import argparse, logging, os, sys, time from datetime import datetime from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler try: import plexapi, schedule from modules import util from modules.builder import CollectionBuilder from modules.config import Config from modules.util import Failed, NotScheduled except ModuleNotFoundError: print("Requirements Error: Requirements are not installed") sys.exit(0) if sys.version_info[0] != 3 or sys.version_info[1] < 6: print("Version Error: Version: %s.%s.%s incompatible please use Python 3.6+" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1], sys.version_info[2])) sys.exit(0) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-db", "--debug", dest="debug", help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", dest="config", help="Run with desired *.yml file", type=str) parser.add_argument("-t", "--time", "--times", dest="times", help="Times to update each day use format HH:MM (Default: 03:00) (comma-separated list)", default="03:00", type=str) parser.add_argument("-re", "--resume", dest="resume", help="Resume collection run from a specific collection", type=str) parser.add_argument("-r", "--run", dest="run", help="Run without the scheduler", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-rt", "--test", "--tests", "--run-test", "--run-tests", dest="test", help="Run in debug mode with only collections that have test: true", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-co", "--collection-only", "--collections-only", dest="collection_only", help="Run only collection operations", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-lo", "--library-only", "--libraries-only", dest="library_only", help="Run only library operations", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-rc", "-cl", "--collection", "--collections", "--run-collection", "--run-collections", dest="collections", help="Process only specified collections (comma-separated list)", type=str) parser.add_argument("-rl", "-l", "--library", "--libraries", "--run-library", "--run-libraries", dest="libraries", help="Process only specified libraries (comma-separated list)", type=str) parser.add_argument("-nc", "--no-countdown", dest="no_countdown", help="Run without displaying the countdown", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-nm", "--no-missing", dest="no_missing", help="Run without running the missing section", action="store_true", default=False) parser.add_argument("-d", "--divider", dest="divider", help="Character that divides the sections (Default: '=')", default="=", type=str) parser.add_argument("-w", "--width", dest="width", help="Screen Width (Default: 100)", default=100, type=int) args = parser.parse_args() def get_arg(env_str, default, arg_bool=False, arg_int=False): env_var = os.environ.get(env_str) if env_var: if arg_bool: if env_var is True or env_var is False: return env_var elif env_var.lower() in ["t", "true"]: return True else: return False elif arg_int: return int(env_var) else: return str(env_var) else: return default test = get_arg("PMM_TEST", args.test, arg_bool=True) debug = get_arg("PMM_DEBUG", args.debug, arg_bool=True) run = get_arg("PMM_RUN",, arg_bool=True) no_countdown = get_arg("PMM_NO_COUNTDOWN", args.no_countdown, arg_bool=True) no_missing = get_arg("PMM_NO_MISSING", args.no_missing, arg_bool=True) library_only = get_arg("PMM_LIBRARIES_ONLY", args.library_only, arg_bool=True) collection_only = get_arg("PMM_COLLECTIONS_ONLY", args.collection_only, arg_bool=True) collections = get_arg("PMM_COLLECTIONS", args.collections) libraries = get_arg("PMM_LIBRARIES", args.libraries) resume = get_arg("PMM_RESUME", args.resume) times = get_arg("PMM_TIME", args.times) divider = get_arg("PMM_DIVIDER", args.divider) screen_width = get_arg("PMM_WIDTH", args.width) config_file = get_arg("PMM_CONFIG", args.config) stats = {} util.separating_character = divider[0] if screen_width < 90 or screen_width > 300: print(f"Argument Error: width argument invalid: {screen_width} must be an integer between 90 and 300 using the default 100") screen_width = 100 util.screen_width = screen_width default_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "config") if config_file and os.path.exists(config_file): default_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(config_file))) elif config_file and not os.path.exists(config_file): print(f"Config Error: config not found at {os.path.abspath(config_file)}") sys.exit(0) elif not os.path.exists(os.path.join(default_dir, "config.yml")): print(f"Config Error: config not found at {os.path.abspath(default_dir)}") sys.exit(0) os.makedirs(os.path.join(default_dir, "logs"), exist_ok=True) logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def fmt_filter(record): record.levelname = f"[{record.levelname}]" record.filename = f"[{record.filename}:{record.lineno}]" return True cmd_handler = logging.StreamHandler() cmd_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if test or debug else logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(cmd_handler) sys.excepthook = util.my_except_hook version = "Unknown" with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "VERSION")) as handle: for line in handle.readlines(): line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0: version = line break def start(attrs): file_logger = os.path.join(default_dir, "logs", "meta.log") should_roll_over = os.path.isfile(file_logger) file_handler = RotatingFileHandler(file_logger, delay=True, mode="w", backupCount=10, encoding="utf-8") util.apply_formatter(file_handler) file_handler.addFilter(fmt_filter) if should_roll_over: file_handler.doRollover() logger.addHandler(file_handler) util.separator()"")" ____ _ __ __ _ __ __ "))"| _ \\| | _____ __ | \\/ | ___| |_ __ _ | \\/ | __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ "))"| |_) | |/ _ \\ \\/ / | |\\/| |/ _ \\ __/ _` | | |\\/| |/ _` | '_ \\ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \\ '__|"))"| __/| | __/> < | | | | __/ || (_| | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | __/ | "))"|_| |_|\\___/_/\\_\\ |_| |_|\\___|\\__\\__,_| |_| |_|\\__,_|_| |_|\\__,_|\\__, |\\___|_| "))" |___/ "))" Version: {version}") if "time" in attrs and attrs["time"]: start_type = f"{attrs['time']} " elif "test" in attrs and attrs["test"]: start_type = "Test " elif "collections" in attrs and attrs["collections"]: start_type = "Collections " elif "libraries" in attrs and attrs["libraries"]: start_type = "Libraries " else: start_type = "" start_time = if "time" not in attrs: attrs["time"] = start_time.strftime("%H:%M") util.separator(f"Starting {start_type}Run") config = None global stats stats = {"created": 0, "modified": 0, "deleted": 0, "added": 0, "removed": 0, "radarr": 0, "sonarr": 0} try: config = Config(default_dir, attrs) except Exception as e: util.print_stacktrace() util.print_multiline(e, critical=True) else: try: update_libraries(config) except Exception as e: config.notify(e) util.print_stacktrace() util.print_multiline(e, critical=True)"") run_time = str( - start_time).split('.')[0] if config: config.Webhooks.end_time_hooks(start_time, run_time, stats) util.separator(f"Finished {start_type}Run\nRun Time: {run_time}") logger.removeHandler(file_handler) def update_libraries(config): global stats for library in config.libraries: try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(default_dir, "logs", library.mapping_name, "collections"), exist_ok=True) col_file_logger = os.path.join(default_dir, "logs", library.mapping_name, "library.log") should_roll_over = os.path.isfile(col_file_logger) library_handler = RotatingFileHandler(col_file_logger, delay=True, mode="w", backupCount=3, encoding="utf-8") util.apply_formatter(library_handler) if should_roll_over: library_handler.doRollover() logger.addHandler(library_handler) plexapi.server.TIMEOUT = library.timeout"") util.separator(f"{} Library") items = None if not library.is_other:"") util.separator(f"Mapping {} Library", space=False, border=False)"") items = library.map_guids() if not config.test_mode and not config.resume_from and not collection_only and library.mass_update: mass_metadata(config, library, items=items) for metadata in library.metadata_files:"") util.separator(f"Running Metadata File\n{metadata.path}") if not config.test_mode and not config.resume_from and not collection_only: try: metadata.update_metadata() except Failed as e: library.notify(e) logger.error(e) collections_to_run = metadata.get_collections(config.requested_collections) if config.resume_from and config.resume_from not in collections_to_run:"") logger.warning(f"Collection: {config.resume_from} not in Metadata File: {metadata.path}") continue if collections_to_run and not library_only:"") util.separator(f"{'Test ' if config.test_mode else ''}Collections") logger.removeHandler(library_handler) run_collection(config, library, metadata, collections_to_run) logger.addHandler(library_handler) if library.run_sort:"") util.separator(f"Sorting {} Library's Collections", space=False, border=False)"") for builder in library.run_sort:"") util.separator(f"Sorting {} Collection", space=False, border=False)"") builder.sort_collection() if not config.test_mode and not config.requested_collections and ((library.show_unmanaged and not library_only) or (library.assets_for_all and not collection_only)): if library.delete_collections_with_less is not None:"") text = f" with less then {library.delete_collections_with_less} item{'s' if library.delete_collections_with_less > 1 else ''}" util.separator(f"Deleting