratingKey in self.library.reverse_mal: mal_id = self.library.reverse_mal[item.ratingKey] elif not anidb_id: logger.warning(f"Convert Warning: No AniDB ID to Convert to MyAnimeList ID for Guid: {item.guid}") elif anidb_id not in self.config.Convert._anidb_to_mal: logger.warning(f"Convert Warning: No MyAnimeList Found for AniDB ID: {anidb_id} of Guid: {item.guid}") else: mal_id = self.config.Convert._anidb_to_mal[anidb_id] if mal_id: try: _mal_obj = self.config.MyAnimeList.get_anime(mal_id) except Failed as err: logger.error(str(err)) if not _mal_obj: raise Failed return _mal_obj for attribute, item_attr in [ (self.library.mass_audience_rating_update, "audienceRating"), (self.library.mass_critic_rating_update, "rating"), (self.library.mass_user_rating_update, "userRating") ]: if attribute: current = getattr(item, item_attr) for option in attribute: if option in ["lock", "remove"]: if option == "remove" and current: if item_attr not in remove_edits: remove_edits[item_attr] = [] remove_edits[item_attr].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nRemove {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" elif item_attr not in locked_fields: if item_attr not in lock_edits: lock_edits[item_attr] = [] lock_edits[item_attr].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nLock {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" break elif option in ["unlock", "reset"]: if option == "reset" and current: if item_attr not in reset_edits: reset_edits[item_attr] = [] reset_edits[item_attr].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nReset {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" elif item_attr in locked_fields: if item_attr not in unlock_edits: unlock_edits[item_attr] = [] unlock_edits[item_attr].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nUnlock {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" break else: try: if option == "tmdb": found_rating = tmdb_obj().vote_average # noqa elif option == "imdb": found_rating = self.config.IMDb.get_rating(imdb_id) elif option == "omdb": found_rating = omdb_obj().imdb_rating # noqa elif option == "trakt_user": _ratings = trakt_ratings() _id = tmdb_id if self.library.is_movie else tvdb_id if _id in _ratings: found_rating = _ratings[_id] else: raise Failed elif str(option).startswith("mdb"): mdb_item = mdb_obj() if option == "mdb_average": found_rating = mdb_item.average / 10 if mdb_item.average else None # noqa elif option == "mdb_imdb": found_rating = mdb_item.imdb_rating if mdb_item.imdb_rating else None # noqa elif option == "mdb_metacritic": found_rating = mdb_item.metacritic_rating / 10 if mdb_item.metacritic_rating else None # noqa elif option == "mdb_metacriticuser": found_rating = mdb_item.metacriticuser_rating if mdb_item.metacriticuser_rating else None # noqa elif option == "mdb_trakt": found_rating = mdb_item.trakt_rating / 10 if mdb_item.trakt_rating else None # noqa elif option == "mdb_tomatoes": found_rating = mdb_item.tomatoes_rating / 10 if mdb_item.tomatoes_rating else None # noqa elif option == "mdb_tomatoesaudience": found_rating = mdb_item.tomatoesaudience_rating / 10 if mdb_item.tomatoesaudience_rating else None # noqa elif option == "mdb_tmdb": found_rating = mdb_item.tmdb_rating / 10 if mdb_item.tmdb_rating else None # noqa elif option == "mdb_letterboxd": found_rating = mdb_item.letterboxd_rating * 2 if mdb_item.letterboxd_rating else None # noqa elif option == "mdb_myanimelist": found_rating = mdb_item.myanimelist_rating if mdb_item.myanimelist_rating else None # noqa else: found_rating = mdb_item.score / 10 if mdb_item.score else None # noqa elif option == "anidb_rating": found_rating = anidb_obj().rating # noqa elif option == "anidb_average": found_rating = anidb_obj().average # noqa elif option == "anidb_score": found_rating = anidb_obj().score # noqa elif option == "mal": found_rating = mal_obj().score # noqa else: found_rating = option if not found_rating:"No {option} {name_display[item_attr]} Found") raise Failed found_rating = f"{float(found_rating):.1f}" if str(current) != found_rating: if found_rating not in rating_edits[item_attr]: rating_edits[item_attr][found_rating] = [] rating_edits[item_attr][found_rating].