import logging, tmdbv3api from modules import util from modules.util import Failed from retrying import retry from tmdbv3api.exceptions import TMDbException logger = logging.getLogger("Plex Meta Manager") builders = [ "tmdb_actor", "tmdb_actor_details", "tmdb_collection", "tmdb_collection_details", "tmdb_company", "tmdb_crew", "tmdb_crew_details", "tmdb_director", "tmdb_director_details", "tmdb_discover", "tmdb_keyword", "tmdb_list", "tmdb_list_details", "tmdb_movie", "tmdb_movie_details", "tmdb_network", "tmdb_now_playing", "tmdb_popular", "tmdb_producer", "tmdb_producer_details", "tmdb_show", "tmdb_show_details", "tmdb_top_rated", "tmdb_trending_daily", "tmdb_trending_weekly", "tmdb_writer", "tmdb_writer_details" ] type_map = { "tmdb_actor": "Person", "tmdb_actor_details": "Person", "tmdb_collection": "Collection", "tmdb_collection_details": "Collection", "tmdb_company": "Company", "tmdb_crew": "Person", "tmdb_crew_details": "Person", "tmdb_director": "Person", "tmdb_director_details": "Person", "tmdb_keyword": "Keyword", "tmdb_list": "List", "tmdb_list_details": "List", "tmdb_movie": "Movie", "tmdb_movie_details": "Movie", "tmdb_network": "Network", "tmdb_person": "Person", "tmdb_producer": "Person", "tmdb_producer_details": "Person", "tmdb_show": "Show", "tmdb_show_details": "Show", "tmdb_writer": "Person", "tmdb_writer_details": "Person" } discover_movie = [ "language", "with_original_language", "region", "sort_by", "certification_country", "certification", "certification.lte", "certification.gte", "include_adult", "primary_release_year", "primary_release_date.gte", "primary_release_date.lte", "release_date.gte", "release_date.lte", "year", "vote_count.gte", "vote_count.lte", "vote_average.gte", "vote_average.lte", "with_cast", "with_crew", "with_people", "with_companies", "with_genres", "without_genres", "with_keywords", "without_keywords", "with_runtime.gte", "with_runtime.lte" ] discover_tv = [ "language", "with_original_language", "timezone", "sort_by", "air_date.gte", "air_date.lte", "first_air_date.gte", "first_air_date.lte", "first_air_date_year", "vote_count.gte", "vote_count.lte", "vote_average.gte", "vote_average.lte", "with_genres", "without_genres", "with_keywords", "without_keywords", "with_networks", "with_companies", "with_runtime.gte", "with_runtime.lte", "include_null_first_air_dates", "screened_theatrically" ] discover_dates = [ "primary_release_date.gte", "primary_release_date.lte", "release_date.gte", "release_date.lte", "air_date.gte", "air_date.lte", "first_air_date.gte", "first_air_date.lte" ] discover_movie_sort = [ "popularity.asc", "popularity.desc", "release_date.asc", "release_date.desc", "revenue.asc", "revenue.desc", "primary_release_date.asc", "primary_release_date.desc", "original_title.asc", "original_title.desc", "vote_average.asc", "vote_average.desc", "vote_count.asc", "vote_count.desc" ] discover_tv_sort = [ "vote_average.desc", "vote_average.asc", "first_air_date.desc", "first_air_date.asc", "popularity.desc", "popularity.asc" ] class TMDb: def __init__(self, config, params): self.config = config self.TMDb = tmdbv3api.TMDb(session=self.config.session) self.TMDb.api_key = params["apikey"] self.TMDb.language = params["language"] response = tmdbv3api.Configuration().info() if hasattr(response, "status_message"): raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: {response.status_message}") self.apikey = params["apikey"] self.language = params["language"] self.Movie = tmdbv3api.Movie() self.TV = tmdbv3api.TV() self.Discover = tmdbv3api.Discover() self.Trending = tmdbv3api.Trending() self.Keyword = tmdbv3api.Keyword() self.List = tmdbv3api.List() self.Company = tmdbv3api.Company() self.Network = tmdbv3api.Network() self.Collection = tmdbv3api.Collection() self.Person = tmdbv3api.Person() self.image_url = "" @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def convert_from(self, tmdb_id, convert_to, is_movie): try: id_to_return = self.Movie.external_ids(tmdb_id)[convert_to] if is_movie else self.TV.external_ids(tmdb_id)[convert_to] if not id_to_return or (convert_to == "tvdb_id" and id_to_return == 0): raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No {convert_to.upper().replace('B_', 'b ')} found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}") return id_to_return except TMDbException: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: TMDb {'Movie' if is_movie else 'Show'} ID: {tmdb_id} not found") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def convert_to(self, external_id, external_source, is_movie): search_results = self.Movie.external(external_id=external_id, external_source=external_source) search = search_results["movie_results" if is_movie else "tv_results"] if len(search) == 1: return int(search[0]["id"]) else: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No TMDb ID found for {external_source.upper().replace('B_', 'b ')} {external_id}") def get_movie_show_or_collection(self, tmdb_id, is_movie): if