All Collections{text if library.delete_collections_with_less > 0 else ''}", space=False, border=False)"") unmanaged_collections = [] for col in library.get_all_collections(): if library.delete_collections_with_less is not None and (library.delete_collections_with_less == 0 or col.childCount < library.delete_collections_with_less): library.query(col.delete)"{col.title} Deleted") if col.title not in library.collections: unmanaged_collections.append(col) if library.show_unmanaged and not library_only:"") util.separator(f"Unmanaged Collections in {} Library", space=False, border=False)"") for col in unmanaged_collections: if library.delete_unmanaged_collections: library.query(col.delete)"{col.title} Deleted") else:"")"{len(unmanaged_collections)} Unmanaged Collections") if library.assets_for_all and not collection_only:"") util.separator(f"All {library.type}s Assets Check for {} Library", space=False, border=False)"") for col in unmanaged_collections: poster, background = library.find_collection_assets(col, create=library.create_asset_folders) library.upload_images(col, poster=poster, background=background) for item in library.get_all(): library.update_item_from_assets(item, create=library.create_asset_folders) logger.removeHandler(library_handler) except Exception as e: library.notify(e) util.print_stacktrace() util.print_multiline(e, critical=True) has_run_again = False for library in config.libraries: if library.run_again: has_run_again = True break if has_run_again and not library_only:"") util.separator("Run Again")"") for x in range(1, config.general["run_again_delay"] + 1): util.print_return(f"Waiting to run again in {config.general['run_again_delay'] - x + 1} minutes") for y in range(60): time.sleep(1) util.print_end() for library in config.libraries: if library.run_again: try: col_file_logger = os.path.join(default_dir, "logs", library.mapping_name, f"library.log") library_handler = RotatingFileHandler(col_file_logger, mode="w", backupCount=3, encoding="utf-8") util.apply_formatter(library_handler) logger.addHandler(library_handler) library_handler.addFilter(fmt_filter) os.environ["PLEXAPI_PLEXAPI_TIMEOUT"] = str(library.timeout)"") util.separator(f"{} Library Run Again")"") library.map_guids() for builder in library.run_again:"") util.separator(f"{} Collection")"") try: builder.run_collections_again() except Failed as e: library.notify(e,, critical=False) util.print_stacktrace() util.print_multiline(e, error=True) logger.removeHandler(library_handler) except Exception as e: library.notify(e) util.print_stacktrace() util.print_multiline(e, critical=True) used_url = [] for library in config.libraries: if library.url not in used_url: used_url.append(library.url) if library.empty_trash: library.query(library.PlexServer.library.emptyTrash) if library.clean_bundles: library.query(library.PlexServer.library.cleanBundles) if library.optimize: library.query(library.PlexServer.library.optimize) def mass_metadata(config, library, items=None):"") util.separator(f"Mass Editing {library.type} Library: {}")"") if items is None: items = library.get_all() if library.split_duplicates: items =**{"duplicate": True}) for item in items: item.split()"{item.title[:25]:<25} | Splitting")) radarr_adds = [] sonarr_adds = [] trakt_ratings = config.Trakt.user_ratings(library.is_movie) if library.mass_trakt_rating_update else [] for i, item in enumerate(items, 1): try: library.reload(item) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) continue util.print_return(f"Processing: {i}/{len(items)} {item.title}") tmdb_id = None tvdb_id = None imdb_id = None if config.Cache: t_id, i_id, guid_media_type, _ = config.Cache.query_guid_map(item.guid) if t_id: if "movie" in guid_media_type: tmdb_id = t_id[0] else: tvdb_id = t_id[0] if i_id: imdb_id = i_id[0] if not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id: tmdb_id = library.get_tmdb_from_map(item) if not tmdb_id and not tvdb_id and library.is_show: tvdb_id = library.get_tvdb_from_map(item) if library.mass_trakt_rating_update: try: if library.is_movie and tmdb_id in trakt_ratings: new_rating = trakt_ratings[tmdb_id] elif library.is_show and tvdb_id in trakt_ratings: new_rating = trakt_ratings[tvdb_id] else: raise Failed if str(item.userRating) != str(new_rating): library.edit_query(item, {"userRating.value": new_rating, "userRating.locked": 1})"{item.title[:25]:<25} | User Rating | {new_rating}")) except Failed: pass if library.Radarr and library.radarr_add_all and tmdb_id: radarr_adds.append(tmdb_id) if library.Sonarr and library.sonarr_add_all and tvdb_id: sonarr_adds.append(tvdb_id) tmdb_item = None if library.mass_genre_update == "tmdb" or library.mass_audience_rating_update == "tmdb" or library.mass_critic_rating_update == "tmdb": if