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nUpdate {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched) | {found_rating}" break except Failed: continue if self.library.mass_genre_update or self.library.genre_mapper: new_genres = [] extra_option = None if self.library.mass_genre_update: for option in self.library.mass_genre_update: if option in ["lock", "unlock", "remove", "reset"]: extra_option = option break try: if option == "tmdb": new_genres = tmdb_obj().genres # noqa elif option == "imdb": new_genres = self.config.IMDb.get_genres(imdb_id) elif option == "omdb": new_genres = omdb_obj().genres # noqa elif option == "tvdb": new_genres = tvdb_obj().genres # noqa elif str(option) in anidb.weights: new_genres = [str(t).title() for t, w in anidb_obj().tags.items() if w >= anidb.weights[str(option)]] # noqa elif option == "mal": new_genres = mal_obj().genres # noqa else: new_genres = option if not new_genres:"No {option} Genres Found") raise Failed break except Failed: continue item_genres = [g.tag for g in item.genres] if not new_genres and extra_option not in ["remove", "reset"]: new_genres = item_genres if self.library.genre_mapper: mapped_genres = [] for genre in new_genres: if genre in self.library.genre_mapper: if self.library.genre_mapper[genre]: mapped_genres.append(self.library.genre_mapper[genre]) else: mapped_genres.append(genre) new_genres = mapped_genres _add = list(set(new_genres) - set(item_genres)) _remove = list(set(item_genres) - set(new_genres)) for genre_list, edit_type in [(_add, "add"), (_remove, "remove")]: if genre_list: for g in genre_list: if g not in genre_edits[edit_type]: genre_edits[edit_type][g] = [] genre_edits[edit_type][g].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\n{edit_type.capitalize()} Genres (Batched) | {', '.join(genre_list)}" if extra_option in ["unlock", "reset"] and ("genre" in locked_fields or _add or _remove): if "genre" not in unlock_edits: unlock_edits["genre"] = [] unlock_edits["genre"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nUnlock Genre (Batched)" elif extra_option in ["lock", "remove"] and "genre" not in locked_fields and not _add and not _remove: if "genre" not in lock_edits: lock_edits["genre"] = [] lock_edits["genre"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nLock Genre (Batched)" if self.library.mass_content_rating_update or self.library.content_rating_mapper: new_rating = None extra_option = None if self.library.mass_content_rating_update: for option in self.library.mass_content_rating_update: if option in ["lock", "unlock", "remove", "reset"]: extra_option = option break try: if option == "omdb": new_rating = omdb_obj().content_rating # noqa elif option == "mdb": _rating = mdb_obj().content_rating # noqa new_rating = _rating if _rating else None elif str(option).startswith("mdb_commonsense"): _rating = mdb_obj().commonsense # noqa if not _rating: new_rating = None elif option == "mdb_commonsense0": new_rating = str(_rating).rjust(2, "0") else: new_rating = _rating elif str(option).startswith("mdb_age_rating"): _rating = mdb_obj().age_rating # noqa if not _rating: new_rating = None elif option == "mdb_age_rating0": new_rating = str(_rating).rjust(2, "0") else: new_rating = _rating elif option == "mal": new_rating = mal_obj().rating # noqa else: new_rating = option if new_rating is None:"No {option} Content Rating Found") raise Failed else: new_rating = str(new_rating) break except Failed: continue is_none = False do_lock = False do_unlock = False current_rating = item.contentRating if not new_rating: new_rating = current_rating if self.library.content_rating_mapper: if new_rating in self.library.content_rating_mapper: new_rating = self.library.content_rating_mapper[new_rating] if not new_rating: is_none = True if extra_option == "reset": if current_rating: if "contentRating" not in reset_edits: reset_edits["contentRating"] = [] reset_edits["contentRating"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nReset Content Rating (Batched)" elif "contentRating" in locked_fields: do_unlock = True elif extra_option == "remove" or is_none: if current_rating: if "contentRating" not in remove_edits: remove_edits["contentRating"] = [] remove_edits["contentRating"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nRemove Content Rating (Batched)" elif "contentRating" not in locked_fields: do_lock = True elif new_rating and new_rating != current_rating: if new_rating not in content_edits: content_edits[new_rating] = [] content_edits[new_rating].