is_movie: try: return self.get_collection(tmdb_id) except Failed: try: return self.get_movie(tmdb_id) except Failed: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No Movie or Collection found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}") else: return self.get_show(tmdb_id) @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def get_movie(self, tmdb_id): try: return self.Movie.details(tmdb_id) except TMDbException as e: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No Movie found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}: {e}") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def get_show(self, tmdb_id): try: return self.TV.details(tmdb_id) except TMDbException as e: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No Show found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}: {e}") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def get_collection(self, tmdb_id): try: return self.Collection.details(tmdb_id) except TMDbException as e: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No Collection found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}: {e}") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def get_person(self, tmdb_id): try: return self.Person.details(tmdb_id) except TMDbException as e: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No Person found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}: {e}") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def _person_credits(self, tmdb_id): try: return self.Person.combined_credits(tmdb_id) except TMDbException as e: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No Person found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}: {e}") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def _company(self, tmdb_id): try: return self.Company.details(tmdb_id) except TMDbException as e: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No Company found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}: {e}") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def _network(self, tmdb_id): try: return self.Network.details(tmdb_id) except TMDbException as e: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No Network found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}: {e}") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def _keyword(self, tmdb_id): try: return self.Keyword.details(tmdb_id) except TMDbException as e: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No Keyword found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}: {e}") @retry(stop_max_attempt_number=6, wait_fixed=10000, retry_on_exception=util.retry_if_not_failed) def get_list(self, tmdb_id): try: return self.List.details(tmdb_id, all_details=True) except TMDbException as e: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No List found for TMDb ID {tmdb_id}: {e}") def _credits(self, tmdb_id, actor=False, crew=False, director=False, producer=False, writer=False): movie_ids = [] show_ids = [] actor_credits = self._person_credits(tmdb_id) if actor: for credit in actor_credits.cast: if credit.media_type == "movie": movie_ids.append( elif credit.media_type == "tv": try: show_ids.append(self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(, fail=True)) except Failed as e: logger.warning(e) for credit in actor_credits.crew: if crew or \ (director and credit.department == "Directing") or \ (producer and credit.department == "Production") or \ (writer and credit.department == "Writing"): if credit.media_type == "movie": movie_ids.append( elif credit.media_type == "tv": try: show_ids.append(self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(, fail=True)) except Failed as e: logger.warning(e) return movie_ids, show_ids def _pagenation(self, method, amount, is_movie): ids = [] count = 0 for x in range(int(amount / 20) + 1): if method == "tmdb_popular": tmdb_items = self.Movie.popular(x + 1) if is_movie else self.TV.popular(x + 1) elif method == "tmdb_top_rated": tmdb_items = self.Movie.top_rated(x + 1) if is_movie else self.TV.top_rated(x + 1) elif method == "tmdb_now_playing" and is_movie: tmdb_items = self.Movie.now_playing(x + 1) elif method == "tmdb_trending_daily": tmdb_items = self.Trending.movie_day(x + 1) if is_movie else self.Trending.tv_day(x + 1) elif method == "tmdb_trending_weekly": tmdb_items = self.Trending.movie_week(x + 1) if is_movie else self.Trending.tv_week(x + 1) else: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: {method} method not supported") for tmdb_item in tmdb_items: try: ids.append( if is_movie else self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(, fail=True)) count += 1 except Failed as e: logger.error(e) pass if count == amount: break if count == amount: break return ids def _discover(self, attrs, amount, is_movie): ids = [] count = 0 for date_attr in discover_dates: if date_attr in attrs: attrs[date_attr] = util.validate_date(attrs[date_attr], f"tmdb_discover attribute {date_attr}", return_as="%Y-%m-%d") self.Discover.discover_movies(attrs) if is_movie else self.Discover.discover_tv_shows(attrs) total_pages = int(self.TMDb.total_pages) total_results = int(self.TMDb.total_results) amount = total_results if amount == 0 or total_results < amount else amount for x in range(total_pages): attrs["page"] = x + 1 tmdb_items = self.Discover.discover_movies(attrs) if is_movie else self.Discover.discover_tv_shows(attrs) for tmdb_item in tmdb_items: try: ids.append( if is_movie else self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(, fail=True)) count += 1 except Failed as e: logger.error(e) pass if count == amount: break if count == amount: break return ids, amount def validate_tmdb_ids(self, tmdb_ids, tmdb_method): tmdb_list = util.get_int_list(tmdb_ids, f"TMDb {type_map[tmdb_method]} ID") tmdb_values = [] for tmdb_id in tmdb_list: try: tmdb_values.append(self.validate_tmdb(tmdb_id, tmdb_method)) except Failed as e: logger.error(e) if len(tmdb_values) == 0: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: No valid TMDb IDs in {tmdb_list}") return tmdb_values def validate_tmdb(self, tmdb_id, tmdb_method): tmdb_type = type_map[tmdb_method] if tmdb_type == "Movie": self.get_movie(tmdb_id) elif tmdb_type == "Show": self.get_show(tmdb_id) elif tmdb_type == "Collection": self.get_collection(tmdb_id) elif tmdb_type == "Person": self.get_person(tmdb_id) elif tmdb_type == "Company": self._company(tmdb_id) elif tmdb_type == "Network": self._network(tmdb_id) elif tmdb_type == "List": self.get_list(tmdb_id) return tmdb_id def get_items(self, method, data, is_movie): pretty = util.pretty_names[method] if method in util.pretty_names else method media_type = "Movie" if is_movie else "Show" movie_ids = [] show_ids = [] if method in ["tmdb_discover", "tmdb_company", "tmdb_keyword"] or (method == "tmdb_network" and not is_movie): attrs = None tmdb_id = "" tmdb_name = "" if method in ["tmdb_company", "tmdb_network", "tmdb_keyword"]: tmdb_id = int(data) if method == "tmdb_company": tmdb_name = str(self._company(tmdb_id).name) attrs = {"with_companies": tmdb_id} elif method == "tmdb_network": tmdb_name = str(self._network(tmdb_id).name) attrs = {"with_networks": tmdb_id} elif method == "tmdb_keyword": tmdb_name = str(self._keyword(tmdb_id).name) attrs = {"with_keywords": tmdb_id} limit = 0 else: attrs = data.copy() limit = int(attrs.pop("limit")) if is_movie: movie_ids, amount = self._discover(attrs, limit, is_movie) else: show_ids, amount = self._discover(attrs, limit, is_movie) if method in ["tmdb_company", "tmdb_network", "tmdb_keyword"]:"Processing {pretty}: ({tmdb_id}) {tmdb_name} ({amount} {media_type}{'' if amount == 1 else 's'})") elif method == "tmdb_discover":"Processing {pretty}: {amount} {media_type}{'' if amount == 1 else 's'}") for attr, value in attrs.items():" {attr}: {value}") elif method in ["tmdb_popular", "tmdb_top_rated", "tmdb_now_playing", "tmdb_trending_daily", "tmdb_trending_weekly"]: if is_movie: movie_ids = self._pagenation(method, data, is_movie) else: show_ids = self._pagenation(method, data, is_movie)"Processing {pretty}: {data} {media_type}{'' if data == 1 else 's'}") else: tmdb_id = int(data) if method == "tmdb_list": tmdb_list = self.get_list(tmdb_id) tmdb_name = for tmdb_item in tmdb_list.items: if tmdb_item.media_type == "movie": movie_ids.append( elif tmdb_item.media_type == "tv": try: show_ids.append(self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(, fail=True)) except Failed: pass elif method == "tmdb_movie": tmdb_name = str(self.get_movie(tmdb_id).title) movie_ids.append(tmdb_id) elif method == "tmdb_collection": tmdb_items = self.get_collection(tmdb_id) tmdb_name = str( for tmdb_item in movie_ids.append(tmdb_item["id"]) elif method == "tmdb_show": tmdb_name = str(self.get_show(tmdb_id).name) show_ids.append(self.config.Convert.tmdb_to_tvdb(tmdb_id, fail=True)) else: tmdb_name = str(self.get_person(tmdb_id).name) if method == "tmdb_actor": movie_ids, show_ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, actor=True) elif method == "tmdb_director": movie_ids, show_ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, director=True) elif method == "tmdb_producer": movie_ids, show_ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, producer=True) elif method == "tmdb_writer": movie_ids, show_ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, writer=True) elif method == "tmdb_crew": movie_ids, show_ids = self._credits(tmdb_id, crew=True) else: raise Failed(f"TMDb Error: Method {method} not supported") if len(movie_ids) > 0:"Processing {pretty}: ({tmdb_id}) {tmdb_name} ({len(movie_ids)} Movie{'' if len(movie_ids) == 1 else 's'})") if not is_movie and len(show_ids) > 0:"Processing {pretty}: ({tmdb_id}) {tmdb_name} ({len(show_ids)} Show{'' if len(show_ids) == 1 else 's'})") logger.debug("") logger.debug(f"{len(movie_ids)} TMDb IDs Found: {movie_ids}") logger.debug(f"{len(show_ids)} TVDb IDs Found: {show_ids}") return movie_ids, show_ids