tvdb_id and not tmdb_id: tmdb_id = config.Convert.tvdb_to_tmdb(tvdb_id) if tmdb_id: try: tmdb_item = config.TMDb.get_movie(tmdb_id) if library.is_movie else config.TMDb.get_show(tmdb_id) except Failed as e: logger.error(util.adjust_space(str(e))) else:"{item.title[:25]:<25} | No TMDb ID for Guid: {item.guid}")) omdb_item = None if library.mass_genre_update in ["omdb", "imdb"] or library.mass_audience_rating_update in ["omdb", "imdb"] or library.mass_critic_rating_update in ["omdb", "imdb"]: if config.OMDb.limit is False: if tmdb_id and not imdb_id: imdb_id = config.Convert.tmdb_to_imdb(tmdb_id) elif tvdb_id and not imdb_id: imdb_id = config.Convert.tvdb_to_imdb(tvdb_id) if imdb_id: try: omdb_item = config.OMDb.get_omdb(imdb_id) except Failed as e: logger.error(util.adjust_space(str(e))) except Exception: logger.error(f"IMDb ID: {imdb_id}") raise else:"{item.title[:25]:<25} | No IMDb ID for Guid: {item.guid}")) tvdb_item = None if library.mass_genre_update == "tvdb": if tvdb_id: try: tvdb_item = config.TVDb.get_item(tvdb_id, library.is_movie) except Failed as e: logger.error(util.adjust_space(str(e))) else:"{item.title[:25]:<25} | No TVDb ID for Guid: {item.guid}")) if not tmdb_item and not omdb_item and not tvdb_item: continue if library.mass_genre_update: try: if tmdb_item and library.mass_genre_update == "tmdb": new_genres = [ for genre in tmdb_item.genres] elif omdb_item and library.mass_genre_update in ["omdb", "imdb"]: new_genres = omdb_item.genres elif tvdb_item and library.mass_genre_update == "tvdb": new_genres = tvdb_item.genres else: raise Failed library.edit_tags("genre", item, sync_tags=new_genres) except Failed: pass if library.mass_audience_rating_update: try: if tmdb_item and library.mass_audience_rating_update == "tmdb": new_rating = tmdb_item.vote_average elif omdb_item and library.mass_audience_rating_update in ["omdb", "imdb"]: new_rating = omdb_item.imdb_rating else: raise Failed if new_rating is None:"{item.title[:25]:<25} | No Rating Found")) else: if library.mass_audience_rating_update and str(item.audienceRating) != str(new_rating): library.edit_query(item, {"audienceRating.value": new_rating, "audienceRating.locked": 1})"{item.title[:25]:<25} | Audience Rating | {new_rating}")) except Failed: pass if library.mass_critic_rating_update: try: if tmdb_item and library.mass_critic_rating_update == "tmdb": new_rating = tmdb_item.vote_average elif omdb_item and library.mass_critic_rating_update in ["omdb", "imdb"]: new_rating = omdb_item.imdb_rating else: raise Failed if new_rating is None:"{item.title[:25]:<25} | No Rating Found")) else: if library.mass_critic_rating_update and str(item.rating) != str(new_rating): library.edit_query(item, {"rating.value": new_rating, "rating.locked": 1})"{item.title[:25]:<25} | Critic Rating | {new_rating}")) except Failed: pass if library.Radarr and library.radarr_add_all: try: library.Radarr.add_tmdb(radarr_adds) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) if library.Sonarr and library.sonarr_add_all: try: library.Sonarr.add_tvdb(sonarr_adds) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) def run_collection(config, library, metadata, requested_collections): global stats"") for mapping_name, collection_attrs in requested_collections.items(): collection_start = if config.test_mode and ("test" not in collection_attrs or collection_attrs["test"] is not True): no_template_test = True if "template" in collection_attrs and collection_attrs["template"]: for data_template in util.get_list(collection_attrs["template"], split=False): if "name" in data_template \ and data_template["name"] \ and metadata.templates \ and data_template["name"] in metadata.templates \ and metadata.templates[data_template["name"]] \ and "test" in metadata.templates[data_template["name"]] \ and metadata.templates[data_template["name"]]["test"] is True: no_template_test = False if no_template_test: continue if config.resume_from and config.resume_from != mapping_name: continue elif config.resume_from == mapping_name: config.resume_from = None"") util.separator(f"Resuming Collections") if "name_mapping" in collection_attrs and collection_attrs["name_mapping"]: collection_log_name, output_str = util.validate_filename(collection_attrs["name_mapping"]) else: collection_log_name, output_str = util.validate_filename(mapping_name) collection_log_folder = os.path.join(default_dir, "logs", library.mapping_name, "collections", collection_log_name) os.makedirs(collection_log_folder, exist_ok=True) col_file_logger = os.path.join(collection_log_folder, "collection.log") should_roll_over = os.path.isfile(col_file_logger) collection_handler = RotatingFileHandler(col_file_logger, delay=True, mode="w", backupCount=3, encoding="utf-8") util.apply_formatter(collection_handler) if