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nUpdate Content Rating (Batched) | {new_rating}" do_lock = False if extra_option == "lock" or do_lock: if "contentRating" not in lock_edits: lock_edits["contentRating"] = [] lock_edits["contentRating"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nLock Content Rating (Batched)" elif extra_option == "unlock" or do_unlock: if "contentRating" not in unlock_edits: unlock_edits["contentRating"] = [] unlock_edits["contentRating"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nUnlock Content Rating (Batched)" if self.library.mass_original_title_update: current_original = item.originalTitle for option in self.library.mass_original_title_update: if option in ["lock", "remove"]: if option == "remove" and current_original: if "originalTitle" not in remove_edits: remove_edits["originalTitle"] = [] remove_edits["originalTitle"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nRemove Original Title (Batched)" elif "originalTitle" not in locked_fields: if "originalTitle" not in lock_edits: lock_edits["originalTitle"] = [] lock_edits["originalTitle"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nLock Original Title (Batched)" break elif option in ["unlock", "reset"]: if option == "reset" and current_original: if "originalTitle" not in reset_edits: reset_edits["originalTitle"] = [] reset_edits["originalTitle"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nReset Original Title (Batched)" elif "originalTitle" in locked_fields: if "originalTitle" not in unlock_edits: unlock_edits["originalTitle"] = [] unlock_edits["originalTitle"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nUnlock Original Title (Batched)" break else: try: if option == "anidb": new_original_title = anidb_obj().main_title # noqa elif option == "anidb_official": new_original_title = anidb_obj().official_title # noqa elif option == "mal": new_original_title = mal_obj().title # noqa elif option == "mal_english": new_original_title = mal_obj().title_english # noqa elif option == "mal_japanese": new_original_title = mal_obj().title_japanese # noqa else: new_original_title = option if not new_original_title:"No {option} Original Title Found") raise Failed if str(current_original) != str(new_original_title): item.editOriginalTitle(new_original_title) item_edits += f"\nUpdated Original Title | {new_original_title}" break except Failed: continue if self.library.mass_studio_update: current_studio = for option in self.library.mass_studio_update: if option in ["lock", "remove"]: if option == "remove" and current_studio: if "studio" not in remove_edits: remove_edits["studio"] = [] remove_edits["studio"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nRemove Studio (Batched)" elif "studio" not in locked_fields: if "studio" not in lock_edits: lock_edits["studio"] = [] lock_edits["studio"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nLock Studio (Batched)" break elif option in ["unlock", "reset"]: if option == "reset" and current_studio: if "studio" not in reset_edits: reset_edits["studio"] = [] reset_edits["studio"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nReset Studio (Batched)" elif "studio" in locked_fields: if "studio" not in unlock_edits: unlock_edits["studio"] = [] unlock_edits["studio"].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += "\nUnlock Studio (Batched)" break else: try: if option == "tmdb": new_studio = tmdb_obj().studio # noqa elif option == "anidb": new_studio = anidb_obj().studio # noqa elif option == "mal": new_studio = mal_obj().studio # noqa else: new_studio = option if not new_studio:"No {option} Studio Found") raise Failed if str(current_studio) != str(new_studio): if new_studio not in studio_edits: studio_edits[new_studio] = [] studio_edits[new_studio].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nUpdate Studio (Batched) | {new_studio}" break except Failed: continue for attribute, item_attr in [ (self.library.mass_originally_available_update, "originallyAvailableAt"), (self.library.mass_added_at_update, "addedAt") ]: if attribute: current = getattr(item, item_attr) if current: current = current.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for option in attribute: if option in ["lock", "remove"]: if option == "remove" and current: if item_attr not in remove_edits: remove_edits[item_attr] = [] remove_edits[item_attr].