# Reciperr Builders You can find movies using a Reciperr list on [reciperr.com](https://reciperr.com/) (Reciperr). No configuration is required for this builder. | Attribute | Description | Works with Movies | Works with Shows | Works with Playlists and Custom Sort | |:----------------------------------|:-----------------------------------------------|:------------------------------------------:|:----------------------------------------:|:------------------------------------------:| | [`reciperr_list`](#reciperr-list) | Finds every movie at a Reciperr JSON data URL. | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-xmark:{ .red } | :fontawesome-solid-circle-check:{ .green } | ## Reciperr List Finds every movie on Reciperr a list. The expected input is the url that points to the JSON data or a list of urls that do. The `sync_mode: sync` and `collection_order: custom` Details are recommended since the lists are continuously updated and in a specific order. ```yaml collections: Reciperr Movies: reciperr_list: https://reciperr.com/api/recipe/list/params?recipeMetadataId=62354f0e89a919001d650fa3 collection_order: custom sync_mode: sync ```