should_roll_over: collection_handler.doRollover() logger.addHandler(collection_handler) try: util.separator(f"{mapping_name} Collection")"") if output_str:"") util.separator(f"Validating {mapping_name} Attributes", space=False, border=False) builder = CollectionBuilder(config, library, metadata, mapping_name, no_missing, collection_attrs)"") util.separator(f"Building {mapping_name} Collection", space=False, border=False) if len(builder.schedule) > 0: util.print_multiline(builder.schedule, info=True) if len(builder.smart_filter_details) > 0:"") util.print_multiline(builder.smart_filter_details, info=True) items_added = 0 items_removed = 0 if not builder.smart_url:"")"Sync Mode: {'sync' if builder.sync else 'append'}") if len(builder.filters) > 0:"") for filter_key, filter_value in builder.filters:"Collection Filter {filter_key}: {filter_value}") builder.find_rating_keys() if len(builder.rating_keys) >= builder.minimum and builder.build_collection:"") util.separator(f"Adding to {mapping_name} Collection", space=False, border=False)"") items_added = builder.add_to_collection() stats["added"] += items_added items_removed = 0 if builder.sync: items_removed = builder.sync_collection() stats["removed"] += items_removed elif len(builder.rating_keys) < builder.minimum and builder.build_collection:"")"Collection Minimum: {builder.minimum} not met for {mapping_name} Collection") if builder.details["delete_below_minimum"] and builder.obj: builder.delete_collection() stats["deleted"] += 1"")"Collection {builder.obj.title} deleted") if builder.do_missing and (len(builder.missing_movies) > 0 or len(builder.missing_shows) > 0): if builder.details["show_missing"] is True:"") util.separator(f"Missing from Library", space=False, border=False)"") radarr_add, sonarr_add = builder.run_missing() stats["radarr"] += radarr_add stats["sonarr"] += sonarr_add run_item_details = True if builder.build_collection: try: builder.load_collection() if builder.created: stats["created"] += 1 elif items_added > 0 or items_removed > 0: stats["modified"] += 1 except Failed: util.print_stacktrace() run_item_details = False"") util.separator("No Collection to Update", space=False, border=False) else: builder.update_details() if builder.custom_sort: library.run_sort.append(builder) # builder.sort_collection() builder.send_notifications() if builder.item_details and run_item_details: try: builder.load_collection_items() except Failed:"") util.separator("No Items Found", space=False, border=False) else: builder.update_item_details() if builder.run_again and (len(builder.run_again_movies) > 0 or len(builder.run_again_shows) > 0): library.run_again.append(builder) except NotScheduled as e: util.print_multiline(e, info=True) except Failed as e: library.notify(e, collection=mapping_name) util.print_stacktrace() util.print_multiline(e, error=True) except Exception as e: library.notify(f"Unknown Error: {e}", collection=mapping_name) util.print_stacktrace() logger.error(f"Unknown Error: {e}")"") util.separator(f"Finished {mapping_name} Collection\nCollection Run Time: {str( - collection_start).split('.')[0]}") logger.removeHandler(collection_handler) try: if run or test or collections or libraries or resume: start({ "config_file": config_file, "test": test, "collections": collections, "libraries": libraries, "resume": resume }) else: times_to_run = util.get_list(times) valid_times = [] for time_to_run in times_to_run: try: valid_times.append(datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(time_to_run, "%H:%M"), "%H:%M")) except ValueError: if time_to_run: raise Failed(f"Argument Error: time argument invalid: {time_to_run} must be in the HH:MM format") else: raise Failed(f"Argument Error: blank time argument") for time_to_run in valid_times: schedule.every(), {"config_file": config_file, "time": time_to_run}) while True: schedule.run_pending() if not no_countdown: current ="%H:%M") seconds = None og_time_str = "" for time_to_run in valid_times: new_seconds = (datetime.strptime(time_to_run, "%H:%M") - datetime.strptime(current, "%H:%M")).total_seconds() if new_seconds < 0: new_seconds += 86400 if (seconds is None or new_seconds < seconds) and new_seconds > 0: seconds = new_seconds og_time_str = time_to_run if seconds is not None: hours = int(seconds // 3600) minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60) time_str = f"{hours} Hour{'s' if hours > 1 else ''} and " if hours > 0 else "" time_str += f"{minutes} Minute{'s' if minutes > 1 else ''}" util.print_return(f"Current Time: {current} | {time_str} until the next run at {og_time_str} | Runs: {', '.join(times_to_run)}") else: logger.error(f"Time Error: {valid_times}") time.sleep(60) except KeyboardInterrupt: util.separator("Exiting Plex Meta Manager")