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nRemove {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" elif item_attr not in locked_fields: if item_attr not in lock_edits: lock_edits[item_attr] = [] lock_edits[item_attr].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nLock {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" break elif option in ["unlock", "reset"]: if option == "reset" and current: if item_attr not in reset_edits: reset_edits[item_attr] = [] reset_edits[item_attr].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nReset {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" elif item_attr in locked_fields: if item_attr not in unlock_edits: unlock_edits[item_attr] = [] unlock_edits[item_attr].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nUnlock {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" break else: try: if option == "tmdb": new_date = tmdb_obj().release_date if self.library.is_movie else tmdb_obj().first_air_date # noqa elif option == "omdb": new_date = omdb_obj().released # noqa elif option == "tvdb": new_date = tvdb_obj().release_date # noqa elif option == "mdb": new_date = mdb_obj().released # noqa elif option == "mdb_digital": new_date = mdb_obj().released_digital # noqa elif option == "anidb": new_date = anidb_obj().released # noqa elif option == "mal": new_date = mal_obj().aired # noqa else: new_date = option if not new_date:"No {option} {name_display[item_attr]} Found") raise Failed new_date = new_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if current != new_date: if new_date not in date_edits[item_attr]: date_edits[item_attr][new_date] = [] date_edits[item_attr][new_date].append(item.ratingKey) item_edits += f"\nUpdate {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched) | {new_date}" break except Failed: continue if len(item_edits) > 0:"Item Edits{item_edits}") else:"No Item Edits") if self.library.mass_poster_update or self.library.mass_background_update: try: new_poster, new_background, item_dir, name = self.library.find_item_assets(item) except Failed: item_dir = None name = None new_poster = None new_background = None try: tmdb_item = tmdb_obj() except Failed: tmdb_item = None if self.library.mass_poster_update: self.library.poster_update(item, new_poster, tmdb=tmdb_item.poster_url if tmdb_item else None, title=item.title) # noqa if self.library.mass_background_update: self.library.background_update(item, new_background, tmdb=tmdb_item.backdrop_url if tmdb_item else None, title=item.title) # noqa if self.library.is_show and ( (self.library.mass_poster_update and (self.library.mass_poster_update["seasons"] or self.library.mass_poster_update["episodes"])) or (self.library.mass_background_update and (self.library.mass_background_update["seasons"] or self.library.mass_background_update["episodes"])) ): real_show = None try: real_show = tmdb_item.load_show() if tmdb_item else None # noqa except Failed as e: logger.error(e) tmdb_seasons = {s.season_number: s for s in real_show.seasons} if real_show else {} for season in self.library.query(item.seasons): if (self.library.mass_poster_update and self.library.mass_poster_update["seasons"]) or \ (self.library.mass_background_update and self.library.mass_background_update["seasons"]): try: season_poster, season_background, _, _ = self.library.find_item_assets(season, item_asset_directory=item_dir, folder_name=name) except Failed: season_poster = None season_background = None season_title = f"S{season.seasonNumber} {season.title}" tmdb_poster = tmdb_seasons[season.seasonNumber].poster_url if season.seasonNumber in tmdb_seasons else None if self.library.mass_poster_update and self.library.mass_poster_update["seasons"]: self.library.poster_update(season, season_poster, tmdb=tmdb_poster, title=season_title if season else None) if self.library.mass_background_update and self.library.mass_background_update["seasons"]: self.library.background_update(season, season_background, title=season_title if season else None) if (self.library.mass_poster_update and self.library.mass_poster_update["episodes"]) or \ (self.library.mass_background_update and self.library.mass_background_update["episodes"]): tmdb_episodes = {} if season.seasonNumber in tmdb_seasons: for episode in tmdb_seasons[season.seasonNumber].episodes: episode._partial = False try: tmdb_episodes[episode.episode_number] = episode except NotFound: logger.error(f"TMDb Error: An Episode of Season {season.seasonNumber} was Not Found") for episode in self.library.query(season.episodes): try: episode_poster, episode_background, _, _ = self.library.find_item_assets(episode, item_asset_directory=item_dir, folder_name=name) except Failed: episode_poster = None episode_background = None episode_title = f"S{season.seasonNumber}E{episode.episodeNumber} {episode.title}" tmdb_poster = tmdb_episodes[episode.episodeNumber].still_url if episode.episodeNumber in tmdb_episodes else None if self.library.mass_poster_update and self.library.mass_poster_update["episodes"]: self.library.poster_update(episode, episode_poster, tmdb=tmdb_poster, title=episode_title if episode else None) if self.library.mass_background_update and self.library.mass_background_update["episodes"]: self.library.background_update(episode, episode_background, title=episode_title if episode else None) episode_ops = [ (self.library.mass_episode_audience_rating_update, "audienceRating"), (self.library.mass_episode_critic_rating_update, "rating"), (self.library.mass_episode_user_rating_update, "userRating") ] if any([x is not None for x, _ in episode_ops]): if any(["imdb" in x for x, _ in episode_ops if x]) and not imdb_id:"No IMDb ID for Guid: {item.guid}") for ep in item.episodes(): ep = self.library.reload(ep) item_title = self.library.get_item_sort_title(ep, atr="title")"")"Processing {item_title}") item_edits = "" for attribute, item_attr in episode_ops: if attribute: current = getattr(ep, item_attr) for option in attribute: if option in ["lock", "remove"]: if option == "remove" and current: if item_attr not in ep_remove_edits: ep_remove_edits[item_attr] = [] ep_remove_edits[item_attr].append(ep) item_edits += f"\nRemove {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" elif item_attr not in locked_fields: if item_attr not in ep_lock_edits: ep_lock_edits[item_attr] = [] ep_lock_edits[item_attr].append(ep) item_edits += f"\nLock {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" break elif option in ["unlock", "reset"]: if option == "reset" and current: if item_attr not in ep_reset_edits: ep_reset_edits[item_attr] = [] ep_reset_edits[item_attr].append(ep) item_edits += f"\nReset {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" elif item_attr in locked_fields: if item_attr not in ep_unlock_edits: ep_unlock_edits[item_attr] = [] ep_unlock_edits[item_attr].append(ep) item_edits += f"\nUnlock {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched)" break else: try: try: tmdb_item = tmdb_obj() except Failed: tmdb_item = None found_rating = None if tmdb_item and option == "tmdb": try: found_rating = self.config.TMDb.get_episode(tmdb_item.tmdb_id, ep.seasonNumber, ep.episodeNumber).vote_average # noqa except Failed as er: logger.error(er) elif imdb_id and option == "imdb": found_rating = self.config.IMDb.get_episode_rating(imdb_id, ep.seasonNumber, ep.episodeNumber) else: try: found_rating = float(option) except ValueError: pass if not found_rating:"No {option} {name_display[item_attr]} Found") raise Failed found_rating = f"{float(found_rating):.1f}" if str(current) != found_rating: if found_rating not in ep_rating_edits[item_attr]: ep_rating_edits[item_attr][found_rating] = [] ep_rating_edits[item_attr][found_rating].append(ep) item_edits += f"\nUpdate {name_display[item_attr]} (Batched) | {found_rating}" break except Failed: continue if len(item_edits) > 0:"Item Edits:{item_edits}")"") logger.separator("Batch Updates", space=False, border=False)"") def get_batch_info(placement, total, display_attr, total_count, display_value=None, is_episode=False, out_type=None, tag_type=None): return f"Batch {name_display[display_attr] if display_attr in name_display else display_attr.capitalize()} Update ({placement}/{total}): " \ f"{f'{out_type.capitalize()}ing ' if out_type else ''}" \ f"{f'Adding {display_value} to ' if tag_type == 'add' else f'Removing {display_value} from ' if tag_type == 'remove' else ''}" \ f"{total_count} {'Episode' if is_episode else 'Movie' if self.library.is_movie else 'Show'}" \ f"{'s' if total_count > 1 else ''}{'' if out_type or tag_type else f' updated to {display_value}'}" for tag_attribute, edit_dict in [("Label", label_edits), ("Genre", genre_edits)]: for edit_type, batch_edits in edit_dict.items(): _size = len(batch_edits.items()) for