I’ve removed some of the lines for space, but have left the important bits: ``` ... | Starting Run| ... | Locating config... | | Using /Users/mroche/Plex-Meta-Manager/config/config.yml as config ... | Connecting to TMDb... | TMDb Connection Successful ... | Connecting to Plex Libraries... ... | Connecting to Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY Library... | ... | Plex Error: Plex Library Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY not found | | Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY Library Connection Failed | |====================================================================================================| | Plex Error: No Plex libraries were connected to | ... ``` You can see there that PMM found its config file, was able to connect to TMDb, was able to connect to Plex, and then failed trying to read the “Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY" library, which of course doesn’t exist. Open the config file again and change "Movies-NOSUCHLIBRARY" to reflect *your own* Movie library in Plex. Then delete all but the first line under the "metadata_path” heading. A few of them will create sets of collections, and we just want to create a few as examples. My Movies library is called “Main Movies", so mine looks like this: ```yaml libraries: Main Movies: ## <<< CHANGE THIS LINE metadata_path: - file: config/Movies.yml ```