i, (tag_name, rating_keys) in enumerate(sorted(batch_edits.items()), 1):, _size, tag_attribute, len(rating_keys), display_value=tag_name, tag_type=edit_type)) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(self.library.load_list_from_cache(rating_keys)) getattr(self.library.Plex, f"{edit_type}{tag_attribute}")(tag_name) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() for item_attr, _edits in rating_edits.items(): _size = len(rating_edits.items()) for i, (new_rating, rating_keys) in enumerate(sorted(_edits.items()), 1):, _size, item_attr, len(rating_keys), display_value=new_rating)) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(self.library.load_list_from_cache(rating_keys)) self.library.Plex.editField(item_attr, new_rating) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() _size = len(content_edits.items()) for i, (new_rating, rating_keys) in enumerate(sorted(content_edits.items()), 1):, _size, "contentRating", len(rating_keys), display_value=new_rating)) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(self.library.load_list_from_cache(rating_keys)) self.library.Plex.editContentRating(new_rating) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() _size = len(studio_edits.items()) for i, (new_studio, rating_keys) in enumerate(sorted(studio_edits.items()), 1):, _size, "studio", len(rating_keys), display_value=new_studio)) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(self.library.load_list_from_cache(rating_keys)) self.library.Plex.editStudio(new_studio) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() _size = len(date_edits["originallyAvailableAt"].items()) for i, (new_date, rating_keys) in enumerate(sorted(date_edits["originallyAvailableAt"].items()), 1):, _size, "originallyAvailableAt", len(rating_keys), display_value=new_date)) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(self.library.load_list_from_cache(rating_keys)) self.library.Plex.editOriginallyAvailable(new_date) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1) _size = len(date_edits["addedAt"].items()) for i, (new_date, rating_keys) in enumerate(sorted(date_edits["addedAt"].items()), 1):, _size, "addedAt", len(rating_keys), display_value=new_date)) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(self.library.load_list_from_cache(rating_keys)) new_date = datetime.strptime(new_date, "%Y-%m-%d") logger.trace(new_date) try: ts = int(round(new_date.timestamp())) except (TypeError, OSError): offset = int(datetime(2000, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp() - datetime(2000, 1, 1).timestamp()) ts = int((new_date - epoch).total_seconds()) - offset logger.trace(epoch + timedelta(seconds=ts)) self.library.Plex.editAddedAt(ts) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() _size = len(remove_edits.items()) for i, (field_attr, rating_keys) in enumerate(remove_edits.items(), 1):, _size, field_attr, len(rating_keys), out_type="remov")) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(self.library.load_list_from_cache(rating_keys)) self.library.Plex.editField(field_attr, None, locked=True) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() _size = len(reset_edits.items()) for i, (field_attr, rating_keys) in enumerate(reset_edits.items(), 1):, _size, field_attr, len(rating_keys), out_type="reset")) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(self.library.load_list_from_cache(rating_keys)) self.library.Plex.editField(field_attr, None, locked=False) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() _size = len(lock_edits.items()) for i, (field_attr, rating_keys) in enumerate(lock_edits.items(), 1):, _size, field_attr, len(rating_keys), out_type="lock")) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(self.library.load_list_from_cache(rating_keys)) self.library.Plex._edit(**{f"{field_attr}.locked": 1}) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() _size = len(unlock_edits.items()) for i, (field_attr, rating_keys) in enumerate(unlock_edits.items(), 1):, _size, field_attr, len(rating_keys), out_type="unlock")) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(self.library.load_list_from_cache(rating_keys)) self.library.Plex._edit(**{f"{field_attr}.locked": 0}) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() for item_attr, _edits in ep_rating_edits.items(): _size = len(_edits.items()) for i, (new_rating, rating_keys) in enumerate(sorted(_edits.items()), 1):, _size, item_attr, len(rating_keys), display_value=new_rating, is_episode=True)) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(rating_keys) self.library.Plex.editField(item_attr, new_rating) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() _size = len(ep_remove_edits.items()) for i, (field_attr, rating_keys) in enumerate(ep_remove_edits.items(), 1):, _size, field_attr, len(rating_keys), is_episode=True, out_type="remov")) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(rating_keys) self.library.Plex.editField(field_attr, None, locked=True) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() _size = len(ep_reset_edits.items()) for i, (field_attr, rating_keys) in enumerate(ep_reset_edits.items(), 1):, _size, field_attr, len(rating_keys), is_episode=True, out_type="reset")) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(rating_keys) self.library.Plex.editField(field_attr, None, locked=False) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() _size = len(ep_lock_edits.items()) for i, (field_attr, rating_keys) in enumerate(ep_lock_edits.items(), 1):, _size, field_attr, len(rating_keys), is_episode=True, out_type="lock")) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(rating_keys) self.library.Plex._edit(**{f"{field_attr}.locked": 1}) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() _size = len(ep_unlock_edits.items()) for i, (field_attr, rating_keys) in enumerate(ep_unlock_edits.items(), 1):, _size, field_attr, len(rating_keys), is_episode=True, out_type="unlock")) self.library.Plex.batchMultiEdits(rating_keys) self.library.Plex._edit(**{f"{field_attr}.locked": 0}) self.library.Plex.saveMultiEdits() if self.library.Radarr and self.library.radarr_add_all_existing:"") logger.separator(f"Radarr Add All Existing: {len(radarr_adds)} Movies", space=False, border=False)"") try: self.library.Radarr.add_tmdb(radarr_adds) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) if self.library.Sonarr and self.library.sonarr_add_all_existing:"") logger.separator(f"Sonarr Add All Existing: {len(sonarr_adds)} Shows", space=False, border=False)"") try: self.library.Sonarr.add_tvdb(sonarr_adds) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) if self.library.radarr_remove_by_tag:"") logger.separator(f"Radarr Remove {len(self.library.radarr_remove_by_tag)} Movies with Tags: {', '.join(self.library.radarr_remove_by_tag)}", space=False, border=False)"") self.library.Radarr.remove_all_with_tags(self.library.radarr_remove_by_tag) if self.library.sonarr_remove_by_tag:"") logger.separator(f"Sonarr Remove {len(self.library.sonarr_remove_by_tag)} Shows with Tags: {', '.join(self.library.sonarr_remove_by_tag)}", space=False, border=False)"") self.library.Sonarr.remove_all_with_tags(self.library.sonarr_remove_by_tag) if self.library.delete_collections or self.library.show_unmanaged or self.library.show_unconfigured or self.library.assets_for_all or self.library.mass_collection_mode:"") logger.separator("Collection Operations", space=False, border=False)"") if self.library.delete_collections:"") logger.separator("Deleting Collections", space=False, border=False)"") less = self.library.delete_collections["less"] if self.library.delete_collections and self.library.delete_collections["less"] is not None else None managed = self.library.delete_collections["managed"] if self.library.delete_collections else None configured = self.library.delete_collections["configured"] if self.library.delete_collections else None unmanaged_collections = [] unconfigured_collections = [] all_collections = self.library.get_all_collections() for i, col in enumerate(all_collections, 1): logger.ghost(f"Reading Collection: {i}/{len(all_collections)} {col.title}") col = self.library.reload(col, force=True) labels = [la.tag for la in self.library.item_labels(col)] if (less is not None or managed is not None or configured is not None) \ and (less is None or col.childCount < less) \ and (managed is None or (managed is True and "PMM" in labels) or (managed is True and "Kometa" in labels) or (managed is False and "PMM" not in labels) or (managed is False and "Kometa" not in labels)) \ and (configured is None or (configured is True and col.title in self.library.collections) or (configured is False and col.title not in self.library.collections)): try: self.library.delete(col)"{col.title} Deleted") except Failed as e: logger.error(e) else: if "PMM" not in labels and "Kometa" not in labels: unmanaged_collections.append(col) if col.title not in self.library.collection_names: unconfigured_collections.append(col) if self.library.show_unmanaged and len(unmanaged_collections) > 0:"") logger.separator(f"Unmanaged Collections in {} Library", space=False, border=False)"") for col in unmanaged_collections:"")"{len(unmanaged_collections)} Unmanaged Collection{'s' if len(unmanaged_collections) > 1 else ''}") elif self.library.show_unmanaged:"") logger.separator(f"No Unmanaged Collections in {} Library", space=False, border=False)"") if self.library.show_unconfigured and len(unconfigured_collections) > 0:"") logger.separator(f"Unconfigured Collections in {} Library", space=False, border=False)"") for col in unconfigured_collections:"")"{len(unconfigured_collections)} Unconfigured Collection{'s' if len(unconfigured_collections) > 1 else ''}") elif self.library.show_unconfigured:"") logger.separator(f"No Unconfigured Collections in {} Library", space=False, border=False)"") if self.library.assets_for_all_collections and len(unconfigured_collections) > 0:"") logger.separator(f"Unconfigured Collection Assets Check for {} Library", space=False, border=False)"") for col in unconfigured_collections: try: poster, background, item_dir, name = self.library.find_item_assets(col) if poster or background: self.library.upload_images(col, poster=poster, background=background) elif self.library.show_missing_assets: logger.warning(f"Asset Warning: No poster or background found in an assets folder for '{name}'") except Failed as e: logger.warning(e) if self.library.mass_collection_mode:"") logger.separator(f"Unconfigured Mass Collection Mode to {self.library.mass_collection_mode} for {} Library", space=False, border=False)"") for col in unconfigured_collections: if int(col.collectionMode) not in plex.collection_mode_keys \ or plex.collection_mode_keys[int(col.collectionMode)] != self.library.mass_collection_mode: self.library.collection_mode_query(col, self.library.mass_collection_mode)"{col.title} Collection Mode Updated") if self.library.metadata_backup:"") logger.separator(f"Metadata Backup for {} Library", space=False, border=False)"")"Metadata Backup Path: {self.library.metadata_backup['path']}")"") yaml = None if os.path.exists(self.library.metadata_backup["path"]): try: yaml = YAML(path=self.library.metadata_backup["path"]) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(self.library.metadata_backup["path"]) i = 1 while os.path.exists(f"{filename}{i}{file_extension}"): i += 1 os.rename(self.library.metadata_backup["path"], f"{filename}{i}{file_extension}") logger.error(f"Backup failed to load saving copy to {filename}{i}{file_extension}") if not yaml: yaml = YAML(path=self.library.metadata_backup["path"], create=True) if "metadata" not in or not isinstance(["metadata"], dict):["metadata"] = {} special_names = {} for mk, mv in["metadata"].items(): if mv and "title" in mv: special_names[mv["title"]] = mk if "year" in mv: special_names[f"{mv['title']} ({mv['year']})"] = mk items = self.library.get_all(load=True) titles = [] year_titles = [] for item in items: titles.append(item.title) if isinstance(item, (Movie, Show)): year_titles.append(f"{item.title} ({item.year})") for i, item in enumerate(items, 1): logger.ghost(f"Processing: {i}/{len(items)} {item.title}") map_key, attrs = self.library.get_locked_attributes(item, titles, year_titles) if map_key in special_names: map_key = special_names[map_key] og_dict =["metadata"][map_key] if map_key in["metadata"] and["metadata"][map_key] and isinstance(["metadata"][map_key], dict) else {} if attrs or (self.library.metadata_backup["add_blank_entries"] and not og_dict): def loop_dict(looping, dest_dict): if not looping: return None for lk, lv in looping.items(): if isinstance(lv, dict) and lk in dest_dict and dest_dict[lk] and isinstance(dest_dict[lk], dict): dest_dict[lk] = loop_dict(lv, dest_dict[lk]) else: dest_dict[lk] = lv return dest_dict["metadata"][map_key] = loop_dict(attrs, og_dict) logger.exorcise()"{len(['metadata'])} {self.library.type}{'s' if len(['metadata']) > 1 else ''} Backed Up") operation_run_time = str( - operation_start).split('.')[0]"") logger.separator(f"Finished {} Library Operations\nOperations Run Time: {operation_run_time}") return operation_run_time